reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Don't bring your phone into the b*throom. You'll hate it, but you'll feel a lot better after and will not waste so much time.
LPT: Don't bring your phone into the b*throom. You'll hate it, but you'll feel a lot better after and will not waste so much time. No text found by user27182818 via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Before accusing/becoming suspicious of someone blocking your phone number, make sure to double check that they aren’t on your block list.
LPT: Before accusing/becoming suspicious of someone blocking your phone number, make sure to double check that they aren’t on your block list. No text found by dpforest via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Do whatever it is that makes you happy. Don't let people on the internet tell you what to do.
LPT: Do whatever it is that makes you happy. Don't let people on the internet tell you what to do. No text found by thenickdyer via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: If you're having a hard time with portion control, serve yourself a meal as you normally would, cut it in half, and save the other half as a packaged lunch.
LPT: If you're having a hard time with portion control, serve yourself a meal as you normally would, cut it in half, and save the other half as a packaged lunch. No text found by NotAnotherNekopan via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Log weight only when you lose it.
LPT: Log weight only when you lose it.
That way you will satisy the urge to log weight only when you lose weight.
Logging only the declining data points on the graph will also boost your confidence levels.
Can’t leave without saying,
What matters is losing weight in the long term. Short term weight gains are extremely common and these data points usually have a negative impact on us. As no one likes to see spikes in their graphs.
So my point is, do not log the weight gains! Only log weight loss!
Also make sure you log weight at least once a week. That way you’re forced to always log a lower weight.
There is a possibility for cheating though, weighing in before eating, but remember, the fun doesn’t last long :)
by che_sac via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Turn edits on paper documents into a checklist of changes with dashes in the margins.
LPT: Turn edits on paper documents into a checklist of changes with dashes in the margins.
I do a lot of editing and sometimes print copies of documents. To make sure I don't miss any edits to the electronic version I put a simple horizontal line (a dash, like - ) in the margin when I make an edit, with multiple dashes if there are multiple edits in a line.
Then as I make the edits I put checks on the dashes. Even if pages get mixed up, I know which edits have been made to the electronic version.
by HeRejectsYeHoppers via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT - If you ever get a hair in your mouth that you can't quite get out, just put a piece of gum in. It makes the hair taste better and eventually you have to spit out the gum.
LPT - If you ever get a hair in your mouth that you can't quite get out, just put a piece of gum in. It makes the hair taste better and eventually you have to spit out the gum. No text found by yukkbox via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
[LPT] Don't eat to get full. Eat to quench your hunger.
[LPT] Don't eat to get full. Eat to quench your hunger.
Personally, eating to get rid of my hunger helps me get back to action a lot quicker and I think also has health benefits (eating less). Getting full is usually followed by inactivity.
by SnickleFrittz98 via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT - Low income families can save on internet cost with Spectrum's internet assist programs
LPT - Low income families can save on internet cost with Spectrum's internet assist programs
Must ask for this by name as it is very much not publicized. To qualify you need to be a part of one of the following:
1) The National School Lunch Program (NSLP); free or reduced cost lunch
2)The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP
3) Supplemental Security Income ( ≥ age 65 only) this is different than regular Social Security checks
by davestarr via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Did you score an awesome holiday gift card? Text the giver a photo of the thing you end up buying with a 'Thanks a Bunch!' text line. It's an easy way to show thankfulness, and reinforces how awesome it is to choose exactly what you want.
LPT: Did you score an awesome holiday gift card? Text the giver a photo of the thing you end up buying with a 'Thanks a Bunch!' text line. It's an easy way to show thankfulness, and reinforces how awesome it is to choose exactly what you want.
For online purchases, forward the e-receipt to the giver's email.
by prudent_cackle via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: If you live in a hot area, wet some towels and habg them outside so that the bee's (and other insects) can cool down and drink.
LPT: If you live in a hot area, wet some towels and habg them outside so that the bee's (and other insects) can cool down and drink.
Found an interesting post where OPs mom did this. I think its a fantastic idea!
by szzor via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: When you are done with your Peanut Butter jar add some dish detergent and fill it with warm water. Shake it up and let it sit overnight. Wild animals sometimes get their heads stuck in these jars. Help them out!
LPT: When you are done with your Peanut Butter jar add some dish detergent and fill it with warm water. Shake it up and let it sit overnight. Wild animals sometimes get their heads stuck in these jars. Help them out! No text found by awesomesauceitch via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: Say 'well,' instead of 'uhm,' or 'ehm,' when you begin a sentence in answer to a question, you'll come across as a lot more articulate and confident.
LPT: Say 'well,' instead of 'uhm,' or 'ehm,' when you begin a sentence in answer to a question, you'll come across as a lot more articulate and confident. No text found by ExactlyDead via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT Pack Like A Pro
LPT Pack Like A Pro
When boxing or storing holiday decorations to put them away for the next year, max sure the boxes are well padded and taped/sealed well in case of any earthquakes or other natural disasters if you have to worry about them. This also helps prevent boxes or containers opening all over place/keep things out and in. This also uses up any extra tape that may ever go to waste!
by BlazingLatias via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT Warm soda? Instead of putting the ice first, put the ice after you put the soda in. There will be no foam that appears when you do it the other way.
LPT Warm soda? Instead of putting the ice first, put the ice after you put the soda in. There will be no foam that appears when you do it the other way.
Inb4 I get downvoted because, "ayy LmAo look AT THiS DuMBaSs OF cOuRsE It's sImPLE ThERMOs smh"
by Kyidou via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT when your using air freshener in your house don’t forget too spray your fan and vents, for longer lasting and better circulation!
LPT when your using air freshener in your house don’t forget too spray your fan and vents, for longer lasting and better circulation! No text found by xk543x via reddit
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reddit-lpt · 5 years
LPT: #BeHigherBeings: How To Be Happy
LPT: #BeHigherBeings: How To Be Happy
What makes you happy? Isn’t that what all of us are ultimately looking for… happiness? If you really think about it, even every little move we make can be associated with our body’s way of trying to find happiness. Like when you’re lying or sitting in a position that becomes uncomfortable, you will switch to a different position so your body will feel happy again. So in essence, everything we seek is trying to find happiness, from the food and alcohol we eat and drink, to finding love and accomplishing our goals, they’re all ways to find happiness, but they’re also distractions.
We’re hunters of happiness, but sometimes we’re gatherer’s of bullshit, meaning that most of us have no clue what will actually make us happy, so most of the possessions, money, and thrills that we chase are only ways to kill time. But when that stuff isn’t there and we have too much time on our hands, we start thinking about all the things we don’t have instead of appreciating what we already have, and then become uncomfortable, which means being unhappy again because we haven’t found real happiness. This may sound like a familiar cycle because we all are going through it in some way or another. Some people do it better than others, but we’re all searching for our own brand of happiness.
Our discomfort and the quest for happiness can lead to many different distractions, such as food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, binge watching, social/news media overdose, hording, sexual addictions, fighting for useless random causes, spreading judgement and hate about other people’s choices, over love for money, the list could go on forever and none of it makes anyone truly happy. What is happiness really? Are we looking in the wrong places? I think most people know the answer to the second question, so let’s explore that one first.
If you’re looking for something external in order to find happiness and it’s not there, you’ll either remain uncomfortable (not likely), or you’ll look for something else that might just do the trick. Let’s say that works… now what? It’s usually on to the next thing, but if there is no next thing, and it happens a lot, then we wonder why there is no next thing and begin feeling unhappy. When you’re unhappy and there is no next thing, the feelings of lack, depression, and anxiety have an easier opportunity to settle in, and then almost nothing makes you happy anymore. So yes, we’re probably looking in the wrong places.
If you’re not sure what happiness is to you, then there is a very good chance that you haven’t asked yourself the question in the right way, even though you really do know what it is deep down inside. When we’re looking for ways to be happy we tend to focus on the person, place, thing, activity, game, or event, instead of putting our awareness on the actual feeling of the moment, which leads us to believe that it was the event that made us happy, which causes us to narrow our beliefs on what actually does make us happy.
The truth is that you are the one that manifested your own happiness, and that it just happened to take place while you were with the person you were with, at the place you were at, or while holding the item that you just bought, and that you have the ability to do the same thing in nearly every situation that you’re in. If we focus more on the feeling of being happy then it might lead to a clue of where it comes from and how to manifest it more often.
What if you could manufacture your own happiness without all the distractions? How do you think that would change your attitude towards life? I’m talking about being able to go through your day knowing that you are the only person that could truly make you happy, so that no person’s opinion would ever have a devastating effect on how you feel about yourself. I think that might change anyone’s opinion of how they view the world.
The problem is that most people don’t know how to get to such a place so they don’t even try. We spend most of our day trying to maintain a certain level of sanity while holding back most of our emotions throughout the day, so being happy isn’t really on anybody’s plate. As a culture, we’ve gotten to a point that we don’t believe we deserve anything better than what we already have, so instead of living and creating, people spend their lives defending a lifestyle they don’t even really like, just so it doesn’t change. Nothing could sound farther from any real happiness that I’ve ever been a part of, and it’s certainly a far cry from a future I would want to create.
So what’s the solution?
Stop, put the phone down, turn off the T.V., the radio, the internet, Alexa, etc., sit down, close your eyes and be uncomfortable for a few minutes or longer. You might think this is going to sound crazy but… you deserve it, and that’s a good thing. If you’re constantly uncomfortable because your body is always being ignored so it’s time to pay attention to what it has to tell you.
This time of year is a perfect example of people not paying attention, because you have a large sum of the population injecting themselves with small doses of influenza in the beginning of the season, still getting sick, and then going to work, or out in public, spreading their virus to everyone else because our culture is so distorted that humans seem to value themselves the least. You’re sick. Stay home. Get better. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Stop hurting other people and their families by spreading your disease to people with weak immune systems. Please?
Anxiety and depression are almost like the flu for your mind and usually require a certain type of rest and reflection. We operate under high stress so often by pushing through our emotions and ignoring our feelings or sicknesses, that we spread our negativity like the flu, eventually trying to get people to join in our misery. The type of discomfort that would cause negativity to be contagious is stored in the subconscious, so you may not be aware of it, and does not resolve itself without getting to know why it might be there.
Next time you feel the struggle to be comfortable, try sitting with the sensation for as long as you can, knowing that there is no possible way it can hurt you, and calmly ask yourself why you perceive it as so uncomfortable. Many times when I do this, I realize that the sensation is not very uncomfortable at all, and that I just have to relax and not take everything so seriously, so please don’t try and scare yourself more. Feel the commotion to see what it’s trying to tell you, and then disassociate any emotion from the sensation so you can let it run its course. Disassociating might take some practice in the beginning, because most people don’t know how not to block emotions when these sensations in the body arise, but it will be very worth it in the end.
Here’s what you will soon notice…
While you’re learning to do this mediation, you’ll start to feel less tension in your body the longer you sit with the sensation. It’s similar to acting like nothing is there, but still being aware of it, which may sound like it doesn’t make sense but it’s the way to not chase the emotion down. Don’t fight off any emotion, sensation, or feeling, or you will defeat the purpose, and if you end up opening Pandora’s box, then be prepared to stay there for a while and let it all go. Like I said, you deserve it.
Consciously or subconsciously, you are the one holding onto these emotions and they are limiting all of your beliefs and decisions about what you can accomplish. Releasing them by getting to know them will unlock the tension and remove the limits the sensation was causing.
You’ll also begin to manifest pure happiness all by yourself because the past limiting beliefs and emotions that were holding you back, are no longer front and center in your consciousness. When you are able to go through your day knowing that you don’t need approval from anyone to be happy, or things like drugs and alcohol to take away the discomfort, your life will instantly improve. Start solving problems with a great attitude and knowing your happiness depends only on you, instead of making horrible decisions that have negative affects on your life from underneath all that stress you carry.
You can #BeHigherBeings when you love yourself and the life you have created!
by neilfirszt via reddit
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