#it's not right
archiephd · 25 days
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For if not…
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
Why do I feel as if Wayne Munson would be supremely disappointed with Eddie if he found out that Eddie refused to go see Lucas play.
The move was a dickish one. Hugely dickish. To not postpone Hellfire. To not support a friend. Then again, Steve had to go through his own transformation, from vapid and cruel to supportive and kind. His own growth didn't come without aches and pains though.
So it stands to reason that Eddie's should be just as achey as Steve's.
Steve would be over for dinner one night, he and Wayne talking about game stats that Eddie barely understood, when Steve suddenly straightens and says, "it's a shame you didn't go to see Lucas play. He really showed up the rest of the team!"
Wayne turns. "Lucas? One of your friends?"
Steve stabbed at a noodle. "Oh yeah. Sweet kid."
"Shame," Wayne agreed. "What happened there? You sick or something?"
"Hm?" Eddie glanced up before casually dropping the bombshell. "No. We had a campaign." And that should have been that.
But no.
Instead, there was silence.
Eddie looked back up, suddenly very much pinned by his Uncle's stare.
Part of the ache of Eddie's growth is in the form of Wayne Munson's disappointed eyebrow as he stares down his flustered and shame faced nephew.
Wayne has never yelled. He's never raised a voice or a hand. But god if it doesn't hurt something terrible when he shakes his head and says, "I know I raised you to be a better friend than that."
And something in Eddie cries out softly, please let me try and do better.
The next day, Eddie is brought to Lucas' house, pink cheeked and regretful, basketball under his arm. Steve's car was in the driveway, its owner in question leaning against the hood, watching with a kid of understanding pride. "My, uh. My Uncle Wayne- my dad. He uh. Talked to me. And I think I might have been kind of a shitty friend? So I thought. Yunno. Since I didn't see you play?" And he raises the ball in his hands, extending it almost shyly out towards Lucas. "Steve says you're really talented. You want to show me some of your moves?"
Eddie's growth won't be easy. He's not perfect. He's not innocent. He's a kid who needs to learn that his actions have hurt people, even if those actions have been the creation of years of bullying and putting up walls.
Steve, who went through his own transformation and understands that it isn't easy to face past mistakes, couldn't be more honored to watch from the stands. Beaming when Lucas gets Eddie to follow along with a few simple drills. Looking just as happy as Eddie must feel when Lucas accepts the hug Eddie tentatively offers with a quiet murmur of, "Thanks. This means so much."
Later that night, Eddie will return home a little sweaty, hair tied high on his head. He'll stand before his Uncle as if he towered over Eddie and not the other way around. "I'm going to try and do better," he says.
And Wayne nods and pulls him in. "There's the Eddie I raised," he says. "Now show me what Sinclair taught you. Might come in handy when you watch the game with me and your boy."
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hel7l7 · 9 months
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I get it. I do.
You were very important to me. You know that. You were very important to me. But that doesn't make right what was wrong.
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best change in the anime was making kusuke look more fucked up and crazy
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millenniumchibo · 2 months
Yoooo chipppppp! I heard from um… SOMEONE… that you have a thing for being held bridal style! And that it makes your brain freeze :))
Where TF are you guys getting your info from-
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four weeks later, i think the dust has settled a little
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bapydemonprincess · 3 months
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They forced him to put on a bit more weight for the 2024 version, get some color into his face, add more volume to his hair, and try to look "perkier" instead of giving everyone on school grounds a resting bitch face 24/7 ���
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cruddyart · 5 months
We got to have hope, we got to have hope. There's no other way
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dissociatingdumbass · 7 months
Please remember...
You are allowed to post about your blorbos.
You are allowed to post about your interests.
You are allowed to go on living...
You can be vocal about what's happening in Palestine, within losing yourself in a horror that you all alone cannot stop.
You can do your part, but not if you drown yourself in a guilt that doesn't help anyone.
You cannot help others and you cannot help yourself. You cannot be vocal when you've burned yourself out.
Take a deep breath. Post your blorbo. Give yourself permission to enjoy your life.
And then come back renewed and fight!
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 2 months
i don't trust those cooking videos with the clean kitchens and perfect outfits
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dudefrommywesterns · 7 months
tbh i don't like that that anon still affects me
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fierysword · 11 months
boomers made the job application process hell and then they complain about how nobody wants to work
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lottiezilla · 10 months
never trust anyone in real life who calls lottie matthews, charlotte
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mid20sskaboarder · 2 years
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This might actually be my favourite thing he does
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suaimhneas-gairid · 10 months
I went on kätwt and they're retweeting hairless käärijä, friends please promise you won't bring him here okay
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crazysodomite · 10 months
I carry a lot of guilt with me. It's suffocating 😂 😂. But I need to get my shit together. I've allowed myself weakness long enough.
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