#it's really nice there. pure vibes and everyone is very kind :3c
shockpop · 4 years
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name :   kaminari denki
nickname :   he’s currently on the hunt for a nickname that isn’t mean >:(
gender :   trans male
romantic orientation :   bi !
preferred pet names :   honestly just regarding him fondly in any context will kill him on the spot ,   so .   plenty of room for trial and error !
relationship status :   single by default .   doesn’t want to be .
favorite canon  /  fandom ship :   everyone knows i am the biggest advocate for bakukami so i won’t beat around that bush   ...   but besides that ,   i also really like kirikami ,   tetsukami ,   shinkami ,   and momokami !!    those are all my faves  ;-;  
favorite crossover ship :   LMAO well nic and i are cooking up a cute inosuke  /  denki ship !!    my two favorite boys from both series >:3c they have a really good dynamic   /   so much potential to go off of   ...   i’m really soft about it 
opinion on true love :   denki is absolutely a believer in it !    he just doesn’t know when he’ll actually end up finding it .    to him ,   as someone so young   /   hormonal   /   naturally a hopeless romantic ,   he’s gonna assume every person he crushes on is  ‘ the one ’ ,   which makes it all the much harder when they obviously don’t reciprocate .    he’s really excited to be in love one day ,   though    ---    because besides being a hero ,   he’s always really wanted to become someone’s husband !    
opinion on love at first sight :   again ,   he’s at the age where he falls in love superficially about five times a day .    it’s not outside the scope of probability that this applies to those  ‘ first sight ’  crushes too ,   especially since so many of these small ,  insignificant crushes are derived purely from physical attraction at first .    even though he doesn’t always understand that he’s not actually in love ,   it’s still pretty obvious on the outside ,   given how quickly he gets over these things when they inevitably don’t go as planned .    he’s just really dramatic . 
how  ‘ romantic ’ are they? :   i think denki would like to think he’s something of a connoisseur of romance ,   but in reality ,   he’s too inexperienced to really understand all the criteria he should be meeting in a relationship .    while he has good intentions ,   he’s just a very unorganized person ,   so after the initial bit ,   he might start showing up late to dates or forgetting little anniversaries and whatnot .    he may intend to make it a priority ,   but he’s just so   ...   malleable as a person ,   so distractions will always get the best of him ??    and what’s worse is that he’s so laid - back that he may not understand exactly why he should be more remorseful about keeping someone waiting .    he will undoubtedly do his best to make up for it ,   though ,   showering his loved one in affection and really laying down the charm to appease them   ...   but he may have to be put in a time - out corner one of these days ,   just for good measure .    this will change as he gets older and has more experience ,   of course .
ideal physical traits :   he likes strong people ,   regardless of gender .    he also likes pretty features ,   like beautiful eyes and soft cheeks  /  skin ?    soft ,   pillowy shoulders for leaning on ,   hands good for holding ,   nice legs just to look at   ...   
ideal personality traits :   he’d like to think he’s into people who are pleasant and kind ,   but actually ,   he’ll take almost anybody who he can keep up with .    deep down ,   he likes personalities combatant of his own as it provides an interesting dynamic ,   and since he’s something of a  ‘ balancing act ’  himself ,   i think he’d always be fine to even things out in any relationship .   the real ideal trait ,   though ,   is anybody who clearly has a good heart ,   regardless of how they act on the surface .    denki has great intuition and can sniff that shit out real quick .    no matter how agreeable or difficult someone might be ,   denki’ll always find himself falling easily for those who act on their heartsongs ,   whatever that may mean for each individual .    he vibes with those who are supremely in tune with themselves .
unattractive physical traits :   don’t think he really has all that many .    he finds a bit of romance in a lot of physical imperfections ,   like scars and teeth gaps and things like that   ...   things that are personable ,   notable ,   and things that tell stories ,   are all something he can get behind .
unattractive personality traits :   cruelness and brashness and just about anyone who operates on their ego alone .    again ,   if he senses that someone may be a good person deep down ,   he can come to overlook their ugly personalities ,   if only to use it as a stepping stone of sorts into bettering them as people    ---    but if you’ve got an ugly heart to match ,   then he’ll want nothing to do with you .
ideal date :   going into town to grab a bite and shop around ,   really !    he’s pretty simple like that .   he doesn’t really like to stay home if he can help it ,   but chill indoor dates can be fun too ,   if done right .    if he could have his absolute dream date ,   though ,   it’d probably involve taking someone to watch the sunset  /  fireworks by the sea .
do they have a type? :   yes .   he’s not as desperate as he makes himself look ,   so he still has his preferences that may have some say in who he chases after   ;   ditzy girls and jocks are some favorites .    on the opposite end of that spectrum ,   he’s also really into people who are good with the arts .
average relationship length :   about a day or so .
preferred non-sexual intimacy :   denki is a cuddler first and a hero second .    let him snuggle 
commitment level :   it depends on the nature of the relationship .    though he prefers something longer ,   he’ll take his flings ,   his summer romances ,   etc .    if he feels things growing deeper ,   then he’ll wholly abide by the notion and try to gauge where his partner stands so that they can make things real .   
opinion of public affection :   he likes hand holding a whole lot and simple things like that ,   maybe small kisses on the cheek ,   but being overly affectionate in front of others actually makes him a little uneasy .    he wants to save that stuff for private !
past relationships? :   nothing really substantial that didn’t end with his partner being talked out of dating him .    
tagged by  :  @anroji ty <333 tagging  :  @ecntrc ,  @chasiinglegnds ,  @aedific ,  @somniatcr ,  @destinychose ,   @cleavcd​ ,   &.  anyone else who wants to !  (  multis just choose any muse ofc !!  )
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
so we know about cuddlin but,,,,, who of the ladies is most likely to allow bein picked up?not just that but enjoys it?? bcs its instinctive of me to associate pickin up ppl with love and protection sjskjsn, cus like some maybe u need to build extreme friendship or be in a relationship and also some might be a bit skittish and not be comfortable with that (blade) also its funny to go *picks up serif* serif -u- oh nooo gravity is increasin on me,,,,,,
Ohoho, my ultimate weakness, sapphic swooning ✧(òヮó )♡♡♡ Ahhh this is an excellent question, and actually is totally dependent beween them! Loosely, you’d find their groupings like this:
If you can pick up, then heck yes, Extreme Friendship+ and/or Why Yes Don’t Mind If I Do Hitch A Ride: Vellum, Serif, Amber
No picking up!! (… Unless in Moment of Passion, Maybe!!): Sapphire, Scarlet
Excuse, I do the picking up, I am a Big Strong Lady and Shall Hold You Passionately Myself: Crimson, Pepper, Blade, Twist
Catch ‘Em in the Right Moment, Maybe, But otherwise Somehow They Turn It Around And End Up Picking You Up in the Same Motion: Cinnamon, Alpha, Glyph
Serif is perhaps the easiest to lift - once you know her. It won’t happen until you’re very close buds, but if that’s you’re perogative and you’re there, then oh no indeeeed, what’s thiiiiis, gravity’s suddenly increasinnnng, guess you’ll just have to keep carrying me…….. (funny how she actually feels lighter than usual; certainly not her gravity magic making sure you don’t hurt yourself, right?)
Vellum is the most likely to allow earlier lifts, before the closest of friendships (though really, who are you kidding, it’s only a matter of time)! She sees it as an ultimate show of friendship and passion, but fair warning: if you start the trend, then she will absolutely continue it. It’s gonna be hard to walk around her for long, soon enough - she’ll just be sweeping you off your feet sooner rather than later out of pure friendship joy ;Dc
Sapphire really wants to be the one to sweep you off your feet! She’s so strong, c’mon, just let her~? Secretly super protective, she’s also got a bright enough attitude that most people don’t realize it. If anything you’re vibing exactly on Sapphire’s same wavelength here - she associates picking people up with love and protection and friendship and/or feelings too. Not to mention Potential Shenanigans. >:3c
Amber is somewhere in between Serif and Vellum on the scale of ‘when you can get away with trying to pick her up’. More importantly, though, she tends to absolutely turn it into some sort of prank, be it gravity style or otherwise. They’re always genuine wholesome kinds, though - but be prepared, you’re going to have to work awwwwfully hard if you want to turn it into something romantic for you picking her up. (In general, though, she’s secretly really touched when you try - heh, literally, but also figuratively. Gives her the warm fuzzies that you’d care to pick a super tall, lanky lady like herself up - she won’t forget.
Crimson is one of the hardest lines of ‘heck no, I’m the one doing the picking up!!’ partially because she’s got Big Top Energy, but also because well, she really just likes picking up her cute human friend/s/o. With the gravity magic up her sleeve, and her general strong sense for her surroundings even when she looks ultra-lazy and relaxed, you’d have to have every bit of luck and strategy on your side to get to lift her… but… if it means that much to ya, cariña, well, maybe one night in private, if you’re real good, she might let you try. Someday.
Scarlet has her pride, thank you very much!! She works hard, and has an image to upkeep, not to mention quite strongly prefers to do the carrying to protect and care for those few she calls close! ……… but, ah, well, when you’re struck by passion, truly, she can’t help but understand, and stars, that look in your eye - maybe she’ll let it slide, if you really mean it-!,,, But be prepared to get picked up several times in following days, just to make up for it ;)c
Scarlet, in a relationship, if people ever catch her letting her s/o pick her up: SHHH, SHE LIKES TO FEEL TALL!!
Pepper is a hard one to catch - quite possibly The Most Top Energy, she’s also the one to reserve picking you up the most; while you’ll notice a trend with the others to at least at some point or other end up lifted in their arms, Pepper is surprisingly… controlled. That is to say, when you’re not looking. After all, once you get close to her - well, let’s just say you are extremely safe, as whether you realize it or not, she has decided succinctly that You Are Hers And Therefore Nothing Shall Hurt You Under Her Watch. Getting picked up is reserved for being saved/helped in harder circumstances or, perhaps, when you’re starting to cross that special line between friend and… more~ ♡ Beyond that though, you’ll always find her stepping just out of the way if you ever attempt to pick her up. She’s really uncomfortable with being picked up for Unlockable Backstory Reasons, so better luck with another lady, here ;)c
Cinnamon is part of the crew that would definitely prefer to do the picking up most days, tending to be quite the charmer and all, but hey… she could make an allowance now and then. You’d have to be close to her in friendship, though, almost certainly - and also prepared for the likelihood that the show of affection might result in light pranking where she probably pretends to immediately pass out. The closer in friendship, the more obscene this gag becomes, to the point that if you’re besties and try to pick her up, she’ll koala you for the rest of the day to give you a teasingly hard time, probably (but also, will be conveniently light weight if you really need to move around. Not that she’s letting go. You’re the one that brought this on yourself, human~). Also has a mode in a relationship where she’ll let it happen just in time to be seen by some mildly disliked acquaintance that isn’t nice enough to you in her eyes, and she’ll just give them this smug look that absolutely screams ‘Hah, My Girlfriend Is Strong and Better Than You’, because she stans strong ladies and also secretly scoring opportunities for you to look like a badass.
Blade is the most ‘yeah this isn’t happening’ of them all. TvT Even Pepper might get a special, super duper rare chance allowance with a longterm s/o where she might allow it once or twice. Blade though… yeah, it’s a no. She’s literally a minimum of 9 feet tall; no human’s lifting that. And while the other ladies have strong control of gravity magic, if not outright perfected, Blade can’t really control her magic anymore except in very specific circumstances; she may be a master of stepping light, but she’s physically heavy. Far more than normal human bones would be, even sized up to suit her. And even if you could… she really wouldn’t like it much - it’s a kind of vulnerability she’s not okay with anymore. No, showing Blade affection is suited just fine by quality time (and even cuddles!) with her, and if you’re the protective type in turn, well… heh, that’s pretty cute, little human. C’mere, she’ll help you hone your knife throwing skills, if you want. Even if she’ll make sure you don’t have to use them, because stars help you you’ve never been more protected than when you’re with her.
Twist, like Blade, is pretty… far beyond picking-up size, even if she allowed it. At a minimum of 12 feet tall, there’s just… that size difference plain’ doesn’t work in that direction. Literally only her sister is capable of it, and even then, it’s still an odd ratio. Twist has some control of gravity magic still, but it’s not as strong as it used to be; too long unused in famine, it got redirected into… other skills. So it’ll have to be a pass on her, but if you’re really determined to hold her, well-! She does have her pillow pit, so… maybe you could cuddle up in there, and… she could rest her head on your lap? ♡
Alpha is, well, currently in small robot form, so ‘picking up’ is a little fast and loose. She often rides on the other’s shoulders when need be; but also has a digital form just… in screens, so is a little incorporeal in that form. In larger robot form though (not yet available, heh) you might chance upon once in a blue moon getting to do so where she’ll let it happen, even though her sensors know you’re sneaking up on her- but somehow, she most frequently turns it around into a shameless flirting with you, so be careful what you wish for, even if you think you’re prepared for it ;D
Glyph is more the type to do the sweeping off the feet than the being swept, to be frank. Hell, most people don’t even look at her and think of the latter - everyone’s a little gay for Glyph, no matter how they lean, after all X) Most people tend to forget the impulse, as somehow she always catches you and derails you with some interesting thought. Buuuut spend enough time around her, and you might just catch her looking off pensively into the sky - steal a chance, and hey, maybe you’ll catch her off guard enough with the gesture of closeness and care that you’ll get a proper laugh out of her and a renewed easy grin for your efforts :)
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