#jikook fansites
stormblessed95 · 1 year
Of the many things that bother me about fansites, the main one is probably that the boys don't get to approve which photos of them are published or used for merchandise when it's not official content. The second thing is that we see how they get mobbed at airports and how much pressure they're under to act friendly and smile for photos no matter how they feel. Especially since big hit has asked fans not to show up at airports and the only reason we know when they're traveling is because the information gets leaked without their consent.
When I saw people supporting black n white I assumed that she at least followed the rules about not going to the airport and not sneaking cameras into concerts, but I've seen both types of photos from her. So I was wondering if you could explain why jikookers seem so okay with her and not other fansites?
So I'll post this ask, with the very clear statement at the beginning that I'm not opening this up for debate. Because this is one of those topics of debate that continuously circle around constantly and it's exhausting and repeating myself is something im trying to do less over here this year. My essay of an answer starts here...
Okay, so I'm pretty sure that this came from you seeing this reblog post below. But I'm curious if you actually read it. Because I'm pretty sure it answers your question. Along with the post I LINKED in my reblog because that goes into the culture of fansites in kpop even more.
But then if we want to talk about it more... we can I guess. Since you asked nicely. Fansites in kpop can kind of be linked to the equivalent of concert photographers in the US. If you know what those are/are more familiar with the concert scene in the US. Idk where you are from though. Concert photographers are in general pretty respected and hyped up in the US, even at times have their photos from the concert purchased by the artists themselves. They aren't employed by the stadium, by the artist or the artists companies though usually. They aren't shunned by fans or banned from the concerts. And they share the photos they take online and even sell them, no issues. It's basically the same thing.
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Fansites are, for the most part, a very normal, expected and intricate part of kpop culture. Most of the boys often recongize, smile, wave and bow at their fansites (and no, not just at places where they are forced to act like they are okay with it when they aren't, like airports, but at concerts and award shows or going back further in time, fansigns and ISAC events). Or they will move to let the fansite get the best shot of the members they are a fansite for. Compared to when it's a known problematic fansite who are more stalker then fansite, they don't do that and there are even videos/photos of them looking uncomfortable when recognizing that fansite, rather than smiling for them. Like Headliner, for example, A JK "fansite" where we have examples of him looking displeased in her direction and an example of Jimin standing in front of JK in her line of sight, "ruining" the shot and looking right at her, hands on hips.
And because I mentioned above airports, like you did. Let's talk about that too. Because I DO have a post up here reeming people out for showing up to and crowding the boys at airports. It's horribly disrespectful and not okay. Fansites (like BnW and other respectful ones) aren't generally the people you see shoving their phones in the guys faces, they tend to hang back with the media mostly and not get so far up their asses, invading personal space. And media is tipped off when the guys are traveling so they can go and report on it. Its FANS who invade privacy to show up that's a problem, not necessarily the media or fansites, which is expected as an idol. Do I LIKE they are expected to be photographed to hell and back when leaving and entering Korea? Not really, but it's also not the same thing as invading their privacy either. Following them into the airport and onto the plane or to their destination to take photos of them on the plane, at the waiting areas or getting off the plane? Yeah, that's an invasion of privacy and then upgrades you (general you) to stalker. And here is my post about how you shouldn't go to the airport when BTS is traveling. Again, please actually read my posts I link to you.
As for the consent about the boys aproving photos/videos argument, I then have to ask are you against everyone who livestreams the concert on their phones for ARMYs who aren't there to tune in? Or all the people who put the photos up they take at concerts or other events up onto the timeline? Or because it's not a fansite photo, just a watermarked photo from some random fan account, that's then okay? I don't know you, so idk how you personally interact with everything like above, but it's food for thought. It's also something to consider to make sure if you ARE so against fansites, that you aren't liking, retreating, saving, etc photos of any of the members that come from fansites. (The jikook photo above comes from a Jimin fansite btw) Because I'm pretty sure Almost every ARMY has, intentionally or otherwise. Because MOST concert/event photos end up coming from fansigns. And the boys KNOW that and are okay with it. And the company isn't struggling anymore. If they didn't want people "filling in the gaps" of available photos, they could hire more themselves and release more too.
To address your comments about them selling or distributing merch with their photos of the boys that the boys didn't get to pre-approve. That's fair. And it's also your choice to support that or not. Personally, I probably won't buy fansite photobooks, I'd rather spend my money on what I know will go towards the boys pocket directly, or at least towards them. Such as their official photobooks, albums, DVD packages, etc. But all the photos the fansites sell, they also normally just release for free too online. At least that I've seen. And then all those photos they have, they will sometimes hold events for people to buy them as merch. But that's a customer choice for sure. And it's 100% valid to not like that and not spend your money there. BlacknWhite for example, held her own little merch photo exhibition thing last year. Idk what to call it, but I posted here so it did happen for sure. Bighit hosts these same similar types of exhibitions at the end of various eras/concerts you can also purchase from more officially too.
But also again, all idols know about fansites and often start recognizing the ones that are there for them and don't mind them (as long as they aren't crossing privacy boundaries, which I will touch on later here too). For some examples, here you've got Jimin being playful and silly with his fansite here when he saw them...
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Changing to make sure the fansites could get better photos during the fansign....
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Using/wearing and loving gifts given to them and sent by their fansigns
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He still has these focal speakers in his studio. Which was a gift from a fansite way back when
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Jikook engaging with BlacknWhite when she is there taking their photos.... AND you'll see in my reblog (first linked post) the post I shared in there, Jimin seeing, acknowledging and moving out of the way for a Hobi fansite so they can get a better shot of him too
Tae had a photo from his fansite blown up and hung on his dorm wall.
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Hobi shared a photo taken by his fansite on his Instagram too
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Plus, Jimins family (idk about the others, Jimins is just more in the public eye because of his dad's Cafe) had fansite photos of Jimin and BTS hanging on their cafe walls. Jimins dad recently gave a fansite photo to a visiting dignitary that he got framed.
JK blushing over seeing his first ever fansite back during their debut.
The reason Fansites will sometimes get kicked out of concerts is because they are blacklisted (which most are not) for various reasons but mostly due to proven stalking or for misconduct during a concert (which again. Doesn't happen as often as stan twt will lead you to believe.) Bighit baned all photography, so it's not even necessarily about fansites, it's about Hybe wanting to bottle and sell the air the guys breathe because they know ARMY would buy it. Lol they are a corporate company and are focused on the bottom line more than alot of fans like to think at times I believe. A lot of the hate towards fansites comes from people who don't really understand idol culture at times and almost always exlculsively from I- armys. I don't see K army fans complaining about fansites. I see BTS members complaining about media, fans and fansites following them to places like, the mall, or on the private schedules, and overcrowding them. But never about fansites being in events, concerts, or airports from afar. In fact, from the ones who aren't problems, I see the opposite from the members. Jikookers like BnW because she is a jikook fansite and focuses on getting photos of them together and seperate, so it's like a one stop party. Lol other JK and JM fansites will share photos of jikook together when they are glued at the hip (which is often) along with when they with other members too, which is also nice and you'll see plently of people sharing those with no problems either. Again, as long as they aren't problematic accounts.
Fansites who take photos of the guys on private schedules? No. Who get on planes the boys are on? No. Who shit talk the boys and use them only for the cash flow their photos bring them? No. Who stalk them and show up places they shouldn't be and turn into sasaengs and doing anything for a quick buck? No. Fansites who crowd into the boys personal space for the perfect photo or are rude to them/others? No. Fansites who don't take no for an answer? No. But that's a small portion of fansites. Not all of them. Not even close to all of them. And alot of this hate towards fansites comes off more performative for most armys then anything else. Plus saying all fansites are bad is kinda like saying all ARMYs are 15 year old girls who bully people online because a small faction are and that's what people latch onto in an effort to continue to perpetuate hate towards the fandom and BTS themselves through their fans. Not the same exactly, but similar enough I'll make the comparison.
Your opinions are your own and are very valid. I'm not trying to change your mind about liking fansites. I don't love them necessarily either because I would HATE the constant flashing lights everywhere I went ever if I was them. But I also understand the nuance here and the difference between the hysteria stan spaces have made the fansite issues sound and what they actually are and how long they've been around for. Again, your choice over how you engage with them and how you feel about them. And all choices around that are valid. In my opinion. As long as you aren't supporting antis disguised as fansites, I don't see a problem with them in general. For me personally.
Hope that helped answer your question anon. Thank you for asking it respectfully.
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221015 YET TO COME BUSAN © BLACK n WHITE | Do not edit or crop logo.
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B&W was also at fifa right? Is that different from them being at Dior?
Dior did open registrations, I don't know if that is how B&W was able to get in.
They weren't the only fansite that went to Dior. Jimin's 3 or 4 more fs also went there. There was also a vmin fs who went there. But all those were outside, only B&W could go inside looks like. A couple of Jimin focused accounts (like allforJimin) were also enquiring if there was a way to get in.
The other thing I noticed is, both Jimin and Jungkook seem to recognise B&W and seem comfortable posing for them. Which is interesting, cause i don't see them or any one being so comfortable with their fansites.
Yes, B&W was at the Fifa World Cup, but anyone was able to go. Entrance based on ticket purchase. She was on the stadium, not backstage with Jungkook.
I know other fansites were at the Dior show, which is to be expected. The major ones usually go wherever the idol has a schedule. It's a business for them too. But then again, only one actually got inside. How that happened, I do not know. In what I added to the reblogged post was merely speculation on my part, given what I know and have observed. I don't have access to other information. Maybe others do, or know a lot more details about this and perhaps I'm missing or overlooking something essential here that might explain everything, but for now, that's all I can say. Tbh, if I were B&W, I too wouldn't reveal much or nothing at all about this to anyone who is outside my own circle. So if it will remain a mystery, then so be it.
As to recognizing and being comfortable with fansites, I was actually curious and talked about this with other people because I was wondering if this is the case with other fansites, in particular ones directly connected to a ship/duo. Did Jungkook or Jimin recognize and acknowledge multiple times other similar fansites, say for example related to taekook, vmin, yoonmin and or any other combination out there? Because it's easy to imply there's some special ''relationship'' there if we have only one duo in mind which gets spoken about in a circle related to that duo. I'm not saying it's not true re B&W with Jimin and Jungkook. Not all that. I'm just curious if this happens or not in other situations.
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minieggukie · 2 years
there's been so much jikook content lately, sometimes i wonder how jikook antis are able to navigate new content when jikook are always off in a corner about to kiss
LOL FR THEY'RE ALWAYS SO IN YOUR FACE ABOUT IT TOO probably cuz jungkook likes it when jimin is shameless
I guess that those antis probably don't even watch the full content lmao. They watch clips and edits from twt and tik tok out of context and don't even know where it's originally from 🙃
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
Why all I'm seeing is jimin pics on tl ? There's 2 jkk pic and a 100 jimin pics. There was no jkk fansites today at airport ?
Ngl anon, the only Jikook fansite i know is B&W and she was there.
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I've been a bit busy with real life lately 😂 Altought I didn't get to see the latest Festa events until last night… I already had some thoughts piled up....
To whom it may concern :))
The fist and most important....now that the Festa has already finished, can someone explain to me why on the 10th anniversary the boys who are still with us couldn't gather together?
Why the schedule was to do separate things? the fuck...
We fans know they are in chapter 2. No one was going to be confused by seeing an ot5 or ot4 vlive. Or a dinner.
I know they didn't have to, but striving for doing things separately, when they clearly see each other almost every day (NJ dixit) .....
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I love Stray Kids and I'm enjoying their come back a lot. It's been a little over two weeks and every day there's a performance or music event, fansigns, videoconferences, behind the scnenes and they've already released 4 MVs. It's very refreshing… and by comparison, a bit sad. It makes me realise, even more, the lack of content from BTS and their members.
(And I am not only referring to this chapter 2)
Second thought is that I just saw that New Jeans have announced their CB on July 21st, and their pre-release on the 7th.
I find it very difficult that JK will release his album in July (in the middle or just after NJ), unless Hybe doesn't care if their artists overlap (I know, I know what happened last April… but we're talking about 1 week difference).
Third thought. Tae and Jennie pretending they don't know each other at the Bruno Mars concert, as if we didn't know they are lovers, seems pretty sad to me too.
Even understanding that it's some short of protection against the future release of Tae's album (dont make his fans angrier)… the truth is that it seems ridiculous …
Let's see… if what happened in Paris "didn't happen" for some fans… what could have happened yesterday if they had gone together, with their shared friends,ñ???? It probably wouldn't have happened in the eyes of the fans either 😝 Stupidity is rampant in fandom…. I'm sure there would have even been a few likes for those who said they were cosplayers 🤣🤣
One last thought on jikook… They are daily training in Hybe (Namjoon dixit) and seem so happy lately…. And here we are suffering this drought without seeing them…. LOL Manifesting to see them at Suga's concert together!
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
i mean it's just as weird for you to insinuate that jimin is making eye contact with b&w when fansites tend to catch moments of the members in motion. he's not looking directly at the person, and even then, how would he know it's this particular person when there's about 100 people around him and zooming in exists. is it a fantasy of shippers to live vicariously through fansites and act like jimin and jungkook are sending the fansite a message that they know they're being shipped?
Is weird that you read the word jikook or Kookmin and assume the person is a shipper. No one here or at least I don't think Jimin and Jungkook recognizing one of their fansites is a message or something. I don't think everything is a message you silly person. Learn what a fansite is. Is weird that ignorant people talks so much on the internet.
Many of you should thank me every day for keeping the Anon option active because I keep you from further embarrassment. Bye
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Jimin on his way to the UK
I'm calm, kind of!
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Even Europe would have been amazing but Mr Park Jimin is actually headed to ma city right now. He left Seoul earlier today, decked out in Dior and with his famous eye smile on full display.
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So what's the buzz on what he will be up to here.
K press talk about Dior but there aren't any events planned this week and London Fashion Week doesn't start until 10th June. I guess it could be a fashion shoot.
Tiffany and Co have the Vision and Virtuosity Show going on and they could potentially want their ambassador film something to advertise it.
But I am more excited about the musical rumours. Ariana Grande was recently seen with Scooter Braun in London and yesterday it was reported that Tommy Brown who Jimin and team were recording something with in LA last year is also here.
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Jimin apparently said in 2020 that a song with Arianna Grande would be a dream collaboration. We have also had a Ariana Grande fansite being vocal in their support of Jimin and the FACE release on Twitter over the last few months.
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I mean things seem to be lining up but after the recent Met Gala and Cannes rumours who would put money on any of this.
Yesterday night, I even had a hypothesis of my own. Remember in the WKorea shoot when he said he had been listening to Honne. Well these guys are London based so it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility....
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......if it wasn't for the fact that they are in the middle of another tour of Asia and will be performing in China for the next week.
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I think I probably need to put my deerstalker away for now. There are people out there who are much much better at putting two and two together and getting 500.
Anyway for those interested in fashion The Jikook Closet on Twitter is on the case. Here is everything he was wearing.
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Jikook Closet Twitter Jikook Closet Twitter 2 Jikook Closet Twitter 3
Post Date: 23/05/2023
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 7 months
its word of mouth kinda but blacknwhite is actually rumored to be friends with jimin and jk. there are korean fans who aren’t jikookers who have mentioned multiple times that they saw her speaking to them on planes.
I don't think that makes her their friend 😭 BTS have mentioned before that fans get on the same planes, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the most brazen ones try to talk to them.
They remember people, specially those they see a lot. Jimin remembers a lot of his solo fansites and he used to greet them warmly when they did fansigns. There were a couple he saw during his fancalls and talked to them in a friendly way because he remembered them too. But it doesn't mean they're friends with him.
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not-goldy · 2 months
Are you for reall even a jikooker??? Literally every jikooker knows that jjks call a minor jm sexual predator of jk along with jm. All the homophobic shit has always came from jjks and joined by tkkrs later. It was jjks who emailed hybe saying "stop gay business" in 2019 for jm wiping off jk's tears then joined by jkkrs. The military tagging was also started by jjks. Even the infamous fansite of jk "headliner" has talked shit about jk cause she is a homophobic shit.
And again literally not even a single person is calling jk evil. Every ask is saying his behaviour was rude/shitty which does not equate to calling him an evil but it's ONLY YOU who's constantly calling him evil.
And for how long are you even here if you don't even know jjks calling minor jk sexual predator?? Have ever been to report accounts? Ever tried going out of your shipping DeLuSiOnAl bubble and see what's there on report accounts?? Like ask your followers if they know it or not cause i cannot believe you're here for yrs and still don't know what jjks say about jm. try following report accounts to report antis then.
And I also know yall have more choice words for Jungkook than evil so what's your point.???
I'm addressing the things yall say and do in MY SPACE. Not what yall fuckers are doing else where.
Outside my space yall solos can fuck yourselves for all I care. But you can keep showing in jikook spaces or my space to talk trash.
Will beat it down your brains a million times till you get it through your thick skull
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I kind of convinced myself black n white was one of the "good fansites" but they're constantly posting airport pics. Doesn't that reflect badly on them? How do they know when to get to the airport? And the fandom generally discourages mobbing them at the airport, but we jikookers support this fansite that participates. Is there something I'm missing that makes it okay for the fansite to do this?
Hey love, I talk about fansites (B&W) at the airport and in general in this post here 💜
Your choice to support or enjoy or even like fansites is totally personal and up to you too! Hope that helps some!
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dearweirdme · 8 months
Apparently, a jikook fansite went to Taehyung's fan meet and cropped him out of all the pictures 😒 I don't understand the disrespect from some people. why would someone even apply if you they don't like him. Also, isn't it weird how they knew jimin would be there even though it was a "surprise"? I don't understand how these people get info unless it's an employee purposely leaking or selling it
Hi anon!
Super shitty, I don't understand people like that at all! I think some just jump at any chance they get to go meet a member, regardless of who it is. But yeah, the chance of them having had info is also there I suppose.
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Last anon, it's easier to say it in words but extremely bad in reality. You sound like you just want JK to confirm your ship Jikook like a hero and save jimin from tkkrs. Do you think in this real world it's happening?
Let's look at their personal lives first ? Their families will be attacked, Antis will be attacking magnate restlessly. Idk if you were here in 2019, but some kjjkrs arranged a bday party for JK in magnate and had to cancel it because they got a Ton of hate calls, messages.. even their staffs were stalked and hated. So imagine a coming out ? They'll eat, especially Jimin's family, alive. JK's brother's business, their rest family businesses, their friends, their close people everyone will be attacked, including other bts members.
Do you think this won't affect them mentally ? This 🤏 amount of peace they have now will be gone forever. They won't stop until Jimin is completely ruined in every aspect and JK goes insane. They can be attacked on streets, while they are just living their lives. Again idk if you were here when Holland, openly gay idol, was attacked in ITAEWON, which is usually called a safe place for queer people.
Now their career ? This high career graph they have will reach sea bed. They will be literally boycotted from performing in music shows, their MVs will be boycotted on national TV channels, their sm accounts will be attacked, there will be protest infront of hybe to disband and kick out Jikook. Their brand deals will be affected, their reputation will be gone, their peers will be attacked, bangtan's whole career will be on danger. Their companies stock value will steep down, their shareholders and investors will pull back. Around the world, this news will be spread like wildfire, in every news channels, YouTube channels, media outlets, social media. Each and every homophobe and bts antis will be mocking them and armys around them. There are many incidents of armys being attacked and ragged for just liking bts in many conservative countries so how about after this gay dating news ? They will be blacklisted and forget about the super stars Jimin and JK status they worked hard for all these years. They can be banned from performing in conservative countries and will be infamous for this news than all accolades they have till now. Fanbases, fan accounts and fansites which are very important for idol will be closed especially forget about more than half of JK's fanbase. Some fanbase even closes after hetero dating rumors duh. Now they may get some new fans and some real ot7 army may whole heartedly support them. But it's a big maybe. But what is the use of getting fans who were here with you for some fans who stanned you for your relationship with your bandmate or out of sympathy or curiosity ?
The damage all these will do to Jimin will be fucking unimaginable. Those fuckers will burn that boy alive. If you don't know Taeyeon was attacked at airport and had to apologize for dating baekyun. So how will they treat Jimin for dating JK ? His life will be in great danger. In short if you want Jimin happy by JK's side the best thing is to be private. Hiding ? Nope but private ? Yes.
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I hear what you're saying.... I do. I hear you and I agree. And I'm sure they worry about all these things too. Jimin more than JK... but yes. I hear you.
BTS are BTS. Those celebrities that got fucked over are not even close to being on the same caliber as BTS. I'm not saying nothing would happen to them, but I think people would hesitate before treating them like they have treated other gay idols in the past.
Before I continue can I just say that people forget? People always forget. Scandals don't last... there is always gonna be something else. Yeah if they come out it will be huge and scandalous but people will move on like they always do.
They will loose fans but they will gain new ones who will stan BTS already knowing there's a gay couple in the midst. Yes they will be banned from going to certain countries ever again. But the countries that would do this are less than those that wouldn't care.
I honestly do feel Jikook have the potential to pave the way for how people view homosexuality over there. BUT it is alot of pressure and I wouldn't blame them if they never came out. The world is indeed a scary place like u described.
But I honestly do think them being from BTS would make the backlash less severe.
That being said, I dont think its happening. Not even in 2025. They will live like a couple hiding nothing, but they won't come out orally. Like some announcement. And honestly as long as they're happy, is all Good.
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jikookuntold · 2 years
If that helps you to sleep at night 💀💀💀👍
When others point out logical things you mock them.
When asked abt most of saesangs and fansites being tkk shippers you answer it with ONE jkk fansite.
You got me anon, I love mocking and clowning you 🥰 In order to not being clowned, next time don't send the link in different ask 😂 and fyi, those photos were from "solo" fansites, not couple fansites like black&white-nim. Having a covered "preference" is different from being an openly couple fansite. And you might not know it but you just exposed yourself as a Taekooker, don't use the ex-jikooker card next time 💕
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
When Jung Kook apparently recognized a Jikook fansite at GDA and looked RIGHT at her so she could take pics. He even waved at her 🤗
This will forever be one of my favourite Jungkook’s era: copper Jung Kook
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