#its just fucked when jamie does it. cuz its jamie. and roy refuses to be normal about him. LOL
undermycoat · 10 months
The first time Jamie stays over at Roy’s, they haven’t been together long, if you could call whatever it is that they have going on ‘together’ — it’s more like a series, a hotchpotch of bad decisions, Jamie pushing Roy, Roy pushing back, but then accidentally pushing so hard that Jamie falls into the nearest bed and, because he refuses to let Roy one-up him, manages to take Roy with him.
And sometimes they push and shove near a toilet stall. Or an alleyway. Or an empty supply closet. There’d even been that time where they happened to be right next to the door of the boot room, and it was one of the rare moments Will fucking Kitman hadn’t been in there already.
Needless to say, it feels very much like crossing some relationship-threshold when Roy rasps, “Yours or mine?” against the warm skin of Jamie’s throat and Jamie whines out, “Yours.”
It’s not, but it feels more damning than the boot room — definitely more personal, more involved — but still Roy takes him, and when it’s over, Jamie mouthing lazily at his shoulder, sated and sleepy, he doesn’t send him on his way like he knows he should, like he has all those times before.
In the morning, he’s torn from his sleep by a raucous clatter and a sharp gasp. He’s up and rushing to the ensuite before he’s even aware of his wakefulness. But instead of the gory scene he expects, what greets him is a perfectly safe Jamie, clutching a shampoo bottle and some of the shampoo splattered across the floor.
“Fuck’s going on?” Roy snaps, bracing a hand on the doorframe before stretching his leg, soothing the ache that’d started in his knee from his hurry.
Jamie waves the shampoo bottle at him. “You’ve actually got a decent product!”
He thinks he should feel more offended by Jamie’s shock than he does — really, all he feels is something like fond exasperation rising in his chest, up to his throat, threatening to choke him if he lingers on it for too long.
“Yeah,” he finally says slowly, as if speaking to a small child, “I’ve got to take care of my hair, don’t I?” What he doesn’t say is that he learnt that the hard way, but what Jamie doesn’t know won’t hurt him. (But Roy kind of wants to tell him anyway. But he won’t.)
Jamie pauses, looks between him and the bottle a couple times, before nodding. “Good, good,” he sets the shampoo back into the shower, “thought I’d have to teach you.”
Roy stares at him for another second, eyes narrowed, before he pivots and walks away, leaving Jamie to continue his apparent inspection. “Fuck you, Tartt!”
He ignores Jamie’s cheery, “Already done that, haven’t you?” And if his heart squeezes in his chest at the thought of more mornings like this — a fucking lifetime of mornings like this — well, that’s only for him to know.
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