#its not canon that darkforest cats can redeem themselves
the-exiled-comic · 10 months
Could you tell us more about Haven and their life? Did they end up in the Dark Forest exclusively because they exterminated all the raccoons in the forest or is there more to it?
yes, Haven is a very silly beast! I actually recently made her a wife, Madronestar. She's the leader before Autumnstar, and is kind of a dipshit but its okay we love her anyway
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their relationship is like cartoonishly cute. Madrone is the adorable little housewife who puts homemade pies on her windowsill and Haven is the handsome rogue who cannot resist the allure of the freshly baked pie smell
I like to think this bothers Mr. Autumnfang who is the deputy at the time, seeing his leader goof off with a loner art below is by @notchaoticferal
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Haven was never part of Oceanclan, but she chases away/kills the raccoons because they were bothering her wife... who I think would be none the wiser about where the critters went.
Killing the raccoons is Haven's fatal flaw and it is why she's in hell. She's a nice cat, sure, but her reason for killing them weren't justified.
I imagine the situation went something like this; Oceanclan's population grew and so did the raccoon's, they started to compete for resources but since there was a language barrier (think like how the foxes have their own language!) communication was rough and they were in a sort of stalemate... Until Haven took matters into her own paws.
Personally speaking, I don't think anyone is beyond redemption and that eternal damnation is especially cruel. But at the same time, Haven hasn't yet made strides in the right direction to be earning a whole lot of sympathy from me. She's seen bragging about killing the raccoons in chapter 12, saying she's proud of what she did. They also did not provoke her, it wasn't self defense and it never came down to a "her or them" situation.
I don't think she hates raccoons as a species, just that specific group since in her eyes they weren't "strong enough" to take care of themselves and were stealing instead of finding their own food (idk if she fully grasped the situation) One of Haven's big flaws is that she does think less of those who are not as fortunate as her. I like to think its part of why she never joins the clan despite her lover literally being the leader. She wouldn't want to hunt and contribute to the clan. She would likely see elders and nursing queens are free-loaders unless they had a really good reason to not be out hunting. Haven's a very "fend for yourself" typa gal
Despite it all... I enjoy her character a lot and I hope she can get sent to rehab/therapy
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