#jaya miaren
vive-la-revolution · 2 years
part 2.2: the adults
book : 1 : 2.1 : 3
@ultravioletmorning--light @quillsink
loreleia miaren - thatia
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she/her lesbian
28 years old and queen of thatia. descended from faeries and has seelie blood, giving her a few of its perks, such as not being able to lie and slow aging.
jaya miaren (formerly ahuja) - thatia
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she/her lesbian
30 years old. wife of queen loreleia and joint ruler of thatia queendom. was born in natis but moved to thatia when she was three.
mythanar daucourt - natis
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he/him straight
38 years old. king of natis. father of caspian. i literally based his design off lucius malfoy lmfao
saphielle daucourt (formerly reya) - natis
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she/her straight
40 years old. mother of caspian and queen of natis. very vain and self-centered. vaguely unnecessary will probably get killed off
mirlayna elvyre (formerly olavaris) - abinyth
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she/her pansexual
THE ABSOLUTE LOVE OF MY LIFE <333 mirlayna is half-elf and 27 years old. she is married to king eastyn’s eldest child, prince oswyn. (he doesn’t deserve her but that’s an opinion) literally her main purpose is to be his wife for plot advancement but now that i’m so attracted to her i guess she’s gonna have to have a storyline now
ekbel fellbottom - abinyth
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he/him straight
literally this guy is so unimportant he’s just another plot advancement spouse. ekbel is 32 years old and a wealthy lord. he is betrothed to king eastyn’s oldest daughter, cordelia.
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