#ive actually been a fan of theirs for years without realising lmao bc afaik theyre the 3 rings left gals behind it
I wish the Merlin 6: kingdom come people would be more upfront about their script being fanfic and not official because I am sick and tired of seeing people bitch about the bbc "scrapping" the supposed sixth season. There was no sixth season. Merlin did not get cancelled, it just ended. Afaik the kingdom come peeps have no affiliation whatsoever with the original merlin team, other than their contacting some of them to be like "hey would you want to make our script?" and the representative being like "appreciate the offer but no thanks". The script is no more canon than any fanfic you or I might write, it just so happens that they did it in script form which seems to have confused a lot of people, and no-one seems to have corrected the massive misunderstanding for some reason
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