#its turf war an aw like help am embarrassed
steeleyespan · 1 year
why have i become bad at Splatoon
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
| MER-MAID FOR EACH OTHER | A Stashi One-shot Mermaid AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Nashi Dragneel x Storm Fullbuster (Magma mermaid x Sharkboy)
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @cxndy-stxrs and that random fact I read about sharks thriving in volcanoes.
If there was anything Nashi's dad taught her, it was this.
It was her mom that had sat her down and told her about how she couldn't play with the other mermaids and the do's and don'ts and safe spaces and creeks that reeked of danger and bad merfolk. Nashi nodded half-heartedly, too upset to barely talk back like she usually did.
But Nashi's dad, bless his soul, beckoned her to him one fine day and said, "No matter what you are and what you can do, don't hide a single part of you. Fight for what you want and what you deserve no matter how ridiculous it looks in the grand scheme of things. We'll always be here," he poked at her chest, "supporting you. Always."
Of course, turns out it was regarding a 'big, juicy mackerel' he lost to a 'dumb, fucking orca of all fish', but she liked to think it applied to other aspects of her life too.
The mer peered at the children giggling and trying to outswim each other across the reef and sighed.
As amazing as living in a volcano was, it sure was lonely sometimes.
Magma merfolk had several restrictions because of the seething temperatures their bodies possessed. Basically, if she touched a mer, they'd get burnt (super bad). It wasn't like there was a chance of that happening anyway, considering how scared merfolk were of them.
Pearl (a curious whitefish she'd come across on one of her hunts) swam in circles around her, obviously in a playful mood. She slightly smiled and brought a finger to her lips.
The children screeched as they spotted her swimming rapidly towards them and scattered away. The pinkette chortled at them.
"You'd think they'd have learnt by now, eh, Pearl?"
Pearl made a noise of delight, wading amongst the reeds. She huffed. "I knew you were hungry, you silly little fishy. Which reminds me, I have a date with destiny!"
Her best friend clicked. (Sorry hun, a mermaid has needs. Sweet, sweet protein; sign her up please!) She squinted, scanning the waters for her next meal. Her eyes registered a faint figure.
Tapping her tail thrice to get Pearl's attention, she swam ahead at a careful pace, ducking behind giant kelp to get a closer look. The figure continued its path, paying her no notice. Which was when she realised what it was headed straight for.
Her heart beating violently, she let out a war-cry and flexed her tail harder. Her vision saw red as she rammed into-
Both the bodies crashed into a boulder and Nashi let out a small groan, her sight blurry. Blinking back into consciousness, she tilted her head up.
She wasn't going to lie, the first thing she saw was his jaw filled with sharp canines. Her blood ran cold as she slowly, carefully, looked up only to gaze at perfect cerulean blue eyes.
She blinked. He blinked. Then the screaming ensued.
6 minutes later, Pearl floated by, unimpressed by their shrieking. The shark-guy (shark-man, shark-douche, whatever) reached out to grab her and Pearl and Nashi collectively squeaked, the latter smacking him at the back of his head. He snarled.
"I'm trying TO CATCH MY NEXT MEAL! DO YOU MIND?!" He yelled.
"Oh dear Triton, she's one of the vegan loons...." He muttered under his breath. She clicked her tongue.
"Even if I am, that doesn't explain the fact that YOU'RE ON MY TURF!!" She retorted, and he flinched at her tone.
Nashi growled at him, "You have 7 seconds to run before I burn you to ashes!" Which is when she noticed that she was still on top of him.
"Wait, you aren't- what?" She furrowed her eyebrows and inspected him. "You're- wha- how?"
"What is it?!" He frowned. "It's considered rude to sta- HEY!"
She frantically patted and touched his chest and arms for something, anything and let out a breath of bewilderment. "You're- You don't feel anything?"
"Well, you are a little warmer than the others," he admitted. The shark raised an eyebrow curiously, "Uh- why?"
Nashi blinked out of her stupor, then pointed at herself, "Magma mermaid."
"Oh." He blinked back. "You're not as scary as they make you out to be. Unless," he held her shoulders and scanned her (Uhhhhhhhh....) "You're a baby!"
"So you're saying that you're old?" He teased.
"I'm the appropriate age!" She huffed back.
"Appropriate age for?"
"Uh, stuff?"
"Yeah huh."
He bit his lip, fighting back a smile. "Now, what am I going to do about lunch?"
Nashi's eyes widened. "Kelpsicles, I have to hunt too!" Both met each other's gazes before he shrugged. "Truce?"
"It's Nashi, actually," she smirked.
"Cool, I'm Storm."
An hour later, Storm managed to piss her off again.
"What do you mean you don't like burnt fish?! It's flipping amazing!"
Storm sighed (The audacity!) "Have you even tried raw fish?"
She spluttered, "Of course I have-" At the disbelieving look he shot her, she mumbled, "Not."
"Open up then."
"Excuse me?!" She shrieked indignantly. "I barely know you! You could poison me for all-" she choked as he shoved a piece in her mouth mid-sentence.
"I don't wanna hear it," he interrupted her before she could yell at him, "So? How's it taste?"
"I still like burnt fish." She mumbled, flustered.
"D'aww, is the iddle widdle mermaid embarrassed?" He cooed. "How ador-" Now it was his turn to choke as she shoved the entire fish down his throat.
She snorted, "Now that's peak humour." He shot her the middle flipper.
"Damn, the humans are at it again."
"What's new?" Storm grumbled.
Nashi's grin widened, "Wanna check it out?"
"I don't know Nash, this bunch looks- Nash?" He groaned at her figure wading upwards, "Woman, get back here!"
Nashi was too busy taking in the sun's warmth to pay him any attention the first time. The second time however, she swivelled around only to register his panicked look. The third time, she found her tail stuck. In a net.
"STORM!! FLIPPING- HELP!!" She screeched, pushing, propelling herself out, trying anything, everything. She was getting dizzier by the second.
A giant thud resonated from behind her, and the net shook back and forth but she waddled undeterred until Rip! She was free!
"Oh thank Triton!" She gasped, trying to catch her breath. The humans were yelling but she didn't want to stick around and find out.
A pair of arms wrapped around her making her flinch. Storm had a dark look on his face as he pulled her against him and swam forth, not uttering a word.
He'd rocked the boat. He'd- he'd saved her from-
"Don't ever leave my side again." He murmured against her hair.
"Nash, stoppppp," Storm whined, "It's only 15 minutes awayyyyy."
"You said that 15 minutes ago! And what's the big deal anyway?" She snickered, reaching out for his fin again, only to be swatted again, "Ticklish?"
"Very much so." He raised an eyebrow, daring her to try again. "You can't stay one minute without trying to feel me up, can you?"
She spluttered and even Pearl (dumb fish!) joined Storm as he chortled at the indignant face she made.
"We're here!" He cheered, only to be tackled by a bunch of sharks. Nashi felt her breath quicken.
"Storm?" She blinked. The group turned to stare at her in awe.
"Uhhh..." What was happening again?
Storm laughed at her confusion. "I figured you'd be lonely up there so I thought you'd like to stay with my family for a change. Don't mind Kai and Gale," he shot them a look. "They're dumbasses."
"If you won't date her, I might," Kai smirked at her. She nervously smiled at him, confused.
Storm growled, "Back off, she's mine!"
Nashi choked. Even Pearl cheered as they proceeded to carry her into their coven? Cliff? Ridge maybe....
"Since when am I yours?" She inquired, bewildered.
"We'll work on the specifics later. For now," he wrapped an arm around her torso and grinned at her, "Yeah, you're mine."
Bonus: (that no one asked for)
Storm grumbled, "If his first word is baby, it'll be your fault."
Nashi shrugged, "As long as it's not Daddy, I don't mind at all. Say mommy, sweetie! Mo-mmy! See!"
The tiny shark ("He loves raw fish! He's a natural predator!" Storm cheered, making funny faces at his giggling son) paid no heed to his parents, distracted by Pearl swimming in circles around him.
"Pearl, you're going to make him take his first paddle before he says Momma at this rate," Nashi warned.
"You mean Dadda."
"Ma- da," River giggled, clapping his hands. Both of them blinked at him.
"Well that solves that," Storm smiled.
"Yeah...." Nashi sighed. "Who's a good little sharkie? Yes, you are!" She cooed, carrying him in her arms. "I love you!" She poked at him.
"What about me?" Storm pouted. She rolled her eyes and pecked him on the lips. "I love you too, Snarky."
He flicked her on the nose.
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rosezemlya · 6 years
TWR Arc 2v4 - 23
*Grumbling and whining and crying like a child who doesn’t want to do their homework, but won’t get dessert until they do*
Writing after the jump!
There is a moment of disorientation as the Telling fades and reality (well… the ‘Twixt’s version of it, anyway) reasserts itself.  The noise doesn’t help: the crowd is tumultuous, shrieking and stomping, and howling in a voice more divided than I’ve heard it yet.  There are, of course, sensible Fae up there who will undoubtedly be unhappy and concerned about the implications of a mortal like myself having a strong enough grasp of Telling to beat a Fae on his own turf and at his own game (never mind that it’s not unheard of, but it’s been my experience that there are people like this among every population in Qaensgate, so).  But there are also those who find the prospect exciting and who maybe aren’t fans of the proprieter of this fine establishment and aren’t too broken up about a public embarrassment for him.  And then, of course, there are the ones after my own heart, who know a good show when they see it and don’t really care much beyond that.  If I’m really lucky, one or two of them might even be fans by this point.
If I wasn’t so focused on keeping this from going to Round Three, aka Round We All Die, I’d be smug about that.
Argent lays a hand on my shoulder –politely ignoring my choked off shriek at the unexpected contact – and points up at the bleachers.  It doesn’t take me long to pick out what he’s trying to highlight.  If, in a kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the Fae, the regular ol’ mortal is a sore thumb.
The sight of Hunter and Neesha immediately sparks a war between relief and dread in my chest. They’re both there and they’re alive. That’s good.  But they’re bound.  That’s bad. I can see who’s holding their chains, which is good.  But even just the edges of her Tale tell me that she’s a far sight above some second-rate, cheating ringmaster in a cheap people circus.  That’s bad.  And she and said second-rate, cheating ringmaster are shaking hands, all while it shoots me an angry, spiteful, petty glare.  That’s absolutely terrible.
She releases its hand then turns to look straight at me, and honestly?  That’s just the worst.
I have time to say, “Get the others,” and shove Argent away toward the other side of the bleachers, before the Fae leaps into the air, high enough that I lose sight of her briefly in the shadows clinging to the roof above, and then crashes back down onto the arena floor.  Her impact sends a wave of sand and dust into the air and I can feel the vibrations through the soles of my boots.
Argent makes a conflicted noise, as his eyes do that thing that makes it look like there’s an awful lot of math going on in his head.  He looks at me and hesitates.  “You don’t have to do this alone,” he says.  Brave words from someone who clearly doesn’t have enough information to define all his variables.
“No duh,” I reply, more sharply than he deserves given he’s offering to stand here and die with me. It’s just that he’s overestimating the degree of heroism I am displaying here.  I’m not planning to make my Glorious Last Stand, I’m planning to mouth off and buy time until a convenient exit presents itself.  You know, like usual.  It’s so hard not to roll my eyes, just in case he’s not grasping my point yet, but the new Fae is stalking towards us across the sand, all liquid grace and a truly impolite level of confidence, and I don’t think taking my eyes off her will go well.  “Get the others and get back here before she kills me, so we can get the Hell out of here.”
Maybe he listens to me (what a novelty that would be), maybe he doesn’t.  I don’t know, because I’m not even done that sentence before the lanky woman transforms from a prowling Fae to a charging Fae.  The Sentinel Sword is ringing an alarm – maybe because it thinks I don’t know what’s happening, and maybe because it’s as unhappy as I am and this is the only way it has to express it – and the combatting voices in the crowd unit in an excited, bloodthirsty roar.  
She’s on me before I can do anything more than raise the Sentinel Sword and yelp a sound that can’t decide if it’s crying for help, crying out in rage and petty insults, or just plain crying.  I’m not ashamed to admit I close my eyes as I brace for impact and probably death, and maybe, if I give myself just a little too much credit, that’s why I don’t realize what she’s actually doing.
The Sentinel Sword does, of course, but it speaks in bells, and this is a stressful situation, so what do you want from me?
While I’m flinching and trying to protect my face, she snaps the hilt of her blade down onto my wrist, sending a wave of terrible numbness through it.  The sword falls from my nerveless fingers.  It bursts into angry, but useless, blue flame on its way down to the bloody sand, and a well-timed, carefully aimed kick sends its clattering away across the floor.
Why did she do that? I wonder as I twist and try scramble back and away from her.
To stop me from giving the Sword control of Tale again and maybe actually winning this fight, I answer myself as she demonstrates her unfortunately long reach by casually backhanding me anyway.
Why didn’t I do that? I demand shrilly.
I don’t really have a good answer for myself, though, consumed as I am by the sudden explosions overtaking my vision and the ringing in my head that has nothing to do with my magical sword.  
By the time the stars clear, I’m on the ground with a mouthful of blood and dirty sand, and she’s crouched nearby, just out of (my) reach.  She’s taking her sweet time studying me, stroking her cheek with one long finger, uncaring of the thick wetness that seems to be seeping into the scarf she wears around her face.  It’s honestly more frightening than anything she’s done up to this point.
Well, Argent, I think with more than a tinge of desperation. It’s up to you now…
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