#joshua santine
findmyrupertfriend · 6 years
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Meet Rupert and Anna Kendrick’s son!
DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? Thank you. Side note: how many fictional sons of this actor do we need to see until he stops dying, actually fathers one of them, or has one of his own irl? Smh…
I read A Simple Favor! And it’s good! It’s not great, but a quick and fun read. Here’s a little Q & A on the character who Rupert is likely to play (h/t to @r_s_k_s_r  for the deduction).
ETA: @ajdito​ reminded me that the press for A Simple Favor has emphasized that Feig is moving away from comedy and that this will be a thriller. Read below with that in mind.
Remind me, why do we think Rupert is playing Chris?
The character of Chris is the only important character not listed on IMDb and Rupert confirmed his participation, as did the Toronto TIFF press. Plus, the character’s general description fits with Rupert’s skills and prettiness perfectly.
But, wait, wasn’t he only in Toronto for a week when it was filmed?
Yep, and that’s why we think the book’s super hot and well-told story of Chris will be seriously abbreviated in the movie, sadly.
Why isn’t Rupert listed in the cast when everyone else is?
My suspicion is that they’re only deciding in post-production whether or not to feature him. (Paul Feig has a history of post-production controversial reshoots, fwiw. He might be covering his bases.) Two issues: First, the dicey topic of an incestuous affair between half siblings being depicted may be at play. It’s true love in the book. The characters meet when they’re of age and didn’t know of each other previously. (They share a father.) Second, the chronology of the book might be a challenge for the screenwriters. Chris’s character is part of Stephanie’s (Anna Kendrick) backstory. It’s an important part of her backstory, the most important, actually, but they may choose to keep the movie focused on the later thriller story.
So, what’s the movie all about?
It’s notable that the book is not a comedy but the movie must have strong comedic elements given that Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, Spy, The Heat, Ghostbusters II) is the director, producer, and co-screenwriter. 
Hollywood’s theme du jour - the secrets we keep (think Big Little Lies) and how they play on us in profound and absurd ways throughout our lives - is central to the story. Stephanie’s shame over her affair with her half-brother, Chris, is the reason for her obsession to be a perfect mother after he dies. She becomes a mommy blogger which frames the latter thriller story. BUT, here’s the thing, the central relationship of the book is about Stephanie and Emily (Blake Lively). So, you can all understand the challenge for the screenwriters.
Well, if he’s shown will there be some hot sex?
Almost certainly! Chris’s central purpose in the story is his sexual relationship with Stephanie and none of the other pairings in the book feature much sex. But. Comedies aren’t really known for their hot, sexy scenes, are they? Also, I’m assuming given the young crowd Blake and Anna attract, they’ll want to keep the movie to a PG-13 rating. The biggest reason there WOULD be a sex scene is that it’s, well, sex. There are plenty of people who would want to see Anna in a scene like that.
Stephanie’s love, obsession, and hot sex with her half brother was very compelling  - dark and forbidden yet he’s the unambiguous love of her life. The author doesn’t equivocate on that fact ever. That’s super interesting, if nothing else.
Anyhoo, here are some excerpts about Chris from the book and I promise they will make you smile when you think about Rupert:
Chris had a beautiful smile. We all laughed again. It was more laughing than Mom and I had done since Dad died. “Have more,” my mother said, and refilled his plate without waiting for him to answer.
He sat down next to me. The back of his hand grazed my breast. “Come over here,” he said, though I was already there. I can still hear him say it, and when I do, I feel breathless and my knees get weak, just like they did then. After that, I understood what sex was supposed to be about. Why people would do anything for it. Die for it. Once I knew, I couldn’t get enough.
When I went to college, Chris left Madison and rented an apartment near my dorm. Because he was a carpenter, and good at it, he could pretty much find work anywhere. After I got out of class, I’d go to his place and wait for him to come home. We’d spend the late afternoon and early evening on his bed, just a mattress on the floor of his cold room, as the New England winter sun went down early and the light turned charcoal, then blue. We were so happy being together, naked skin against naked skin. We were each other’s drug and each other’s dealer.
Chris and I had been in love ever since that day he walked into my mother’s house. There was never a moment when we didn’t know we were doing something wrong, just as there was never a moment when we thought that our love affair wasn’t going to happen or when we believed it was going to end. We would swear off each other; we’d promise ourselves that we’d stop. Then Chris would call or drop by, and it would start again.
Both were alpha males: Chris in his street-macho way, and Davis [Stephanie’s husband] in his equally hard-headed old-family WASP way.
I was at the food table. Chris came up behind me. When I turned around, there he was. My happiness, when I saw him, was more than brother-sister happiness. It seemed so obvious. I looked across the lawn and saw that Davis had seen it too.
There was a lot of cursing and snarling, but finally both Davis and Chris were relieved (as they always were) that things hadn’t gotten physical. They’d never come to blows. But the two men I loved most in the world despised each other and didn’t care who knew. They wanted me to know it. They didn’t want me to forget.
Miles [Stephanie and Chris’s son, we discover later] adored his uncle. Chris and Miles had special names for each other that Davis and I were not allowed to know.
I thought that my having Miles, that Davis and I having Miles, would change things. I thought it would make Chris and me come to our senses. But it had only driven us further underground, where the air was closer and steamier and hotter.
Whether or not Rupes gets depicted in this movie… isn’t it nice to know he was cast properly?
Btw, I have a sneaking suspicion that Anna is a serious fangirl.
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mfstgeeks · 6 years
A Simple Favor doesn’t officially come out until tomorrow but MFST’s already got the scoop for all of u who will be rushing out of work/school to go watch it tomorrow afternoon!
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liuj016 · 4 years
Why White Privilege Exists
Dear Mr. Santin,
          White privilege does very much exist in society. The fact that you disagree with this statement is a reason why people suffer and why white privilege still exists in our day and age. The reason why white privilege exists is because people are uneducated on the topic and people who do notice it fail to admit that it exists. Many people, like you, have seemed to overlook the fact that people are very differently from the way you live. You may not have noticed it because you failed to take the time to listen to the people who are greatly affected by the white privilege and their stories. Their side of the story is very different from the way you live and because you ignore the stories that are being told, you choose to deny the existence of such a thing. If you take the time to listen to the cries and stories of others, you will see that this is a massive problem in our modern day society. If you have indeed listened to the stories of others and still don’t seem to understand that it exists, it further proves that you have white privilege and you have gone blind to it now. The fact that you don’t notice it is proof that you have white privilege. If white privilege did not exist, why is it that people of other ethnicities, like black people, have to live in fear every single day unlike you? White privilege exists because there are people out there who are not treated equally. You may not see it because you have the white privilege and it does not affect you on a daily basis but there are people who are discriminated against because of their ethnicity. You not getting affected by it is proving the point that it is only affecting coloured people and shows that you are more privileged because you are white. This is why white privilege still exists in society today. I challenge you to take action and actually hear the stories of others to understand and help remove white privilege from society.
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j4nu279-blog · 5 years
Finally after staring at a loading screen for 6 hours !!!!!!!!!!!! Big shout outs go to Shanjay K, Kevin S, Kesoth I, Aynkaran S, Joshua K, and Jathushan V for helping us out and making it next level. we would also like to thank Mr. Santin for this great opportunity.
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petlover18-blog1 · 6 years
Winners named at the Clearfield County Fair rabbit show
New Post has been published on https://www.petlovers.shovelnews.com/winners-named-at-the-clearfield-county-fair-rabbit-show/
Winners named at the Clearfield County Fair rabbit show
The rabbit show at the Clearfield County Fair was held July 30. The show was judged by Ben Haagen, a Centre County resident and an American Rabbit Breeder’s Association judge. He also serves president of Grange Fair and teaches trigonometry and advanced level mathematics classes at Penns Valley High School.
Included in the judging was meat pens. A rabbit meat pen consists of a pen of three rabbits, 10-12 weeks old with each weighing between 3 1/2-5 1/2-weeks-old. This is the fifth-year meat pens are eligible as Clearfield County 4-H projects. Sydney Turner, a member of Thundering Hoofbeats 4-H Club, received grand champion honors for her Californian rabbit meat pen. Thundering Hoofbeats 4-H Club Member Lauren Turner was reserve grand champion for her Californian rabbit meat pen. She also received third and sixth places with her rabbit pens.
Krissa Lichvarcik of Goat Logic 4-H Club was fourth and eighth; and Rayana Lichvarcik, also of Goat Logic 4-H Club, fifth and seventh.
4-H members with rabbit projects were encouraged to participate in the showmanship competition. Showmanship teaches members how to communicate what they know about their rabbit in a presentation to the judge. This includes the characteristics of a rabbit’s breed or why it is considered a pet if it’s a pet showmanship animal, disqualifications, diseases, proper care of a rabbit, and how to evaluate a rabbit for judging. The rabbit itself is considered a prop, it is the 4-H member who is judged on their knowledge and handling of their rabbit.
In the junior division, Katherine Thomas, of Goat Logic 4-H Club, earned first place with her Polish Broken black senior buck; Rayana Lichvarcik, with her Mini Rex blue senior doe, second; and Brandon Beers, Muddy Boots 4-H Club, with his Dutch senior doe, third.
Joshua Hardy of Muddy Boots 4-H Club received first in the intermediate class with his pet senir buck.
Sydney Turner earned first in the senior division with her pet doe; Elsa Witherow of Goat Logic 4-H Club, with her Mini Satin Siamese junior buck, second; Lauren Turner with her Dwarf Hotot junior buck, third; Alexis Lichvarcik, Goat Logic 4-H Club, with her Blanc de Hotot senior buck, fourth; and Krissa Lickvarcik with her Polish black junior buck, fifth.
Sydney Turner was named grand champion showman and Elsa Witherow, reserve champion.
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In each breed a best of breed and a best of opposite sex is chosen. Once all of the breeds are judged, each of rabbits named best of breed compete for the best rabbit in show and best reserve in show honors. A best pet in show and reserve pet in show is selected from the pet class.
The winners in each class include:
Argente Brun, BOB, senior doe, Krissa Lichvarcik, Goat Logic and BOS, senior buck, Krissa Lichvarcik
Blanc de Hotot, BOB, senior buck, Alexis Lichvarcik and BOS, junior doe, Alexis Lichvarcik
Brittania Petite, BOB- Chestnut Agouti senior buck, Sydney Turner
Champagne, BOB, junior doe, Joshua Hardy
Californian, BOB, junior doe, and BOS senior buck, Sydney Turner
Dwarf Hotot, BOB, senior buck, and BOS, senior doe, Lauren Turner
Dutch, BOB, black senior doe, Brandon Beers
English Spot, BOB, chocolate senior doe, Sydney Turner
Florida White, BOB, senior buck, Elsa Witherow
Havana, BOB, chocolate senior doe, and BOS, black senior buck, Rayana Lichvarcik
Holland Lop, BOB, solid senior doe, Alexis Lichvarcik
Lionhead, BOB, senior buck, Elsa Witherow
Mini Rex, BOB- black otter senior buck, and BOS, blue senior doe, Rayana Lichvarcik
Mini Satin, BOB, tortoise senior doe, and BOS, tortoise senior buck, Elsa Witherow
New Zealand, BOB – white junior buck, Sydney Turner and BOS, white senior doe, Joshua Hardy
Polish, BOB, broken senior buck, Katherine Thomas, Goat Logic and BOS, blue senior doe, Krissa Lichvarcik,
Silver Martin, BOB, senior doe, and BOS, senior buck, Krissa Lichvarcik
Rayanna Lichvarcik received the award for the best in show rabbit for her Havana chocolate senior doe. Elsa Witherow’s Mini Santin Tortoise senior doe was named best reserve rabbit. Sydney Turner had the best pet in show with a junior doe and Alexis Lichvarcik received best reserve pet in show for junior buck.
Source: http://www.theprogressnews.com/news/winners-named-at-the-clearfield-county-fair-rabbit-show/article_09a8ba22-ffab-5fde-9257-5332395e0e00.html
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