#its visuals arent the worst but. idk something about it i didnt really enjoy. maybe those damn fps segments.
mistymark · 5 years
the boyfriend one. [yuta]
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full masterlist // part of the nct boyfriend series // 1.0k
okay so
tbh I kinda see yuta as a (pure) switch
like he's TOTALLY in love w you
but also like,,, not afraid to joke around with you
is Annoying Boyfriend
PDA is his best friend
personal space? yuta doesnt know her
he is always always a l w a y s touching you
no sinners in our house
lots of playful banter
just bc yuta has The Greatest Sense Of Humour to date
he'd catapult himself onto ur bed to wake you up then be like
 “I’d offer you breakfast but you didn’t make any”
but you'd be like “its okay im not hungry”
*muffled giggling*
OH!!!! AND!!
the babe incident:
y’all are chilling w The Bois (tee em) and aw :( time for yuta to go :((
anyways so he gets up to leave all swagger and Chill
“okay bye see you tomorrow”
and instantly ur CACKLING
bc this boy
couldnt call u babe in front of his friends
and then he'd start laughing at u bc ur impersonation of him is lowkey cute
but he'd be shutting the door and just call out “OKAY OKAY BYE BABE I LOVE YOU”
and he's like oh SHIT
no no no this cannot be happening it just slipped out im sorry
ur like o.O
this is not something that has happened before
“did you-”
“im pretty sure-”
“NO you must have misheard I said I love… fruit?”
*unimpressed* “you hate fruit”
“thats ten” - doyoung, unhelpfully, from the other side of the door, circa 2019
“I’ve had a recent revelation that maybe I don’t dislike it as much as I believed”
nakamoto yuta LOVES you
and he just said it for the first time accidentally in front of ALL OF HIS FRIENDS
ur shy
and hes super embarrassed bc he wanted it to be said in a cute way for the first time
and ur shocked
but u dont want him to suffer alone:
“I love you too.”
this boy sends u the CUTEST GRIN
then completely dips
(it was also after this point that he began to feel okay calling u babe in front of the other members)
y’all go shopping a lot
but he also likes to join you when you go grocery shopping
likes to ride around on the trolleys as u do all the actual shopping
oh my god and he is That Kid that sneaks things into the cart when ur not looking
so one day y'all are out grocery shopping
getting that bREAD
and he's wearing this green hoodie, and ur wearing blue
*picks up lettuce* “this matches my outift”
then ur like oh!!! cute!!!
so u grab the first blue object you see in the cart
and ur like !!! this matches MINE!
and this boy
literally falls over he's laughing so hard
ur confused
ur like ????????? what
so u glance at the packet and immediately u drop them
as if theyre like poison or something idk
I feel like yuta is either a person who is completely apologetic or completely unapologetic
he’ll either find it hard to apologise and wont do it at all, or will apologise for everything
I mean, you'd realise this and wouldn't push him about things - you’d know he's sorry either way
but totally making him apologise for putting cONDOMS IN OUR CART THAT WAS THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING EVER OH MY GOD
but he's also all about the small gestures too
really likes to SHOW his love more than say it
unless its winwin
he always brings you coffee and tea
when ur working or studying or just really tired
and then he'd pull the whole:
“I brought you coffee. just the way you like it.”
*confused* “hot?”
“like your boyfriend ;)”
“wow the sky is so beautiful”
“you know what else is beautiful”
“what? :D”
overall tho hes a total sweetheart
probably takes u on the cutest dates
likes fun dates
amusement parks, arcades, mini golf, etc.
but if its like
later than 2pm he’ll refuse to go out
so you'd just cuddle and play video games or board games or something
really tries to impress ur family
probably comes over and brings flowers
you're like !! aw !! yuta !!
and he's like nah fam these arent for u ur ugly lol
but then he sees ur mother and he's like :))) hi :))))) these are for you :))) uwu
once he knows ur family loves him
he boasts about it all the time
“yo y/n ur mum invited me to dinner”
“?? when?”
“Wednesday? I know u cant make it you wont be missed lol”
especially to the other members
and if one o them is in a relationship ??????? bonus points
“guys y/n and I are couple goals,,, her parents are practically begging me to marry her”
“is this because they said you should come to their neighbour’s bar mitzvah??”
“shut up jaehyun ur irrelevant only people who are dating can #ContributeTheirOpinions”
yuta is actually so gorgeous and I love him to pieces
probably gives you all his clothes bc he thinks u look hot wearing them
texts you at the most inconvenient times (e.g. during meetings, lectures, exams, classes, etc.) and claims he “forgot” you were doing something important
when he can see u from across the room he’ll text u something sappy like “you look beautiful” or “I love you” just to see the way your face lights up at his words
slut for putting his hand on ur thigh when ur sitting next to him
sometimes he doesnt even notice himself doing it
you'll just sit down and he's like yep hand + thigh = happy yuta
looks at ur lips
its kind of a giveaway that he wants to kiss you
its hella subconscious tho and the first time u pointed it out he got all smiley and embarrassed
like he didn’t know he had a habit of staring at ur lips when he wanted to kiss you
and it was a dead giveaway if u were playing video games in the lounge room and he’s laughing with you and then suddenly he’s staring at your lips
you Know what he’s thinking about
“Yuta,, stop” “????? I wasn’t ?? Doing anything??”
has a selfie of the two of you as his home screen background
and a random photo he took of you as his lock screen
it changes regularly tho
because he “cant pick a favourite”
FaceTimes you often
like prefers it over texting or calling
bc he gets to see you as if ur with him
and its :(((
but u see each other a lot anyway so what is he on about
u think its just bc he likes to screenshot u when ur pulling ugly faces or brushing ur teeth
its really because he really just enjoys looking at you
probably screenshots all ur snapchats
but only the ones where youve just woken up or pulling the worst faces
keeps them all
tbh his social media is probably filled with selfies of you two from way too close
like pulling crazy faces in pics with you that its hard to get a selfie with him just smiling nicely
but every photo you have taken of you together by other people look like your both about to walk a red carpet
truly visual couple
instantly smiles when u walk in the room
and probably gets offended when you dont immediately go to him when you enter
like who could u possibly need to talk to more than him
nah but seriously he loves seeing u
and when ur happy
oh boy
he's happy too
grinning at all times
what a babe
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easilyabandonedgirl · 4 years
Sex Q&A
1: When did you lose your virginity? The night before my 16th birthday.
2: Rough sex or soft sex? I am always more comfortable asking for rough sex, but secretly, I always crave soft sex.
3: Do you have any unusual kind or fetishes? I enjoy having my eyeballs licked. Is that weird enough?
4: Weirdest place you've had sex? What constitutes a weird place... like I've had sex in a parking lot like a hundred times so I dont think it's weird at all. Also, cemeteries are absolutely amazing for fornicating. Are those weird?
5: Favorite sex position: idk wtf it's called but I refer to it as "that one thing I learned from watching too much porn."
6: Have you ever had any one night stands? Nope, dont really plan on it. People are gross.
7: Do you prefer to be dominant or submissive? Depends on the other person mostly. I'm a switch so I can do either or, but it really depends on how they make me feel. Like do I feel like I'm running the show or am I being put in my place?
8: Sex on the bed, couch or floor? Oof. I'm too old to be getting up off the floor. Lmfao. Bed sex is nice if you've already showered and you're planning to knock out right after. But couch sex gives you the ability to move around.
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place? Lots of public places. So many public places.
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? Oh hell yeah. Not by my parents, but definitely by a significant other more than once.
11: what does your favorite sexy outfit look like? Its black, its lace, makes my ass look great.
12: How often do you have sex? Worst. Question. Ever. I've had sex 1 since mid April. Once. I want to die.
13: Is there anybody right now you'd like to have sex with? There sure fucking is.
14: Most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during sex? Um, I accidentally stepped on his balls too hard once in stilettos, ruptured his sack, his testicle was like partially falling out. Long story short, the ER was not in the plans but it's where we spent the night.
15: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex? Can this answer be both... like I absolutely fucking love sucking his hard cock but when he does that thing with his tongue and those lips and just ugh. I'm going to say I like giving more because I feel better making him feel good.
16: Are you into dressing up for sex? If that's what he wants, or if I'm rreeaalllyyy feeling in the mood for dressing up. Otherwise I'm a long sleeve tshirt and booty shorts kind of girl.
17: Sex in a bathtub or shower? Definitely shower. I'm fat af and dont fit in a bathtub like that. Maybe a jacuzzi tub made for shamu might work.
18: If you could have sex with anyone in the world right, anyone at all, who would it be? Daddy. No second thoughts or doubts.
19: Have you ever had a threesome? Yes, quite a few.
20: Do you/would you use sex toys? Abso-fucking-lutely. If you arent using sex toys, especially in partner play, you're missing the fuck out.
21: Would you have sex with your best friend? No way. That would be so weird. Ew.
22: Do you have any after sex habits, like smoking or drinking? Not really, when I smoked heavily, I did smoke after sex. Mostly naps, if it was any good.
23: Something that will never fail to get you horny? Neck kisses. That's my biggest fucking weakness. No matter what, every single time without fail. But not those soft little pecks, like those mouth-partially-open-tongue-against-my-skin-lips-closing-soft-sucking-making-out-with-my-jugular type of kisses. Ugh.
24: Early morning sex or late night sex? Both. I'm a firm believer that you xant have a bad day if you start with an orgasm and end with an orgasm.
25: Favorite body part on the opposite sex? Eyes. They tell you everything you could ever need to know about someone.
26: Favorite body part on the same sex: Eyes. That doesnt change.
27: Do you like it when your partner moans? FUCK YES! Let me say that again, FUCK YES! Men, if you arent moaning, start.
28: Best sexual compliment you ever got? Long story short, he bitched for an hour about how I was "too tight" and when his uber came, he kissed me and said "thanks for putting my dick in a vise"
29: Do you find tattoos or piercings sexually arousing? I'm going to say no to this, only because I dont necessarily think it makes me more sexually attracted to someone. And hand/face/neck tattoos are actually a turn off.
30: Do you watch porn? All the time. If you say you dont, you're lying. And if you really dont, you're boring.
31: Do you feel comfortable going commando? I literally never wear underwear. I only wear them for the intend purpose of having them taken off.
32: If you could give yourself head, would you? Who fucking wouldnt, like seriously.
33: If you were the opposite sex for a day, what are 5 things you would do? 1. Masturbate using hand 2. Masturbate using fleshlight 3. Get head from a thicc chick until I nut 4. Fuck a thicc chick with a condom 5. Fuck a thicc chick without a condom
34: Have you ever watched someone masturbate? Yes. Lots of times. That's hot af.
35: How often do you masturbate? Usually just twice. Once in the morning and once in the evening, but theres usually 5 or 6 orgasms during each sessions. So call it 2, call it 12. Idc. Lol.
36: Do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised men? Circumcised, but only because a circumcised penis is just more attractive visually.
37: Which non-genital part of your body do you like being touched or kissed? My neck or my thighs.
38: What kind of porn do you like to watch? It's a toss up between pawg and male solo.
39: Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasnt there when you needed them? Literally the story of my life right now.
40: Are you into BDSM? We're going to simply say yes to this.
I didnt give very long answers. But I got tagged in this very late at night and I need to pretend to go to bed now.
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