aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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harrisnovick · 6 years
Sit back ... and experience Miles Davis live in 1964. 
j3434 posted this to r/Jazz at 2018-08-04 15:31:32 UTC
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reddit-lpt · 6 years
LPT: if you are frustrated that nobody understands you then stop hiding so many things!
LPT: if you are frustrated that nobody understands you then stop hiding so many things!
I hear it ALL THE TIME “nobody understands me” .... or “if I can only find someone who gets me” then you must put all your cards on the table . If you have so many bones in your closet and have this secret and hide that fact all you do is present yourself as an unsolvable puzzle to all who get to know “part of” you. But remember you really need to know yourself first and be open without shame or fear to your friends and family and some co-workers. If you want someone to understand you they will need to know the good and the bad, the yen and the yang that makes up the complex human you are. Then even with transparency and inner stability only a handful will have focus and insight and interest to know and understand you! Most people just want to understand people just enough to get what they want out of them. Any deeper than that it’s too hard and usually impossible. So to have a circle of friends who get you - know who you are and show them who you are. Don’t fool them and don’t fool yourself !!!
by j3434 via reddit
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theganjadigest · 7 years
Ready for the weekend!
http://ift.tt/2m5UyOj Submitted March 03, 2017 at 07:17PM by j3434 via reddit http://ift.tt/2lFOV67
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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ismokeitsite · 6 years
Smoking with moderation is the best. Convince me I'm wrong.
Smoking with moderation is the best. Convince me I'm wrong.
"Moderation" means different things to different people. But if you can take 3 bong hits of really good indica and still feel you don't get high - then your tolerance is way up and you are not smoking moderately.
I started smoking moderately in high school and would get blasted out of my mind. After graduation and during university I started smoking more and more - to sleep, to watch films, to listen to music , to party, to have sex and all. After a while any activity I did was unthinkable without weed. And I mean good weed. Good buds ... sticky, fresh and with hairs. At some point I realized I was not really getting high and a joint was more like a cigarette than a psychotropic drug. I just needed to almost chain smoke to relax. I would sometimes forget that I had taken a bong hit 15 minutes earlier. Well, that all came to an end one day ... I just wanted to quit - so I did. I think what really made me quit was watching The Wall movie by Pink Floyd. I am not sure why it made me want to stop - but it did. I was able to stop my daily smoking. I cut it down to once in a while.
Fast forward some years and now with incredible buds being sold two doors down from taco bell I had to explore. Now once a week .... Friday or Saturday .... I like to hit the bong. Sativa or indica or hybrid - as long as it's fresh. I have experimented with extracts as well. Wax, honey oil and such. I LOVE IT! It really is like a holy herb. It helps me stretch and fix my old football injury without opiates. It is as if my mind is more connected to my body to fix itself.
My point is now, again, weed is an deeply transcendent experience. My tolerance is low and I am trying to keep it this way. I don't want my tolerance to get so high that I need the weed just to feel "normal."
So in closing I am not bashing you daily smokers. I know the life style of the daily smoker. And with disposable extract pens you can take in high dose of THC all day long. But I think you will enjoy weed more if you try and cut back. Almost all substances can be abused. Beer, Vodka, Ice cream, Tylenol, video games - all can be overdone. But weed is such a powerful herb it needs special attention. You know a good term is "balance." If weed makes you miss out on important events or not enjoy films and parties when you don't have any - then you are a bit out of balance most likely.
It is good to quit from time to time. There are ZERO real effects of cold turkey quitting as there are with booze (DTs) or vicodin and valium. And by the way - if you are on pills ... use weed to get off them. If you have a real addiction - you may need professional help, but if you only get "urges" to pop a few pills - THC can quell that down.
Weed is magic. THC is a miracle drug. Respect it and use moderation. It is better than zoloft - better than beer better than oxy. It lubricates your brain lobes and the left and righ side co-exist together. No brain quakes. So do yourself a favor daily smokers. Cut down to weekends. Don't thank me now. Don't thank me ever.
Thanks. You convinced me one size does NOT fit all. To each his own.
Submitted March 11, 2018 at 02:58PM by j3434 via reddit
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harrisnovick · 7 years
Weather Report - Birdland 
j3434 posted this to r/Jazz at 2017-02-24 04:08:59 UTC
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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