#its really fun and lineart was always a chore for me
slate-sprout · 26 days
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experimentation with dramatic lighting lyrics are from "MAWARU" by Kikuo, i felt very inspired by the song :]
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Tagged by: @thevoiceofthanatos​
Favorite color: warm bright yellow, mustard yellow & old gold, and just yellow in general. its a good colour. it makes me happy
Currently reading: idk, probably star trek fanfic my friend @rubbertplant​ was writing to give my opinion on it. i often read through my own stuff too lol, like whoah i wrote that??? ADHD has taken everything from me including my capability to read though, for real. ive been thinking of trying to listen to some audiobooks recently though, this cannot continue... its just that i also have no ears disease so idk how well that would go. determined to try though
Last song you listened to: havent been listening to music so much bc ive been playing videos instead but my last.fm has all my spotify listens so itll stay up to date on whatever i listened to last. currently seems to be “please play-bite” by pinocchioP. i often just let spotify play me whatever it recommends anyhow so theres variance. and i only started this account like a few months ago max so its not really a full picture of my music-listening
Last movie (in theaters): its not really a movie, but if it counts, the first ginga nagareboshi gin stageplay (recorded and released in finland in theaters with subs)
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ginga was always huge in finland for some reason. idk. the anime is so violent though that i got really afraid of bears for some reason. theres so much blood... i never read the manga either i just knew of the anime and partook in my share of wolf roleplays (dogs were uncool! so i didnt do dog roleplays. iirc that really was my reason).
heres some funny wolves from my wolf rp days
2010. one of the first things i coloured digitally... i painstakingly cleaned the scanned pencil lineart with a mouse
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2011. i had gotten my first drawing tablet as a birthday/xmas gift and practiced a ton around this time (more than just wolves lol)
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Last series I watched: trigun stampede. even changed my phone bg into vash... but millions knives is probably my favourite. he just does everything wrong and makes his life worse. and everyone elses life too bc he sucks. but hes multifaceted so hes also my meow meow and whatever. i hope a ford explorer drives over him
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if it counts though, ive seen some star trek TOS episodes and movies because my friends have been watching them. im not super into it but its always fun to hang. i also dont watch a lot of stuff. i dont even know what i do. guy who doesnt read or watch things but listens to jerma videos on youtube without actually looking at them while i “draw” and “write”
Craving: food honestly. i should cook something lmfao. i also want soda so bad but i dont have any. id make some tea but its disgustingly warm in my house so i only want cool drinks. could kill for a nice milkshake or a smoothie rn i think
Tea or coffee: tea... im the only finnish person who doesnt drink coffee for real. also got really into loose leaf tea bc i befriended a chinese lady who is really into tea and has a tea shop in the city near where i live
Currently working on: drawing this and trying to think how i want to do it. somehow want to incorporate flat colours and maybe shade his body naturally, and make the blood look realistic instead of flat colours... hmm not sure yet what i want to do
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other than that im trying to proofread the chapter of my ryanyuri fanfic i already published because theres a lot of typos and strange sentences in there but its been a chore bc my body breaks down when it gets too warm smfh... not looking forward to when my apt goes over 30 degrees celsius it is unlivable. im also trying to complete a “lookbook” of my tnb sims. but i always start huge projects that take three million years to complete and im really slow lmfao
Tag people you’d like to get to know better: i could just ask these questions from everyone i talk on discord with. fuck my friends i know irl or otherwise, only asking people who r my friends through tumblr. no need to do this though. also this isnt probably meant to be answered so long-windedly... thats just me. i cant answer with one word i gotta write an essay. heres three tags though @basslinegrave​ @vita-divata​
(record scratch before 3rd tag) and @rubbertplant​ bc they were streaming a game in discord when i started typing this and i was like hey wanna do it and they were like yeah
i expect replies on my desk by 5pm TOMORROW!!!!get to work!!!! no i jest, do it or dont, i dont mind either way, just if you feel like doing this. if you see this and want to do it feel free to consider yourself tagged. godspeed
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arollingriver · 3 years
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My 2020 Summary of Art!
I was the most inspired in April and May, and got started with my new work rythm around October. 2020 was a terrible year overall, even for me, and yet an amazing year for my art... And I’ll write my own contemplations under the cut!~
cw: mental health themes, mention of suicide
I dropped my artschool in February. ♥
I’d started going to this new, expensive school in September 2019. The first few lessons were extremely useful, and taught me better ways to approach drawing, but it quickly went downhill. My health was at its worst, I couldn’t stand it anymore-- I didn’t even realize that I was starting to have suicidal thoughts again, when they’d had completely stopped since I’d started seeing my therapist. I was struggling, and the school’s administration was no help. If anything, they only made matters worse. I kept forcing myself though, as myself and my family had paid a lot of money for me to go to this school... But I simultaneously started to realize the teachers were straight-up bad. They were all artists, but almost none of them were actual teachers. They treated their adult students like kids while simultaneously yelling at them for not being more mature, and most of their lessons had no actual value other than to make us practice in a rush.
Not too long after I stopped going, and when I was done going through the immense guilt of having wasted everyone’s money, I realized I didn’t necessarily want to die. So that was my introduction to this year.
I participated in two Danganronpa-styled RPs around February/March that weren’t all that, but inspired me to create a season 2 for my own RP. Despite my difficulties with the french Danganronpa RP community, I managed to find and build a group of understanding, and interested people who participated in my RP and were, a large majority of them at least, very kind to me. Thanks to that, I was able to create a space to explore my main story (WIP! I would like to publish it eventually!) and some OCs, old and new. This inspired me to draw them... more and more... oh, and Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan: The Run came out, making me realize that muscular bodies cool look great AND were extremely fun to draw.
As my OCs were a team of highly-trained secret agents, this was the perfect opportunity, and I was inspired to draw more and more. From that point on, I realized I was having fun drawing, and most importantly, that I was satisfied with what I drew, and I continued to draw both my OCs, and any and all fanart I was inspired to create.
I felt a little bit of an artblock by the middle of the year, but in retrospect, it made a lot of sense. I’d suddenly drawn so much the few months before, of course I would eventually burn out. It still felt important to me to continue going forward with my art though, so... I focused on what I needed, explored different methods, and still drew a few good pieces. 2020 is the first year ever in which my Summary of art isn’t missing a month.
Around October, I started to take my new work rythm seriously. One day I’ll write for my current main project, @murderfabrication, and the next I will either draw or rest. Because of that, I found myself drawing almost every two days. Between October and December, I was even able to draw Danganronpa sprites and a Danganronpa-styled illustration for pleasure (and Murder Fabrication ofc) again, when that had become a chore in 2019.
This year is the year I enjoyed drawing. Something always felt off before, because I had no idea what I was doing, but that’s over. I’m still not great, but... some of my art is good. It just is. Hell, I even drew a few profiles this year-- that’s how confident I am. I started drawing in a sketched style because I realized that was what I enjoyed the most and, oddly, that allowed me to get better at sketching to the point that when I do lineart now I actually... don’t... need to do lineart. My sketches are now so confident and solid now that I barely ever need to edit them for the final result... when I’d been known for my terribly messy sketches for years.
I don’t expect anything out of 2021. I always hope for the worst, so I’ll either turn out to be right, or pleasantly surprised. But I’ll continue to work the way I’ve been working these last few months (this very week doesn’t count - I’m on break!), and I hope to be able to draw more things I like.
If you like my artstyle in any capacity... Please look through my art this year on this blog. I’m really proud of it.
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