#jamie fraser quotes
transparentdreamruins · 3 months
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"Your face is my heart, Sassenach, and the love of you is my soul." Dragonfly in Amber
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themusicsweetly · 11 months
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All the time the ghosts flit past and through us, hiding in the future.  We look in the mirror and see the shades of other faces looking back through the years; we see the shape of memory, standing solid in an empty doorway.  By blood and by choice, we make our ghosts; we haunt ourselves.
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cajon-desastre · 1 month
He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew.
Richelle Mead . The Indigo Spell
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avasetocallmyown · 11 months
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"Your face is my heart..."
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pensbridgertons · 1 year
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your life has value. you can't throw it away like this. i know that. if i did not, then this would not matter.
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John: I say this with love...it's crazy you haven't been murdered. Jamie: Oh, I know.
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inlovewithquotes · 6 months
“What is it, Sassenach?” He asked, laying a hand on my arm.
“Oh, nothing,” I said with a sigh. “Only thinking that I rather doubt anyone will ever describe me as ‘graceful as the wind.’”
“Ah.” His head was half-turned, the long, straight nose and firm chin lighted from behind by the glow of the nearest lantern. I could see the half-smile on his lips as he turned back toward me.
“Well, I’ll tell ye, Sassenach, ‘graceful’ is possibly not the first word that springs to mind at thought of you.” He slipped an arm behind me, one hand large and warm around my silk-clad shoulder.
“But I talk to you as I talk to my our soul,” he said, turning me to face him. He reached up and cupped my cheek, fingers light on my temple.
“And, Sassenach,” he whispered, “your face is my heart.”
-Dragonfly In Amber
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fraserstanclub · 2 years
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“For so many years, for so long, I have been so many things, so many different men. But here," he said, so softly I could barely hear him, "here in the dark, with you… I have no name.”
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beefsteakclub · 5 months
John: "I could make you scream."
Jamie: "I think not."
John: comes up out of the water looking like Medusa.
Jamie: screams
John: "I didn't mean like that! "
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annablogsposts · 10 months
Guys if you like angsty/whumpy quotes, here’s a great one from Voyager (Outlander):
“It had been visions of revenge that kept him tossing in his bed as the window lightened and the rain pattered on the sill; thoughts of Fraser confined to a tiny cell of freezing stone, kept naked through the winter nights, fed on slops, stripped and flogged in the courtyard of the prison. All that arrogant power humbled, reduced to groveling misery, dependent solely on his word for a moment’s relief.”
(For context, John Grey had become warden of a prisoner of war prison, where Fraser was kept. 10 years prior, Fraser spared Grey’s life, but also humiliated him both in front of his own soldiers and his enemy’s, causing him to be outcasted by pretty much everyone in his platoon for a while.)
Excerpt From
Diana Gabaldon
This material may be protected by copyright.
For what it’s worth, he didn’t actually end up being a bad warden, and they ended up being friends :)
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balfescoconut · 2 years
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"I think she wanted to imprint upon herself the memory of his body and the memory of him (...) it's almost like wrapping her body around him to protect him and hold him." 
- Caitríona Balfe (“Can’t Stop Watching” Podcast)
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"There is my heart, and then there is you, and I'm not sure there is a difference."
~ A.R. Asher
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themusicsweetly · 1 year
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“I have lived through war and lost much. I know what's worth the fight, and what is not. Honor and courage are matters of the bone, and what a man will kill for he will sometimes die for, too... For the sake of love alone I would walk through fire again.”
—The Fiery Cross
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cajon-desastre · 4 months
And the magic happens when you see one person among so many people.
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ladywynneoutlander · 11 months
Thoughts on 703 - Death Be Not Proud
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Jumping right in to episode three. The story is flying along, but with so much to cover I can see why. It makes me glad to know there is one more season on the way.
What a thrill to see Jemmy's box arrive.
The 1980's look really great onscreen. Honestly I don't remember people in the US looking so nice and cozy. My parents forced us into loud geometric prints, but I digress. : ) This show must be a literal dream for the set designers, costume designers, hair, and makeup artists that get to recreate so many different eras.
I'm glad they expanded on the house fire scene. It needed it for clarity as to what exactly happened and as to who exactly died (i.e. all the bandits). The fire itself was a true spectacle, and very moving. It was fitting for the importance of the event in terms of character's lives, story moving forward, and the settling of the newspaper article plot that brought Bree to the 18th century way back in season 4. "Bloody newspapers. Never get anything right." Good job Brianna. Mission accomplished.
The aftermath of the fire is a visual that struck me. Love amidst ruin.
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Mr. Bug speaks at last. I am glad that the Bugs were finally fleshed out as characters, and tie-ins to the Rising are always interesting. These connections past to present give the story so much depth. However, they did leave out some of Mr. Bug's personal vendetta against Jamie's family, and I was a little confused about why he thought he and Mrs. Bug deserved the gold.
The moment of Mrs. Bug encouraging and supporting Arch was simply lovely. It highlighted the complexity of the situation and was completely necessary for what comes next to have the impact it deserved.
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Ian, poor lad. I'm not getting into the plot holes here. Ignoring "what ifs" for the sake of time and sanity.
The funeral. Caitriona Balfe really did sing the Ave Maria. She has such a beautiful voice!
Mr. Bug's face as he laid Murdina to rest was enough to break your heart; and then moments later, his face as he threatened Ian was enough to chill it. Wow.
It was a minor thing but I liked the slight drizzle throughout the episode, especially the funeral. So appropriate. I wonder if they created it or just went with the weather?
I love Jamie's dream. How special, and this one confirmed he truly has a connection with the future.
Adso, dearest, you represent the Ridge. This made me hate so much that Claire has to leave her home. As excited as I am for what is to come, I was almost angry at Jamie for making her go.
Finally, the little transitional pictures are perfect emotional cues. I know it is a really tiny detail, but I noticed them this episode particularly. They set the scenes, make everything flow, and reinforce the scenic beauty that has been part of Outlander from season one. And they weren't always used, sometimes transitions are fade outs, so very nice.
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I like the little moments of domestic happiness woven throughout this episode, which give it kind of an even keel. Yes, there was tragedy, but there was also calm. There was love through mourning. We even see this in the future with Bree and Roger at Lallybroch, longing for their loved ones. It is very Outlander.
Enjoyed this episode. It felt like time with friends. : ) Wishing everyone the best and a very happy fourth to those in the US. 🧡
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Claire: "JAMIE! What the Bloody Hell are you doing out of bed, You have internal bleeding!?"
Jamie: "Are yah daft sassenach, do ya not ken that's where blood is supposed to be?"
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