#it's like i can't handle not going back to the og timeline but also can't handle leaving them
sweetbrier2908 · 9 months
"you almost sound like a time traveler who's seen some sorta future me" 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NO IM THE TIME TRAVELER'S NOT JUST SEEN THE FUTUTE YOU, BUT ALSO FALL IN LOVE AND FUCK THE FUTURE YOU 😭😭😭😭😭
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sunseed-leaf · 21 days
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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hakidra · 10 months
Earth fairies and earth in general
After rewatching winx club, (specially seasons 4 & 5) I just have to say. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH EARTH!?? Like you dedicate a whole season to bringing back magic to a place so different that didn't have it since like centuries and then we don't see what happened after??
Some points to take into account....
• The government
How did all the governments took the news that "oh, fairies are real, there are different dimensions, magic is real!" I'm pretty sure there would be chaos on earth. What about the new magic people being born or people getting magic?? Earth doesn't have the structure and technology to maintain a magic society, there would be havoc, with kids or adults accidentally using magic and destroying stuff or people using magic for their own gain. You know powerful people would want fairies and magi. There could be actual fairy traffickers like in the comics.
• The infrastructure and technology
Compared to the magix dimension, earth is so far behind... they are not ready to suddenly house magical beings running around freely with their magic. I mean, they could shoot them if someone gets crazy and attacks people. But they don't have prisons or specific gear to fight off magic. And the infrastructure.... magic beings would definitely affect buildings, some may be stronger to resist earthquakes or storms, but some fairies could pull a diana o Aurora and start doing crazy things.
The only people prepared to deal with this are the fairies of Tir Nan Og, but they would be too busy rebuilding their own society that they can't handle all the world pressure just like that, not to mention that, they also are far behind in technological advances.
• Schools
Where would the new fairies go?? I mean yeah, in season 6 nebula made the castle a school but like... How did she even get all those new girls to go there? Do the fairies of Tir Nan Og just go looking for new earth fairies and go like "You have magic come to this school!" I'm not sure all parents would be ok by sending their daughters to some random school. It might be the best but also it's just so new... Not to mention that there's definitely very religious people that would treat horribly their child if they saw magic. Not to mention that the government would want to have a close eye in this school, after all "What if they do something to these girls?" Aurora and Diana already attacked humans before, they may have reverted their spells, but I'm sure they didn't leave a good first impression.
Let's also take into account that there's no way that the castle could hold all of earth's magic population, schools should be built around the world. Maybe there aren't many magic beings right now, but there sure will be jn the future. And it's better to be prepared than sorry.
In a good timeline, the governments of the world and the fairies could try to come to an agreement to secure the magic beings in there so they can learn their magic in order to not cause havoc. But I just know stuff isn't going to be so good in the real world...
• The other realms????
After season 4, we don't see any of the winx or anyone mention how is earth doing. Like what happened? Are humans and fairies just coexisting peacefully? Are they having conflict?? Tell us!! It's as if that plot didn't exist and it's probably due to the Nickelodeon takeover....
The girls could have at least said something like "oh yeah the council has sent a lot of help and resources in order to help earth re-adapt to magic" at least a small hint or something.
Did anyone ever even helped earth? Or they were just like "Welp you're on your own bye!" Roxy could have a place as maybe being an earth mediator or something, she's the princess of earth fairies after all. Maybe a sub-plot of season 5 could have been showing the fairies coming back to earth? Giving roxy and her whole people more time to shine.
• The end
In the end... I feel more could have been done with the whole earth and Roxy topic but sadly they did nothing with it.
Hope you liked this, this is probably my first post of many more talking about earth and winx club, so stat tuned for more stuff. ^^
(P.S. Sorry if something seems messy or badly written :()
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silver-wield · 2 months
The devs and these convoluted messy shit endings. 2 for 2. It’s like they remain mostly faithful then at the end just throw everything at the wall. Less is more sometimes. The OG handled everything at that moment so much better. I don’t give a damn about Aerith but that death was horrible. OG did it right. Sudden and final. She had an avengers endgame scene what the fuck lmao. Awful trash.
I'm over halfway through a chapter by chapter review, which is being done on a replay, but I did actually finish chapter 14 again last night and it's so much ass Idk where to start.
I'll get into it properly in a separate post, but pro tip for people messing with outfits, you wanna change Cloud back before you start that one. As hilarious as it is watching him fight shirtless, it's makes everything else so skeevy.
Oh but extra funny, no blood on Cloud's alt costumes, so when he's glitching between that whole sad happy crying not whatever tf was going on, he looks even more insane than he would in his regular uniform because you can't see any blood or tears on his face. I was fucking rolling with laughter I shit you not! 🤣🤣🤣
But yeah, in general, chapter 14 is a huge mess. To compare to ch18 of Remake, I'd say that made more sense.
But also to bring up a point in ch18 of Remake, Sephiroth talks about other worlds and how they all eventually die, and you see a clip of Zack taking the right path while the left disappears in that shitty my little pony rainbow sparkles garbage (I really hate that. They need to stop it) and in ch18 we see the arbiter of fate has an ability called "correction" where it changes the outcome of the battle so it survived. This is basically what the planet does with these choices, and while Sephiroth is a big fat liar about most things, this is the truth. The planet corrects the errant course and that pathway is reabsorbed into the planet to nourish it. So there's no alt timelines, just other choices that eventually go nowhere.
Anyway, it seemed both Sephiroth and Aerith were taking advantage of those pathways to kinda hop between them. Maybe she was trying to survive while he was cutting off any chance of that until we get to the final pathway where she's definitely dead.
I mean Cloud deflected the sword, but didn't, then she woke up, but died again, then she came back to get in the way (and what's with that stupid entrance like she's been gone for fifty years? She was dead for less than five fucking minutes. It was ridiculous and embarrassing. Does she think she's special?) then she's lying dead, then she's waking up again.
And by the end I'd also had enough of Cloud being crazy. I get it. We all get it. He's insane. Can he not be an embarrassing douchebag about it? Kinda felt like we'd got stuck with a Cloud from a different pathway and I was like "can we give him back and get the regular one returned to us?"
So I obviously have a lotta thoughts about chapter 14 🤣
Let's hope the end of part three isn't as much ass as the endings of part one and two have been 🤣
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arklayraven · 1 year
This is gonna be just ideas dumping, so no real end goal or such here. And stuff might not make sense. Because this is about time traveling after all. Shits wild pfff
So when it comes to Solomon, been thinking about how time traveling could literally been affecting him too. As its been seeming to effect others around too.
As well, there's the matter, Solomon did mess with time and history, by making a pact with Asmo sooner than he should of. Which should or will have some consequences down the line...
There's different ideas and all when it comes to how the timeline can be affected or changed from others actions who don't belong there or shouldn't be there...But there's also effects of others being slowly changed or affected too in the process, even if they are unaware of it...
I've been thinking about how not only MC might of been changing things clearly around them through their own actions...But might of have affected Solomon too in the process...
Try to see MC like a dot or wild card...A fixed dot in the timeline that really can't be changed, even through whatever they do in that past timeline. For they didn't exist back then and should pretty much be unaffected by any results...But their actions effects others around clearly who have existed back then there...Which may include Solomon too, as he was already alive and around by that time...
There's also the whole concept of time replacement or add on? The state in which time will slowly try to replace something missing or wrong in that timeline. Or add to it to make the timeline stable because instability was felt and done...The missing/wrong point for this timeline, may be Solomon rn, who is slowly being changed to work with new events. While MC is slowly being added to stabilize said new timeline created because of their existence in it now. Which comes with new changes to the timeline.
I wouldn't be surprised if Solomon is being slowly effected mentally by this all too...The possibility his memories from the original/main timeline are slowly being faded out or rewritten over in his mind. To better fit with the timeline they are in now...As well will effect his manner of thinking and all...Or bring him back to his older/past self like he used to be in that timeline.
It's like a soft reset...but with dire effects...and even he might not understand what's going on but feels something is wrong...Which can make people get more emotionally unstable and feel a loss of control around them and over themself...
So yeah...This is all just theorizing and ideas of course...But could explain why he's suddenly been slowly changing more as the lessons when on...Like lesson 17 might of been the final point of his og self just being finally locked up or gone, and replaced with his new self of this timeline or previous version of himself...
As well...We don't know where the Solomon of this timeline is at...You can't have two of the same person in the same timeline, else risk a time paradox...I'm sure Solomon knows this and tried to handle the situation by taking care of himself...But accidentally already sealed his fate by meeting his past or by changing his past self future...And now is feeling the full effects and changes of his actions to prevent harm and issues in the future and this timeline...
Also...There's the fact of how long they've been in that timeline...We don't have a exact timespan yet I feel? But...It seems to have been awhile now...Just staying a day in the past can have major consequences. But staying there for a week, a month...maybe even a year? Now that's not good...and the changes will and might already be permanent...And like Solomon said, there's no guarantee now we'll go back to our own timeline now...Especially with all the changes we've done.
Most likely a new timeline has been created, which we're living in now...Which means the og timeline still exist but might be unreachable now unless you really are lucky to get back to it...
But there's the possible chance too this new timeline might of just locked down our Solomon in it...Who's to say the past Solomon of this timeline, hasn't been slowly fading out, and replaced with our Solomon...Since you can't have two in the same timeline after all...Which will seal Solomon's life there in the past...But MC might still be able to leave because they are a wild card to say...They can leave whenever they please without truly harming the timeline by leaving it. Since they never were truly apart of it from the start to begin with...But Solomon was apart if it and his leaving might just harm or destroy things even more...
But if it turns out all of this is just a dream or simulation...Then this all means nothing and I wasted my time again pfff. But its fun to just talk about this and just think of how much fucked up and wild things can get...As well the thought of our Solomon just being lost to us. because time travel and the changes in the timeline just effected him that badly, is both very sad and scary...
Also imagine as well the only thing keeping og Solomon here still with us is MC...But just one day without them just absolutely made the changing effects even more drastic and harder to handle in him...Which would make it no wonder why he reacted as he did...He's losing touch with himself and control in a sense...
Maybe that's why he keeps bringing up that past memory with Asmo too...Its a memory that hasn't been erased or rewritten yet because of his interactions with Asmo...or it has. But talking about it makes him remember things or try to keep the memories alive because he noticed he's been slowly forgetting his past suddenly...Also some have stated or pointed out, there's been some changes or things not fitting in Solomon's retelling of this pact story with Asmo...from first time told to now...But that could just be because he was drunk...Or maybe it wasn't because of the alcohol...
Also off topic but this idea fuels angst lol. You know how with some immortals. The concept of time becomes pretty much a illusion to them or even a blur by how quickly things move for them? I bet every single day matters even more to him, since he knows how short life is for mortals...So a day lost with MC, is like a month/year lost to him...But I bet he knows he can't keep MC with him all the time 24/7...Unless he binds them to him somehow magically, similar to a pact with a demon...Which...I wouldn't be surprised if he tried something like that in the future. If he does become truly desperate to keep MC by his side forever...
Okay that's all I wished to say I think. Sorry this is so messy pffft
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mamamittens · 2 years
This is me babbling my equivalent of technical fanfic crafting so feel free to scroll if that sounds boring.
I'm planning out the basics of a new fic (shock and horror I know) as I officially watch the series properly and it's honestly my favorite part about writing fanfiction besides seeing the reactions of people reading it.
Cause I'm incredibly extra I'm psychoanalyzing characters to determine their reaction to my OC, how helpful or a hindrance they'd be (how I could change that organically or if I should) as well as begin ironing out a specific timeline before I start deviating from the og storyline.
Like, for example, when does she appear? I didn't want it to be too soon as a majority of the pre-Alabasta timeline is handled pretty well without her and she wouldn't add much if anything. I could add her before Syrup island as an interesting narrative contrast to Kaya since they sort of have similar backgrounds but Mina(the OC) wouldn't have a compelling reason to hitch a ride with the Strawhats instead of like, merchants or literally anyone else. So they(Strawhats) need to be established.
That means it has to be after Arlong Park and has the added benefit of having an interesting interaction with Ussop who would be sympathetic of a character that reminds him of Kaya and the crew wouldn't be too concerned with spies if it was before meeting the Baroque Works crew and Little Garden in particular.
One of my favorite parts about inserting OCs is determining when they'd be the most useful, but to do that I have to decide how long the canon story remains purely canon. Sure, I could wave my hand and have her be on Dawn island all along and keep canon pure for several arcs but it would be wasteful. If she's not going to add anything, what's the point?
How much fun is it really to write a passive side character watching everything and doing nothing? Adding nothing but another body to the audience count? Not very!
So, once I decided her backstory and overarching role, I've gotta find a good place to put her. And just after Arlong Park is perfect. Enough time to set thing in motion before canon starts deviating notably and foreshadow events.
Deciding how to introduce her character is another interesting choice I need to decide on. Should it start with her as a child or much the same way OP does and flashback to relevant scenes when they're needed? Do I start with her as the main pov or someone else so I can knock off describing her physically as well without any awkward mirror scenes or depending on compare/contrast with other characters?
I could go quite a bit into the future as an "in medius res" before backtracking. That would also be interesting and make readers curious as to how she gets to that point as well as allow me to partially write parts I'm excited for before going back to establish the before parts.
All of this is stuff I enjoy mulling over and half of it has gotten really fast as I've grown comfortable with my writing and more confident. Which is only possible after years of experimenting and failing and a lot of support over the years.
I really do appreciate you all (old and new) and I can't wait until the day I can confidently roll out my first official One Piece OC that isn't a nebulously timeline placed SI I'm low-key testing waters with.
I look forward to one day posting "Play to Win" with Mina "Of Many Names". And hell, you just might too.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 hours
Can't seem to get my thoughts in order right so please bare with me. This is me trying to better plan our Ray's story a bit.
Ray's og world is basically a parallel to Ames, but the major difference is that it's more of a "bad end", situation. Lusamine was able to capture Lillie and Nebby just as she was going to run away, and thus, opened the wormholes much earlier than the plot. The ultra beasts still come along as the did in the plot, and while I do believe the tapus and the kahunas could handle themselves there, the biggest thing that fucked everything up was the fact that Necrozma found Ray's Alola, and proceeded to steal its light. This was what caused an already bad but manageable situation to turn so. So much worse.
Originally, the whole thing was gonna die. But it didn't sit right with me personally, so I think a better course of action would be that the ultra beasts were fended off. But Necrozma coming immediately after was The Worst bc both the tapus and the kahunas were pretty worn from the battles prior. It doesn't help that there's no Lunala/Solgaleo. So, going with a somewhat better note here, Necrozma was barely able to be pushed back, but not before taking A Lot of light. Not enough for the world to be lightless, but still a lot.
As for Ray, he was pretty much pushed into a wormhole by his mom, thinking that it was the end, and that the chances of her child falling somewhere safe was better than dying in a ruined world. And while the world is in ruin, it's not completely hopeless. This would imply that his mom was an aether employee that was involved with the Nebby stuff which would be interesting. That, or she worked with Burnet. Either way, she pushed Ray into a wormhole with her Hawlucha to look after him, and simply hoped for the best. It wasn't the brightest moves, but you can't exactly think clearly when your home is actively being attacked.
So for Ray and his home world, there is some levels of hope! The world is pretty fucked up but it's still alive! Yippee!!! This also means that Anabel forcing herself back into her old timeline doesn't result in the people she knows and loves in Ray's universe dying. Kinda. Double yippee!!!
I was gonna pose up a dilemma of Ray now not knowing where to go if/ when he finds out his home is not dead, having to choose between his old home and new one, but then I remembered he's a goddamn Chosen who can make wormholes for himself to traverse in. So like. It's overall fine.
It also kinda gives Ray some trajectory. Before he was just A Guy chilling while everyone else got the stresses of life on them. But it made him feel very aimless. But now I can see him actively working with Burnet, the Aether foundation and the Ultra Recon squad in finding ways to restore light to those who where affected by ultra Necrozma, while also visiting his old home and helping rebuild there.
....I guess I should add Ray into the list of secondary protags that go into STEM and become a researcher of some sort huh? Lmao.
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dexaroth · 3 years
had a dream about a portal gun that allows u to travel back (blue) or forward (orange) in time (very long desc so I'll hide it in the read more thingy)
it started in an entirely new concept of my apartment where everything was new. i had to deal with some weird neighbours that were evicted and looked off to me but this section's highlight was a parrot that i cant for the life of me remember what they did since this part formed like right after i started my deep sleep phase. brain certainly lifted this from the kakapo/green parrot post i rbed but they looked very different in my dream. they were big and had like a black coat of feathers on top and only their belly was green so points for originality i guess
not as interesting so, proceeding. the middle phase was me getting bored/angry of whatever happened there and so i picked up the portal gun (somehow from somewhere, cant tell) and went back to when i was in school (i guess u just think of where u wanna go and it goes there in the past)
in today's version of the dream it was so long after I dreamed about it that i forgot how exactly it worked so I looked at the bottom of iy and the company's name seems to have russian characters, I can't recall what it was called but it was like tyrenyykyy or something with those letters. i didnt have the manual so i went to their website and the most powerful version (which was the one i was using) just cost $250. the company also sells.. clip art for ppl that make candy?
the gun itself has a constant receipt printer that describes the time u are in (like, [cafeteria - right before jonh left]) which i discover later that controls where in the timeline u wanna be in since at that point i just hopped in the past portal once and got to meet one of those human-apes that r our ancestors and double checked the website so thats how i figured why there was a scroll wheel next to the blue and orange portal buttons
ok so i did some shenanigans that tied in with previous dreams i had in the same places (to me thats incredible. it doesnt happen often but when it does i go ecstatic and remember it while im dreaming, its like a half-controllable dream) but the most interesting part was when.. obama was in the school (completely made up im not american, that came from me watching mr. robot and noticing he was there) and i like went to him like hey old man look what i got. and he was impressed and i was trying to say 'i can go back more than 20 years back!' but i forgot how to say it in the form of 'decades' (i still dont know lol) and he laughed in a condescending way bc how stupid i was and tried to take it away so i immediatelly used it and went in the past again and realized how i could use this to stalk an entire person's life which i promptly forgot about and went to try to climb a place where some adults didnt let me go when i was a kid
the most fun in that was feeling like u were a criminal and should be stopped so it got u adrenaline but when i got there nobody gave a shit. didnt even acknowledge me existing there (which in my mind should have been even worse bc i was all grown up and idk, invading a place. it should have been even more interesting then when i was just at recess being watched) so i just layed in there like i died and woke up disappointed lol
alright uh this does not sound even near the fun i had dreaming about it.. fuck. i legit cant remember anything else but to me it was amazing to experience. u could alter the size of the portal too and that affects how far or forward u go and u also just go through a void when ur transitioning like in a way a game would do. it also had no handles just some plastic knobs u were supposed to put ur fingers in between but i remember i had to hold it like a baby bc it was so incvenient. also looked nothing like the og besides being made of white plating and looking like a peanut shell in shape
idk how interesting dream journals are to yall but its been a long time since ive had one of these complex story dreams. ones that u can separate into chapters and you wake up with an ending. i used to see more ppl posting them a while ago but i think that was a google+ thing so eeeehhh
i must be forgetting some very important details bci woke up like 'i gotta tell tumblr about obama. i gotta tell tumblr about obama' and i had just realized some stuff happened before the portal (the appartment part) part so i was like sheesh i lost like 80% of what happened there :[
i guess to me the bulk of the fun was going past and present and seeing which kinds of ppl were there. which kind of events. if i was still recognized as a student (which now that i think of it, i was wearing my uniform the moment i portaled to there.. huh.). none of the people i saw as friends were my irl friends, none of the events that happened there happened irl. it was all a re-use of a previous, already distorted dream i had. same scenario, same actions. i mustve thought this was what made the highlight (obama being there) just that much groudnbreaking lmao. "here's an entire new reimagining of your previous awesome dreams, with a way YOU can control them in whatever way you wish.................. AND, here's obama. bc u saw him appearing in that series. ur welcome" said my brain and i just pogged so hard at that
genuinely love so much when ppl share their dreams. its such an awesome thing to read about, its like trying to figure out how a machine works and then the machine reworks you instead
uh anyways. the dream has already faded out by this point, i usually just go wow!! i dreamt that?? at most after 5 minutes of the dream and then i put it in the back of my mind inside the 'epic dreams i had' catalog. i cant recall anything else interesting so hope this was a somewhat worth read lol
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