#its delicious!!! and the greens rlly do help with preventing that high carb sluggish feeling after
nudibutch · 15 days
hi, you mentioned modifying lemon orzo pasta w arugula a little while ago, i was wondering if you have a base lemon orzo pasta recipe you could share? no worries if not, have a good weekend!
hi!!! yes its super easy!!! this is my "i have no energy" easy meal. recipe is as follows:
- orzo
- lemon juice
- butter
- parmesan cheese
- your green of choice
- your protein of choice (chicken, fish, or plant protein like chickpeas usually go best with lemon. not sure about beans.)
- freshly cracked black pepper (highly prefer over pre-ground)
- garlic powder, onion powder, salt
1. boil a pot of water and cook orzo as instructed on package. i usually cook mine for 7 min
2. drain orzo, return to pot. in the pot, add butter to taste
3. put orzo in bowl. add your green of choice and protein of choice. add seasonings to taste. mix. add lemon juice to taste. stir. add parmesan to taste. stir. add parmesan on top to finish. ta da!!!
4. i usually cook 1 lb orzo (in the states, usually 1 whole bag) and store the leftovers (no seasoning/lemon added, just buttered) in the fridge. whenever i want a bowl, i just microwave a portion and the butter helps keep it from sticking/drying out, and retains flavor. then i add all my ingredients as in #3. this usually gives me about 5 or 6 meals.
as a cost per serving example: (1 lb orzo ~$1, 8 oz smoked salmon (my protein of choice) ~$9, 1/2 bag arugula ~$1, 1/3 container parm ~$1-2)/5 = ~$2.60 per serving, which is pretty lit.
you dont have to do greens or protein, obvs, but i like to for a well-balanced meal and also to help prevent me from feeling bogged down due to carb/butter load. (the greens esp help with this.) i originally made this with spinach as my green, but i much prefer arugula now due to its flavor complimenting the tang of parm and lemon. you could also do this with broccoli, peas, kale.... whatever you prefer. greens + lemon + seasonings is a pretty solid combo.
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