#it's today's media it's still struggling with your basic queer relationships and a canonic poly one is just not realistic I'm aware but
annie-thyme · 27 days
okay so. I've binged almost all of leverage (3 eps left) and now wanna scream and chew cardboard I mean. I mean. hear me out here okay?
first I was like yeah okay sure I'm in a not doing things mood so might as well watch. I don't know any of these ppl except for like a handful of guest stars, but I liked the team's brand of weird and their dynamics basically right from the first ep. and sure the show's a little naive and a lot moralizing (don't like the moralizing), but the banter and the shenanigans and the fact that I suddenly remembered that I like heist movies but somehow haven't watched leverage until now is what kept me clicking on the next ep and the next and the next.
and I mean. this is tumblr ive seen gifsets here and there and I'm aware of the ship (you cannot be on this webbed site and not be aware of the existence of basically every major ship in basically everything, so) - but for the entire 4 and a half seasons I was like yep yep love the dynamic and really love the whole slow progression of rivals to teammates to friends and yeah okay Parker and Hardison dating makes sense but I'm not feral abt it and I still cannot see the threeway ship I mean they're friends and I love that for them and then AND THEN. and then I watched the dc ep. you know the one I mean. with the bomb and the virus and all the intense feelings and and I'm like *Eliot voice* oh come on!!! I did not require any new ships like I'm not much of a fandom person at all these days and yet here we are. facepalms and muffled screams into the pillow.
and I was like where! is more! of that I need more of that!!! after the dc ep and honestly I've watched the next couple eps on autopilot waiting for well not the progression but the same intensity of the dynamic at least but hahaha no said the show. and now it's 8 am and I'm writing this instead of sleeping or diving headfirst into the deep end of the fic pool and I know there's still those three eps left and then the entire renewed show but it's too much and not enough at the same time do you know what I mean
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