#it's indirect. it's her presence. it's the doctors feelings about the master that like. are the weapon
i was having a conversation in my head with you know an npc describing what my octopus 13 and missy actually look like bc i only describe them in pieces in my fic so you can make up your own image bc thats more fun but anyway so i was figuring out what i actually picture them like and got to ursula from the little mermaid and then i was like oh shes purple and evil and like camp thats actually pretty missy that works and then i was like well 13 is ariel clearly and that makes yaz the prince. do with this what you will
#yaz as knight or prince has always been like a soft spot for me bc i think thats who she is and who she wants to be and also it vibes well#with her queerness i think and also her policeness if that makes sense#i also think it's how she sees the doctor in the beginning and the doctor is anything but that BUT#the doctor has maybe thought of themselves a little like that especially when they were like 10/11 hero complexy#but it's just interesting how this trio like matches up like this bc thats not what you'd do at first glance probably?#you'd swap 13 and yaz#missy as the evil one who promises yaz the doctors love in exchange for her power right?#thats what you'd EXPECT but in practice thats NOT how it plays out like at all#yaz will not let herself be put in that role#and then it's interesting bc then the seduction from missy to 13 is less straightforward#13 IS metaphorically mute. she cant use her power - her words - with yaz#but it's not missy who took it directly#it's indirect. it's her presence. it's the doctors feelings about the master that like. are the weapon#and it's not a weapon any of them control like. the blade is ALWAYS in their hand. no matter who. theyre always all getting cut by it#and then also the fact that the love 13 is chasing is not ONLY the prince's but also missys#like the uhhh whats the word. the thing that breaks her. like. the fatal flaw. is that she will betray herself for the master#betray her own principles#wHICH is what makes her powerless#WHICH is what takes her voice!!#she doesnt have WORDS against the master#anyway thats what im thinking about#thasmissy
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 200: Prelude to a Curse
Mephisto appeared in Nephilim and chuckled, as the two souls that had been harvested for him by his new charge coward as he passed by. His features twisted from its human appearance to one of pure demonic terror, causing the newly expired people to cry out in fear. He cackled and continued on toward Master Seth's Throne room. He had missed being able to terrorize the dearly departed and was finding great satisfaction in getting to do it again. His newest demon seemed only too eager to do as he asked in exchange for the powers to pursue the lovely Snow White. Though the man was supposedly some sort of genius, his obsession made him blinded to Mephisto's true goals and an all too easily malleable tool in his conquest.
He had told the doctor that he planned to capture the souls of Snow White's family in order to force her to sell her soul to him in exchange for their freedom. But he had no intention of ever letting a single soul go, especially if he managed to get any of the children conceived of this supposed incredible truest love. To be honest though, the parent's souls were the true prize. Because of their shared heart and this incredible love, if he captured one of their souls, he would automatically have the other by default. They were one, two halves of one whole and forcing their souls into his servitude would be quite the victory. He looked around. Yes, he was eager to fill the fallen realm with many, many souls of the people of the United Realms.
"So...you released Dr. Jekyll from the netherworld. Are you sure that's wise?" the Evil Queen questioned, as she strode toward the demon Lord.
"Are you concerned about poor little Snow White?" Mephisto countered.
"No, I'm concerned, because Jekyll is a loose canon. He has a history of finding a way to use science to circumvent magic," she retorted.
"I am inclined to concur with the Queen. I do not like the unpredictability that this move injects into my plan," Seth stated.
"I have complete control over the doctor," Mephisto claimed.
"Did you not just hear me? Whatever control you think you have may not last," the Queen warned.
"And if he destroys the Charmings...isn't that the overall goal?" Mephisto questioned.
"But he won't and he may unknowingly aid their victory by pushing them to realize new levels of power," Seth argued, as he approached and Mephisto was suddenly holding his head in excruciating pain.
"You have forgotten who is truly in charge here," he hissed.
"You may have formerly run your own realm, Mephisto...but this is my realm! I am your ruler," Seth warned.
"Yet you are scared of these Charmings! Especially their stupid brats!" Mephisto hissed and then found himself being flung across the room and painfully into the wall.
"I fear no one, you insignificant peon!" Seth growled.
"I can melt your mind and turn you into a puddle of goo with just a thought!" he hissed.
"But if you really need proof of my power...then you'll have it! They will all have it!" he said. The Evil Queen swallowed thickly and felt fear knot in her stomach, as she knew his anger would mean danger for her grandchildren.
"If it is Mephisto...there's a way to know. Call your guy," Fandral said. David nodded and dialed the number, as he waited for Bashful to answer.
"Hey Bashful...I know you're just getting started, but I have a gut feeling that I know who might have done this and Fandral has some insight. I'm going to let you talk to him," David said, as he handed the phone to his counterpart.
"Bashful...I want you to look on the back of the neck, along the hairline of the victims," Fandral instructed.
"Oh my God...there is something. It's a tattoo...it's tiny, but it looks like a snake or something," Bashful said. Fandral sighed.
"It's not a tattoo, but rather a brand. It's his sign and evidence that these souls now belong to him," he replied, as he handed the phone back to David.
"Go ahead and do a full autopsy, but I have a feeling there will be no definitive cause of death. But let me know," David said, as he hung up.
"So he did do this," David surmised.
"No...someone else did it for him. He has picked a consort. A desperate soul," Fandral said.
"Who would be desperate enough to do his evil bidding?" David wondered.
"Someone who wants something so badly that they are willing to do whatever necessary in exchange for what they desire most. They will kill without thought for the power to have what they want," Fandral told him. David's brow furrowed and he looked around the diner.
"And what power is this person given?" he asked.
"The powers that most demons have. Possession is not beyond them, though they avoid magic users or those like you that use an indirect type of magic like the chalice," Fandral said.
"So...he could be here," David said, as his eyes suddenly widened in realization and the hair stood up on the back of his neck, just as his darker half burst into the diner.
An hour earlier...
Dr. Facilier choked for air, as Charming's firm hand was wrapped around his neck and the chalice sword glowed with dangerous energy.
"Did you really think I'd ever let you get away with what you did to my wife?" he hissed, as he slammed him against the wall.
"You let your deranged grandson lock her away and force pills down her!" he growled.
"You helped the Collector keep us apart and take custody of our son," he added.
"And since he's no longer here...you get to pay in his place," he said, as he tossed him to the ground.
"I...I warn you not to toil with me…" Facilier warned, as he produced a doll from his jacket pocket. One mean to represent Snow and Winter.
"One little jab to that half heart and she'll be the one in distress...along with her counterpart," he threatened. But the doll disappeared and reappeared in Winter's hand, thanks to her use of the her wand.
"Not a very good likeness," she said, as she examined the doll and crinkled her nose.
"Of course not," Charming said, as he raised one hand to gently caress her cheek fondly.
"No likeness could capture the true scope of your incredible beauty, my darling," he cooed. Facilier rolled his eyes.
"Ugh...even like this, you two idiots are nauseating," he commented. Charming leveled his sword at the man's throat.
"Reminding me of your presence is not wise, doctor," he warned.
"Our light halves showed you mercy, but from the looks of things, you're still using the dark arts to use against people," Winter said.
"I make deals, not unlike Rumpelstiltskin. Sometimes the deals do not work out for my patrons," Facilier argued.
"I know...I was on the receiving end of one of your deals!" Winter snapped furiously.
"Your grandson locked me away! His henchmen manhandled me on a nightly basis! They forced pills down me and tore me away from my family!" she cried in anguish.
"Say the word, my sweet Winter...and he shall draw his last breath," Charming promised, as he poised his sword to strike.
"Death is much too good for him, my love," she replied. He smirked.
"I am inclined to agree and I think I may know something quite fitting if you'll let me borrow your wand," he said. She smirked and handed it to him.
"What's mine is yours, my husband," she said, as she gazed up at him excitedly.
"What are you going to do to him?" she asked in anticipation.
"I'm going to make sure he's in no position to ever hurt anyone again, including you, my darling," he promised, as he waved the wand. Facilier cried out, as the magic hit him and Winter gasped, as she saw what was now in his place. A green, slimy frog chirped before them and hopped away into the bayou.
"Oh Charming...it's the perfect revenge," she gushed, as she kissed him passionately.
"I thought so...your poetic revenge against Rodmilla Tremaine inspired me to come up with this for Dr. Facilier," he said. She bit her bottom lip, suddenly very eager to be somewhere alone with him, and nuzzled her nose against his.
"I love it...and later, I'm going to show you how much. But for now, I really don't like it here in this musty swamp," she said.
"Say no more, my darling," he replied, as he used the wand to return them to Main street.
"Perhaps you'd like to pay our next victim a visit? Drizella Tremaine, the one from our land that is, deserves a fitting punishment for what she tried to do to us," he mentioned. She hooked her arm on his elbow and nodded, as they strolled together along the quiet streets of Storybrooke.
"I still can't believe my light half let her off so easily after what she tried to do to you. I am going to make her regret even daring to touch what is mine," she said, as she looked at her husband. He smirked.
"I can't wait to see that," he said, as they shared a devious smile and then she noticed that his sword had started to glow.
"Charming…" she said, motioning to it. He looked a little confused and touched the hilt, clearly receiving a warning message from it.
"What is it?" she asked.
"It's the chalice...or at least my half of it, warning me against a danger to you," he replied, with trepidation.
"What danger?" she asked, but he took her hand and pulled her along toward Granny's diner, before bursting into the establishment.
"What are you doing?" David asked his counterpart sternly.
"He's here…" Charming hissed and his other half furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Snow...can I get you a refill?" Happy asked, as he approached her. She was about to answer when the cheerful dwarf was peeled away from her. The chalice sword glowed, as Charming leveled his blade at the shorter man.
"What are you doing?" Snow asked in alarm.
"He is not what he seems," Charming answered, as David sided up to her and Winter gently put her hand on her husband's arm.
"Charming...what is it?" she asked.
"Don't you see, Snow? Oh, I'm sorry...Winter," Happy corrected.
"He's had one too many hits to that pretty head," the dwarf joked derisively.
"Excuse me?" Winter asked dangerously.
"Happy…" Snow started to question, as she had never seen such malice on the face of her normally cheerful friend. He grimaced at the light of the chalice sword though and his eyes glowed yellow.
"What the hell is wrong with him?" Emma questioned.
"Your friend Happy has been possessed...by a demon," Fandral realized.
"Give it up, demon...I know Mephisto's work when I see it," the Asgardian added. Snow gasped again, as an ethereal figure exited Happy's body and solidified in his true form before them. She shook her head in vehemence.
"No…" she uttered.
"Oh yes, dear Snow...I have been freed of that prison you and your husband trapped me in," Jekyll hissed, as his eyes raked over her and then to Winter.
"My, my, this is quite enthralling," he said, as he approached her, but that was a mistake. Charming grabbed him around the neck and sent him crashing through the window of the diner. Jekyll stood up and his arms and neck glowed orange with the new demonic power given to him by Mephisto.
"You're not the only one with strength and power now, Charming," Jekyll hissed, as glowing, fiery chains appeared in his hands and he whipped them toward the other man.
"Holy crap…" Emma gaped, as she watched her father's darker half dodge the hot iron chains. Jekyll began to show off with his new powers by using them to destroy things around him. The light pole sparked, as he burned right through it and Doc nearly had a heart attack when his chains cut his Maserati in half.
"My car…" he uttered, as Jekyll chuckled in amusement.
"I hope you have insurance," he joked, as he whipped them around and Charming practically tackled Winter to the ground to avoid the hot iron. He chucked again and swung the chains toward Summer. David pulled his daughter out of the way, as Snow willed her half of the chalice into her hands in the form of her gauntlets. She fired her arrows furiously at the monster.
"How dare you swing those anywhere near one of my babies!" she growled.
"Ah...there's that fire that's so exhilarating," he goaded.
"We need to rejoin the Chalice!" David called, as Winter used her wand on the monster before her, but he batted her magic away like it was nothing.
"A fairy wand...tsk tsk, my sweet. I would expect better from you. Perhaps your light half is truly superior to you," he jabbed, as Charming charged him with the chalice sword and they engaged in a furious duel. David waited for an opening and was about to draw his sword, but Snow stopped him.
"Here...take my gauntlets," she told him, as she kissed his cheek. He smiled at her and nodded, as he wielded them and joined the fray. Jekyll furiously fought them both and started to grow frustrated, as they came at him.
"Not even two of you can stop me!" he boasted, as his iron weapons flailed about, causing an incredible amount of destruction.
"We need to end this," David said.
"I know," Charming snapped at his other half. Jekyll cackled, as they both were forced to dodge his chains. Curiously though, he found the youngest Charming now standing between Charming and David.
"Well, well, boy...do you want to play too?" he asked, as he swung his chains at the boy.
"Bobby!" Snow and Winter cried together, but they wouldn't need to worry, as Jekyll was suddenly holding his head in pain, as Bobby's eyes glowed dark green with power.
"You insolent brat!" Jekyll screamed, as ground beneath him started to swallow him. Jekyll dug his way out and looked at the boy in surprise. He swung his chains, but a bubble surrounded him, protecting him from the weapons. Lightning coursed throughout his body and a large bolt struck Jekyll where he stood, leaving him charred and singed. They all stared at Bobby in shock, including Jekyll.
"Stay away...from my mom!" he screamed, as he sent a shock wave toward Jekyll with his powers.
"Guys!" Emma called, as she called her siblings and they all struck the deranged doctor with their combined powers, forcing him back.
"This isn't over!" he promised, as he looked at Snow and then disappeared. Celebration erupted from everyone around them, as Snow and David practically bowled their youngest over with hugs.
"That was amazing…" David said with pride.
"Oh baby…" Snow doted, as she ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek.
"Mom…" he complained in embarrassment, as she cuddled him.
"It would seem your powers are developing at an even more exponential rate than I thought," Rumple commented.
"You're a good teacher, Mr. Gold," Bobby told him.
"I can't believe that bastard is back," David cursed.
"And he's sold his soul to Mephisto," Fandral said.
"Does that mean he's under Mephisto's control, my love?" Rose asked.
"To a degree. Mephisto can control him. But he only requires that Jekyll collects souls for him, thus the bodies that you found earlier. As long as he meets those commitments, Mephisto is unlikely to interfere in Jekyll's other endeavors," Fandral explained.
"Jekyll is an arrogant ass though. He doesn't strike me as the type to take orders from anyone, let alone Seth," Regina said.
"Do you think the Queen might undermine him?" David asked.
"It's possible...Jekyll poses a threat to the kids. As much as she hates you and Snow...she does love them," Regina replied.
"Division in their ranks can only be good for us, right?" Leo asked.
"Perhaps...but Seth has yet to make a serious move, aside from his show of sheer devastation when he destroyed Olympus," Rumple warned.
"He's right...Jekyll ruffling Seth's feathers, so to speak, might end up with another demonstration," Aphrodite feared. Snow looked at her counterparts.
"Hyde is working on a serum to reunite us. This division has done nothing good for any of us. We need to reunite when he is finished with the serum," she pleaded.
"Why? So you can continue to push me down and act like I don't exist?" Winter hissed.
"You're right...I have done that and it wasn't right. I just know that giving into my anger and seeking revenge is never the way," Snow argued.
"Maybe, but acting like you aren't angry is wrong too...and you know it," Winter argued back.
"Maybe...but revenge isn't going to make either of you happy. We know happiness...we have it together," David said.
"Yes, until someone else comes along to tear us apart or curse us," Charming argued.
"Revenge isn't going to make you happy. I'll give you the Rodmilla Tremaine one, that was satisfying...but it won't be sustainable," David argued in return. Charming smirked.
"Oh I don't know...turning Dr. Facilier into a frog earlier was pretty damn satisfying," he retorted, as the two joined hands and disappeared with a wave of Winter's wand. Snow sighed and David took her in his arms.
"He's back…" she lamented. He kissed her hair.
"Not for long," David said, as he looked at Fandral.
"You've dealt with Mephisto's creations before. How do we kill him? And for good this time?" David asked.
"I'm not sure, short of banishing him again," Fandral responded.
"I think I might know of a way. I haven't finished reading this book yet...but it's about star gems," Rose interjected and Belle took an interest in the book in her hand, as the other woman pointed out the passage she was talking about.
"Weaponizing star gems? That's possible?" Snow asked.
"Didn't we die for like five minutes when we did that in Seattle?" David questioned.
"Your star gems were stolen. There is a difference," Rose said.
"Apollo and Artemis died when they weaponized their star gems," Aphrodite warned.
"Yes, but they weren't the truest loves, nor were they products of true love," Rose argued, as she showed Belle her notes.
"I've gotten through half of it so far," she said. Belle smiled.
"I'll take the other half and make notes as well. Then we'll know more," she agreed.
"Mmm...you'll like it. It's fascinating," Rose gushed. It was no secret that Rose and Belle shared a passion for books and had spent hours discussing them together.
"Okay...I'd say for now that we should all go home for the night. I doubt things are going to calm down around here," Regina suggested and they agreed, as she and Rumple used their magic to start fixing the damage to the diner and around them, including Doc's car.
"I'll see you bright and early for training, young one," Rumple said, as he, Belle, and Gideon disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Come on sweetie...it's way past your bedtime," Snow said, as she gathered with Summer and Bobby.
"You too, my little ones," Rose said, as her husband rounded their children up.
"We'll meet here in the morning," David said. Fandral nodded in agreement, as they all dispersed for the night.
Jekyll appeared back in Nephilim and stomped furiously around the barren landscape.
"I can't believe the nerve that little brat!" he growled.
"You're the only one with nerve," Mephisto chided, as he appeared.
"You showed your hand and foolishly gave away your element of surprise. Once again, you underestimated Snow White's husband and now her children," the demon chided.
"What do you care?" Jekyll spat.
"I fulfilled my obligation for the day and you said as long as I did that, then you cared little what else I do," the doctor added.
"But if you interfere with Master Seth's plans...then there will be a real problem," Mephisto corrected.
"I don't care about his plans!" Jekyll shouted.
"They will bend to my will! Snow will be mine!" he ranted, but then was holding his head in excruciating pain, as Seth himself approached.
"Your handler was foolish to revive you, doctor. I have little use for someone like you and I am dangerously close to doing the Charmings a favor by eliminating you from the equation. You are a nuisance I cannot afford," Seth said, as the doctor writhed in pain on the ground.
"Soon...I leave this fallen land and reclaim my birth rite atop Mount Olympus," Seth stated.
"And soon...there is to be a new curse," he added. The Queen felt a pulse of fear ripple through her and she attempted to slip away.
"You're not going anywhere, Your Majesty," Seth growled, as he froze her in place.
"This curse is happening...and you're going to cast it for me, unless you'd like something dreadful to befall the outlaw and his son," he said ominously.
"As for your...doctor, give me one good reason that I shouldn't vaporize you right here," Seth stated.
"My knowledge of science is unmatched by any other," Jekyll reminded.
"Science is of no use to me," Seth refuted.
"It could be...I know you seek to rid yourself of Snow and David's interference. I could be a handler in whatever life you give them. Placing me in a school or University would be easy," he said.
"I already have a handler. They will be under the careful watch of a mortal that will keep the prince in line, while providing him the career of his dreams, all while he enjoys a blissful life with his lovely Snow White. Meanwhile, they will never again interfere with my rule," Seth said.
"You may have a handler for him, but trust me when I say that she needs one too," Jekyll replied.
"Placing me as, say...a colleague of hers and I can make sure she is kept in line as well," the doctor added.
"You won't be able to keep your grimy hands off her, which will only cause her distress and...that could actually be favorable to us," the Queen said. Seth narrowed his eyes.
"How so?" he questioned.
"He would keep them busy and never give them time to think that anything is off. Snow and David enjoy a bit of adventure when it comes to their usual blissful coupling," she suggested.
"Fine doctor...then a handler you'll be. Until then...you will not go near her," Seth declared, as they began to prepare for a new and perhaps the most unique curse ever. Little did Seth know, the Queen had made that suggestion, because she knew Jekyll's insanity might do the opposite of what she had said and eventually wake Snow and David up, thus ensuring this curse, like all the others, would be broken with true love. But he she needed even more insurance than that and such, she would have to make a deal with their dark halves, as much as she loathed it. So she would slip away again at the first opportunity she had.
"For my grandchildren…" she murmured to herself.
"Let's hope you two idiots don't muck this up. I'm practically going to be handing you a way out," she muttered.
After seeing their two youngest off to bed, Snow and David retired to their bedroom. As he came out of the bathroom, he saw his beautiful wife of forty years, curled up by the window, looking dejected. And he hated that.
"I am such a fool…" she said and he looked horrified by that.
"You are most certainly not," he argued, as he knelt down in front of her and kissed her knee.
"You are the smartest, most beautiful, and wonderful woman I have ever known. Your capacity for love and forgiveness is unbounded," he said.
"Don't you see? That's the problem!" she cried.
"My "goodness"," she spat.
"It's the reason Jekyll is still alive," she added.
"No...we banished him. Our true love punished him for his evil and we could have never foreseen that someone we didn't even know existed then would somehow bring him back from that," he reasoned. But she didn't look very convinced.
"It's not just him though, my love. I always do this...I show mercy and then they come back to hurt us later," she said.
"There are always risks in life, Snow. But mercy is never wrong," he argued.
"How can you say that? When has mercy not screwed us over?" she questioned, but he didn't have answer.
"That's what I thought. Winter is right," she said.
"No...she's not. Revenge is never the answer. Look at how revenge destroyed Regina's life," he reminded.
"She only found love and turned her life around once she let go of her revenge," he said. She sighed, but said nothing. He was right about that and he took a moment to kiss her tenderly.
"I know it seems like the trouble never ends. I know it's one villain after another and it kills me that Jekyll is one that we still haven't shaken, because I'd give anything to make sure he never comes near you again," he told her.
"But we always win, Snow. I know what we've had to face to do it...but I wouldn't trade being with you for some safe, conventional life," he added. She smiled softly.
"Neither would I," she admitted and hummed, as he pressed his lips to her forehead.
"I'm sorry...I feel like I've been such a mess lately," she mentioned.
"You have nothing to apologize for," he assured.
"And you're not a mess, Snow...you're human," he reminded, as he kissed her lips.
"And you're mine," he added fondly. She smiled and bit her bottom lip. She stood up and took his hand, leading him to the bed.
"Let's go to bed," she said sultrily.
"Tired?" he teased and she gently prodded him onto the bed, before she straddled him.
"What do you think?" she asked, as their lips met again, this time with fervor and passion.
Fandral tossed and turned that night. It wasn't unusual for him to have nightmares. The events of Asgard's fall and his brush with death had often haunted him over the years. But tonight was very different.
"ROSE!" he screamed in terror, as their castle was ablaze and he searched fruitlessly through the smoke for his family.
"Fandral!" he heard her call in anguish and he rushed into the library, which was an inferno. But he cared not, as he ran through it in search of his beloved.
"Rose!" he called and this time, a laugh met his ears instead. He turned and saw her through the flames.
"It didn't have to be this way…" Amora said, as she stood there with Rose as her captive.
" .go…" he growled, as he drew his sword.
"Did you really think rejecting me would go unpunished? You know better than that, my dashing Fandral," she goaded.
"Then punish me!" he pleaded. She smirked.
"It doesn't work that way. Goodbye Rose Red…" she hissed.
"Fandral...I love you!" she called. He rushed toward them, but not in time, as Amora hurled his wife into the fire.
"NOOOOOO!" Fandral screamed, as he shot up in bed, sweat pouring down his shirtless torso and fear alight in his features.
"My love…" Rose said fearfully, as she sat up beside him, her unclothed body covered with the sheet.
"Rose…" he cried, as she found herself almost crushed, as he hugged her close.
"It's okay...it was just a nightmare," she reminded, but he shook his head.
"No...it wasn't memories of Asgard's fall this time. It was you...it was watching that demented Enchantress kill you while I could do nothing to stop it," he said in anguish.
"I am fine...and nothing is going to take me from you," she promised. But he wasn't convinced.
"Something is coming, my angel...I can feel it and I cannot lose you," he stressed.
"I know that you are steadfastly against it...but will you please reconsider going to New Asgard with the children until we deal with Seth and the Enchantress?" he asked. But she shook her head with vehemence.
"I am not leaving you and Sif to deal with this. This is our Kingdom and I have a duty to our people and my library," she refused and he sighed, but she caressed his cheek.
"I know you are scared, my love. I am too...but I trust in our love," she said, as she pressed her forehead against his.
"As do I...but she is determined to make me pay for rejecting her and the only way to truly make me pay is by hurting you. She will try to do it again," he warned.
"And you will protect me as you always have," she admonished.
"What if your faith in me is misplaced? I once failed to protect my former home...what if I fail to protect this one too?" he asked. But she shook her head and kissed him tenderly.
"You could never fail me, my warrior," she answered.
"It's almost morning...I should join the search for her," he mentioned, as he reluctantly started to get up.
"You have our entire army combing the Kingdom for her...you can join them later," she said, as she pulled him back into bed.
"Much later," she purred, as she kissed him.
"I am safest when I am in your arms, after all," she reminded, as she nuzzled her nose against his.
"I suppose I cannot argue with that," he agreed and she giggled, as he threw the bedclothes over them, giving way to the ever present passion between them.
Charming kept tossing and turning, before finally giving up on sleep. He gently pressed a kiss to Winter's head, glad that she was finally asleep, before getting up and dressing. She had been very upset after the reveal that Jekyll was back and he had, with no little effort, eventually calmed her down. It was another failure on their light halves to truly take care of the villains that continually came after them and their family. And Jekyll was arguably the worst one of all, next to Seth now. He was far too quiet and that could only mean something big was on the horizon.
"Good...maybe I'll get a bit further with you than I did with your wife," the Evil Queen said, as she appeared.
"Highly doubtful…" he growled.
"Easy...I'm not here to kill either of you. Just to warn you that Seth is moving to cast his curse," she warned.
"Then stop him! He can't cast it without you!" Charming insisted.
"Don't you think I would if that was possible? But he would think nothing of killing Robin and Roland...he's already implied that they are dead if I don't remain loyal to him," she responded.
"So as usual...you're going to screw us all over," he hissed.
"He plans to banish your light halves into happy, blissful lives and we both know that if that happens, they may never wake up from it unless we put a contingency plan into place," she said.
"No! No more curses and no more contingency plans where my children are usually the ones that pay the price!" he said sternly.
"I don't like it either, but stopping the curse at this point may not be possible.
"What do you have in mind?" he questioned.
"You and Winter must join us. Swear loyalty to Seth and keep your memories. Then we can work in the background against him," she proposed.
"He'll never believe that we're willing to work for him," Charming said.
"Unless you prove it," she replied.
"Fine and what atrocity do we have to commit to get him to believe that?" he questioned. She smirked.
"I always enjoyed your darker side…" she mentioned, as she walked to the window.
"Right now, Mephisto is Seth's right hand man, but he is quite unhappy with his recent revival of Jekyll. He sees the doctor as an unpredictable variable," she said.
"Is it possible to kill Mephisto?" Charming asked and she laughed.
"Tsk, tsk, Charming...what would your darling Snow say if she knew murder was your go to?" she chided. He smirked.
"Snow belongs to David. Winter is mine and she'd be there cheering me on, just like she did when I turned Facilier into an amphibian earlier," he retorted.
"Cute...and poetic," she complimented.
"I have my moments," he replied.
"Hmm...while killing Mephisto would be entertaining, I think bursting in and humiliating him in a battle in front of Seth in revenge for reviving Jekyll would work much better. Your need for revenge is very attractive to the Dark Lord and your power serving him will be too much to resist. And then you can still make Mephisto do most of the dirty work when he's forced to work for you," she purposed. He smirked.
"I do like that part...that demon only thinks he knows torture," Charming said, as he clenched his fist. He turned and walked toward the stairs.
"You should return to Nephilim and prepare for the show, because I'm about to be on the warpath," he said. She smirked and disappeared. Though she did not entertain working with the two idiots, their plan would ensure that the curse would break and their children would be protected.
Charming returned to their bed chambers and gazed at the beautiful vision that was his sleeping wife. He leaned down and she mewled, as he gently kissed her awake. She smiled up at him.
"I do so love waking up to that," she hummed, as he kissed the back of her hand and then her palm, as she caressed his cheek.
"How long have you been up, my love?" she asked.
"A while, my darling...but it's okay, for I have come up with a plan that will ensure that we get everything we want," he promised. Her face was a light with intrigue and he swept her into his arms.
"Tell me…" she pleaded.
"It will require playing the long game and being in the company of some rather detestable beings, but it will ensure that eventually, we will rule and will protect our babies in the process," he promised.
"As long as I am by your side, I can stomach even the worst deviants," she assured.
"Good...and we'll have to be very good actors as well, but in the end, our love will conquer all," he said.
"I trust you to lead us to everything we want. What must we do first?" she asked. He smirked and kissed her passionately.
"Get your wand and let's dress," he said. She smiled and waved it, dressing herself.
"How's this?" she asked, as she was now wearing her white warrior princess-esque attire.
"Do you know what you do to me?" he asked, as he pulled her close and she smirked.
"I have an idea," she purred, as he kissed her throat and she thrilled at that.
"Mmm...we won't be going anywhere if you keep doing that, Charming," she teased.
"Battle first...and then we'll pick this up after," he said.
"Do you promise?" she asked, as he kissed her again and drew his sword, using the chalice's power to change into his black leather battle attire.
"I promise you all that and more, my darling. I will not stop until I am crowning you as Queen of the United Realms. It will take time and require working with that insidious Seth...but you will rule," he promised. She smiled.
"And you will be my King," she said, thrilled by that thought, as they joined hands and disappeared in twin puffs of silvery smoke...
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