#its cool to think on the ways the another series refs the original while also standing on its own and adding its own spin in it!
siriusanotherside · 3 years
A thing I seen around the fandom is that Mitch seems to be a pretty controversial character, thanks for that scene in the first chapter when he tries to ask Akane for a sexual favor before "Yuuki" arrives.
Also, I found funny how, even if he's REALLY based in Leon, him and Mitch have pretty opposite opinions on their talents (Leon doesn't likes baseball, only playing it because of the attention and money he gets, because he wants to be a rockstar, while Mitch hates any sport that's not soccer)
Anon: asks this ask
The chapter 1 narrative analysis that lives rent free on my head: *crawls out of procrastination hole*)
Me, sweating and swatting it, feeling my procastination sins crawl up on my back, with the broom: *whistles* anyways
Yeah! I have seen it too.
Yeah! There is a lot of parallels (or I suppose call backs?) in both chapters 1 of both Another games! (motive kill + blackened sports talent guy / blackedned basing his killer plan/alibi around a party)
Mitsuhiro(and Kiyoka) does a really cool call back /and/ inversion of Leon (and Sayaka) while keeping enough similarities and differences to keep it unique. Furthermore, Mitsuhiro (and Kiyoka) and both of their roles also serve as an way to further and prepare the secondary conflict that is revealed in the trial, that is, Kinjo’s ideals and beginning of his character arc.
While Leon stopped liking baseball, wants to strike out on his own (rockstar), what makes him break into murder is someone trying to murder him, meanwhile Mitsuhiro loves football, makes it so it is a heavy aspect of his live, and feels completely comfortable in his future, to the point where what breaks him, is FIFA being in possible danger.
Leon trying to break free from his ultimade role, while Mitsuhiro fully embraces his, is a really cool and interesting contrast between them.
Another point, I would say is that Mitsuhiro, when thinking, ends up being more cunning than Leon (ie, he prepares his murder plan with a very calculative view -> sets up all the pieces of the murder beforehand, plans to kill Kinjo, on the correct assumption that since he is a policeman and deals with crime, he would be one of the biggest dangers to a blackened and capable of investigating well)
And yet, they have enough similarities too! Both are stubborn, impulsive, have strong passions, cocky have a talent centered around sports, have the “jocks” vibes and… are pretty good with improvisation, in that both of them come up with a good misdirection murder plan upon an unexpected event happening. Once Leon discovers Sayaka tried to kill him, he is able to overpower, hide most of his evidences and make use of Sayaka previous set up. Meanwhile, once Kiyoka, not Kinjo, appears, Mitsuhiro kills her and adapts his plan to involve the girl bathroom and throw suspicion on all the girls and supposedly throw off the suspicion on all the guys.
So yes! Big agree that the way both Leon and Mitsuhiro contrast each other /and/ are similar to each other is very interesting. And I also enjoy the way that Mitsuhiro's trial, besides kick starting the killing game like Leon's, adds to the narrative a good stage to kick start of a secondary conflict
edit: changing to here below bc otherwise gee did that break the flow of the ask huh
me unable to control myself: anyways... snippet/hella summary draft
(It always puzzled me at first, the way this trial is far less "gray" than the following 3 ones and stood in contrast to it. Then, it clicked and i realized that having a "known by the audience" "jerk/rude" (here comes the scene you mentioned) killing an double-"innocent", for a less gray motive, set a pretty good stage for Kinjo to introduce his ideology, and left the audience on their toes on how Kinjo would deal with grey-er circunstances, and a good deal of space for the shock/betrayal to settle when Kinjo reveals how hard he goes on his black and white view and steadly double downs on it when confronted, and makes it more rewarding when his arc "concludes" and he realises that yeah, it is fucked up, and yeah the mastermind/killing game had manipulated/broken them all into murder, and thinking on bad criminals and good innocents, is a way too narrow view)
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duhragonball · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about various storytelling things, not really Dragon Ball related, but I figured I could write them all down here and make something out of it.    Yeah, like an old school Livejournal post, except I can’t write a sassy message in the read-more cut.
Okay, first, I’ve been watching a lot of AEW Dark episodes on YouTube, because AEW puts out a new one every Tuesday and it’s easy to fall behind on them.   So it’s like reliving wrestling angles that I watched on AEW Dynamite back in June and July.    One of these angles was a world title match between champion Jon Moxley, and “The Machine” Brian Cage, who debuted by winning a ladder match in dramatic fashion, along with his new manager, Taz.
Taz does a lot of the color commentary for these episodes of Dark, and Cage debuted around the release of Episode 35, so after that, Taz started using his announcing job to promote the upcoming title match and gloat about how his guy Cage was going to destroy Jon Moxley and win the title.   Taz’s main argument was that Cage is absolutely jacked, which made him a success before, but now he’s got Taz coaching him in all the cool stuff Taz used to do in ECW: suplexes, submission holds, etc.    Taz sells you Brian Cage’s world title victory like a lawyer presenting a case to a jury.   At the center of Taz’s argument was his claim that Cage was simply too big, too strong, and too prepared for Jon Moxley’s finishing move, the Paradigm Shift.    Taz predicted that Mox wouldn’t be able to apply the Paradigm Shift properly, and even if he could hit it, it wouldn’t be enough to stop Cage. 
The plot twist came from real life, when Moxley had to stay home because his wife contracted COVID-19.   There was a lot of speculation that he might get sick, and even if he didn’t, that he wouldn’t be able to appear for the title match.   Fortunately, it didn’t come to that, and the match was simply postponed an extra week.    During that time, Taz accused Moxley of ducking Brian Cage, which I wasn’t crazy about, since I didn’t like coronavirus being used in a wrestling angle.   On the other hand, it did give Taz a couple of weeks to run down the champion unopposed.   At one point he reintroduced his old FTW title belt and gave it to Cage because the world title match had been postponed.    Good stuff.  
So finally, Moxley comes back, and he did one promo before the title match, and this was his chance to respond to all the shittalking Taz had been doing.   It was brilliant, because for weeks, Taz had been declaring victory, and he shut it all down in one quick segment.    He brought up Taz’s claim that the Paradigm Shift wouldn’t work on Cage, and Moxley just said “well maybe I won’t try to use my finisher on him.   No, instead, I’m going to target his left bicep, which was surgically repaired last year, putting Cage out of action for several months.”
And just like that, the tone of the show changed, where suddenly it looked like Cage might be in trouble, because his camp only seemed to have a perfect game plan, and here was the champion announcing his own counter-strategy in advance.   “You talked shit about my wife being sick, so I will reinjure your arm.” 
And it was awesome.    At one point Moxley went for a pin, and Cage kicked out, only for Moxley to reverse the pin into a submission move on the arm.    There were points where it seemed like he couldn’t decide which arm to target, and eventually I realized he was going after both of them, switching from one to the other as needed.   It’s smart, because if you go after the good arm, he’s gotta use the vulnerable one to fight you off, and by doing that Cage basically handed it to Mox for his next hold.  
Finally, Moxley had Cage trapped in an arm hold, and the whole time he was looking Taz in the eye, basically waiting for a submission or a ref stoppage, and Taz had no choice but to throw in the towel to save Brian Cage’s career.    It was a beautiful finish because it sewed up the whole story.   Cage never tapped out, so he still looks like a relentless badass, but Taz had to let discretion be the better part of valor.   He mocked Moxley for playing it safe when his wife got sick, so Moxley forced Taz to make the same choice.    Great stuff.   
Second.   I’ve been reading Darth Vader comics since Marvel started publishing new Star Wars stuff again.    Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars, so it was only a matter of time before the comics began to reflect this.   The smart thing they did was to give Vader his own title, which I like because I’m not that into the adventures of Luke and Han.   
The first Vader series was twenty-odd issues featuring his fall from grace after the Death Star’s destruction, and his rise to command of the Imperial Fleet.     Basically it charts Vader’s career between Episodes IV and V, though there’s plenty of room for other side-stories.   
The second series flashed back to the final scenes of Revenge of the Sith, and tracks Vader’s actions before A New Hope.   It doesn’t cover the entire period, but it hits a lot of the important notes.   How he got his red lightsaber, how he trained the Inquisitors and hunted down the surviving Jedi, and how he built the castle on Mustafar seen in Rogue One.   So it handles everything important Vader was known to have done between Episodes III and IV. 
The third series, currently ongoing, starts right after Vader’s final scene in Empire Strikes Back, and I would assume it’s going to lead him right up to his arrival at Death Star II in Return of the Jedi.   I’m really into this, because I feel like this is an especially overlooked stage of Vader’s career.    Starting out, it seems to be mostly about Vader investigating how his son survived Padme’s death, as he seeks revenge against anyone who hid the boy from him.    Of course, nearly everyone involved in that cover-up is already dead, so I’m not sure where this is going to lead.   
All three volumes of the Vader title focus on the utter futility of Vader’s quests for power and revenge.    His hunts for Jedi survivors was just something for him to do in his spare time, since the Jedi were no longer a threat to him.    His castle on Mustafar was designed to give him special knowledge of the Force, but it only revealed truths that he already knew, or had long since rejected.    His plot to regain the Emperor’s favor after Yavin was very satisfying to watch, but also pointless: The Emperor needed him too badly to dispose of him, and Vader’s still a patsy whether he’s the #2 guy in the Empire or the #5 guy in the Empire.    And now this new series sees him chasing ghosts, trying to make sense of Luke’s refusal to join him.     He wants some sort of answer to his dilemma, but the only answer he’s ever going to find is the one in ROTJ, where he sacrifices himself to kill the Emperor, the one thing he cannot bring himself to contemplate until the time comes.
What saddens me, a little, is the realization that there doesn’t seem to be anywhere else for Marvel to go with the guy.   We’ve got an arc of Vader between Episodes III and IV, an arc between IV and V, and now V and VI, and that’s it.    The only way to do another Darth Vader series after this would be to go back and cover one of those three periods of his career.   And I’d be up for that, but the three series Marvel has done seem a little too decisive for this.  Like they purposely planned these comics because they weren’t going to revisit the character again for a while.   At least, not as the star of his own feature.   
I guess I could deal with that.    Maybe Marvel could finally get around to exploring the Sith career of Count Dooku between Episodes I and II, or work out some loose ends with the Emperor between Episodes VI and IX.    The main thing that’s been on my mind about Vader, though, is this idea that the character could just be done, and laid aside.  
This is something I’ve often observed about Cell and Frieza in DBZ.   I still think it’s dumb how they brought back Frieza after Trunks killed him, because there really wasn’t anything left to do with the character after he got turned into a cyborg and instakilled.   There’s nowhere to go after that.    His character arc was to start as the Final Boss of the entire Universe and then to get reduced to a pathetic, minor threat.    You can bring him back, but your only choice, dramatically speaking, is to reset the character, which means putting him back on the same track he’s already covered.     There’s no way to bring back Frieza and not have it be a retread of stuff he’s already done once before.
Cell might have some interesting applications beyond his original story, but he’s too much of a slave to his purpose.    His job was to carry on Dr. Gero’s revenge scheme, and that all ended when the saga ended, so he just seems out of place whenever he appears after that.   This is why I’m glad Toei and Toriyama haven’t brought Cell back, although at this rate it feels like it’s only a matter of time.   The thing is, if they brought him back, what else could they do with him?
With Darth Vader, all of his most important moments have already been covered in the movies, so all that’s left is to produce some side-story content.    The old Expanded Universe tended to steer clear of Darth Vader, probably out of respect for George Lucas’ prequel plans.    Later, the Clone Wars projects gave us more Anakin Skywalker than anyone knew what to do with, which is basically Darth Vader content, but not quite.   That’s why I dig these Marvel books so much, because there’s never been such a sustained effort to tell a Darth Vader story like this.   But once it’s run its course, the only way to keep using the character would basically be to start over.     I have a hard time seeing Marvel do that.  They’d have to get a new writer to retell those years like the first set of comics didn’t happen.    That could be very entertaining, but it doesn’t sound likely to happen.  
I’m not terribly worried about getting my Darth Vader fix in the future.   They’ll keep making stories about him long after I’m dead.   It’s just that I’ve been thinking about the limits of what you can do with one character.    I’ve long thought that you can always find gaps in the narrative that can be filled in with new stories, but maybe that isn’t true.    Maybe at some point, for some characters, there’s a finite amount of things to do with them.    You look at all of the Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars stories, and I’m sure someone could write a few hundred more, but would it really accomplish anything that hasn’t already been covered?   Is it possible to “use up” a character?   I probably won’t know for sure anytime soon.  
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Raw 4-17-17
Braun Strowman came out and again said that he wants more competition “or else”. i really hope that they have a plan to meet that demand. if not then they are wasting Braun. they have had other especially large superstars (andre, big show, etc) and they have found ways to make them very intimidating but yet not unbeatable. ideally they should have someone be able to beat him with a particular type of offense- best bet would be something new we haven't seen before. if they just have roman beat him with a series of spears and superman punches at Payback then they are stalling two careers- roman’s and Braun’s.
the first match was samoa joe vs jerico. this is actually an interesting match-up. i am not as familiar with samoa joe but wwe has done a good job building him up prior to his debut on raw by taking up his exploits on nxt. jericho has been in the wwe for a long time. he is still a great athlete and performer- even better than some  of the younger/newer stars. they did a great job playing off one another. just too bad that they cut if short to have joe and seth run promos on each other. that said, both joe and seth do excellent promos. they are entertaining, compelling and believable. 
anderson and gallows were supposed to go against r truth and gold dust (golden truth) but golden truth got attacked by braun. so instead they faced enzo and big cass. [side note: anderson and gallows were pretty entertaining on the WWE network original show, Road trip. ] anderson and gallows fit well as tag team heels. as for enzo and cass- they are pretty entertaining, but i cant help but think that enzo might be holding cass back. cass seems like he could make a run as a singles competitor. he is big but still very athletic. the problem is that i don't think enzo could work as a singles competitor unless they were going to use him to shake up the cruiserweight division. it just seems like cass is always having to save enzo and that enzo doesn't really match up to many of the other tag team competitors. i would hate for enzo to get lost in the shuffle as he is a very entertaining character. maybe there is a way to make enzo more effective and hold up his end a little more. as a fan i realize that enzo isn't just getting beat up- he is using skill to sells those moves. 
i recognized fit finlay as one of the people that went to check on golden truth after the Braun attack. so i decided to try to find out what other wrestlers still work for WWE in other capacities. it was interesting to see that there are quite a few retired wrestlers still with wwe. most are producers or road agents, while some are trainers etc.
Miz and Maryse were up next with Miz TV. The Miz is by far my favorite heel in quite a while. he is so polished with the way he sells his promos. His new rivalry with Dean Ambrose is fantastic. not only are they both entertaining but creative came up with a great storyline- issues over a class of styles. Miz being the modern prestige hungry wrestler and Dean being the gritty fighter.
Braun attacks another wrestler (looked like Kalysto) and now we have a match set for Braun vs the Big show (who didnt like the attacks on his fellow wrestlers).
crusierweight match: TJ Perkins v Gentleman Jack Gallagher, with neville and austin aries ringside. Both TJ and gentleman jack  have interesting personas and great in-ring styles. a lot of what they do is unique. things like when tj catches himself between the top and middle ropes or his head spin maneuver. it was actually pretty interesting the reaction that TJ got when he dropped gentleman jacks umbrella, shows that people are buying into gentleman jack’s character, to which the umbrella is important. i get why neville makes sense as the cruiserweight champion because he has established himself so well before they brought the cruiserweight to a more prominent position. however i am a little lost why they pushed austin aries so fast so quickly. he is pretty good with promos but i am no overly impressed with his in-ring work. he isn't bad but compared to the other cruiserweight, he just doesn't seem to stand out. yet somehow he very quickly became the number one contender and had a match at wrestle mania.
after the cruiserweight match, they showed a promo for an upcoming singles match between jeff hardy and cesaro. the promo included pictures of each competitors tag partner and i have to say that i HATE matt hardy’s new style, especially the goofy bug eyed look he has in that promo photo. Jeff came back with his same intense rocker style and next to that matt just looks ridiculous. they need to give him a make-over. my only guess on what he is doing is that he is keeping some of his style from the previous wrestling promotion what he was working for. 
promo: apollo crews and titus oneil. apollo and Titus both need the same thing- a better persona. they are both very athletic and great in-ring performers. titus needs to find something that is a more natural fit so he can sell it better. the whole titus brand concept is terrible because he cant sell it and it is just goofy. as for apollo- he isn't memorable because he doesn't seem to have any persona at all.
promo- hardy and cesaro/sheamus. the hardyz are definitely best in action vs on the mic. in particular matt doesn't even seem to be able to say certain words-- its LADDERS. I'm not being hard on mat because i don't like him. in fact i am tough on him because i think that he can be so much better. they just need to polish him up a bit. regarding cesaro and sheamus- i have to admit that i didnt get them as a tag team when they first got together but now i think they are a great team. i love that they came out with matching outfits at wrestlemania and continue to use that gear. they also play off each other well- cesaro the gentleman who helps soften some of sheamus’s rough edges.
number 1 contenders fatal 4-way match mickie james, alexa bliss, sasha banks & via jax-- this is an interesting match-up. fatal 4ways are great because they opportunities to more superstars and also provide more action & storyline options. for instance, alexa bliss wins by pinning sasha but only because sasha had been taken out just prior to that by nia jax. so even though alexa wins it still leaves it open that sasha could be able to beat her 1:1. they didnt really do it this match, but one things i like about the larger women’s matches is that they typically will add moves that include  more than two competitors, like a power bomb- suplex combo. that is very impressive.
kurt hawkins-- i don't get his persona, his get-up...really anything about him. then they have him face finn balor who is a top superstar- why?! my best guess is that they are trying to get finn back on tv but want to warm him up to things after his injury. cory refers to finn as “james deam cool, john wayne tough”. they really do come up with some cool creative concepts on wwe.
they showed actor dule hill in the audience then showed a clip of his new movie. i wish that i could attend a wwe event for work, lol.
promo: jerico. jerico is so great on the mic because he commits fully and also does a great job infusing comedy into his promos. i love when he calls the interviewer by the wrong name. haha and then when he uses alliteration just to be goofy- “weird wandering wayfarer”.
promo: bray wyatt. im not a fan of bray wyatt. i get what they are going for with the “eater of worlds” idea. i just don't think he portrays that effectively. for all his talk, he doesn't come across as intimidating and he isn't that spectacular in the ring. his finisher, sister abigail, is pretty lame looking to me. that is one of those moves that i would like to have done to me, just to see what it is really like. maybe its more effective than it looks. all that said- the house of horrors match sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to see what they come up with for that.
promo: alicia fox, dana brooks & emma. alicia fox is just annoying. dana and emma though should make an interesting rivalry. I'm looking forward to seeing a match between the two of them.
the next match was jeff hardy v cesaro. i love that they put this match together. not only do they have different styles (jeff the high flyer, and cesaro an athetlic strong man) but they are also two faces. this is a rivalry to show off skill vs a rivalry of face v heel. i think they missed an opportunity. although i typically think that cesura’s swing isn't a great move, it would have been cool to have jeff  swing out of it or up into another move. also it wasn't great that you could clearly see cesaro move into position for jeff’s moves. that just goes to show that since you don't pick up on that often, how well superstars do to setup moves so well typically. what was really great about the match was that they didn't mess it up with tag partner interference. they even ended the match with handshakes. you don't see that often and it was a great way to keep the face v face theme.
while getting ready for the braun v big show match, michael cole mentioned that david ortungo was out making a movie. i didn't even notice he was missing and honestly hope he doesn't come back. he really just got in the way with his commentary.
the braun v big show match was really great. they did a lot of moves that you wouldn't see when they are against other superstars. they took a body slam, suplex, choke slam & power slam. they even broke the ring with a superplex and sent the ref flying. it was a really good main event.
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