#jerry mcgrady
WWLT Adjacent Story Update on AO3 - Patrice's Revenge a/k/a "One Way or Another"
Fifteen minutes after making the exterminator comment in Angela’s kitchen, Patrice was zipping down the 101 HWY calling in a very old, but very important chit.  “Gregory?  Yes, hello dear.  I’ve finally figured out how you can pay me back for running off with Louisa Abernathy on our wedding day.”
Nyla was right, you did not want to be on Patrice’s bad side.  Gregory Xavier Brannan had found this out the hard way.
I created a sister series of WWLT Adjacent stories - they happen in the same universe as WWLT, but would mess with the overall flow of the story if included.
First up Patrice finds an exterminator.
Next up - 12 Golden Pears - a WWLT Holiday Adventure
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eddymyla · 11 months
"Its been an honor serving this great city all these years. So - So... take care of her, now that I'm gone."
_ Jerry McGrady - The Rookie: S4, Ep. 6
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Weekend! How exciting we have a premiere date! Feb 20th. The light is at the end of the tunnel wonderful fandom. It’s beautiful and bright. I’m going to crank up to 3 reviews a week so I finish the week before s6 premieres. So this worked out nicely heh
Ahh this episode is another giant friggin work flirt. That competitive fire that drives one of their love languages is prominent af in this episode. Only they could take a shift apart and turn it into a flirtatious competition. The marriage vibes are extreme in this one in the best way ha Let’s get going.
4x06 Poetic Justice
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We start off with Tim getting an assignment from Grey. He wants to get Jerry Mcgrady to retire. They’re running out of things to assign him to that aren’t a strain on him. Front desk he takes too much time telling stories. Even the kit room is becoming too much for him. So it’s Tim’s job today to have the ‘It's time to retire talk.’ Tim being Tim says it’ll be a piece of cake. Wanting to prove himself to Grey he can handle it no problem. That the tough conversations aren't an issue.
That if he doesn’t agree he can use his injury for an involuntary retirement. Cold Timothy. Cold. Tim makes it to the Kit Room and is instantly thawed. He is ready to hit him with the cold hard truth as he put it to Wade. Before he can Jerry gives him a load of praise right off that bat. It makes Tim stumble off the blocks super early. It's so sweet and genuine too. How could he not struggle after saying he's proud? I'm sure those are words he never got from his own old man.
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Tim tries again and fails for a second time. It’s the way Jerry is looking at him. Tim can’t pull the trigger. Instead he invites him out to ride with him LOL Well done Tim baha This was not the plan at all my love. Tim Bradford is a softie and we all know it. Grey walks up asks how it went? Tim admits he faltered and he’s riding with him instead.... Grey is beaming. Knowing he wouldn't be as ruthless as he claimed in his office. Wade can’t help but give him crap on top of it. Asking what happened to the 'Cold hard truth?' Tim swears by end of day he’ll get him to retire. Mmhmm sure.
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In the cold open Nolan and Harper arrested a man digging in a city park. He was following a treasure hunt riddle. With Tim swapping Lucy out for Jerry she is riding with Nolan. He hands her the riddle and she starts to decipher it. Lucy figures out the first clue and they go to the pier. When they roll up people are fighting. A young woman is killed by getting an ax to the chest. People are insane.
This is what brings it to the LAPD’s full attention since there is a casualty. They find out the author of the riddle is a previous criminal. He was apart of a robbery where he hid 2 million in gold coins. They never recovered them. So the city is losing it's collective mind trying to find it. They need to be the first to get it. Grey calls Lucy up cause she was the first to solve a clue. She is beaming as she makes her way up.
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Let’s first admire the forearm porn we’re getting in this first gif. Man makes me so thirsty I need a glass of water. Arms-crossed Tim is one of my fav poses. Those glorious biceps popping out of those sleeves too. Whew lord. Anyway Lucy is so very excited to present her findings. How she got the clue she did. It’s adorable how proud she is of it. Look how Tim never takes his eyes off her the entire time. You know he loves when she analyzes and breaks things down.
Her intelligence is a turn on for him whether he wants to admit it or not. He can’t let anyone catch onto his admiration... So he calls her ‘Nerd.’ to make fun of her. Which fails because it comes off super flirty. Negating his idea to to tease her for her brain. It comes across as banter more than anything else. Fail Timothy big fat Fail. Your mouth is saying one thing. Your body language and intense gaze say another...
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Jerry is a sweetheart and tells her not to let Tim shame her. It’s a great catch. This is why it's hard for anyone to have the retirement talk with him haha A kind station grandpa to them all. Lucy goes from being annoyed to thanking Jerry. Tim’s sly little smile when she does is so cute. You know he’s proud of her being in the spotlight. Sporting her brain but has to tease her. It's how they function haha They’re so cute I can not. Flirting once again for all of the station to see. It's truly a wonder they're in the dark about it.
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I love this moment between Harper and Tim. I'm glad I had the room to add this in. She joins in with Lucy's train of thought for the rest of the poem. Flaunting her brain as well. Tim gives her a look wanting to make fun of her as well. Nyla is on it and dares him to call her a nerd too LOL The looks between them make me laugh so much. I love their teasing camaraderie. It's my favorite. It's how Harper and Lucy get paired up to decipher the rest of the clues. Nolan feels left out cause well it's Nolan. Like that kid picked last for dodgeball. Grey tells John if he asks nicely he's sure he can join them. SMH. Friggin Nolan ha.
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The cuteness continues when Lucy asks if Tim and Jerry wanna be part of her task force? That she can make it happen haha She’s adorable and I can not stand it. Tim does what he does best battles back with a flirty tone. Trying to talk down about her ‘task force’. Saying old fashioned policing will get it done just fine for them.
Flirt more you two…oh wait they do. Ha Lucy offers up a bet she knows Tim won’t refuse. Because once again why deal with feelings when they can channel it through a work flirt instead? Honestly how Jerry could allow Tim to date his daughter after this display I couldn’t tell ya. It's so painfully obvious how into one another these two are.
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They lay down the terms for the loser. Tim saying she has to be quiet an entire shift. Please Timothy like you really want that…but ok that’s your “reward” if you win. I mean it would drive her crazy not to talk so it’s not the worst pick. Lucy choses something way more apropos IMO. He would have to do something out of his comfort zone. Not only that but it’s her choice. Can only imagine what Lucy would've chosen. Something that would've been good for him I'm sure. Cause she's good like that. Her track record with him is solid.
Lucy's face is so smug from the minute she brings this bet up. So convinced she has this in the bag. Gah these two love a good competition and flirting it up a ton in the process. Like pre-get together foreplay for them haha They then start the worlds longest handshake to seal the deal. They once again are in their own world. Like Jerry isn't even there…
The best part is while they continue to work-flirt they're holding hands. They could've broken it off but nope. Basically holding hands while they fiercely flirt. The flirty competitiveness continues with their jabs. The poetry club shot from Tim. Her being sassy af about their 18 old case files. Saying how ‘easy’ that’ll be for them to crack. LMAO Shots fired. All the while still holding hands. Because the work flirting wasn’t enough of a bat-signal to everyone else. They continue to hold hands while doing so. Seriously Jerry couldn’t you see the man was already taken?
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We return to Lucy still at the whiteboard with Harper/Nolan. She gets a text from Tim saying they had a big breakthrough. Lucy could not be more dejected and anxious for them to get their own. Nolan and Harper tell her to ignore Tim. He’s just trying to get into her head. Yeah that's what he does. He kinda lives there rent free and vice versa with this kind of stuff. Good luck getting her to listen to that advice haha She is far too wrapped up in this competition with Tim to have that clarity. She does eventually put her phone down though.
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Her taking a phone break does help her focus a bit. Because once she does they have a breakthrough of their own. They’re headed to the Griffith Observatory. Lucy is vibrating with excitement over this. She’s more excited to tell Tim they got something more than anything else. It’s so funny and adorable. The commentary in the gifs above is hilarious.
They are legit just trying to solve this case. While Lucy gets amped that they're gonna catch up with Tim and Jerry. Harper and Nolan’s reaction to her is priceless in the second gif. Lucy is too caught up in her work flirt. Telling them before they go she has to text Tim first. Let him know they’re gonna kick his ass. Because priorities LMAO
The way they look at each other is the funniest part. First and foremost they didn’t ask to be apart of this flirty bet haha They’re in it just to solve a case. Second they’re thinking does she not see it? She has to see it right? We know she doesn’t baha If she does she’s pushing it down real hard since 4x01 and it’s coming out in other ways. I.e. this moment. It’s so funny how lost in her bet she is. Doesn’t notice their hilarious reactions at all. I’m dying haha.
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Tim tries again to have a frank conversation with Jerry. Since it’s day 2 of him riding with him and he was supposed to retired by yesterday... Jerry looks at the file again while Tim tries to muster up the courage. It's then he has an epiphany. Says he knows where the gold is. Tim asks if he’s sure? Jerry replies absolutely.
Now Tim’s first thought isn’t yes we solved the case. Or they got redemption for Jerry and his friend who never found the coins. No it’s excitement he’s going to beat Lucy in a bet LOL Man is amped about beating her to it. Like a high he’s been chasing the entire episode. God I love this so much. Flirty idiots in love have no idea.
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This next portion is their married moment of the episode. Lots of work flirts but this interaction is all married. They are so ridiculous and I love them for it. The trio have figured out where the treasure is through the poem. An underground subway system sitting beneath the city. One of the people that has been chasing this thing since the jump causes chaos once the trio arrive. He shoots the last person also going after it. He takes off Lucy and Harper leave Nolan with the wounded one so they can pursue him.
They find him and he starts running again. Out of nowhere Tim comes into the picture and uses that sexy forearm of his to clothes line the guy. Lucy is shocked and impressed all at the same time. Me too. *fans self* Asking how they got here so quickly? Tim tells them they were already down here. Lucy then asks if they found the treasure? Tim smirks and says they’re gonna find out. Walks them over to a hole with a suitcase in it.
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The final competitive flirting begins. Tim immediately claiming victory for him and Jerry. Because that suitcase is holding the missing gold. Nyla fights him on it though. Saying they would’ve been here first, but they had a police matter to deal with. Tim scoffs and tells them good job but they still won LOL The absolute sass coming off this man.
Lucy backs Harper in agreement and doesn’t let Tim battle back. Sassy return fire with her cocky smirk. Then the ladies just decide it’s a tie LMAO That Tim gets no say in the matter. I love their body posture mirroring one another in this moment. Lucy leans towards Tim then Tim does the same when he's upset it's considered a tie.
I saw someone call Tim ‘Sargent Sore Loser’ for a parallel of this moment hahaha it’s pretty apt when he loses to his wife. I love it sfm. Lucy waving by then pointing at herself as they walk off is amazing. It's hilarious. It's decided it's over and there is nothing he can do about it. Their flirting was off the charts in this episode. It was wild. Their string of work flirts continue on. One of the themes of S4. It makes me so happy.
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I do love this next part with Jerry. It’s very sweet. It shows Tim’s wonderful heart. He went into this trying to prove he could handle the rough convos. That he could dispatch people with the cold hard truth. When it came to it his empathy won out. I truly believe he’s always been a sensitive empathetic person. It's been at his core this whole time.
Talked about this before. Just got lost in the shuffle of everything he went through with Isabel. Lucy reawakened that part of him. Now he taps into it like he does anything else. That heart of his let Jerry go out in a much better way. It’s why he thanks Tim for it. He knew what was coming and appreciated Tim for indulging him one last time. It's so sweet I might have a cavity.
Jerry's send off is equally as lovely at the station. Ashley is there to help celebrate his retirement. They all do their radio tribute that is beautiful to watch tbh. Once everyone clears Tim ends up asking Ashley out. (boo) She says yes and he smiles BUT it was most definitely not a 'Lucy smile.' No one compares at all. It’s unreal how by a smile you can tell when it’s Lucy driven and when it’s not. This for sure was not. So ends another ep. Such a good one for them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
The introduction to Ashley….how I dislike her so….just gotta make it to 5x05 and she’ll be gone LOL Was around longer than she should’ve been but we’ll get into when we hit s5 heh Also I’ll add more of why I don’t like her as the season progress in this rewatch. There is a reason he dates her IMO which I will also go over at some point as well.
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I love any and all Lucy and Harper scenes we get . This one had loads. Amazing how they've bonded over the last 2 seasons. I love it so much. Them working on the riddle together at Lucy's place over beers. My heart. Watching them working this case together brings me joy. Hopefully we get more of this in s6. I need more Nyla/Lucy in my life.
Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You all make me so happy ❤️ See you all in 4x07 :)
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mjordan-nba-nhl · 1 year
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Wilt Chamberlain - 100 points (March 2, 1962)
Kobe Bryant - 81 points (January 22, 2006)
Wilt Chamberlain - 78 points (December 8, 1961)
Wilt Chamberlain - 73 points (January 13, 1962)
Wilt Chamberlain - 73 points (November 16, 1962)
David Thompson - 73 points (April 9, 1978)
Wilt Chamberlain - 72 points (November 3, 1962)
Elgin Baylor - 71 points (November 15, 1960)
David Robinson - 71 points (April 24, 1994)
Donovan Mitchell - 71 points (January 2, 2023)
Damian Lillard - 71 points (February 26, 2023)
Wilt Chamberlain - 70 points (March 10, 1963)
Devin Booker - 70 points (March 24, 2017)
Michael Jordan -69 points (March 28, 1990)
Wilt Chamberlain - 68 points (December 16, 1967)
Pete Maravich - 68 points (February 25, 1977)
Wilt Chamberlain - 67 points (March 9, 1961, February 17, 1962, February 25, 1962, January 11, 1963)
Wilt Chamberlain - 66 points (February 9, 1969)
Wilt Chamberlain - 65 points (February 13, 1962, February 27, 1962, February 7, 1966)
Kobe Bryant - 65 points (March 16, 2007)
Elgin Baylor - 64 points (November 8, 1959)
Rick Barry - 64 points (March 26, 1974)
Michael Jordan - 64 points (January 16, 1993)
Joe Fulks - 63 points (February 10, 1949)
Elgin Baylor - 63 points (December 8, 1961)
Jerry West - 63 points (January 17, 1962)
Wilt Chamberlain - 63 points (December 14, 1962, November 26, 1964)
George Gervin - 63 points (April 9, 1978)
Wilt Chamberlain - 62 points (January 14, 1962, January 17, 1962, January 21, 1962, January 29, 1963, November 15, 1964, March 3, 1966)
Tracy McGrady - 62 points (March 10, 2004)
Kobe Bryant - 62 points (December 20, 2005)
Caramelo Anthony - 62 points (January 24, 2014)
Stephan Curry - 62 points (January 3, 2021)
George Mikan - 61 points (January 20, 1952)
Wilt Chamberlain - 61 points (December 9, 1961, February 22, 1962, February 28, 1962, November 21, 1962, December 11, 1962, December 18, 1962)
Michael Jordan - 61 points (March 4, 1987, April 16, 1987)
Karl Malone - 61 points (January 27, 1990)
Shaquille O'Neal - 61 points (March 6, 2000)
Kobe Bryant - 61 points (February 2, 2009)
LeBron James - 61 points (March 3, 2014)
James Harden - 61 points (January 23, 2019, March 22, 2019)
Damian Lillard - 61 points (January 20, 2020, August 11, 2020 )
Wilt Chamberlain - 60 points (December 1, 1961, December 29, 1961, January 26, 1969)
Bernard King - 60 points (December 25, 1984)
Larry Bird - 60 points (March 12, 1985)
Tom Chambers - 60 points (March 24, 1990)
Allen Iverson - 60 points (February 12, 2005)
Gilbert Arenas - 60 points (December 17, 2006)
Kobe Bryant - 60 points (March 22, 2007, April 13, 2016)
Klay Thompson - 60 points (December 5, 2016)
James Harden 60 points (January 30, 2018)
Kemba Walker - 60 points (November 17, 2018)
Damian Lillard - 60 points (November 8, 2019)
James Harden - 6p points (November 30, 2019)
Bradley Beal - 60 points (January 6, 2021)
Jayson Tatum - 60 points (April 30, 2021)
Karl-Anthony Towns - 60 points (March 14, 2022)
Kyrie Irving - 60 points (March 15, 2022)
Luka Dončić - 60 points (December 27, 2022)
Damian Lillard - 60 points (January 25, 2023)
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tim-lucy · 2 years
hi! I'm new to chenford and was cruising through the tag and I'm hoping you might be able to answer a question. like I said, I'm new to the fandom and show and have been watching random episodes on hulu and saw 4.6 recently. In it, Tim is partnered with Jerry McGrady (the old guy) and as they're driving Jerry says something like "I'm sorry about what happened to you early in your career." What is that? Do we know? Or was that foreshadowing for something to come later? Hope you can help. Thanks!
Hmmm I'm actually not sure what Jerry was referencing. Tim's been through a lot of trauma, but I don't know if he was referring to something specific? If he was, I missed it. Unsurprisingly, I was hyper-focused on Tim and Lucy's bet the entire episode! 🙈
Does anyone else know? :)
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bballinspiration · 4 years
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Imagine if Krause actually pulled this one off 🤯
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westwingwolf · 2 years
1. Lucy running into Tim and Ashley on a date.
2. Chenford sorting everything out.
As Lucy joins the order line at the Right Start Bakery, she quickly realizes the blonde woman in front of her is Jerry McGrady’s daughter Ashley. Getting her attention, “Hi Ashley, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Lucy. I worked with your dad.”
Ashley smiles in recognition. “I remember. Dad always has such nice things to say about you. Said you always had a smile for him when he worked the kit room.”
“That’s sweet of him. How’s he enjoying retirement?”
Ashley smiles. “To tell the truth, I think he loves it more than he thought he would. He keeps busy volunteering at the community center. Which is why I’m here to get him his favorite doughnuts. Can’t get enough of the crullers.”
Lucy laughs. “That’s good to hear. I’m glad he’s doing well.” Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy recognizes the back of a familiar body. Her suspicions confirmed when Tim turns away from the counter with his order. So that also explains why Ashley is here.
Lucy waves at Tim when she catches his eye. He nods and gives her an easy smile as he walks toward her. “Hey, Lucy.” But he seems surprised to see her standing next to Ashley.
“I was just catching up with Ashley, but I’ll leave you two alone to your date.”
Now Tim’s expression looks really alarmed. “Uh…”
“We’re not here together,” Ashley interrupts as she looks over her shoulder to see the line is moving. “It was nice seeing you again, Lucy. I’ll tell my dad you asked about him.” For Tim all she has as a simple acknowledgement of his presence before she takes her place back in line.
Lucy doesn’t let the moment sit too long. “That was awkward. I thought you two had a date. What happened?”
“We did have a date,” Tim answers. “One date where all we could to talk about was her dad. We both realized it wasn’t going to lead anywhere, and that was that.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Lucy genuinely is. She wants Tim to be happy.
“It’s fine. When you know, you know. And if nothing else, it’s good for me to be out there.” Tim pauses before considering something that must be serious. But whatever it was, he quickly changes his mind because he opts for humor instead. “Plus, I’d hate for Jerry to get mad at me if I broke his daughter’s heart.”
Lucy goes along with it. “Of course. Who else would solve all your cold cases for you?”
“Right.” Tim laughs. “You going back home after you get your order?”
“I was thinking I might stay here to eat. Tamara’s in class, and it’s a nice day.”
“Yeah, I was heading to the park.” She watches as a thought enters his mind, and he asks before he can reconsider. “You want to join me?”
She rewards him with a smile. “I’d like that.”
He appears a little uncomfortable now. Like he has accidentally admitted too much. “Okay, I’ll wait for you over there.” He points to a table in the corner.
After Lucy places her order, she sees Ashley standing at the condiment station nearby doctoring a cup of coffee. “Hey again, I’m sorry if I made things awkward for you.” She feels compelled to apologize.
Ashley waves her off. “Don’t worry about it. You didn’t. Tim and I just weren’t meant to be.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that you guys spent the date talking about your dad.”
At that Ashley looks surprised. “Did he?”
“Is that not true?” Lucy wonders.
“No, we did.” Ashley is quick to answer before adding, “But he also talked about you.”
Lucy visibly cringes on Tim’s behalf. “Oh God, I’m going to have to explain to him that he can’t talk about another woman on a first date even if she is just a friend.”
“Friend. Right.” Ashley looks at Lucy as if she knows something Lucy doesn’t. But that doesn’t make any sense.
Before Lucy can question it, Ashley is offering her goodbyes again and walking away. Lucy watches her until her eyes drift to the corner table where Tim is waiting. He doesn’t even notice Ashley walking out the door. But in a matter of seconds, he must feel Lucy’s gaze upon him because he looks right at her. He eyebrow lifting in a challenging expression.
Lucy rolls her eyes and smiles back at him before turning around to retrieve her order. Pushing aside whatever momentary weirdness there was from her conversation with Ashley. She can’t think about that now because she’s about to enjoy hanging out with Tim.
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blris96 · 2 years
Ashley seems way off to me. Like girl u saw how Tim connected with Lucy. The banter was just there. Plus she seemed to 'Mark her man' with that hot cop comment! Like territorial. It seems weird. Especially with her dad being a cop. something ain't right 🤔
Hi lovely anon!
Ashley McGrady, Chenford fandom’s #1 enemy. She’s full of 🚩 🚩 🚩. I hate her. She definitely seems way off indeed! That feeling has been growing for me since 4x10. I believe most of the fandom feels the same and is on board the Evil!Ashley train.
She’s clearly not using whatever brain she has. Any rational human would jump ship after noticing that connection. However, “she really likes Tim”. Take that as you may, but I hope that’s foreshadowing for “if I can’t have him, no one can”. Or, make her Rosalind’s new protégée. Or go creepy stalker, I’m not picky. Jerry was a cop, so she’d probably know a lot of the procedures to allow her to go undetected. As you can see, I’m a massive fan of Evil!Ashley. She’s a snore for a character, so making her insane would liven it up a ton if we’re forced to sit through her.
Ashley as you stated has marked her territory, first on that phone call to Lucy behind Tim’s back and then as you mentioned with the hot cop comment. I’m thinking that she may be a badge bunny a bit. I want to see what her dating history is for shits and giggles.
She’s controlling (she basically told Tim that she hates basically everything about his life).
All of it put together makes me cringe due to all the 🚩 🚩 🚩. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to accumulate more red flags as they went along. I was proven wrong. Something isn’t right indeed!
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basketball-lifer · 3 years
70s: The adidas Era
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In the early 70s, something changed. Famous NBA players who were seen wearing Chuck Taylor’s for most part of their careers were now being seen wearing adidas Superstar
Unlike Chuck Taylors, this particular sneaker was a low cut shoe which had stripes in various colors, on a leather. In case of Celtics, there was a Celtic Green with white stripes
Two of the biggest names in NBA’s Converse fraternity opted for the hip German brand, namely Jerry West of the Lakers and John Havlicek of the Celtics while younger players entering the league had already chosen adidas
By the time Converse made a comeback with its Dr. J’s that would pave the way for its Weapon in the 80s; the 70s decade would be remembered as a decade when a quintessential American brand lost its dominance to two German brands i.e. adidas mostly (Superstar and Top Ten) and to a lesser extent, PUMA (“Clydes”). Meanwhile a young upstart brand was making in roads and would a decade later capitalize on one of adidas’ worst decision ever
For the brand, the significance of this era remains due to players like Jerry West, John Havlicek, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Rick Barry, Bill Walton and Pete Maravich who besides being greats of that era are also among NBA’s 50 Greatest Players of All-Time
Since then the brand hasn’t seen such success or even close to it. The only major signings they’ve had were those of Kobe Bryant (which was lost thanks to adidas’ bad decision in the form of Kobe 2), Tim Duncan and Tracy McGrady
While the Superstar has made a comeback in the urban fashion scene, adidas in general, remains a distant memory on the court
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pbwsports · 4 years
The all-time starting five for every NBA Western Conference team
What if the Splash Bros. had Wilt Chamberlain playing center? How many titles would the Lakers have won if Magic Johnson was running the break with Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal? Imagine Hakeem Olajuwon and James Hardenteaming up in Clutch City.
We asked our NBA writers to come up with an all-time starting five for every current NBA franchise, along with one additional blast from the past. Only a player's contributions during his time with that franchise were considered. (So, no, LeBron James doesn't crack the Lakers' all-time list ... yet.)
In this era of "positionless" basketball, traditional positions don't matter quite as much as they used to, so we allowed some flexibility in choosing a lineup -- but you won't see teams with four centers or three point guards. The idea was to dive into each team's history and create a group that could at least potentially share the floor together.
We rolled out the Eastern Conference on Wednesday. Here is the Western Conference:
Dallas Mavericks
G: Derek Harper G: Jason Terry G: Rolando Blackman F: Mark Aguirre F: Dirk Nowitzki
Terry joins Nowitzki as the only players on both of the Mavs' Finals teams and was the second-leading scorer on both squads. There's a reason Harper and Blackman, the backcourt for some good teams that just couldn't get past the Showtime Lakers, have their numbers in the American Airlines Center rafters. Aguirre's jersey probably won't ever be retired in Dallas because of his bitter departure, but you can't dismiss his 24.6 points per game in eight seasons with the Mavs.
The toughest cuts: Michael Finley and Jason Kidd, one of whom helped a young German kid find his way in the NBA and the other who helped Nowitzki finally deliver a title to Dallas.
-- Tim MacMahon
Denver Nuggets
G: Fat Lever G: David Thompson F: Alex English F: Carmelo Anthony C: Dikembe Mutombo
You're probably asking yourself the same question I debated for roughly 48 hours: Wait, no Nikola Jokic? There's a good chance Jokic eventually becomes the greatest player in franchise history, but he's just 25 years old.
Which active players are headed to the Hall? Our choice for every NBA team
Game Changers: Ranking the 100 most influential NBA players ever
Mutombo, on the other hand, is a Hall of Famer and produced probably the most iconic image in franchise history, celebrating the historic upset of the top-seeded Seattle SuperSonics in the 1994 playoffs. Mutombo is the defensive anchor behind a pure scoring lineup that could outgun just about anybody.
English, Anthony and Thompson all averaged better than 20 points a game for their careers, but at their peaks were pushing 30 PPG. Add in a floor general like Lafayette "Fat" Lever to pull the strings, and it could work. Between Fat, Melo and Dikembe, the Nuggets can outname just about anybody, too.
-- Royce Young
Golden State Warriors
G: Stephen Curry G: Klay Thompson F: Kevin Durant F: Draymond Green C: Wilt Chamberlain
Adding Chamberlain to the Durant-era Warriors teams that won back-to-back titles would just be unfair. Can you even imagine how dominant that team would be? Curry, Thompson, Durant and Green already have won titles together -- and now they have one of the greatest big men of all time to drop the ball to down low? Unbelievable. The defense is great, the offense is otherworldly.
It's tough leaving Hall of Famers Rick Barry and Chris Mullin out of this group, but who would come out? Curry and Thompson form the best shooting backcourt of all time. Durant is one of the best players of his generation and Green provides the defensive intensity and glue that has propelled them for years -- plus those four already have played together. There is no stopping this team. A juggernaut for the ages.
-- Nick Friedell
The best of Steph Curry's handles
Does Steph Curry have the best handles in the NBA? Take a look at some of his best moves and decide for yourself.
Houston Rockets
G: James Harden G: Calvin Murphy F: Tracy McGrady F: Rudy Tomjanovich C: Hakeem Olajuwon
Apologies to Hall of Fame big men Elvin Hayes, Moses Malone and Yao Ming, but it's hard to get one center in the Houston lineup these days. Of course, there's no debate about the candidacy of Olajuwon, who remains the best player in franchise history, even after Harden's run of historic offensive production.
Harden is 22 points away from passing Murphy for second on the Rockets' career scoring list, so for now the flamboyant, 5-foot-9 Murphy continues to be the only player who ranks among the franchise's top two in points and assists.
Rudy T is best remembered as the Clutch City-era coach and for the brutal punch that interrupted his playing career, but he earned his spot here with five All-Star appearances during a career spent entirely in a Rockets uniform.
-- MacMahon
Flashback: The best of Harden's 2017-18 MVP season
Take a look back at James Harden's dynamic MVP season in 2017-18.
LA Clippers
G: Chris Paul F: Kawhi Leonard F: Blake Griffin F: Elton Brand C: Bob McAdoo
Paul and Griffin authored the greatest and most exciting era in Clippers basketball with Lob City. Paul spent six seasons with the Clips, was first-team All-NBA three times and led the league in assists twice during that span. Griffin was Rookie of the Year, a five-time All-Star and the exciting, above-the-rim player the franchise sorely needed.
The 74 Greatest in NBA History
In the midst of the NBA's 74th season -- currently on hold -- ESPN's experts ranked the 74 greatest in five different categories:
• Individual seasons • Jerseys | Bottom 10 • Sneakers | Bottom 10 • Transactions (since The Decision) • Players: 74-41 | 40-11 | 10-1
Brand spent seven seasons with the team and made both of his All-Star appearances as a Clipper. McAdoo started his Hall of Fame career when the franchise was in Buffalo, where he led the league in scoring three straight seasons and was MVP in 1974-75.
Leonard is just 51 games into his Clippers tenure, but his elite production already puts him on this roster. Averaging 26.9 points, 7.3 rebounds and 5.0 assists, a healthy Leonard can further validate this choice if he can get the Clippers to the conference finals for the first time.
-- Ohm Youngmisuk
Kawhi's ridiculous moments in his first season in LA
Kawhi Leonard has been everything the LA Clippers thought he'd be when he arrived. Check out some of his season's best highlights.
Los Angeles Lakers
G: Magic Johnson G: Jerry West G: Kobe Bryant F: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar C: Shaquille O'Neal
Four of these picks were no-brainers. Johnson (fifth in career assists) teamed up with Abdul-Jabbar, the NBA's career scoring leader, to win five championships. Bryant (fourth all time in scoring) paired with O'Neal (eighth in scoring) to win three.
The fifth pick was harder. Is it Elgin Baylor, the greatest small forward in franchise history? Or how about LeBron James, the greatest small forward in NBA history? How about James Worthy, who teamed up with Magic and Kareem and won a Finals MVP?
Ultimately, the pick is West. Baylor never won a ring. James hasn't been a Laker long enough. Worthy would have to play the 4 and you already have Shaq and the Captain on the blocks. The Logo brings shooting and toughness and leadership, and he is extremely important to the franchise as a whole for his post-playing days in the front office.
-- Dave McMenamin
Memphis Grizzlies
G: Mike Conley G: Tony Allen F: Shareef Abdur-Rahim F: Zach Randolph C: Marc Gasol
The question with the Grizzlies: Who should be the final player to fill out a lineup that features the Grit 'n' Grind mainstays called the Core Four? (I'd make a joke about Chandler Parsons' max contract, but I want to be welcomed back to Memphis.)
Based purely on merit, Pau Gasol would be the pick, but he doesn't fit alongside his brother Marc at center and Randolph at power forward. So we will go with Abdur-Rahim, who was a really good player for some really bad teams in Vancouver, averaging 20.8 points and 8.2 rebounds per game over five seasons in which the Grizzlies went a combined 86-292.
-- MacMahon
Minnesota Timberwolves
G: Ricky Rubio G: Sam Cassell F: Kevin Garnett F: Kevin Love C: Karl-Anthony Towns
The three best players in franchise history just all happen to be big men: Garnett, Love and Towns. Garnett is the franchise leader in points, rebounds, steals, assists and blocks; he's the only player in NBA history to lead a team in all five categories. Towns (22.7 points, 11.8 rebounds in 358 games) and Love (19.2 points, 12.2 rebounds in 364 games) each put up monster numbers, even though playoff success never came.
'The Last Dance' on ESPN
The 10-part Michael Jordan documentary "The Last Dance" is available on the ESPN App.
• Everything you need to know • Lowe: How Pippen lifted MJ's Bulls • Shelburne: Kobe and MJ's friendship • How to replay the series
(Side note: Towns is only 14 3-pointers away from becoming the franchise's all-time leader. Seriously.)
Rubio trails only Garnett in franchise history in steals and assists. Since Wally Szczerbiak and Andrew Wiggins were primarily listed as small forwards, the other guard spot goes to Cassell, who played only two years in Minnesota but had a career year and was a second-team All-NBA selection in 2003-04.
-- Andrew Lopez
New Orleans Pelicans
G: Chris Paul G: Jrue Holiday F: Jamal Mashburn F: David West C: Anthony Davis
(Just a reminder: The Pelicans' franchise history starts in 2002, when the team moved from Charlotte to New Orleans. Anything before that belongs to Charlotte, even though it's the same franchise. Got it? Cool, let's move on.)
First, the locks: Davis, Paul, Holiday and West. Now once you get to the wing ... oof. This spot came down to four players -- Mashburn, Peja Stojakovic, Eric Gordon and, yes, Brandon Ingram.
Mashburn, in the franchise's first season in New Orleans in 2002-03, made the All-Star team and was a third-team All-NBA selection. The Pelicans didn't get another All-Star selection from a wing player until this year, when Ingram made it. But with only 56 games under his belt, Ingram falls off this list. Gordon's time in New Orleans always seemed underwhelming. Stojakovic was a key cog on the 2007-08 team that won a franchise-best 56 games, but he struggled with injuries.
Mashburn was limited to 101 games for New Orleans, but his impact in Year 1 was unmistakable and he still sits second on the team's career scoring average list (21.5), behind only Davis.
-- Lopez
Oklahoma City Thunder
G: Russell Westbrook G: James Harden F: Kevin Durant F: Paul George F: Serge Ibaka
There's an irony to the Thunder's all-time starting five, because it features their best sixth man. The baggage of Harden's role looms large, whether he wanted to come off the bench, whether starting impacted his contract negotiations and ultimately facilitated the breakup of one of the greatest organically built superteams ever. That's a lot to unpack.
Hindsight and what-ifs aside, the Thunder's all-time group can stand with almost any in NBA history, and most certainly is among the most stout in the past 20 years. The Thunder have been around for just 12 years and boast a remarkable cupboard of talent: three MVPs (Durant, Westbrook, Harden) and piles of All-NBA and All-Star nods. Maybe one of the best examples of how deep they are is in showcasing who didn't make the cut: Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul. Not a bad bench.
-- Young
Phoenix Suns
G: Steve Nash G: Kevin Johnson F: Walter Davis F: Charles Barkley C: Amar'e Stoudemire
No Shawn Marion? No Paul Westphal? No Alvan Adams? No Larry Nance? No Jason Kidd? You can make a solid starting five from the next group of Phoenix legends.
NBA season suspended
The NBA announced that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2019-20 season would be suspended effective March 12.
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The franchise's two MVP winners, Nash and Barkley, were locks. Westphal split time as a point guard and shooting guard during his six seasons, but we give the nod at the other guard spot to Johnson, who spent 12 years in Phoenix, and had three consecutive 20-point, 10-assist seasons and five All-NBA nods.
Davis vs. Marion was a tough battle. Both made a pair of All-NBA teams (two second-teams for Davis compared to two third-teams for Marion), but Davis gets the edge as the franchise's leading scorer. At center, Stoudemire stands supreme as his four All-NBA honors best Adams' longevity.
-- Lopez
Portland Trail Blazers
G: Damian Lillard G: Clyde Drexler G: Brandon Roy F: LaMarcus Aldridge C: Bill Walton
As with any conversation about Blazers history, their starting five comes with plenty of introspective sighing and deep what-iffing. Injuries to Walton and Roy abbreviated what would've been legendary Portland careers. But at their best versions, Walton was a transcendent big man with unique skills, and Roy was a gifted scorer with a knack for the moment.
Drexler is a Hall of Famer who led Portland to its best sustained run of success in franchise history. Aldridge is one of the dominant scoring big men of his era, and Lillard will likely go down as the franchise's all-time best. The Blazers are haunted by history and a compulsion to live in the anguish of what could've been, but there is also a beauty to their all-time five. It represents who they are, and forever, what they might've been.
-- Young
Lillard's top 10 deepest 3s of the 2019-20 season
Logo Lillard can't be stopped beyond the arc; check out Damian Lillard's deepest 3-pointers this season.
Sacramento Kings
G: Oscar Robertson G: Tiny Archibald F: Peja Stojakovic F: Chris Webber C: Jerry Lucas
A Hall of Fame backcourt of Robertson and Archibald knocks Kings great Mitch Richmond out of one of the two guard spots. Lucas, another Hall of Famer, averaged 19.6 points and 19.1 rebounds in six seasons with the Cincinnati Royals. He gets the center position.
For the forwards, we look at two Kings from the early 2000s, when Sacramento was a perennial playoff team. Stojakovic is still the franchise's leader in 3-pointers made, and Webber averaged 23.5 points, 10.6 rebounds, 4.8 assists, 1.5 steals and 1.5 blocks in 377 career games in Sacramento.
It feels weird not to have DeMarcus Cousins on the all-time Kings squad, but when you look back at the franchise's history -- which dates back to the Rochester Royals and their first year in the NBA in 1949 -- it becomes clearer why he doesn't make the cut.
-- Lopez
San Antonio Spurs
G: Tony Parker G: Manu Ginobili F: George Gervin F: Tim Duncan C: David Robinson
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It took about as long as the average Gregg Popovich sideline interview to come up with this squad. These were all easy decisions, considering each player's combination of greatness and longevity with the Spurs. (Kawhi Leonard would have been in strong consideration if not for the lack of the latter.)
Duncan and Robinson are on the short list of MVPs who played their entire careers for one franchise. Ginobili and Parker were essential parts of a dynasty. Gervin was a must-see superstar whose presence made sure that pro basketball stuck in small-market San Antonio.
-- MacMahon
Seattle SuperSonics
G: Gary Payton G: Gus Williams F: Detlef Schrempf F: Shawn Kemp C: Jack Sikma
Payton, Kemp and Sikma, the three players to make at least five All-Star appearances in Sonics uniforms, are the three certain selections here. At the other guard spot, there are strong cases for Fred Brown (who's second in career scoring) and Ray Allen (a four-time All-Star in Seattle), but Gus Williams' key role in the Sonics' 1979 championship and pair of All-NBA picks give him the nod.
Spencer Haywood reached greater heights and Rashard Lewis had more longevity, but with the last spot I'm going with Schrempf, whose versatile and efficient game was ahead of its time in the 1990s.
-- Kevin Pelton
Utah Jazz
G: John Stockton G: Pete Maravich F: Adrian Dantley F: Karl Malone C: Rudy Gobert
The Jazz's arena is located at the intersection of Stockton and Malone, with statues of the legends prominently featured out front, so we figured those guys should make the cut. Dantley was a historically elite scorer for the Jazz, averaging 29.6 points on 56.2% shooting and winning a pair of NBA scoring titles during his seven-season tenure in Utah.
Gobert gets the nod over fellow dominant defensive anchor Mark Eaton because he's a far superior offensive player and rebounder. It was difficult not to include Darrell Griffith, aka "Dr. Dunkenstein," but Pistol Pete was too productive (25.7 points and 5.7 assists per game) with the New Orleans Jazz to be left out. Source - ESPN
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Feb. 26, 2020: Obituaries
Annie Harris, 69
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Annie Lou Harris, age 69, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 20, 2020 at her home. She was born April 9, 1950 in Wilkes County to Grover and Margaret Whellington Gentry. Annie was a member of Denny Grove AME Zion Church, where she served as a deaconess, on the usher board; and the treasury board. Mrs. Harris graduated from East Wilkes High School and attended Wilkes Community College with a major in Early Childhood education. Annie had a passion for teaching and spent 30 years in the Woodlawn community preparing preschool children for elementary school. She felt that cultural exposure, discipline and resilience were qualities to equip children with a strong foundation. Mrs. Harris always encouraged children to learn from their mistakes and discouraged them from repeating the same mistakes. Her faith in God was her foundation for life. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Surviving are her husband, Douglas Harris of the home; daughter, Teia Weldon and spouse Dexter of Marietta, Georgia; step-daughters, Nena Gilreath Lucas and spouse Waverly of East Point, Georgia, Hope Gilreath Carter and spouse Allen of Jonesville; step-son, Douglas Harris and spouse Tysole of Ellenwood, Georgia; brothers, John Edward Gentry of Boone, David Gentry of Roaring River; sisters, Lillie Miller of Lancaster, California, Shirley Gentry of Charleston, South Carolina; nieces, DeShanta Richardson, Siah Perez and spouse Francisco, Michelle Gentry; nephews, Kirkland Gentry and Keith Gentry; great nieces, Andrea Richardson and Amiah Richardson; great nephews, Miguel Perez and Liam Perez host of loving cousins and friends.
Funeral service was February 25, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Michael Gillespie, Rev. Wayne Harris and Rev. Gene Martin officiating. Burial  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Denny Grove AME Zion Church, P.O.Box 253, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Talmo Holbrook, 84
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Talmo Holbrook, age 84, of Traphill, passed away Friday, February 21, 2020 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson. Talmo was born October 18, 1935 in Wilkes County to Lester and Ruby Richardson Holbrook. Mr. Holbrook was a retired U.S. Army Veteran and National Guard. He was the best fiddle player in town. Talmo was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife, Rosemarie Schumann Holbrook.
Surviving are his daughters, Angela Wyatt and fiancé Scotty Church of North Wilkesboro, Jeannette Goss and spouse Rick of Traphill, Debbie Woodie of North Wilkesboro; son, Benny Holbrook and spouse Libby of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Brittany Luffman and spouse Austin, Brad Brown, Tyler Woodie, Brad Eller and spouse Corrina, Jon Rhodes and Traci, Ricky Goss and spouse Samantha; great grandchildren, Jaxton Luffman and Zane Luffman; brothers, Randall Whitley and spouse Ruby of Traphill, Jesse Whitley of Wilkesboro.
A private family memorial service will be held. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Woltz Hospice Home, 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson, NC 27017. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Elmer Pearson, 81
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Elmer Delano Pearson, age 81, of Boomer, passed away Thursday, February 20, 2020 at his home. Elmer was born October 2, 1938 in Wilkes County to John Philo and Lucinda Goodwin Pearson. Mr. Pearson was a member of Mt. Caramel Baptist Church. He loved to do woodwork and had his own woodworking shop. Elmer loved bird watching, loved raising bees and using his metal detector. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Robert and Earl Pearson.
Surviving are his wife, Romilda Penley Pearson of the home; his children, Gregory Pearson and spouse Sandra, Barbara Huggins and spouse Hal, Susie Griffith and fiancé Marvin Stamper all of Boomer, Jeffrey Pearson of Mulberry; grandchildren, Stephanie Eller, Jonathan Pearson, Beth Huggins, Shannon Reed, Jessica Huggins, Ronnie Griffith, Misty Howard, Adam Griffith, Corey Ferguson, Mindy Govea, Cassie Pearson; and sixteen great grandchildren.
Memorial service was February 23,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Jerry Key and Rev. Billy Moore officiating. Burial will be at a later date in Moravian Falls Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association, PO Box 27985, Raleigh, NC 27611. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Jesse Adams, 95
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Jesse "Howard" Adams, age 95, of McGrady, passed away Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at his home. Howard was born May 2, 1924 in Newhall, West Virginia to Jonah and Bertha Wagoner Adams. He was a World War II Army Veteran, where he received the Eame Service Medal with 3 Bronze Service Stars, Good Conduct Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and Distinguished Unit Badge. He was proud to serve his country. Mr. Adams was a craftsman with woodworking. He enjoyed fishing, gardening, feeding the birds and flowers. He loved his family and his dogs. Howard was preceded in death by his parents; his son, James Glenn Adams; several brothers and sisters.
Surviving are his wife, Martha Shew Adams of the home; sons, Howard Junior Adams of McGrady, Ronnie Lee Adams and spouse Traci of Crumpler; daughters, Debra Call of McGrady, Diane Holloway and spouse Ervin of Ronda; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren.
Funeral service was February 22,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Sammy Taylor and Rev. Billy Shepherd officiating. Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Friday night. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
Roger Petty, 59
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Mr. Roger Dale Petty, age 59 of Moravian Falls passed away Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
A Service to Honor His Life was February 23,   at Antioch Primitive Baptist Church in Sparta with Brother Hugh Miller officiating. Mr. Petty was born June 25, 1960 in Alleghany County to Juanita Petty Irwin.  Roger was the 1995 class valedictorian in the first Paramedic Class offered at Wilkes Community College.  He started his career at Wilkes EMS and then after several years ended his career as a cardiac catheterization technician at Watauga Medical Center in Boone.  He retired from the Wilkes County Rescue Squad in December 2016 with 38 years of service.
He was preceded in death by his step-father; Eugene Phipps Irwin and a sister; Lisa Edwards.
Mr. Petty is survived by his wife; Annette Hutchens Petty of the home, three daughters; Tara Petty Shore and husband Andy of Wilkesboro, Amanda Petty of Las Vegas, NV, Taylor Petty Johnson and husband Michael of Moravian Falls and one son; Logan Petty of the home, five grandchildren; Brett Shore, Nicolas Zeildon, Isabelle Petty, Isaac Petty and Madison Johnson, one brother; Bobby Edwards and wife Denise of Browns Summit and two step-brothers and their spouses; Mark Irwin and Kate of Mouth of Wilson, VA and Phillip Irwin and Chris of Raleigh.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Ministry of H.O.P.E., 514 Elkin Highway, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Peggy Day, 86
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Mrs. Peggy Creasman Day, age 86 of North Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at Wilkes Sr. Village, on what would have been her and Frank's 64th wedding anniversary.  Peggy has relocated yet once again, this time to her eternal home in heaven to be with her Lord and her childhood sweetheart.  
Funeral Services were February 22, at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Dr. Bert Young and Dr. Dean Simpson officiating.  Entombment was in Scenic Memorials Gardens Mausoleum.  
Mrs. Day was born April 8, 1933 in Davidson County to Roy L and Pauline Kindley Creasman. She was a member of the First Baptist Church where she was in the Euzelian Sunday School class.  
When Peggy was a teenager she worked for Belk's and Penny's on holidays and weekends.  She graduated from North Wilkesboro High School in 1952 and attended Woman's College in Greensboro (now U.N.C Greensboro) and worked as a secretary in North Wilkesboro at Wilkes Auto Sales from 1953 until 1955 and she also worked at Modern Globe.  
Having met while sledding in the eighth grade, Frank and Peggy quickly became an item; they were inseparable for nearly 60 years. She married the love of her life, Frank Day, in 1956. Peggy did everything with Frank, until he predeceased her nearly a decade ago.  After she married Frank she became a mother and homemaker. Then she went back to work at Nancy King Textiles.  
Nearly thirty years ago, Frank and Peggy Day took the empty Rose's building, once the retail hub of the Wilkesboro's, and turned it into a Victorian themed mini-mall. It was their hangout and a retirement passion after many decades of manufacturing. The Melody Square Mall became an active second hub of the downtown from its inception.  
In the wake of Frank's death, Peggy kept the Mall and her retail store going for many years. For her, the mall and the store were so much more than just a business. Frank and Peggy helped dozens of businesses get their start inside this Victorian village. Most of these new business owners, and their regular customer, became like family to them.  
Likewise, they also enjoyed seeing friends and acquaintances drop in.  It was like the venerable country store where folks came for more than merely shopping and eating.  Many pulled up on a bench to talk, or just sit and watch people go by. Others used the pleasant space to walk laps around the corridors. The mall has changed hands. And now, Peggy has moved on to sled once again with the love of her life.
She loved the Lord, her church and her family with all her heart. She loved and was loved by many friends.  
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Frank G. Day.
She is survived by a daughter; Melody Lynn Rasmussen and husband Gerald of Wilmington, NC and a son; Tim Day and wife Diana of Marietta, GA, four grandchildren; Davis Day, Cameron Day and wife Emily, Alexander Lee Rasmussen and wife Shaina, Nicholas Paul Rasmussen and three step-grandchildren; Joanna Toso, Grace Toso and Jared Toso.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Helping Hands Ministries, POB 5037 Statesville NC, 28687, or http://www.hhmworldmissions.com/ or to Samartians Purse, PO Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607.
Carol Kilby, 80
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Mrs. Carol Brown Kilby, age 80 of North Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at her home.
Funeral services were February 21,   at Mtn. Valley Baptist Church with Rev. Scott Church and Rev. Glenn Dancy, III officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.  church.
Mrs. Kilby was born October 2, 1939 in Wilkes County to Roby Hobert and Fannie Isado Vannoy Brown.  She was a member of Mtn. Valley Baptist Church.  
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Maurice Kilby.
She is survived by three daughters; Sandra Lambert and husband Allen, Maurica Kilby, Gail Smith and husband Keith all of North Wilkesboro and one son; Alan Kilby and wife Terri of North Wilkesboro, eight grandchildren; Daniel Lambert, David Kilby, Sydney Culler, Grayson Hart, Jaren Smith, Braden Smith, Avery Hart and Seth Culler and four great grandchildren; Baylee Kilby, Lucas Lambert, Kailee Lambert and Jason Kilby, five sisters and one brother.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mount Valley Baptist Church Building Fund, c/o Bobbie Witherspoon, 1420 Cartpath Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Janie Greenwood, 69
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Mrs. Janie Childress Greenwood, age 69 of Ronda passed away Sunday, February 16, 2020 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
Funeral services were February 20,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor Bert Mathis officiating.  Burial will be in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.  
Mrs. Greenwood was born April 5, 1950 in Iredell County to Lee and Annie Ball Childress.  She was a member of Cherry Grove Baptist Church and she loved corvettes and she loved to travel.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by a brother; John Childress.
She is survived by her husband; Alan Greenwood of the home, three sisters; Barbara Sebastian of North Wilkesboro, Merlene Anderson of Cricket and Pat Royall of North Wilkesboro, five brothers; Larry Childress and wife Joyce of Taylorsville, Wayne Childress and wife Judy of Millers Creek, Bill Childress of Wilkesboro, Dennis Childress and wife Dorothy of Ronda and Kim Childress of Hays.
Flowers will be accepted.
 Paul Marley,Sr. 92
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Paul Marley, 92 passed away peacefully on February 15, 2020 at his home in Wilkesboro, NC
surrounded by loved ones.  Born in West Jefferson, NC on October 9, 1927 to Coy B Marley and Virginia M Dunn Marley.
 Paul served two terms in the United States Army from May 14, 1946 until April 12, 1947.  
He was inducted near the end of World War II and was stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas where he served in the Medical Corp and later was a Clerk General in the mail room.   Later he was called back to duty in January 24, 1951 for the Korean War and was stationed at Ft. Jackson, South  Carolina. His main duty was processing new recruits, many of the boys were from Wilkes County coming through the lines that later were stationed at other bases for training.
Paul worked for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture as a Poultry Inspector for 40 years before retiring.   He was a member of the Rotary Club and helped them start an annual fundraising horse shows and served as show chairman for many years.  Also, he coached the girls' softball team that the Rotary Club sponsored. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, raising Beagles with his father, music and always had a good joke or story to tell.  After retiring Paul work with Wilkes County Habitat for Humanity raising money and building homes. Also, he traveled with his daughter, Teresa to dog shows all over the United States and a large part of Canada.   Enjoyed spending winters in Florida with his son, Cecil and his wife. Once asked about his children all living so far from Wilkesboro, he answered " If I had known they would all move to great places to visit, I would have had more kids"
He is survived by his wife of 65 years Peggy (Bumgarner), his sister Charlotte Edmiston (George) of Ferguson, his daughter Teresa Marley (Charles Jones) of Indian Wells, California, his son Paul Cecil Marley, Jr (Jennifer Marley) of Palm Bay, Florida, grandson George Bynum of Hudson, NC along with nephews, nieces and countless friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents, bothers Ralph Vernon Marley and James Turner Marley, sisters Pauline Marley and Annie Marley-Funkhouser and daughter Paula Bynum.
The family would like to thank all Paul's wonderful caregivers, staff at Rose Glenn and Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice.  In lieu of flowers, the family request that memorial contributions be made to Parkinson's Foundation at www.parkinson.org, phone 800-473-4636 or  200  SE 1st Street, Suite 800, Miami, FL 33131.
Jackie Gayles, 84
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Pastor Jackie Bejerano Gayles, age 84 of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, February 14. 2020 at University Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Charlotte.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 pm, Saturday, February 22, 2020 at Mt. Carmel TPC Church in Harmony, NC with Bishop Jerome Temoney officiating. Burial will be in the church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Mt. Carmel TPC from 1:00 until 2:00 pm on Saturday prior to the service.
Mr. Gayles was born April 29, 1935 in New  York to Daisy Gayles. He was a member at Seventh Day Adventist in Wilkesboro. He was employed at Bec Car Printing as a Printer retiring after twenty five years. He loved his family and teaching the word of God. His passions were hunting and reading.
In addition to his mother he was preceded in death by a daughter Cecilia Scott and a son Kim Gayles.
He is survived by his wife JoAnn Gayles of Wilkesboro, a daughter Elena Gayles of Florida; three sons, Marc Misher and wife, April of Huntersville; Don Vito Gayles and wife, Tony of Richmond, VA; Keith Gayles of New York; twelve grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren; a sister Elena Simmons of California; and a brother, Dr. Carlos Gayles M.D. and wife Cynthia of Rochester, MI.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials to the Donor's choice.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
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sqoblerd · 4 years
If you watch basketball, gimme your opinion! Got some time on my hands (as you might) so I created 4 teams: Team MATES, Team LAKERS LEGENDS, Team RIVALS, and Team FANTASY.
Round 1
TEAM MATES Steve Nash (prime) James Harden (all star) Kobe (prime) Kevin Garnett (all star) Shaq (prime) Karl Malone (prime) Yao Ming (prime) Russel Westbrook
LAKERS LEGENDS Jerry West Kobe (rookie) Lebron James (prime) Kareem Abdul-Jabar Shaq (prime) Magic (prime) Wilt Rick Fox
RIVALS Iverson McGrady Lebron Duncan Hakeem Olajuwon KD Vince Carter (prime) MJ (rookie)
FANTASY CP3 MJ (prime) Lebron ('06-'07 Cavs) AD Shaq (rookie) Paul Pierce (prime) Kawhi (Spurs) Kobe (final season)
Best of 5. Who wins?
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youinmyhoodnowson · 5 years
Personal Injury Attorney Grand Junction co
What's the grand junction personal injury lawyer and a personal Damage Claim? The Grand Junction personal injury attorneys at Killian Davis Richter & Mayle, P.C. An skilled personal injury lawyer will assist each consumer from the Grand Junction space formulate a method with a high likelihood of success. The place potential, our profiles may even embody hyperlinks to a personal injury lawyer’s personal biography, firm website, and different relevant info to consider. A paralegal won’t handle your case, our attorneys will! When carrying passengers, your motorcycle have to be equipped to handle them. If requested, you will need to present a statutory declaration-a sworn assertion describing the circumstances that gave rise to your declare. A statement of Declare is generally prepared by the Plaintiff’s lawyer. Contact us as we speak for assist understanding how a professional lawyer might help. Name Peters & Nolan, LLC at 970-243-4357 or contact us online at this time to schedule your free session. There's at the moment no info accessible about fees or if Otero Jerry D offers free preliminary consultation.
All fees and expenses for conducting assessments, examinations and making ready experiences are paid out of your medical and rehabilitation limits. Be alert that generally, although not often, juries or courts will decree a decrease settlement than what was supplied initially out of court docket. It is based on a scale of three to 15, with a decrease score usually indicating a more serious damage. Motor vehicle Accidents: Motorized vehicle accidents kill a whole lot of Colorado drivers every year and injure 1000's more. Browse greater than one million listings, overlaying everything from criminal defense to personal damage to property planning. When an accident occurs to either yourself or a liked one it is best to speak with one among our representatives as quickly as doable. When you find yourself injured it's essential that you simply enlist the providers of one among our Grand Junction Accident Lawyers as quickly as potential. There are several methods one can be convicted of non-public injury fraud, similar to insurance coverage fraud.
A talented Grand Junction private damage fraud lawyer will assist defend you in opposition to these costs. Grand Junction residents can rely upon Brake Legislation for its renowned repute in constructing customized and guided representation with their private injury cases. Examine 33 attorneys and 9 regulation corporations in Grand Junction, CO. Type by highest rating and years of personal injury experience. Pofahl Law Firm, Pc, an Albuquerque private injury law agency, is ready to take on your case and fight in your rights. The attorneys at our agency collectively have over 70 years of experience helping injured people combat for their rights to compensation. I'm so confident in my capacity to press your declare that I make this promise: If I don’t acquire compensation for you, you will owe nothing for my providers. Find a lawyer who will provide free consultations, and most often do not require any cost till you receive compensation.
The regulation states that the claims of your relations may be subject to a monetary deductible, though no deductibles are applied in instances involving a fatality. Non-obligatory Benefit - Additional Benefits purchased by the Insured or in some circumstances a family member of the Insured. In case you are injured in an car, snowmobile, ATV, motorcycle or dirt bike accident, you are entitled to sure accident benefits (normally paid by your individual insurance coverage company), even in case you are at fault for the accident. This rule delivers that for those who are literally associated with an auto accident your insurer are going to cowl your clinical bills as well as misplaced wages as much as a selected amount, regardless of that was really at fault. The Law Workplaces of Robert Koenig has your again if you find yourself up against a wall. The legal professionals on the Legislation Workplaces of Robert Koenig know exactly how troublesome recovering from an injury is and precisely what must be completed to alleviate that burden. Mind damage lawyers assist these who’ve suffered a severe injury pursue harm awards. In case your injury was caused by somebody else’s negligence, whether or not on goal or not, you’ll discover help with Tremendous Attorneys.
For instance, liability in a trucking accident might discover both truck owner and driver liable for damages to a useless or injured sufferer. Many harm survivors are left pissed off and lacking the assets they need to cover medical bills, pain and suffering, misplaced wages and different damages. Damages - The losses the plaintiff has suffered because of the defendant’s conduct. The regulation states that your claim for pain and suffering may be topic to a financial deductible. The law firm has caring individuals who are tough when going through opponents in the court docket room or negotiations. The Regulation Office of Chadwick McGrady additionally supplies 24/7 support. Some essential steps must be take inside the primary few days. Get the peace of mind you need and call Harshman, McBee & Leavitt, P.C.. Then Call Kaufman & Kaufman, LLC. Choose up the vehicle relevant info of all of the autos engageded within the incident. The knowledge under about Houska Scot J Lawyer is non-compulsory and solely seen if supplied by the owner. Search to know the related legal expertise the legal professional brings to your case. Mistakes can happen and paperwork will be misplaced, both of which might potentially destroy your case.
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In a Car Wreck and Don't Know What to Do? Learn the Key Steps to Take After a Crash! When you are involved in an accident, you are facing various challenges, which you must address. Aside from seeking medical help and coping with a medical facility bills and recovery costs, you also cope with the challenge of having what you really are owed. Most people do what they are not designed to do. Some people forget to perform what they are designed to do. Still a number of people are extremely scared to consider any step because it may potentially ruin their case, and some others try to perform the right thing, as well as in the whole process of the process, also end up ruining their chances to get what they are legitimately owed. If you do not wish to wreck out to get a reasonable and simply compensation, here are the seven fatal mistakes you'll want to avoid: Your personal law firm provides extensive responsibility to deal with whenever they agree to handle your case. Besides needing to give you some reassurance to help you concentrate on convalescing, they must be capable of getting their practical all of the facts with personal injury attorney in grand junction colorado regards to your situation. This means that they will have to locate witness, get witness statements as well as any other evidence you can use to compliment your claims. They have to make sure that any paperwork that's filed with the courts is correct and carried out its entirety. They should contact and negotiate while using responsible parties attorneys for them to enable you to get a reasonable settlement deal. Your personal personal injury lawyer needs to be together with things which means that your rights are protected, and you're simply amply deliver to.
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A personal personal injury lawyer who understand fully the laws in your state, can analyze all facets of your respective injury and accident, for example police reports or medical records and identify the short-term and long-term impacts of the injury on your own personal life. Car accident and injury compensation laws consist of region to region. An experienced law firm will know the ins and outs of the state laws in your state that specifically have to do with compensation for injuries from auto accidents. They are familiar with compensation for injuries claims and will effectively interpret and apply those laws to your unique injury claim.
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Why should you suffer as a result of another person's negligence? Why should you endure pain and suffering as soon as your employer did not fulfill his duty? The compensation which you recover will reflect how much pain which you have experienced and will also be valued by using your doctor's report. Basically, greater severe your injuries and the harder you might have suffered as a result of your injury, the greater your compensation award is going to be. Your attorney should do everything possible to win your case, from gathering witness statements and medical reports to negotiating with insurers and fighting for you in the court if required. Their role lies in proving that you simply deserve justified compensation for your injuries, so you have to make sure that they work effectively hard for you personally and have the training necessary. It is usually not necessary to pay any fees upfront, you should also check that you will receive 100% in the compensation awarded.
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