#ive added/am adding more muses to my other multi if anyone is interested
dangaer · 1 year
the imagery they released for dia.lovers young blo.od went hard honestly (tw for gore and depictions of abuse under the cut)
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tenebriism · 4 years
things a new rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner ( or those who want to be ) should know about you and tag 3-5 people ! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
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I.  I am very inconsistent. My muse is highest when I’m at work, because there are less distractions, so I very rarely get anything done when I’m at home (and I work OVERNIGHTS, so I’m online when everyone else isn’t). I also just flat out don’t feel like responding to things or chatting on some days, or may only have just enough muse to respond to a select few things. It’s nothing against anyone, I promise.
II.  I very much enjoy shipping! Yes, I mainly mean romantic, but give my muses friends and enemies, too. On that same note, I can be quite picky, in that, if I feel our muses or writing styles don’t mesh well, I’m probably not going to want to ship. 
III.    I... hate oversaturated icons, oh my god. The teensy weensy tiny ones that have so many filters and edits on them that you can’t even see what the icon is trying to portray. To each his or her own - your blog, your style, but I cannot, lmfao.
IV.  I much prefer pre-established stuff over the ‘ OUR MUSES MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME ’ route. It makes things so much easier and helps me retain muse if we have somewhat of an idea of where we want to go with it, rather than having to get through the same recycled introductions, with the hellos and the who are yous and all that boring junk.
       i.e - my Dark Link. Yes, he was once Ganondorf’s minion. Yes, he did a bunch of bad shit. I’ve had so many threads with the other party’s muse trembling in fear in front of him and him having to prove himself. It gets old. Let’s skip all that and get to the part where they either fight or become friends! :’D
V.  Since I made my multi-muse blog, I’ve become a lot more open to adding muses that people want to interact with, but haven’t seen blogs for (if I’m familiar WITH that character and fandom, that is). As long as I can build something with that character and I know they’ll get a bit of attention, I’ll likely be down! Just ask!
tagged by:  I stole it. c: tagging:  See it? Like it? Steal it!
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