#it's romanticising jopper hours
For zee stwanger fings ask game, 6, 11, 18, and 29 😎
So I just typed out a whole novel only for the page to crash -_- TUMBLR DIE CHALLENGE
Anyway thanks for the ask bestie <3 I’m now on a word document and I will post this IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO
six. favourite episode of all time?
This is… really hard! I’m gonna go with the season 2 finale because it is EVERYTHING  to me! The El and Hopper car convo, Steve protecting the kids, Joyce and Jonathan and Nancy saving Will in the cabin, El closing the gate  O H G O D… But honourable mentions go to the season 1 finale when they save Will and it’s cut together with Hopper’s flashbacks and THAT SONG plays… iykyk 😭 and season 4 episode 4 purely for that incredible final sequence… if I could watch it every day I would
eleven. which season has the best ending?
I gotta go with season 2 again 😌 I didn’t think we’d ever get the Snow Ball after season 1 ended but it was the most satisfying pay-off after the first two seasons! The Mileven and Lumax kisses are cute, Will is happy and healthy for once in his life, the Dustin and Nancy scene is so soft it has me sobbing every time 🤗 Especially when you think about how far their friendship has come since she slammed the door on him in season 1, ugh such a queen moment from Nancy at that dance! And not to mention the jopper hug heuheuheuheuheu… yeah.
eighteen. what is your opinion on season 4 so far?
I’M LOVING IT! The new characters slap, everyone is acting their butts off, the story is epic… I have very few qualms 😇 I yam… very scared for the final two episodes… pls just let them all be happy! But also… get it in my eyeballs right now 😤
twenty nine. opinion on jopper?
🎶 BABYYYYYY, YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIIIIIIIIFE 🎶 They’re my parents, they raised me, they’re the most beautiful people in the world, their power is unmatched, two middle-aged, kind of attractive people making out is something that can actually be so personal 😮‍💨 Listen, it’s about a grief-stricken, washed up cop who believes he’s cursed moving back to his home town to be the chief of police after the death of his daughter, losing himself in drugs and alcohol to forget his past… only to be thrown together with the woman he dated knew back in high school, an incredible woman who has always been smart, fierce, and intuitive, but the world has beaten her down and she’s been through a shitty marriage with a terrible guy who left her struggling to pay the bills and raise her two sons. And now her youngest has disappeared and she needs the chief to find him, and maybe the chief doesn’t seem capable, but he steps up because a kid is missing and he’ll do anything to get this kid back to his mother, and maybe part of the reason why he moved home again was to be closer to this kid’s mother. He’d do anything to protect her, not that she needs protecting because she’s so so strong and would go through hell and to another dimension to bring her son home. No, he looks out for her because she’s been through hell, and she deserves something good in her life, someone who loves her and keeps loving her. (If only he could realise how much he deserves that love as well.) But he knows just how far from perfect he is, too gruff and damaged, he’d just make her life miserable – he is cursed, after all. So instead he loves her quietly, doing what he can for her, too scared to draw her into the black hole that is his life. And maybe she’s scared too, because, let’s face it, she doesn’t have the best track record, and she has her boys to look after, and this man is far from perfect, and they bicker, and wouldn’t he just be another person to lose? Maybe she was never meant to have that kind of love in her life, and maybe she’s better off without it. But maybe he comes into her life anyway, without meaning to, maybe he was always there, sharing a cigarette with her under the bleachers between fifth and sixth period. They are part of each other, now and forever. And he doesn’t understand why this woman stays by his side, why she travels to another country to save him from hell, how he could ever deserve such a miracle. But she is fiercely protective over the people she loves, and she loves him, and that love makes her stronger. Even if it’s scary and uncertain and strange – maybe these two broken, lonely people can heal together… and find something that resembles peace.
Stranger Things ask game 👉👈
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