jrcashwrites · 5 years
2018 Masterlist
I didn’t write/publish nearly enough this past year, but it was a year of trying new things.  Here’s to much more in 2019. 
* Contains smutty stuff 
Jim Mason x Reader (The Tribes of Palos Verdes)
Michael Langdon x Reader (American Horror Story: Apocalypse)
Awaiting the Blood Moon *
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux (Star Wars) 
If I Ever Leave This World Alive  
Holiday Headcanons 
Armitage Hux (Star Wars/Peter Rabbit crossover) 
Lousy Lepi 
Clyde Logan x Reader (Logan Lucky) 
Leavin’ (Part One) *
Leavin’ (Part Two) *
Mornin’ *
Time Out 
Han x Leia (Star Wars)
I’m Crazy About You 
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Vampire! Kylo Alphabet *
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
I’ve been re-reading Anna Karenina and my brain is screaming at me 19th century Russian Star Wars AU
If you’ve never read Anna Karenina, I highly highly suggest you do. It’s a beautiful story (and the movie is pretty but really doesn’t do it justice. I mostly watch it to stare at Domhnall Gleeson. No shame).
• The setting would provide a perfect backdrop. Russia was basically a powder keg waiting to explode in 1870s as much of Europe began to democratize and westernize, which left the country with a few families with a lot of wealth and most of the population with very little. Those in power did not wish to give up their power, holding fast to the idea that the old ways were fine. Unsure about the turn of the events in galaxy and despite many around her thinking the ways of the tsar (aka the Empire) are best, Bail secretly begins a rebellion. Leia, fed up with the state of things soon joins the rebels, aiding her father.
• Han Solo/Konstantin Levin. He’s a country boy at heart but when he visits the cities, he often turns to gambling and drinking. He’s a realist, doesn’t believe in all that force mumbo jumbo. Deep down, he’s a big softie. Joins the rebellion after his way of life is threatened. In a way, kind of gets roped into the whole thing because at first his livelihood is threatened and then it becomes something more (*cough* Leia)
•Nicholas as Obi-Wan. Hermit with ideas (communism) that no one really takes seriously until (spoiler alert) his death. Makes Levin realize there is more to things than just material goods and wealth
•Stiva as Vader. A corrupted man, blinded by the temptation of the dark side that pretty much destroys his wife. Basically is walking destruction.
•Count Vronsky screams Director Krennic to me. Total rich boy asshole who is the very definition of the Empire. Thinks things are fine as they are and will do whatever it takes to keep them that way.
•Obviously, all of the marriages and the themes of adultery and all that wouldn’t work. But episode 4 would. So just replace those with like 90% of the plot of the book and bam…story.
I’m way too lazy to write all this as an actual story so someone take this idea and run with it
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
I never really thought I’d be sitting here writing this, but here I am.
Until further notice, as a writer, I will be going on a semi-hiatus*
I love Han and Leia. Always have and always will. But lately, writing them has left me with half started stories that will never be finished, let alone posted. I seem to have lost the excitement I once had for writing. It’s a bit of a catch 22, because the whole reason why I started writing Han and Leia (and working up the courage to post and essentially getting back into fan fiction in general after nearly a decade away from it) was because I was incredibly unhappy in my personal life at the time. Escaping to another galaxy to write two characters I had loved since childhood was a welcomed escape from my real life. Things for me personally have improved (somewhat) but I have seemed to have lost any creativity.
There are so many amazing writers in this fandom. The meager amount of writing I have contributed, in my opinion, barely holds a candle to what others have. I will still continue to read, like, kudos and comment on all the wonderful Han x Leia work that is being produced.
I want to thank every single person who has read or commented. To any blog or rec list that has included me. You have no idea how much your words, support and encouragement means to me. I’ve literally sat in front of my laptop crying happy tears at some of the wonderful things you all have graciously included me in.
*Side note: I may occasionally post something if by some miraculous chance I do write Han x Leia. I don’t want to leave forever. My FF and Ao3 will remain active and I have no plans to delete any already posted work. I may post work related to other pairings or fandoms (???) but no promises on that either. That being said, any unfinished H/L work will remained unfinished until further notice.
I will still be regularly active on my main blog @oscillatingfanx
<3 -JRCash
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
Person: So, what do you do for a living?
Me: Mostly sit at a desk eating flamin’ hot Cheetos, drinking too much coffee while reading smutty fan fic
Person: ……
Me: Oh, you meant what I’m actually supposed to be doing
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
Tfw you write like 3,000 words and then realize you essentially just went in a giant circle instead of progressing the story any...
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
Writing smut can be a ton of fun, but I loathe the whole you’ve got to undress the two people who are trying to get to the sexytime part.
You’ve got to get them out of coats, shirts, dresses, undershirts, slips…. Oh like a dumbass you made them try this when they’re on an ice planet or in deep space? Let’s toss on some more layers you’ve got to get off them.  And don’t forget they can’t take weapons to bed with them so gotta get those blaster belts and holsters off too.  And there’s a galactic war raging around them or they happen to be on a dangerous mission, so they’re really packing some heat. Remove those weapons hidden in boots and vibroblades tucked under skirts or in pockets. Almost there? Just kidding, there’s still undergarments in space (despite what George Lucas says). And nobody wants to bone with socks on, so gotta get those off too. 
I just keep reminding myself that space smut is still simpler than the Middle Earth smut I used to write.  Removing medieval garb, traveling cloaks and swords is a whole lot more trouble and a hell of a lot more words to get ‘em naked (I still love LotR but damn do the words tunic, breeches and the lack of modern inventions like zippers and buttons still haunt me to this day).        
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
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It's a beautiful spring day so I figured why not write outside? Thank the maker for a strong wifi signal.
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
So I’ve noticed that my google docs is an absolute trash heap of half finished things, random drabbles and all around disaster area. To clean it out and try and organize things a bit, I think I’m going to just start posting up all the stuff I’ve got laying around (and hopefully find the motivation to finish a couple of stories I’ve half abandoned).
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
What's your favorite AU?
I used to be a staunch believer in only keeping characters in canon settings, but I’ve read some amazing au work that has changed that. I still think with certain pairings it works better than others though.
Aside from your standard modern au, sign me the fuck up for any and all southern gothic au. My dark soul lives for that kind of stuff.
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jrcashwrites · 7 years
I've been kind of m.i.a lately. Between a nasty flu that lasted a week and trying to catch up on life after that, I feel like I haven't written anything with Han and Leia in forever. I almost feel guilty, but I just haven't had any ideas that have screamed them to me. Anyone else ever have this happen?
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