petersasteria · 7 years
James McVey Imagine!
Requested? Nope.
Pairing: James x Reader 
Warning: None
Plot: Finally letting go
Italicized = past/flashback. 
Italicized and underlined = letter. 
And apologies if your name is Amanda.
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Your P.O.V
"James, what's going on?" I asked my boyfriend of 5 years as he was packing his things. "Listen, (Y/N) we need to talk." He said as he sat down on our shared bed. "Okay. What's up?" I asked sitting down next to him. He held both of my hands and looked me in the eyes and said, "(Y/N), babe, I have to be honest with you. These past few months, I've started to not feel anything towards you. I've tried everything, but it seems to not work. I'm so sorry. I'm not gonna lie, these 5 years have been amazing! You've taught me a lot of things and we've shared so many memories together. I am so thankful that I got to meet you. But I just don't deserve you. You need someone else in your life who can love you just as much." James said. I was already in a pool of my own tears. "Okay. If that's what you want. I'm letting you go now." I whispered; not trusting my voice if I spoke louder.
-present time-
It's been like 3 years since James and I broke up. It's kind of pathetic that I still haven't moved on. I heard that he's going to get married to his current girlfriend this week. To be specific, they're getting married tomorrow. It's hard to accept the fact that the person you're still madly in love with is getting married and not to you. I started asking myself questions like, "Why didn't James ask me to marry him?" "Did James think of us having a future together when he was with me?" "Am I not wife material?" And the questions keep going on and on.
The lads and I still stay in touch. Especially Bradley. Bradley's my best friend in the band. He's the one who told me about James getting married. In fact, I met the girl he was going to marry. Amanda was her name. She was so beautiful. I would say bad things about her right now, but I can't because there's nothing bad to say. She's kind, caring, sweet, soft spoken, funny, smart, and the list goes on. The first time she met me, she was nervous. I asked her why she was nervous. She said it's because that I used to date James. She told me how she loves him so much, and that if I was planning to get James back she won't let that happen. I told her that it was all good and there's nothing to worry about.
A loud knock interrupted my thoughts. I got up from my messy bed and opened the front door. I didn't look up at the person who knocked. But I knew who it was when the person started to speak.
(a/n: if you watch YouTube and if you watch the sidemen, slide in my DMs XD)
"Hey (Y/N)! I figured you'd be upset today, because the big day's tomorrow. So, I'm here to cheer you up!" my older brother Ethan said happily.
"Hey Ethan. Please, come in." I said with no enthusiasm in my voice whatsoever.
Ethan noticed, but didn't ask. He closed the door after going inside my flat.
"I called for some pizza on the way here." Ethan said as he made himself at home and sat down one the couch.
"You know, you're not supposed to take calls whilst driving right?" I asked.
Ethan laughed his contagious laugh. "Just kidding. But I did call pizza place before knocking on your door." Ethan calmed down.
"Okay. So, what's up?" I sat down next to him.
"Nothing. How about I set you up on a date?" Ethan suggested.
"Ethan, what the fuck bro." I said with a straight face.
"C'mon, it'll be fun! I'll set you up with one of my best mates!" Ethan excitedly clapped his hands.
"Okay. First of all, you look like a seal when you do that." I said. "Do what?" Ethan knit his eyebrows in confusion. "When you clap your hands excitedly." I replied.
"Second, I thought you said you don't want me dating any of your mates?" I asked him.
"Well, now you have my permission! Plus, this date thing will help you move on. It's been 3 years, (Y/N). Give it a rest. Just move on." Ethan said seriously.
"I wish it was easy. It's easier said than done, you know." I leaned back on the couch.
"Moving on was in your hands years ago. You just chose to believe that he'll come back to you when you know that he won't ever come back. You chose to stay here and mope around all day when you could've met someone else. You chose to hide yourself from the real world and live in this fantasy that you'll have the future you've always wanted with James. Sis, wake up. That's not going to happen. Why? Breaking News: He's getting married tomorrow! But not to you. There are so many guys out there. Just pick one." Ethan finished his little speech and chuckled a bit at the end of it.
I chuckled too and said, "Fine. I'll move on now. For you."
Ethan smiled and shook his head. "Thanks, but don't do it for me. Do it for you."
* * * *
A few minutes later, the pizza arrived. Ethan and I started eating.
"I can't believe you ordered 6 boxes of pizza." I said in disbelief as I ate.
"I know that girls eat a lot when they're stressed. Plus, I haven't eaten lunch yet. And I want to spend time with my favorite sister and have lunch with her." Ethan said sweetly.
"Aww. That's so sweet, Eth." I said as I got another pizza, "But I'm your only sister." I added.
"I know! But you really are my favorite family member." Ethan admitted as he got another slice of pizza.
"Same here. Are we going to finish all of this?!" I asked.
"If we can. And I believe we can. We need to believe in ourselves." Ethan said as he took another bite.
We eventually finished 1 box of pizza. Ethan and I didn't move, because we were too full to move.
"Ethan?" I called.
"Yeah?" Ethan mumbled.
"I was thinking of going to James and Amanda's house today." I said.
Ethan looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Are you fucking kidding me? Did my little speech not get through your head?!"
"Of course it did. I'm just going there to talk to her and drop off some of James' things that are still here. But I'm keeping his sweaters. No way in hell am I giving his sweaters back." I said.
"Fine. Get ready then." Ethan stood up slowly and grabbed his car keys.
"Um, what are you doing?" I said with a baffled expression on my face.
"I'm driving you there." Ethan showed me his car keys. "And I'm making the most of this day." He added.
"Why is that?" I asked standing near the staircase.
"Well, it's been a long time since we've hung out and it's been a long time since we've seen each other. It's different when we Skype." Ethan shrugged.
"Okay then." I smiled and went upstairs to change and gather some of James' shirts and pants.
* * * *
On the way to James and Amanda's house, Ethan calmed me down by telling jokes.
"You know it's time like this I wish I had listened to what mum has always told me." Ethan said.
"What did she say?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know. I wasn't listening." Ethan laughed.
"Fuck you." I laughed with him.
We arrived at the house. And I felt really nervous. I silently prayed that only Amanda was home.
Ethan and I got out of his car. Ethan knew I was nervous af.
"Hey, (Y/N). If anything goes wrong, I'll be out here." Ethan smiled and gave me a hug.
Ethan can be annoying at times, we always have our ups and downs, and he's always busy. Despite all those things, he never fails to be there for me. I'm so grateful to have a brother like him.
I gave Ethan a small smile and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I heard a faint voice saying "coming!" Before I knew it, Amanda opened the door.
"(Y/N)! What a surprise! Please, come in!" Amanda greeted. I thanked her and looked back at Ethan who gave me a smile and a thumbs up before I went inside.
Amanda closed the door and told me to have a seat. I sat on the couch as she sat across from me.
"James isn't here at the moment. It's tradition, you know. The groom and the bride aren't allowed to see each other before the big day." Amanda smiled at the thought of the wedding.
"Oh. That's okay. I'm actually here for you." I said slowly.
"For me?! Really? Okay um. What's up?" Amanda gasped.
"I don't know where to start." I mumbled.
"It's okay sweetie. Take your time." Amanda smiled sweetly.
"I guess I'll start by returning these," I said as I gave her the medium sized box full of James' clothes, "they're all James' clothes. He never got them back, so I thought of bringing it back here." I added.
"Okay. Thank you." Amanda took the box and put it next to the coffee table. "I'll put it in the room later. I was folding clothes before you arrived." She chuckled.
I smiled. Amanda cleared her throat and asked, "I don't mean to be rude, but is there something else you need to say?"
"Oh yeah. I'm just going to tell you a few things if that's alright." I said.
"Oh sure. I don't mind at all. Say anything that comes to mind." Amanda smiled and waited patiently.
I took a deep breath and sighed.
"Amanda, you're such a sweet girl. You're so amazing. It hurts me to say this, but you and James are perfect for each other. I can tell that he's very happy with you. I mean, that's why he proposed in the first place, right? I'm telling you this, because I don't want to hide anything anymore. Now, I'm going to be honest with you. Ever since James and I broke up, I still had these feelings for him. I honestly thought he would come back. So I waited, and waited, and waited. Unfortunately, he didn't come back. He didn't come back, because he met you." At this point, tears were streaming down my face.
Amanda saw this and frowned, "(Y/N)...I am so sorry."
I wiped my tears thinking they would stop but they didn't so I just continued with my little speech.
"I was so sad and angry when I found out that you two were going out. I found out from Bradley. Then one night, Tristan thought it was a good idea to invite me to a party he hosted. Bradley and I went together, because he's the protective type of best friend. That's when I saw you and James together. Then James saw me. I guess he thought that I was over him, so he introduced you to me. And I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to say bad things about you. I wanted to say something mean to you, but I couldn't 'cause you make him happy. And I promised myself that I would never ever ruin anything that makes him happy...even if it means me getting hurt. Then it hit me. My feelings don't matter anymore, because I'm just his ex-girlfriend. I silently prayed that he would break up with you so he could be with me. It sounds so selfish, and I got so angry at myself. I promised myself that I wouldn't be selfish like that, but I did become selfish like every other ex-girlfriend he had. But now, with the help of my brother Ethan, I'm letting- I'm letting him go. I'm letting him go, because I want to stop crying and crying over someone who's never coming back to me. I want to move on, and find someone who can love me as much as he did. If I'm lucky, maybe the guy who I'm going to meet will love me more than James did. Just do me this little favor. Please take care of him and love him and don't hurt him. Just remember these things I'm going to tell you. Every Sunday, he likes to eat pancakes for breakfast. He likes jogging every morning, and when he comes back make sure his food is ready. If he's sick, just give him his medicine and cuddle with him. When he's in the studio and he's on his break, make sure to Skype him and ask how his day went...make sure Mickey's with you too. He loves Mickey so much. Sometimes, James records videos for his YouTube channel. So, when he's recording make sure you get out of the shot, because it's his time with the fans and his topics are really serious. When he's stressed, give him a back massage...that always makes him feel stress-free. He loves you so much. I can tell just by the way he looks at you. Meeting him and loving him was the best experience ever. And you're so lucky that you'll get to love each other for the rest of your life. So, I'm letting him go." Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face. I stood up and wiped away my tears.
Amanda stood up as well and gave me a hug. We have for a while and pulled away.
"I'll never forget all the things you said. Of course I'll take care of him for you. Are you and Ethan coming to the wedding tomorrow?" Amanda asked.
I smiled sadly with tears in my eyes and shook my head, "Only Ethan is coming."
"I'd love for you to come. I'm sure James would love to see you there. You and James could talk. In case you change your mind, there'll be a seat reserved for you right next to Ethan's." Amanda smiled sadly.
I gave her a small smile and thanked her. I wiped my tears and left.
Ethan was sitting on the front porch, waiting.
"Ethan" I called.
"(Y/N). How'd it go?" Ethan asked before turning around and looking at me. Ethan gasped and immediately gave me a hug. I hugged him back and bawled my eyes out.
"It's going to be okay. I'm here. I won't leave." Ethan whispered.
We pulled away from the hug and he wiped my tears with his thumb.
"Let's go home, yeah? I've got some people waiting for you there." Ethan smiled.
"Okay" I whispered.
* * * *
We arrived at my place and saw 2 cars parked outside.
Ethan and I got out of the car as soon as it was parked. We saw people waiting outside.
"Where are they? It's like 4pm already." One guy exclaimed.
"There they are!" Another guy said.
The guys all greeted Ethan in chorus.
"Hey Ethan!"
"Sup Ethan!"
"Hi Ethan!"
"What's going on bro?"
"Wuz gud?"
Ethan greeted them all. I just stood there like an awkward potato.
"Guys, this is my little sister (Y/N). (Y/N) these are the lads." Ethan smiled.
I gave them a curt nod and unlocked the door so that all of us could sit down and talk.
We all piled up inside and I sat on the couch next to a very attractive guy with blonde hair.
"(Y/N) that's Simon. The guy I was telling you about." Ethan whispered in my ear.
"Ethan, he's very attractive. I'm just not ready at the moment. Give me a few days." I smiled a bit.
-time skip to the wedding ceremony brought to you by The Sidemen Book-
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said.
Everyone cheered as I silently cried. Ethan saw this and rubbed my back. We went to the reception and sat down on the table reserved for us.
Not even an hour in there, I wanted to leave. Ethan was laughing at something that happened when I tapped his shoulder. Ethan wiped his eyes from tears of joy and said, "What's up?"
"Ethan, I want to go home." I frowned.
"Okay." Ethan replied as he stood up from his seat.
"Ethan, can you please give this letter to James when you give them our present?" I asked as I handed him a letter.
"Of course. I'll be right back." Ethan smiled.
Ethan's P.O.V (bc why not)
I walked up to Amanda and James' table as (Y/N) left to go to the car.
"Hey Ethan!" James greeted me. James and I were really close. We built this friendship that we didn't expect to happen. After their break up, we stayed in touch. But not as much as before, because let's not forget that he broke my sister's heart as well.
"Hey James!" I greeted back.
Amanda turned to look at me and smiled. I awkwardly smile back. It's my first time to meet Amanda and probably my last.
"So, congrats on the wedding! (Y/N) and I are leaving now, but here's your present." I said with a smile and giving them their present. I hope I didn't sound like a person who's very urgent to leave.
"Cheers, mate." James smiled as he took the present and put it down next to him.
"Oh and (Y/N) wanted me to give this to you. It's just for you. It's personal. At least I think it is. I saw her writing that in her room before we left this morning." I whispered to James.
James' mouth formed an 'o' shape and said, "Okay. I'll read it later. Thank you!"
"Thanks for inviting us as well. I honestly thought you wouldn't. I would've gate crashed your wedding if I wasn't invited." I joked. I hope he would catch on.
Thankfully, James laughed and said, "Of course I'd invite you! We're best mates!"
"Okay. Thank you for everything! I had fun. I guess I should get going now. (Y/N) might freak out if I spend 1 more minute here." I laughed.
"Thank you for coming and thank you for the present! I'll talk to you soon, yeah?" James said as we shook hands.
"Yeah. Bye!" I waved goodbye.
"Have a safe trip!" I heard James shout before I left.
I got out of the reception which was held at this fancy hotel's function/convention room.
When I went to the parking lot, I saw (Y/N) talking on the phone, smiling.
Before she hung up, I heard her say, "Ethan's here. I'll talk to you later!"
"Who were you talking to (Y/N)?" I smirked as I opened the car door and got inside.
"N-No one." (Y/N) stuttered as she got in the car.
"Really? We're not leaving until you tell me." I said as I put the car keys in my pocket.
"Ethan, we're not 10 years old." (Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes.
"Tell me!" I whined.
"Fine!" (Y/N) tried to hide her smile, but failed. I have a gut feeling that she spoke to a guy. But who is it?
"It was-"(Y/N) looked at me before she said the rest of her sentence. "Don't look at me like that!" she laughed. Hey, at least she's laughing a genuine laugh.
"Just tell me!" I demanded.
"It was Simon." (Y/N) hid her face in her hands and sunk into her seat whilst I looked at her with wide eyes.
"As in Simon, my best mate Simon?!"
"Yes!" (Y/N) laughed.
"What's up?" I asked. You see, Simon has liked (Y/N) for about a year now ever since he caught me Skyping (Y/N) at 3am.
"He asked me out." (Y/N) stated.
"That's great! What'd you say?" I asked as I put the keys in the ignition and started the car.
"I said yes. Might as well start dating again. Plus, I didn't want to wait for a few days when an attractive guy is asking ME out right now. Who am I to say no?" (Y/N) smiled as she looked out the window.
I smiled to myself. Mental thank you note to Simon. He's a blessing.
* * * *
James P.O.V
As soon as Ethan left, I read the letter. It was (Y/N)'s neat handwriting. I smiled sadly after I read the letter. Since this letter is the last thing I have that's (Y/N)'s, I decided to keep it.
Dear James,
By the time you're reading this, you're already married. Writing this was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But it's okay.
First of all, congratulations! You're finally a married man! We've talked about getting married and having a family before, but you went ahead of me. That's okay. Fulfill the dream you've always wanted. Remember when you told me that you want to have a son who you can play football with? Go ahead and make that happen. Bottom line is: you'll fulfill your dreams and I'll fulfill mine.
Second, I've never been completely honest with you. The night you introduced me to Amanda, I was still madly in love with you. Don't worry. I'm not going to bother you and stuff. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy.
Lastly, this is the part where I'm going to tell you that I'm letting you go. I know this won't make any sense to you seeing as you let go of me years ago, but I'm finally ready to find someone new and move on from you. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate the things you've done for me. Hopefully you appreciated the things I've done for you as well. I know this isn't the most proper closure ever, but at least I tried. I'm not saying goodbye, because goodbye means that I'll never see you again. So, um...see you later I guess?
(Y/N) (Y/L/N)
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Lmao reblog if you liked it.
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