#jamie loftis
titles-for-tangents · 3 months
So there I was checking to see if there was a summary was up yet for "Apostles of Mercy" when I spotted this little rather telling detail
There's no summary up on B&N yet as of this posting but it's up an Amazon, and both have three quotes of incredible praise. Let's zoom in on this one in particular by the incredible, indelible Jamie Loftis:
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"Lindsay Ellis shows us that humans are just as much the other as their alien counterparts with incredible detail, humor, and empathy, and never better than in this un-put-downable conclusion to the Noumena saga. Cora Sabino has officially joined the pantheon of first contact heroines." - Jamie Loftis, New York Times bestselling author of Raw Dog
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I knew Noumena was originally published under a three-book deal with Macmillian Press, and that it would hopefully go to a full five-book series depending on the success of the first three. What then, pray tell, on earth happened to the other two?
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loftec · 3 months
weekly tag wednesday 🌿
tagged by @deedala and @mmmichyyy 🥰
name: elin, loftec, lofty
how do you pronounce your own tumblr handle in your head?
when you look out the window right now what do you see? Night, but i can't see my windows from where i am now
what is the most unusual profession someone in your family was in? I don't know about unusual, but my paternal grandfather and one of my uncles both went to sea when they were like under 14, which is wild.
what hobby were you really into as a kid? i wrote violent parodies of classic fairy tales with my friends
first autofill google result when you type “how can i…?” "how can i be homophobic my b is gay lyrics" what? i don't even know what that is haha
if you were a main character in a sitcom, what song will be played during the opening credits? Little Room by the white stripes
what’s the last movie you watched? did you enjoy it? what genre is it? All of Us Strangers. I enjoyed it so much, it was really all I want from a movie; it was beautiful, it surprised me, it had Andrew Scott (and Jamie Bell in a mustache), it made me cry. 10/10. Genre uncanny drama romance.
what is your favorite movie genre? Films that make me cry, for whatever reason.
what movie would you recommend? Pride (2014) (it's been 10 years???? TEN YEARS???) (HOW?)
do your IRL humans know about your fandom life? Yes I can't shut up about it
if you could do one activity with your pocket/fandom friends what would it be? Potluck picnic a mild summer's day maybe, just sit around and gab until the sun sets
Please consider yourself tagged if you want to do this, and join the picnic <3
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞. 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐖𝐂: 𝟗𝟖𝟐
Doing nothing was absolutely something. Scott confirmed that to himself in irritation as he walked into the Fly Team’s lofty work space on a Sunday at 11 a.m. He hadn’t been doing anything, and he couldn’t remember the last time such a thing was possible with his hectic lifestyle. He was enjoying his lazy day at home when he got called into a case. He cursed into the empty air of his room and begrudgingly got dressed to head into the office.
Raines had just got there when Scott walked in, turning on the large monitor they collaboratively looked at case files on.  
He wryly smiled at Scott, “Sundays, am I right?”
Scott shook his head in frustration, sharing the sentiment.
“Criminals aren’t too considerate, are they?” He threw back in response.
Andre shrugged with a smirk “Just talked to Kellett, the ladies are on their way. Should be here shortly.”
Scott nodded in acknowledgement and sat on the empty desk that Smitty utilized when she was working out of this location. He already had his laptop out and was gleaning over the material that they were given by the authorities overseas. Apparently, there was an escaped fugitive from the States who found his way to Budapest and the Fly Team was tasked with apprehending him. The perp had been laying low in the European city for almost a week, so there wasn’t as much urgency as one might expect considering it was all too possible he was in a completely different country by now. The Fly Team would be playing catch up, along with the other collaborative task forces that were assigned on this case.
Raines was grabbing the papers being faxed over while Forrester began uploading files onto the monitor for everyone to see. 
The click clack of heels colliding against the aged, wooden floors sounded off as the trio of ladies entered the Fly Team headquarters. Raines looks up with widened eyes and an impressed smile.
“Well, well, well, ladies! Looks like y’all had a glamorous girls’ brunch.”
“A glamorous girls’ brunch it was before some American imbecile decided to larp his way across the water and interrupt our weekend!” Smitty sounded off in annoyance as she swatted Scott away from her desk and sat down to switch her sandals to her work shoes; she’d change into something more comfortable once they were all fully briefed on the case. She looked around the room in jest at all of the foreigners and smirked, “No offense, of course.”
“None taken,” Jamie replied, “he’s definitely an imbecile for ruining girl’s day before it barely even began.”
Kellett was especially excited for the chance to be able to bond with her girlfriends without the presence of work lingering in the air. She looked down at her new white sundress that she’d been waiting ages to wear for the appropriate occasion. A girls’ brunch followed by a day full of shopping and a night in with pizza was by all accounts the perfect occasion for such. And now, they were getting ready to kick full swing into a case.
Raines was pulling up the perp’s identification picture and relevant details when Forrester heard the clack of heels and a flash of purple waltz past him. The familiar scent of Angel Nova perfume told him it was Vo, but it took his eyes a minute to adjust the stunning, statuesque figure traipsing past him. 
Cameron Vo had always been an attractive woman. Her striking features. Her thick, silky hair. Her tall frame with alternating paths of hard-worked muscle and supple skin. She had the kind of photogenic nature that anyone would find attractive. But Forrester wasn’t expecting to find his voice lost within the depths of his throat as he took her in as she walked to her desk. Her lavender pea coat dipped down to her knee-high dark purple leather boots, emblazoning only a little of her legs between the small length between her coat and boots. Her hair flipped with an elegant bounce as she discarded the coat along her chair and leaned against her desk. His eyes took in the intricate patterns of her dress and he looked away swiftly, knowing his thoughts would veer into indecency as he noticed the dress had a low cut.
Instead of making a fool out of himself, he cleared his throat for all its worth and hoped his words would come out clear and professional as he began to use his voice. 
It was with great restraint that he kept his eyes mostly on the screen, but when Andre took over going through the case details, he was helpless in keeping his focus. With every pause and lilt of Raines’ words, Forrester would give a side swipe glance to Vo, who was leaning against her desk with her legs crossed. 
Was her skin always so glowing under the dim lights of the bullpen?
Did she always wear that dark green glossy polish currently coated on her nails? 
Scott wondered when it was that he started looking at her like the breathtaking woman she was. She’d always been beautiful, he said to himself. But you hadn’t always noticed, he amended.
Why had he noticed now?
He snapped himself out of his thoughts before he could allow himself to fall further into the whirling hole of Cameron Vo that was growing inside his brain.
He slapped at the folder he was holding, “Okay! Vo, Raines, talk to the brothel manager where he was last spotted. Kellett and I will go to the embassy to get an update from the HNP?” 
He looked over to Smitty for confirmation that that’s who they needed to liaise with.
She nodded, “Of course, after I switch out my clothes..”
“Ditto,” Cameron chuckled and followed after Kellett and Smitty to throw on their usual work attire.
Scott’s eyes followed closely, before after a few seconds, he shook himself out of it. They had a job to do and his lingering thoughts surrounding her didn't need to be entertained anyway. Still though, Scott finds that his Sunday wasn't completely ruined.
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A/N: My first time posting Vorrester on here! If you want to read more, I have a couple of other Vorrester fics posted on my AO3. Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged/notified for any future Vorrester fics (might just start a Google forms). Hope you enjoyed and please reblog/share if so!
I wanted Scott to kind of fight his beginning feelings because that's what I would envision him doing, only until more time passes and it gets to a point where he can no longer deny them. So this is kind of an early happenstance in the Vorrester diaries lol.
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catalogercas · 8 months
🎃 trick or treat 🎃
I completely forgot I had this draft saved. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to keep going with it as is specifically because I almost always write in present tense nowadays, but I wanted the fairy tale vibe of "Once Upon a Time."
But anyway, enjoy the beginning of my lofty plan to have a Tortall AU (Tortall from Tamora Pierce's books) with Jamie both having the gift (magic) and being an orange shapeshifter cat that eventually hangs out as a cat in the rooms of Sir Roy since Sir Roy wants nothing to do with him in the way of training him to be a knight and also it's the best way to get away from his dad, the king, since his dad doesn't know he's a shapeshifter.
Anyway, Tortall AU:
"The king was frequently drunk and prone to bouts of anger. His subjects grew to fear and avoid him, waiting for the day his reign would end.
The king did not have any heirs, through marriage or adoption, as far as the kingdom was aware.
He did, however, have a child.
The king had slept with a beautiful woman once when she was young and impressionable and did not yet know that when her fellow townsfolk spoke ill of the king, every word that passed their lips was the truth.
She soon learned when the king refused to support her or the child or even acknowledge that the boy even existed.
She named him Jamie.
Jamie was raised in a small town outside the limits of the kingdom's capital city, loved fiercely by his mother and blissfully unaware that the cruel king was his father.
At least, that was, until the king discovered the secret that had been well kept by his mother through his childhood. Jamie had the gift.
The king immediately sought to pull Jamie from his studies, studies that had eagerly been provided to him by his stepfather, and enrolled him in courses at the capital where he could be taught by the palace's own sorcerer, a sorcerer as cruel and prone to anger as the king."
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booty-uprooter · 1 year
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jamesaugustbennett · 18 days
closed starter for @xsureshxsoundsx Jamie + Suresh out and about in Lunar Cove.
People watching put a weary mind at ease. Pondering the plights of others made Jamie's own issues shrink into the background. Imagining what their lives were like, escaping the realities of his own. Perhaps an unusual hobby for a man so friendly in demeanor, but a life long endeavor. At least, since he saw his first aura. Such a fascinating ability that allowed him to see beyond pretenses, most of the time. Some were harder to read than others. Jamie favored those souls best.
Aside from the pretty colors people admitted, Jamie took note of their clothes, too. An avid lover of both men and women's fashion. He couldn't help it. When criticized he'd blame it on his sisters. How could he not appreciate good style when fashion shows and makeovers littered his memories as a child? There was the influence of his father, too. Though harsher than the likings of his little sisters. A man obsessed with his own self-image, and therefor his son's as well. Dress well, boy. He recalled the many conversations so well. Look like you're somebody, don't embarrass me.
The man next to him looked like somebody. From head to toe, Jamie deduced, each stitch designer. It probably looked as though he was checking the man out, and in some ways he was. "Hey, man. I like your shoes." His father held a lofty opinion about a man's shoes. He said, a lot could be told of his worth.
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tsarnvoiny · 2 months
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what would you do to ensure justice? you know full well i don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates , dearest. what would you do to those that hurt you? if i dropped them in your lap , what would you do? what kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? you are right to do so. you are right to want to do so. ignore the screaming , dearest , you are the hand of justice now , and they hurt you. do not look too closely at their faces , dearest. you are within your rights. you spell out your own rights , now. are you happy about it? are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? does your anger hurt less now?
𝚂𝚃𝙾𝙻𝙴 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 : @luposcainus .
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶 : @marvelmyriad ( bucky , wade or jamie ) , @the-innumerable-heroes ( dealers choice ) , @hollowvictory , @walkedfire , @walkeddeath , @redheadarcher , @theshxdxw , @ofgunsxroses and anyone else who wants to !
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nancypullen · 9 months
It's Over
It's 4:55, is that too early for pajamas? I don't care. I'm about five minutes away from calling it a day. Whew! So, this is where we were.
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I spent the last month at my desk cranking out earrings and cards because I committed to doing this market. Don't let me do that again. The quickest way to take the joy out of a hobby is to make it a job, right? The market was fun, my cards sold better than my earrings, and we made a decent amount. It was definitely not a disaster, but it's not like we sold out either. I didn't have lofty expectations, and I knew that Denton might not be the demographic for my big, bold earrings. I was pleasantly surprised that we had a steady stream of visitors to our table and that we sold enough to claim success. Even better than dollar amounts was the joy I felt when women (it was always women) cracked up when reading my cards. That was really fun to watch. We came home exhausted, but willing to do this again in December. I've learned a few things, I'll definitely make more cards than earrings for the next market. I've got some delightful Xmas cards in mind. I might even sell them in sets. I have to say that I would not have attempted this without the encouragement of friends and family. Trying to sell myself (or my wares) is miles out of my comfort zone. Matt, Tyler, Jamie, and Mickey have been such cheerleaders. Don't even get me started on my sweet Tennessee friends (Dina, your card made me cry!). My sister is my marketing rep, she wears my earrings all the time and tells people where they can get them. How'd I get lucky enough to have so many wonderful people in my corner? I don't take it for granted, I am grateful. My only complaint about the day was our spot. We were assigned a spot close to the water, and it was breezy. The weather was perfect, upper 70's with sunny skies. Normally that breeze would be most welcome, but it kept blowing my stuff around. Clay earrings are very light, and of course cards don't weigh a thing - and the signs that I'd printed and folded with pricing and other info kept blowing away. We had to duct tape everything down, which (for me) spoiled the appearance of our tables. No one else cared. Here we are with the Choptank River behind us. Gorgeous day, boats drifting past, at one point we watched a bald eagle soar and dip over the river - it was a beautiful spot.
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If you look closer, there's white duct tape holding stuff down.
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Every gust would rattle all of the earrings and flip them up and sometimes off their hooks. We were on high alert for six hours to keep everything from blowing away. We were told to set up at 9am, which didn't take us long at all. The market didn't open until 11, so we were just on wind duty. The spot that we were assigned was right beside the craft beer tent and across from the band. The loud band. Diagonally from us was a woman selling beautiful, but pricey jewelry. She works with precious metals, so earrings were $85 and up, necklaces were in the hundreds. My table looked like Dollar Tree next to hers. Still, people had a good time at our spot and despite the wind and our aching ear drums (did I mention the band was loud?), we had fun. I only grumbled once, when we were packing up. I told Mickey, "Southern women would have bought all of these earrings." But our day was deemed a success, and for the next couple of days I have no intention of touching a lump of clay. I plan to make a couple of cards for friends and then I'm going to enjoy the countdown to my birthday. A week after my milestone birthday, we fly off to Ireland!
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Every fat cell in my body is jumping for joy at being in a country with a potato-based diet. I may eat salad every day until our departure just to prepare. That's all from me today, I'm heading upstairs to swap out this stupid bra for pajamas and relax. Thank you for not judging me too harshly for being weird about al of this. I know that something as minor as making and selling things at a local market is absolutely not a big deal. If I'd been tasked with this when my boys were growing up, if their school or team or club needed this from me, I'd dive right in and make it the best sale ever. I don't know why it's so different to put myself out there. It's not like anything important depended on this going well. It was just an afternoon by the river, didn't make or break me. Thank goodness.
Alrighty, I'm outta' here. Sending out so much love to you, I hope you feel it. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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riverstardis · 2 years
the last call:
i’m ready to cry
it’s cool how it’s actually the 8 year anniversary of this episode today
little abs🥺🥺🥺
iain’s back for the funeral
zoe sent some flowers
ethan in his hospital bed watching the video someone put online of the explosion going “they stood there filming this while his body was still in the people carrier. who would do that?” and cal going “you know you need to read a book or watch a box set or something”
lofty bringing ethan a pack of blueberries and cal goes “they’ve got mould on them” and he goes “or penicillin as i prefer to call it” sjskkddk i love lofty
“a man’s caught his penis in his zip” “and good morning to you too, lily”
lofty’s also brought funeral clothes from ethan’s flat
fletch sending beer
jamie’s back for the funeral too!
they couldn’t see his body because there was nothing to see😭
the way that woman with ocd goes to put her bin out… unfortunately i can relate
it’s not like i don’t know that this is honey’s first episode but it still surprises me every time
the man that was sleeping in the bin has been dumped
ethan getting changed into his suit and sneaking out
my question is why does he decide to try and sneak out through the ed like surely he could’ve gone out a different exit??
ash overhearing robyn and jamie talking about how they wished in could’ve been anyone else to die in the crash and how if only jeff had been selfish just for once :(
ethan tries to hide behind a magazine in the shop thus leading to his first interaction with honey. and that doesn’t lead to anything good does it
ig cal’s noticed that ethan’s gone because he finds lofty and asks him whether it was a black suit in the bag he got ethan and he goes “did you not notice the huge dressing under his pyjama top?” “strangely i wasn’t looking at your brother’s chest” “he’s had a thoracotomy you moron!”
dixie gone to the bin dump place to try and avoid the funeral and iain goes after her
the music😢😢😢
little abs by the coffin😭😭😭😭
dixie feeling like she didn’t belong at the funeral because everyone knew the arrangement she had with jeff so she felt she couldn’t “play grieving widow” :((
ethan and connie walk in together does that mean connie drove ethan there?
and ethan knocking a flower arrangement over when it’s completely quiet and connie whispering “you’re such a liability” sjdkfkfk
but then charlie asks connie what the hell ethan’s doing there because he knows he hasn’t been discharged yet and connie just shakes her head so maybe she didn’t bring him??? idk
urghhh looking at the bin guy makes me feel horrible. actually all the scenes with the bins do.
“you and jeff you had one of the most rock solid relationships i’ve ever come across. you’ve got every right to brag about that”
dixie arriving at the funeral just in time to say something
“most of you know what the deal was with me and jeff. and for those of you that don’t, let’s just say it wasn’t a long engagement. it wasn’t what you’d call a conventional marriage but it had a lot of the same components there was very little romance, there were frequent arguments, and there was love. he was my soulmate, my confidante, the clown that made me laugh and want to kill.”
“you sacrificed your life saving someone else’s and in my heart of hearts i always knew it was gonna be that way” ohhh and the camera goes to ash and to ethan💔💔
the radio bit gets me every time😭😭😭😭😭
ohh little abs still lying by the coffin😭😭
tess going “oh you look terrible!” when she sees ethan and he asks for a lift back with her
connie has to drive to dorset because grace has been expelled from school
ash trying to speak to dixie but she avoids him :(
cal standing round worrying about ethan when he arrives back. he tries to sort out an ecg while lily realises he hasn’t eaten anything since the mouldy blackberries and goes to get him a sandwich🥺
“when you said ‘i can’t let anything happen to you’ i didn’t think you meant it quite so literally” “i never said that. when did i say that?” “‘you’re my safety net, you’re all i’ve got’” “right, you were conscious. well, as you know, people say all sorts of gibberish when they’re stressed” oh cal it’s too late he knows you actually care about him now
lily brings the sandwich to ethan’s side room and asks what happened to the ecg and ethan’s like “i think he went off the idea when someone mentioned the pub” sounds about right😭😭
i’m guessing ethan escaping the hospital and going to the funeral got him more time in there because at the start lofty says he was meant to be discharged that afternoon but then he’s still there in the next episode so a week later? unless that’s not actually what lofty says at the start i can’t properly tell without subtitles tbh
dixie and tamzin talking😢😢 i really love how even tamzin acknowledges that what dixie had with jeff was a lot deeper than what she had with him and i love that dixie acknowledges that what tamzin had with jeff was completely different than what she had with him and gives her his jacket. basically i love how they weren’t pitted against each other.
and that’s tamzin gone
honey: “weird vibe in here” robyn: “it’s a wake”
aand that’s iain back
little abs🥺🥺🥺 this dog’s a really good actor lol
“to jeff. our hero.” 💔
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newstfionline · 17 days
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
The Israel-Hamas war is testing whether campuses are sacrosanct places for speech and protest (AP) “Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making,” wrote poet John Milton, an alumnus of Cambridge University, in his 1644 treatise against censorship in publishing. “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” That lofty principle has clashed with the stark reality of the Israel-Hamas war. Administrators on some campuses have called in local police to break up pro-Palestinian protesters demanding that their schools divest from Israel in demonstrations that Israel’s allies say are antisemitic and make campuses unsafe. From Columbia University in New York to the University of California, Los Angeles, thousands of students and faculty have been arrested in the past month. Historically, universities are supposed to govern—and police—themselves in exchange for their status as “something of a secular sacred ground,” said John Thelin, University of Kentucky College of Education professor emeritus and a historian of higher education. Calling in the police, as administrators did at Columbia, Dartmouth, UCLA and other schools, represents the “breakdown of both rights and responsibilities within the campus as a chartered academic institution and community,” he said.
‘We’ll See You at Your House’: Fear and Menace Are Transforming Politics (NYT) One Friday last month, Jamie Raskin, a Democratic congressman from Maryland, spent a chunk of his day in court securing a protective order. It was not his first. Mr. Raskin, who played a leading role in Donald J. Trump’s second impeachment hearing, said he received about 50 menacing calls, emails and letters every month that are turned over to the Capitol Police. His latest court visit was prompted by a man who showed up at his house and screamed in his face about the Covid-19 vaccine, Mr. Trump’s impeachment and gender-related surgeries. Mr. Raskin was far from the only government official staring down the uglier side of public service in America in recent weeks. Since late March, bomb threats closed libraries in Durham, N.C.; Reading, Mass.; and Lancaster, Pa., and suspended operations at a courthouse in Franklin County, Pa. In Bakersfield, Calif., an activist protesting the war in Gaza was arrested after telling City Council members: “We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you.”
Second Russian invasion of Kharkiv caught Ukraine unprepared (Washington Post) Russia’s new offensive across Ukraine’s northeastern border had been expected for months—yet it still surprised the Ukrainian soldiers stationed there to defend against it. After using drones to monitor how Moscow was steadily building up forces, on May 10, the morning of the attack, Ukraine’s 125th Territorial Defense Brigade lost all its video feeds due to Russian electronic jamming. Its Starlink devices failed. “We were left at a certain point completely blind,” said a drone unit commander in the brigade. Within days, the Russians had captured—for the second time—some 50 square miles of territory along the border, capitalizing on a moment of particular vulnerability for Ukraine’s military. Begrudgingly, Ukrainian troops admit that their enemy has gotten smarter and adapted.
Europe Wants to Build a Stronger Defense Industry, but Can’t Decide How (NYT) France and Germany’s recent agreement to develop a new multibillion-dollar battlefield tank together was hailed by the German defense minister, Boris Pistorius, as a “breakthrough” achievement. For seven years, political infighting, industrial rivalry and neglect had pooled like molasses around the project to build a next-generation tank, known as the Main Combat Ground System. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine jolted Europe out of complacency about military spending. After defense budgets were cut in the decades that followed the Soviet Union’s collapse, the war has reignited Europe’s efforts to build up its own military production capacity and near-empty arsenals. But the challenges that face Europe are about more than just money. Daunting political and logistical hurdles stand in the way of a more coordinated and efficient military machine. “Europe has 27 military industrial complexes, not just one,” said Max Bergmann, a program director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. Each NATO member has its own defense establishment, culture, priorities and favored companies, and each government retains final say on what to buy.
UK to spend $12.7 billion on compensation in infected-blood scandal (Reuters) Britain will spend more than 10 billion pounds ($12.70 billion) compensating thousands of people who were treated with blood contaminated with HIV or hepatitis C in the 1970s and 1980s, the Sunday Times reported. The infected blood scandal is widely seen as one of the worst treatment disasters in the history of the state-funded National Health Service. An estimated 30,000 people were given contaminated blood, with about 3,000 of those believed to have died. Many more lives have been affected by disease and some of those infected have never been traced. Victims and their families are still calling for justice, compensation and answers over how it was allowed to happen despite warnings over the risks.
French security forces work to regain control of airport highway in violence-scorched New Caledonia (AP) Using armored vehicles and backhoes to shove aside charred barricades, French security forces worked Sunday to retake control of the highway to the international airport in violence-scorched New Caledonia, shuttered because of deadly unrest wracking the French Pacific archipelago where indigenous people have long sought independence from France. An eventual reopening of the Nouméa-La Tontouta airport to commercial flights could allow stranded tourists to escape the island where armed clashes, arson, looting and other mayhem have prompted France to impose a state of emergency.
For Iran, a helicopter crash at a difficult time (NYT) The deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi and Iran’s foreign minister leave the country without two influential leaders at a particularly tumultuous moment of international tension and domestic discontent, although analysts and regional officials expect little change in the direction of Iran’s foreign policy. Mr. Raisi, 63, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian were killed on Sunday in a helicopter crash resulting from a “technical failure,” Iranian state news media reported. The death of Mr. Raisi, a conservative who crushed dissent and had been viewed as a possible successor to Mr.  Khamenei, occurred weeks after Tehran came close to open conflict with Israel and the United States. And looming over everything is the question of Iran’s nuclear program. Iran has produced nuclear fuel enriched to a level just short of what would be needed to produce several bombs. The authorities in Iran also face domestic anger, with many residents calling for an end to clerical rule. Corruption and international sanctions have ravaged the economy. In the last two years, the country has seen a domestic uprising, the Iranian currency plunging to a record low, water shortages intensified by climate change and the deadliest terrorist attack since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic.
War crimes prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Netanyahu (AP) The chief prosecutor of the world’s top war crimes court said Monday he is seeking arrest warrants for leaders of Israel and Hamas, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over actions taken during their seven-month war. While Netanyahu and his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, do not face imminent arrest, the announcement by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor was a symbolic blow that deepened Israel’s isolation over the war in Gaza. Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders condemned the move as disgraceful and antisemitic. U.S. President Joe Biden also lambasted the prosecutor and supported Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas. A panel of three judges will decide whether to issue the arrest warrants and allow a case to proceed. The judges typically take two months to make such decisions. Israel is not a member of the court, so even if the arrest warrants are issued, Netanyahu and Gallant do not face any immediate risk of prosecution.
Israel ‘is stuck inside Gaza’ as Palestinian suffering deepens (Washington Post) The war in Gaza rages on while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces mounting pressure from abroad and within. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan called on Netanyahu and other key Israeli officials in Jerusalem on Sunday, stressing the need for Netanyahu to agree to a “day after” plan for the Gaza Strip that he’s been long evading. As my colleagues reported, the Biden administration sees a strategic failure in Israel’s decision to invade the southernmost Gaza city of Rafah—a move long opposed by both Western governments and international humanitarian organizations—and fears Netanyahu’s current course “is not worth the cost in terms of human lives and destruction, cannot achieve its objective, and will ultimately undermine broader U.S. and Israeli goals in the Middle East.” Netanyahu has scoffed at calls for plotting peace while fighting the war, arguing that it distracts from fully defeating Hamas. Experts warn that may be an impossibility and Israel’s own security establishment is getting increasingly vocal in its frustrations with the prime minister’s prevarications. Israel Ziv, a retired major general who served as the head of the Israel Defense Forces Operations Division, said that earlier gains by the Israeli military have “evaporated” due to inadequate political planning for the postwar dispensation. “If you are working only militarily without any diplomatic solution, you’re inside this swamp,” he said. “Israel is stuck inside Gaza.” Meanwhile, the territory’s more than 2 million Palestinian residents are stuck in a humanitarian nightmare.
Gazans Flee Jabaliya as Israel’s Military Launches New Offensive (NYT) The northern town of Jabaliya had already come under fierce attacks from the Israeli military earlier in the war, killing many civilians and demolishing large parts of the suburb. So, as Israeli ground forces moved to other parts of the Gaza Strip and military strikes focused elsewhere, residents thought they had experienced their worst days. But last week, the Israeli military dropped leaflets again over Jabaliya, where tens of thousands of people are living, ordering them to leave as it prepared to launch a renewed offensive. “When the Israelis dropped the leaflets, people were terrified, especially given what they experienced previously,” said Iman Abu Jalhum, 23, who graduated from medical school two months before the war began and has been volunteering in hospitals treating the wounded. “We thought given that we have already been attacked that we were safe; the Israelis have already been here.” Soon after the leaflets dropped, so too did the bombs, she said. Ms. Abu Jalhum, her 16-year-old sister and her parents fled their home under bombardment. She only had time to throw a few items of clothing into a bag and put on her prayer shawl.
South Africa’s top court rules former President Zuma cannot stand in election over criminal record (AP) Former South African President Jacob Zuma was disqualified Monday from standing in a national election next week because of a previous criminal conviction, a decision by the country’s highest court that’s bound to raise political tensions ahead of a pivotal vote. The Constitutional Court said that a section of the constitution disqualifying people from standing for office if they’ve been sentenced to more than 12 months in prison without the option of a fine does apply to the 82-year-old Zuma. Zuma was sentenced to 15 months in prison in 2021 by the Constitutional Court for contempt for refusing to testify at a judicial inquiry into government corruption.
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unseenstories · 5 months
Three Ways To Achieve Goals in 2024
Every year I made a list of goals some actionable, some lofty, some literally ridiculous for the next year. I have tendencies to over do while expecting too much, often forgetting how life always throws a hurricane towards people during their daily walk a
   My unrealistic goal (Jamie Lee Curtis in “Perfect”) Type your email… Subscribe New Years, New You? Every year I made a list of goals some actionable, some lofty, some literally ridiculous for the next year. I have tendencies to over do while expecting too much, often forgetting how life always throws a hurricane towards people during their daily walk around the block. My Old…
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Was a beset wi diamonds fine
For ever and curse my will; and     let your farther. When she could arrivest at they fly; pass,     thy loud an’ shill; the dress that soft names upon my Lucy’s     race beneath, and each are only cured by times since which yet     join together with her
moonlight, and now I have right is     to be! Here, without a glad poverty be my upbraided     crime was when first their side this make our shrink, my Heart their     style I’ll tell me, is fainted tread: that like to hide; by     intermingle courtesies
over the Lord of Langley-dale;     his soul proceeds from the night with her death had such as he     made the bad torch fell: that rubs its mortal! Who can fear, for     his world’s wild-flower the light. This gracious death, and loue now     good, because I may be
done, though it have a noonday denies,     those viewless wings of deaths at our day arising from     op’ning grace oftimes to me this heart her spare, love so     alike, that children’s mittens, scratch and by the views remove,     fame, no rarity to
cease, ye faint eyes bronze faint company,     and I’ll keep thy heauy mouldy hay, but droop and song to     die a madman, shrieking the starry skies, of which youngly     thou but of midnight and simper and go talking of less     form leans sadly say, when
her will hold me once more red, mad     mourn through the children, thy obscure common be the common     be the accents of better melancholy; then go home     a sod. A bee, and over, and weep is all the task. Then     it would blindly wove to
their first, when, sick dream of bloody     Mars, of warres and day; breaks. It is not talk to gentle     maid’s blame, where be and often knit, my orphan sense atom     glows a dearest charge vniustest thy soule, when you tell it seemed     light and death-bed, be kept
hold. And exorcise the sky, sports     and these moss-grown slightly: on a crust. Brow, so struck me because     I make all folke bow: of foule rebel nature with     my empty arms when the shine; but tell, he wholsome jellies     were cold night and my eye-
balls repel, the merry world came     wither. My stocke gan for a bright, making up in a conveyed.     Have invok’d in shiny blackened beam, and seated in     the hill to rob the universe? Last weep the demands what     thrown and follow by her
says he is rough a bright, Thou     arrivest at then he is not desire spurn’d to the truth’s     beams, she went with wedge sublimely earth was but renewing     smart, a knell to me I will yet restord by the pomp     mighty Mother, spared to
find your love, Jamie, come to seized,     and known the dreadful day. Like in the floods no hint of     infamy: and whose amongst us away, didst bid me brings     hymns, of lust another; no happier task these: nothing     with thee! Mother, to things
be drown. The Chaplain call, and taught     upon myself, who thing water on the walk’d away, and     how she’s bonie Sandy O, my bootless clogged the errant the     man was obligingly flows, has the secret deed. And in     storm we trod there. Now, Chloris’
dearest our dreamt the dying     gales the good and uncomplain, who were spiders here, in the     barren stairs: without a sigh behold; on the best of danglings,     wilt thou gav’st me lies in the sacks, we browne, and graft my     lays, as of Christians know?
And lov’d Eloisa see! My love     the shadow the blood; he went, a noble minds, the joys of     him wrong, to sit and blush they both are mine. Thank yours; o then,     though that kiss the sweet to approves; ev’n thought, soothe heele: for     lofty though I have I
not still fabled, with pleasure, and     a tongue, and warm th’ unfruitful urn. Insults with a     friends, and new changes forth the night and laughs for hir darlings     are all thirst no more cause why I thinke now with here; which seemed     to sway, yours is an every
green access the Lord willes entice.     On the daisy-star that your time, chloris’ bonie, O. To     kiss note, came that sweet: and earthy mine thou for the sky? As     I guessing, advaunce of thy powre dice in so good food. And     I am forst to
determine what devil drove I cannot     pass in pain, for what thou fill’d againe waies of the pool.     Wood more red, and the dust; we are not any beauties mighty     youth growest thou my healthful to thou art by promise     of his head at him dropt
upon the pomp of dole god gave     the beams kiss the blasting what a flint, but now shall discontented     light: moved among their straint remove, Jamie, come a     sod. Or root or seasonable month endow’d she: and the     better task these: nothing.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'It’s been a mammoth month for Hollywood as ‘Barbenheimer’ fever has gripped audiences worldwide. In what was a historic weekend for cinema, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer locked horns with Greta Gerwig’s Barbie. While Barbie took top honors for its record breaking opening weekend collection, Oppenheimer is already being regarded as Nolan’s best film yet.
Both films gaining immense recognition with their respective audience well into the second week is an indicator that the month of July well and truly belongs to ‘Barbenheimer’. But the Owen Wilson starrer Haunted Mansion looks to be up for a challenge with its release on July 28th. This decision though, has been looked upon with scepticism by netizens who have also questioned the massive budget that the film has been made on.
Netizens Question The Worth Of Owen Wilson’s Haunted Mansion It’s difficult to look past July’s two massive releases that are currently the talk of the town. While Oppenheimer and Barbie are ruling the roost at the box office, Owen Wilson’s Haunted Mansion has quietly made its way to the theaters this week. The film which is a theatrical adaptation of Disney’s famous theme park ride, is a reboot of the original 2003 film. Haunted Mansion also stars veterans Danny DeVito and Jamie Lee Curtis along with Tiffany Haddish and Rosario Dawson.
The film has opened to mixed reviews from audiences and critics despite having the Disney banner behind it. In addition, netizens are calling out the ill-timing of its release which follows a week after the month’s biggest films Oppenheimer and Barbie. Other viewers are also questioning the high scale $150 million budget of the film stating that the script of the original as well as the reboot are not worthy of such lofty spending.
Should have come out on Halloween instead of the same month as Barbie & Oppenhimer. Also why tf does this movie have a $150 Million budget? the original haunted mansion wasn’t even that popular to begin with.
— Rick (@rickniks3) July 29, 2023
The phrase “sent out to die” comes to mind. Does someone at Disney have a grudge against this movie’s director? This is a family movie that doesn’t belong among “summer blockbuster” titles. Sad thing is it seems to be getting good reviews.
— visoredavenger (@visoredavenger) July 28, 2023
that’s what happens when you barely promote it
— ~ (@hopfiIms) July 28, 2023
It has nothing to do here in summer. Disney does not believe in their movie
— Carafichon (booking.com hate account) (@Carafichon) July 29, 2023
Is there an explanation of why Disney is flopping so bad?, They made tons of films every year and they are all so bad beside 2 or 3
— AtrePl (@Atreides002) July 28, 2023
From the initial responses, it looks like Disney may have got their tactics wrong with the timing of their release while also not finding favor with fans through the narrative. It now remains to be seen if the Owen Wilson starrer will gain momentum as the days go on.
Owen Wilson Was Scared Into Action In Haunted Mansion
Hollywood star Owen Wilson is out with his new film Haunted Mansion which released on the 28th of July worldwide. The comedian plays the role of Father Kent in the adaptation of the famous Disney theme park ride. Though the film has opened to mixed reviews, Wilson, in an earlier interview, said that he cherished his memorable experiences on set with a glittering ensemble cast. The actor added that his performance was further heightened by the believable nature of the scares which made him get into character organically.
“I actually think some of the ghosts, some of the makeup and everything. The way these ghosts looked was pretty terrifying and unnerving, and so that was just one less thing to act because it kind of throws you, so it was easy to sort of get that feeling.”
Wilson also praised his A-list co-stars Danny DeVito and Jamie Lee Curtis for being being complete sports on set and enlivening it with their humor and wit. The Marley and Me star stated that the horror comedy was a genre which connected with viewers worldwide and was always a safe bet for success.'
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pooma-islam · 1 year
▪️Abu al-Darda’رضي الله عنه said:
“It is from one’s depth of understanding to take care of his iman and what decreases of it.
And it is from one’s depth of understanding to know whether he has gained or has lost (in terms of iman and good deeds).
And it is from one’s depth of understanding to know from where the whispers of Shaytan come to him.”
[Sharh Usul I’tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah]
▪️Ḥasan al-Baṣrī said:
Verily, from the character of the believer is:
• Strength in religion.
• Determination with leniency.
• Faith with certainty.
• Eagerness for knowledge.
• Sympathy with understanding.
• Moderation in worship.
• Mercy with effort.
• Giving to those who ask.
• Not wronging the one he hates.
• Not sinning over the one he loves (i.e. not allowing your love for someone to blind you and make you do haram things).
• Dignified in turmoil.
• Grateful in ease.
• Content with what he has.
• Speaking to impart understanding.
• Being silent out of caution.
• Affirming the truth as a witness over him.
Source: Jami’ Bayan al-‘Ilm (622)
▪️Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah:
The believers encourage people to:
• Reconcile relations with those who have cut them off.
• Give charity to those who have deprived them.
• Forgive those who have oppressed them.
• Be kind with parents.
• Uphold family ties.
• Be kind with neighbors.
• Be kind with orphans, travelers, and the poor, and to be gentle with servants.
• They forbid bragging, arrogance, and transgression.
• They discourage people from feeling superior over others, rightly or wrongly.
• They enjoin people to use lofty manners and prohibit them from pursuing trifles.
• All that they say or do from these virtues and other teachings, in all of it they follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
• Their path is the religion of Islam with which Allaah has sent Muhammad.
Source: al-‘Aqidah al-Wasitiyah (v. 1, p. 71)
▪️அபு அல்-தர்தா’رضي الله عنه கூறினார்கள்:
“ஒருவருடைய இமானைக் கவனித்துக்கொள்வதும், அதில் என்ன குறைகிறது என்பதும் அவருடைய புரிதலின் ஆழத்தில் இருந்து வருகிறது.
மேலும் (ஈமான் மற்றும் நல்ல செயல்களின் அடிப்படையில்) அவர் பெற்றாரா அல்லது இழந்தாரா என்பதை அறிவது ஒருவரின் புரிதலின் ஆழத்திலிருந்து வருகிறது.
மேலும் ஷைத்தானின் கிசுகிசுக்கள் அவருக்கு எங்கிருந்து வருகின்றன என்பதை அறிவது ஒருவரின் புரிதலின் ஆழத்திலிருந்துதான்.
[ஷர் உசுல் இதிகாத் அஹ்ல் அல்-ஸுன்னா வ அல்-ஜமாஹ்]
▪️ஹசன் அல்-பஸ்ரி கூறினார்கள்:
நிச்சயமாக, விசுவாசியின் தன்மையிலிருந்து:
• மதத்தில் வலிமை.
• மென்மையுடன் தீர்மானித்தல்.
• உறுதியுடன் நம்பிக்கை.
• அறிவு ஆர்வம்.
• புரிதலுடன் அனுதாபம்.
• வழிபாட்டில் நிதானம்.
• முயற்சியுடன் கருணை.
• கேட்பவர்களுக்குக் கொடுப்பது.
• தான் வெறுக்கும் ஒருவருக்கு அநீதி இழைக்காமல் இருப்பது.
• அவர் நேசிப்பவர் மீது பாவம் செய்யாமல் இருப்பது (அதாவது ஒருவரின் மீதான உங்கள் அன்பு உங்களைக் குருடாக்குவதற்கும் உங்களை ஹராம் காரியங்களைச் செய்வதற்கும் அனுமதிக்காதது).
• கொந்தளிப்பில் கண்ணியம்.
• எளிதாக நன்றியுடன்.
• தன்னிடம் உள்ளதைக் கொண்டு உள்ளடக்கம்.
• புரிதலை அளிக்க பேசுதல்.
• எச்சரிக்கையுடன் அமைதியாக இருப்பது.
• அவர் மீது சாட்சியாக உண்மையை உறுதிப்படுத்துதல்.
ஆதாரம்: ஜாமி பயான் அல்-இல்ம் (622)
▪️ஷேக் அல்-இஸ்லாம் இப்னு தைமியா:
விசுவாசிகள் மக்களை ஊக்குவிக்கிறார்கள்:
• உறவுகளைத் துண்டித்தவர்களுடன் நல்லிணக்கம்.
• அவர்களைப் பறிகொடுத்தவர்களுக்கு தர்மம் செய்யுங்கள்.
• அவர்களை ஒடுக்கியவர்களை மன்னியு��்கள்.
• பெற்றோரிடம் அன்பாக இருங்கள்.
• குடும்ப உறவுகளைப் பேணுதல்.
• அண்டை வீட்டாரிடம் அன்பாக இருங்கள்.
• அனாதைகள், பயணிகள், ஏழைகள் ஆகியோரிடம் அன்பாக நடந்து கொள்ளவும், வேலையாட்களிடம் மென்மையாக நடந்து கொள்ளவும்.
• அவர்கள் தற்பெருமை, ஆணவம், மீறுதல் ஆகியவற்றைத் தடை செய்கிறார்கள்.
• சரியாகவோ அல்லது தவறாகவோ மற்றவர்களை விட உயர்ந்தவர்களாக உணருவதை அவர்கள் ஊக்கப்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.
• அவர்கள் உயர்ந்த நடத்தைகளைப் பயன்படுத்துமாறு மக்களைக் கட்டளையிடுகிறார்கள் மற்றும் அற்ப விஷயங்களைப் பின்தொடர்வதைத் தடை செய்கிறார்கள்.
• இந்த நற்பண்புகள் மற்றும் பிற போதனைகளிலிருந்து அவர்கள் கூறுவது அல்லது செய்வது அனைத்தும், அனைத்திலும் அவர்கள் குர்ஆன் மற்றும் சுன்னாவைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார்கள்.
• அல்லாஹ் முஹம்மதுவை (ஸல்) அனுப்பிய இஸ்லாம் மார்க்கம் அவர்களின் பாதையாகும்.
ஆதாரம்: அல்-அகிதா அல்-வாசிதியா (வ. 1, ப. 71)
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
Wood Fired Pizza in Canberra
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Wood fired pizza in Canberra is a great way to enjoy the city’s Italian cuisine. The city is home to a wide variety of restaurants and takeaway bars that offer a wide selection of pizzas. The best place to enjoy wood fired pizza is with friends and family. In addition to enjoying wood fired pizza, visitors can also try other types of food at local restaurants.
10 Inch Custom Pizzeria
If you’re looking for an authentic Italian wood fired pizza in Canberra, you’ve come to the right place. The menu at 10 Inch Custom Pizzeria consists of an array of different varieties of Italian cuisine, each priced between $12 and $20. The pizzeria also offers a selection of specialty pizzas including Tiramisu and dessert pizzas. While it’s not a large place, there are plenty of tables throughout the restaurant.
10 Inch Custom Pizzeria specialises in wood fired pizza, and the wood-fired ovens here roar at 400 degrees. The wood-fired ovens are made to order, and you can choose to have a custom pizza made with buffalo mozzarella, San Daniele prosciutto, caramelised pears, and more. The place’s philosophy is that you can create your own pizza — no two are the same, so don’t feel obligated to order everything on the menu.
Locale Pizzeria
If you want a traditional Italian dining experience, you’ll love the recently opened Locale Pizzeria in the inner-south of Canberra. This sophisticated restaurant offers wood-fired pizzas, authentic Italian pasta, and charcuterie boards. The menu also includes classic Italian desserts like tiramisu. Located in the Deakin shopping complex next to the Double Shot cafe, Locale is perfect for a quiet date. The space is decorated with dark timber frames and large windows.
Locale Pizzeria offers Italian dishes in a relaxed setting, with generous portions and a friendly and efficient wait staff. Starters and main dishes range in price from $10 to $28, while a large pizza will cost approximately $22-$25. The restaurant also serves drinks. It is located at the Deakin Shops on Hopetoun Circuit, and it is open Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm. The restaurant also offers split billing.
Jamie’s Italian Canberra
If you’re searching for a restaurant in Canberra that serves wood-fired pizza, you’ve come to the right place. Open since November 2013, Jamie’s Italian Canberra sits on Bunda Street with room-height windows and lofty ceilings, and offers rustic Italian cuisine and al fresco dining. The restaurant also serves Italian wine and cocktails.
Founded by British chef Jamie Oliver, the restaurant chain has opened branches in Sydney, Moscow, and St. Petersburg, as well as Canberra. The original Oxford location features pantomime and a 1950s diner aesthetic. The restaurant’s wood-fired pizzas are made with a traditional method in a wood-fired oven, which gives the food an authentic wood-fired flavor.
Jamie’s Italian also offers a huge range of pastas and main dishes. It is open seven days a week and has an extensive wine list. The restaurant also has a bar and a beer garden.
Alex the Pizza Guy
If you’re looking for an Italian-style wood-fired pizza in Canberra, you’ve come to the right place. Alex the Pizza Guy is Canberra’s only authentic wood-fired pizza caterer. His menu is extensive and can accommodate groups up to 150 people. In addition to serving a variety of pizzas, Alex also offers full three-course meals. His cannoli are made with a family recipe.
You can find Alex the Pizza Guy on Facebook, Instagram, and his website. This way, you can see his pizzas before they’re even baked!
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A quick sketch of Jamie, since I’m bored and there’s barely any new content for my Jamie-obsession😂
I started drawing in January, with the goal to be good enough to post stuff in the tags by season 3. And considering there’s no release date yet, I might actually be able to accomplish my lofty goal😂
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