#it's just that i wanted 2 gif and this is the only epiosde i have on my computer right now
chasingfictions · 1 year
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yellowjackets 1x08, flight of the bumblebee | lottie and laura lee's last moment together
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phantombandit-films · 3 years
Ranking my favourite Jamie Bamber characters.
1) The love of my life Archie Kennedy ~ Hornblower.
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Did someone say comfort character? God I love Archie so much! A cinnamon roll that could kill you in 0.02 seconds, and I’d let him. Can we also talk about his character development?! going from a damaged boy because of the trauma Simpson put him through, to his trauma from being imprisoned, to Hornblower finding and rescuing him and him finally getting the love and friendship he needs and finding his confidence. Stop I’ll cry. 
Jamie just did an absolutely amazing job portraying Archie, and I’m so glad that they didn’t kill him off as soon as they were going to, and spent so much time building his character. But also justice for Arch because he did not deserve that ending, my poor sweet cinnamon roll may you rest in peace.
2) Matt Devlin ~ Law and Order: Uk.
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Matthew Devlin, another Cinnamon roll I’m beginning to see a pattern here Jamie.  A sassy little shit which I absolutely love, honestly just the best character that wanted the best for everyone he met. Would attack in a instant if you even touched a hair on Ronnie’s head, his adopted father figure.  It took me a while to watch all of Law and Order: UK, because I could never find it anywhere but recently getting back into watching Jamie's stuff I found that BritBox had all the episodes and you can get a 7 day free trial so that’s how I watched them, I was also sending little reactions to my friend who I’m currently showing Hornblower too and it was so funny and make the experience all the more exciting. 
3) John ~ Money (2016)
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Ha ha, Well then what can I say about John? Other than I love this man and his nerve so much. A cocky little shit but in the best way possible.  Like, no one should look THAT adorable after cutting someone’s finger off. Just saying. 
4) Kev Allison ~ The Smoke.
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Now I haven’t watched the smoke in ages because my brother nicked my dvds :’( but of what I remember Jamie did such an amazing job at getting me extremely emotionally invested in this series. 
5) Lee ‘Apollo’ Adama ~ Battlestar Galactica.
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I’ve only just really started watching Battlestar, which I feel is probably one of Jamie’s biggest gigs, I know sue me. Only watched a few episodes so far but I think once I really get into it I’m going to love it. I mean I’m already in love with Lee. 
 Colonel Alexander Coltrane ~ Strike Back. 
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What can I say about Alex, other than I’m wholly convinced this man wants, and will gladly ruin my life.  I feel like strike back could have been such an amazing show if it had better writing, the characters and fight scenes were amazing but sometimes I just really wanted to punch my screen because something absolutely ridiculous or out of place would happen. 
Other works of Jamie's I've seen:
- The Scarlet Pimpernel. (1999) - Poirot ~ Season 7, Episode 1. (2000) - Lady Audley’s Secret. (2000) - Band of Brothers ~ Episode 7, 8 & 9. (2001) - Ghost Whisperer ~ season 2, episode 17.  (2007) - Pulse 2: Afterlife *didn’t finish this as it was so bad* (2008) - Outcasts ~ Season 1, Episode 1. (2011) - CSI: Miami ~ Season 10, Epiosde 3. (2011) - Un Jour Mon Pere Viendra. (2012) - John Doe: Vigilante. (2014) - The Better Half. (2015) - Numb. (2015) - NCIS ~ Season 12, Episodes 9, 14 & 22. Season 13, Episode 9 &11. (2014-2015) - You Choose! (2017) - Marcella (2016-2018) - Innocent (2021) 
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destieldisaster · 3 years
Season 6 Wrap Up
We're back after the non-apocalypse! Welcome to season 6 of
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Dean with Lisa and Ben! It hurts!
Soulless Sammy! It's.. kinda annoying, but occasionally funny!
Monsters out of wack! Alphas! Looking for purgatory! Crowley! Very torturey, but fine!
Eve! Cool stuff, could have done without her kissing dudes for no reason all the time, but she was good. And a real threat for all of 2 seconds.
Civil war in heaven! Which is mostly ignored for the brothers' bullshit! Meaning we miss a lot of potentially great stuff and don't see as much of Cas as we could have! It's disappointing! Also really frustrating that the brothers just don't give a shit about all that even though Rafael wants to jump start the Apocalyse again! They just get mad at Cas for not being at their beck and call. When we finally get to focus on this plot, though, it gets really freaking good.
Basically, I really didn't like the first half of the season. It all got better when Sam got his soul back, the energy gets better and we get the French Mistake (💛) and the Eve storyline picks up and that's all good!
AND THEN as we get near the end there are a few cas heavy episodes and hints are being dropped about souls and secrets and it gets better and better until 6x20 The Man Who Would Be King shows up and tears your heart out and you're sobbing but also loving it, it hurts so good. Add on the heartbreaking end to the Lisa & Ben storyline and the actual finale and you get a fantastic run of episodes to close out the season. Culminating in godstiel, who i'm very excited to see kill homophobes.
Balthazar! (rip legend)
Fairies are real! But let's never mention them again!
We meet all the Campbells and then they all die. Good riddance, they were annoying (only the ones on the show though 😇)
We lose Rufus. That one hurt a lot. Also Bobby was the one to kill him while possessed and the next episode seemed to be dealing with the fall out from that but then after that it's just never mentioned again..
In conclussion
Not the best season all around, but with some truly fantastic epiosdes. I'm excited for godstiel and as for the rest of season 7.. i'll get through it.
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