#it's hilarious that he thinks scourge doesn't know
kemendin · 10 months
Likely convo after Emryn joins Cas’ crew post class story:
Emryn: I don't think Scourge likes me. Cas: Don't take it personally, he doesn't like anybody. Emryn: He must like you. Cas: He respects me, he doesn't like me though. Emryn: ...but you like him. Cas: *sweats* Emryn: ....more than like him.... Cas: *sweats more* Can we not talk about this right now?
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More reasons it'd be really cool if Kittypets are fae
Gives Tigerstar more motive if it's seen more that his dad was stolen by the fae and he doesn't want Rusty to bewitch the rest of his clan or something
Tallstar and Jake are now even BETTER because Jake gets to show Tallstar kittypet tricks and Tallstar is like "wow i love my powerful fae boyfriend"
I just really like the phrase pet-touched in the same vein of fae-touched
I think Berrynose should be even MORE insufferable as a treat
I feel like Ashfur would accuse Squirrelflight of using fae magic to manipulate him and while he's a dick for doing it and I hate him it could be a really interesting scene
Graystripe having to deal with being pet-touched and people being very suspicious of his new fae girlfriend
Cloudtail using pretend fae magic to help Brightheart, putting like a flower in her fur and using her belief to be like "yeah this flower? ive imbued it with courage" and its very cute and then they can have a reveal that the courage was in Brightheart all along and yeah I know its cliche but dammit its CUTE
Does this make dogs also fae? Are dogs the Unseelie to the kittypets Seelie? Does this make people even more "hey what the fuck" about Millie when she reveals she can speak dog
Let Purdy learn about this and tell even WILDER lies because no one can tell him that he can't do a thing because fuck you he's a kittypet he can do lots of things you can't actually.
Firestar gets to say the word fuck and everyones like "gasp a kittypet word of power" which is hilarious to me
Jayfeather threatening people with fae magic and medicine cat knowledge sounds really funny especially if he uses his dream walking with it to scare the shit out of them
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crusherthedoctor · 9 months
As frustrating as it's been to see the New Diamond Cutters be reduced to Yet Another Freedom Fighters - and conversely, as hilarious as it's been to see fans turn on Flynn for what he recently said on the latter, since he clearly thinks he doesn't need them anymore now that he has a convenient replacement on standby - I honestly dislike the actual Freedom Fighters more between the two groups at this point.
You all know by now that I think Tangle could have been a perfectly endearing character conceptually, but was unfortunately ruined by flanderization and infantilization. Whisper could have also worked fine, had they not turned her into a rage dispenser and a simp target for Silver. And while Lanolin was sadly doomed to be a Sally-shaped bossy twat as long as the likely culprit had any say in it, there's a distinct chance she could have been something else when taking her original, apparently meeker personality into account. So despite all my comic-born cynicism and general refusal to give it an inch, there is a part of me that feels kinda bad for what they ended up becoming, which is a sharp contrast to the exclusives in the comic who I simply can't stand period, like Surge the Scourge and Sonic.exe the Octopus.
With the Freedom Fighters, I currently just see them as the inadvertent plague that started all this mess and multitude of headaches. They were exactly who they were meant to be the whole time (well, most of it), and that something was extremely mid for all their decades of hype. As a result, I don't have the same begrudging sympathy for them.
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blimbo-buddy · 9 months
Oh no see the Patron! Scourge idea is just for like "What if Scourge left purgatory" AU kind of thing and more and more cats took on Scourge's name the same way clan leaders take on star.
Waffles does feel bad. He does feel guilt but his friends and community don't blame him. They asked for one of their own to be sent as ambassadors to the clans and instead of going one by one they managed and luckily came onto a Gathering.
Waffles coming back the way he was just put one thing in the kittypets of the Twolegplace.
The clan cats don't want peace. They don't want to even co-exist. They want them gone. Dead.
Something changed in their minds. They weren't scared anymore. They weren't afraid to get hurt no more. If this was war. War means war!
Also, a few cats could canonically read and one of them does quote Sun Tzu because I think it's hilarious.
Kittypet: "the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" - Sun Tzu."
Clan Cats: "What in the name of Starclan does that mean??"
Kittypet: "This." *sits calmly a few feet in front of the cats*
Clan Cats: *They charge but end up falling into a pitfall trap covered by leaves*
Oooh, got it got it. I must have gotten confused with something else.
That must suck, the guilt that Waffles carries with him but also at the same time I like how the community doesn't blame him, he was sent by them after all to try and negotiate. It'd seem stupid for somebody to blame him.
I appreciate how the Kittypets aren't written to be too "soft" (if that's the right word). It makes sense for the lot of them to slowly change how they see fighting and battles. Not as something glorious but as something that is usually a last decision to defend yourself and others.
Last part got me thinking about the Kingdoms utilizing decoys and traps and such and I'm loving it. Also Kittypets knowing how to read is a favorite of mine because, yeah when they're around Human writing and literature, they're going to catch on and understand meanings.
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
When Optimus Prime puts out the call you know I'm going to answer,
The seventh film in the film series and the 2nd best film out of them all.
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Helmed by Steven Caple Jr. (CREED II) this second installment of the prequel series takes place in 1994, seven years after the events of BUMBLEBEE. Unlike BUMBLEBEE which I found to be lighter fare (still enjoyable), TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS harkens back to the intensity of the Michael Bay installments, but is in the sweet spot where it still has great action but doesn't lean into the excesses that Bay tends to indulge in from a confusing and mind-numbing mass of action to his ever-increasing runtimes (this one taps out at a breezy 124 minutes).
Great characters human, Autobots and Maximals alike.
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*The energy and pace is fantastic. It digs in quick with the Maximals and the Terrorcons, let us know the villainy we're facing (Scourge taking and wearing the Autobot shields from his kills was A++)
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and quickly establishes the human protagonists. No dawdling on that front. And the use of back-to-back 90s east coast rap really drove home the sense of time for the film. Just hit, after hit after hit that help boost the vibe of the film.
*With his hilarious Peacock series BUPKIS and his voicework in this, Pete Davidson is seemingly entering his less annoying era. I loved Mirage's banter with Noah.
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*I liked seeing a less than capable Optimus Prime. He's been the sure-footed leader for so long and we get to see him beaten down and of broken spirit from being stuck on Earth. This is a Optimus who has lost his spirit and I like that Optimus Primal reinforces those concepts, and introduces the concept of unity with humans to Prime.
'TIL All Are One.
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*We've had the human allies of course but to actually see one don battle armour and fight and not just be used as a decoy??!!!
At the end I assumed Michael Kelly's character would be from Sector 7 (the organization John Turturro's TRANSFORMERS character worked for. I even thought, "Is this dude joining the Transformers Initiative? What is this?"
But G.I. Joe?!!!! Noah is a Real American Hero!
And while he uses the code name Sonic as a shout to Sonic the Hedgehog, maybe it has the double meaning of Noah now being a G.I Joe Sonic Fighter.
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Anthony Ramos, you fumbled Jasmine Cephas Jones but you didn't fumble this role.
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*No notes
*I think Dominique Fishback has a great personality but her acting leaves a lot to be desired and not just in this film. She's very uneven in her work. Sometimes you can see the promise, but more often -and too often in this film - she's wooden.
The way this scene isn't even in the film.
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I would still like to see her back. My hope is that they do a bigger time jump than 7 years and assemble the human allies from across the films.
*If you're in it because you are a fan of BEAST WARS you may be disappointed. We spent too little time with the Maximals. It's the price of having a moderate runtime. I can't think of anything in the film that I would have wanted jettisoned in order to get more time with the Maximals, though. Shame because their designs were fantastic, especially Cheetors and when they transformed out of their animal forms to fight.
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*Mirage tells Noah that Marky Mark left the Funky Bunch, but as Mark Wahlberg plays Cade in two TRANSFORMERS films does that mean Cade walks around being mistaken for Mark Wahlberg?
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wizard-finix · 2 years
❤️ 💥 👻 🎁 :D
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Hmmm it's hard to settle on a single line, but I think it's a tie between this one, from Stygian Ringlet (my p3/p5 fic):
Ryoji remembered that awful night on the Moonlight Bridge, when his world fell apart. The night he remembered everything and instantly wished he hadn’t.
and this one, from a Runescape fic chapter I haven't posted yet:
“You know, I was planning on a nice evening playing cards with the rest of the crew,” Jaida said, still catching his breath. “But no, here I am, stuck in the temple in the middle of the night with you and the Scourge of Wushanko herself, with the only way out being blocked by an army of cultists, mercenaries, and giant crabs.”
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Ryuji's treatment in P5. I normally don't mind a character being comic relief, he does have some hilarious moments. The problem is that he had the potential to be a really good underdog-type character and have interesting character interactions with the others, but Atlus really did him dirty and squandered his character development by having the entire cast degrade him for the rest of the game. It worked for Yosuke in P4 because he tends to make those kinds of jabs at his friends and often brings it on himself, but it's a lot more one-sided with Ryuji. These people are supposed to be FRIENDS, guys. (I don't even need to say anything about the end of Shido's palace jfc)
(also Kawakami's social link and benefits are uncomfortable as hell so I never used them)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Shinjiro's persona has a latent berserk ability somewhat similar to Akechi's, and absolutely no one realizes this, not even Shinjiro himself.
I will explain this one, so hear me out.
In P3, the only ones in the game with personas that go berserk and try to kill their own users are the artificial persona users, who are the results of human experimentation. Shinji is a natural persona user unlike Strega, and he is (reasonably) mentally sound, which rules out that possibility.
Shinjiro's persona went berserk the night of the accident that killed Ken's mother. He definitely was not on Persona suppressants at the time, because this event was the reason he started taking them in the first place, so it wasn't because of the suppressants either. It had to be a preexisting issue (one that the suppressants actively made worse).
It's a LATENT ability. The first time it happened was the night of the accident, as mentioned before. Normally someone's persona discovering a new ability would be great, right? Well, in this case not so much, since it kind of manifested at the worst possible time and killed someone. And because of that crushing guilt, Shinjiro made no effort to train or understand this ability, instead seeing it as something deeply wrong with himself and trying to suppress it entirely with drugs. So he wouldn't really know if it was actually one of Castor's abilities or not.
Akechi's persona also has the ability to make its user go berserk (except Call of Chaos can also be used on shadows). Castor also pretty much went berserk and while Shinjiro himself didn't, there's no telling whether or not it was having that same effect on him and Shinji was trying to fight against its effects, causing him a hell of a lot of pain. Akechi, fueled by rage and spite, fully embraced this ability and used it on himself and enemy shadows; Shinjiro on the other hand actively suppressed his persona because of he doesn't want to hurt anyone else.
tl;dr I just think "latent berserk ability gone wrong" is an explanation that makes sense guys, cause when you think about it we don't actually know what was wrong with his persona in the first place
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Oooh don't mind if I do (this is a deleted scene for Stygian Ringlet that I had to scrap because it didn't fit, so it's not actually spoilers lmaoo):
One ring. Two rings. Each one seemed to drag on for an eternity, only making him even more nervous. 
After a third, agonizingly long ring, the other end picked up. A moment, and then a voice Minato hadn’t heard in far too long answered. 
“Hello?” said Akihiko.
Minato immediately slammed the phone down on the counter. 
Fuck. He couldn’t do this. What was he thinking?!
Minato, I would suggest you answer the phone. You’re being kind of rude, Ryoji gently chided him.
Minato eyed the phone warily before picking it up, slowly putting it back to his ear as if it might electrocute him. 
(Well, it was Akihiko on the other end. Maybe it could.)
“Hello?" said Akihiko, sounding vaguely annoyed. "If this is a prank call, I’m hanging up.”
Minato swallowed nervously. Now or never. 
“...Uh,” he said lamely. “...Hey, senpai.” 
The silence that followed felt like the longest in his entire life.
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Was trying to figure out how my set of commanders would have handled The PoF Situation, in a very who-was-where and who-did-what sort of way.
I think what happened is this: Maebh (Aurene's champion, sylvari necromancer, priorty) arrives first at the start of act 3, and gets sliced in half and burnt to a crisp - Astrid (local cryptid, norn mesmer, whispers) arrives just in time to see Balthazar take Aurene and to confirm that yes, Commander Maebh is in fact dead-dead.
Maebh takes quite a long time in the domain of the lost, much longer than in canon. She also doesn't come back in the same spot she left, since her old body is just a sticky pile of ash and magic. She comes back from the Grove, via the Dream, and spends a while there to recuperate.
In the meantime, Aurene attaches herself more closely to Caithe, and surprisingly, Dillon. He isn't chosen as a replacement champion - Aurene gets the sense that Maebh is coming back, even though she can't articulate it - but he's the next closest thing, and co-parents her during her ornery phase. (Throughout the rest of the story, he still sees himself as somewhat of a father figure to her, and while she doesn't quite know what a father is, she does love him.)
Astrid doesn't specialize in direct assault, so she has to bother Dillon (former Balthazar worshipper, current alcoholic, human warrior, vigil) to finally get his shit together and slay his stupid human god. Despite having not much room to talk herself re: survivor's guilt and getting too wasted to function, she gets him into a state where he can pursue the fight, gradually recovering through the rest of the story. During previous arcs, he picked up Berserker as a way to channel his rage in a more productive way that "just smash anything that looks at you funny", so in Elona he tries to cultivate inner peace and in the meantime learns the art of the Spellbreaker.
In the meantime, Aurene attaches herself more closely to Caithe, and surprisingly, Dillon. He isn't chosen as a replacement champion - Aurene gets the sense that Maebh is coming back, even though she can't articulate it - but he's the next closest thing, and co-parents her during her ornery phase. (Throughout the rest of the story, he still sees himself as somewhat of a father figure to her, and while she doesn't quite know what a father is, she does love him.)
Dillon's the one who canonically slays Balthazar and delivers the iconic STILL STANDING line. (At this point he doesn't know that Maebh is alive again, so he says it with tears in his eyes for his former comrade who he REALLY let down during HoT, but that's a story for a later time).
Astrid is busy wrapping up the leftovers from Season 3 in mainland Tyria, and continuing her work as a Lightbringer. (She finally gets some time to shine during Icebrood Saga.) Maebh and Dillon tag-team season 4, with Dillon handling everything not bug related, since he isn't immune due to his not having died that one time. Maebh makes a lot of jokes about having died that one time, especially as a necromancer haha isn't that hilarious. Dillon doesn't think they're funny at all but he doesn't stop her.
Maebh never quite learns how to Scourge right (aka, I only play it in WvW zerg bc I'm bad at it), and Astrid tries Mirage but gets absolutely deleted by a pair of Largos in the Mythwright Gambit and never picks it up again (aka, I'm really bad at it).
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cynicallyscorned · 9 months
hc + Scourge
send hc + a word of your choosing and i'll write a headcanons about it!
oh BOY
so, technically speaking, with him being game versed and all - cynic is much in the same boat as hero of 'never met scourge unless plotted dynamic with game-versed variant exists' (and lmao lol. technically there is one that exists for cynic but he's very cracked and i'm not bringing him to tumblr LMAO thats a very if you know you know sorta thing) and also... more alternate timeline stuff if it is to be.
REGARDLESS, thanks to the warp ring he discovered in the eggman empire, it opened up a lot of new doors for him. for better or for worse.
his thoughts on scourge? as a general concept... evil sonic who decided no fuck you i'll do you one better and not just embraced that shit, but carved his own path too? yeah! he thinks its great! hell fucking yes, thank you. FINALLY, some catharsis from all the self-invalidation he's faced with when it comes to alternate zones! granted... there are some things he doesn't know about what scourge (or i suppose, the majority of them) have done, or do. he doesn't really get the whole king in a castle schtick, that right there he's kinda just like... 'sure, okay. it's kinda funny how obsessed the guy is with that crown, but hey good for him?'
but yeah, he thinks scourge is really cool, delightfully hilarious and fun to be around (at least thus far in his experiences), and makes him feel a little less alone in the grand scheme of things. all of this translates to kind of a person crush - he can't decide if he'd wanna be friends with him or wants to be more like him. maybe both. (after all, being exposed to the multiverse renders him struggling with his own identity in a similar fashion...) can it turn into a full blown crush? well...
[gestures to what i've been writing on my blog lately]
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empressapprentice · 3 years
Portia for the ask!
Thank you! Love my Pasha ❤️ Based on this ask game.
Realistic: Portia and Muriel develop a kinship. He likes going to her cottage for tea since it's out of the way and he doesn't have to see too many people. He always brings her fresh eggs and she sends him home with bread and fruit from her garden. He also brings runes to prevent Camio from getting into her plants. They swap gardening tips too! It's easier for Muriel to warm up to Portia since she hasn't been in Vesuvia as long as everyone else. She doesn't associate him with his Scourge days or think he's scary. He can be himself around her.
Less realistic, but hilarious: wears cat ears around the house and only speaks in meows just to annoy you. "Portia are you ready for dinner" "Meow" "Portiaaaaa answer me" *long pause for effect* "Meow!"
Angsty: has nightmares about seeing Julian hanged and you dead, leaving her all alone in the world. It's helpful when she wakes up already in your arms but the memory of the people she loves dying stays with her throughout the day. One time you woke up before her (which is rare, she's usually up early) and she panicked when the bed was empty next to her. You encouraged her to take the day off after such a terrible scare.
Completely non canon: as much as I love uwu cottagecore wifey Portia, I think it would be really fun to lean into some dark stuff with her. I imagine her being a quasi-yandere type with her love of secrets and her protectiveness. One day, she's at work and she hears someone badmouth Julian, saying they still believe he killed Lucio and that he must have been in cahoots with Nadia. Or, she hears someone try to hit on you. Luckily, she knows exactly how to handle it. Slowly over the next week, she starts to spread little seeds of a nasty rumor about the person. A little while later, the rumors are widespread and the person is fired in shame. She can fight physically, but it's more fun to slowly poison and really ruin someone. To go even further, she would be really good at keeping secrets from you and I could see the relationship go really toxic if it isn't handled in a healthy way. Also consider devil Nadia and Portia is her pet..............mark me down as scared and horny
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his-lost-horn · 7 years
unifyingspark: Though in regards to mainverse, if Cyclonus needed that in order to feel cleansed and comforted
unifyingspark: Galvatron would flog him, harshly, if that's what his spark longed for.
unifyingspark: While he would rather burn away these fears side-by-side in battle as mates, who he is to question Cyclonus' healing?
unifyingspark: He'd be wrong to... deny Cyclonus that request as much as he personally feels Cyclonus does not deserve nor need it...
unifyingspark: But if that's what Cyclonus wanted he'd be cruel about it, treat him then as a tratior he caught, nude in protoform he would hang him by his wrists and flog him and leave him there to drip awhile, then return, take him down, and cuddle/comfort him
unifyingspark: I'd actually love IC if this went down but it would have to be something Cyclonus seriously /seriously/ thought about
unifyingspark: Because fuck. Galvatron wouldn't stop even if Cyclonus was crying for him to stop. He'd give him what he damn well needed but its almost like asking him to rape him (I mean not really, kinda; it's the only thing I can think of right now lol), he does this 100% trusting Cyclonus is confident in his choice, which makes Galvatron confident in his actions
unifyingspark: But if Cyclonus is like 20mins later hanging there going: wow this was a horrid idea lol
vxtum: no, god
vxtum: he might actually weep, or have tears in his voice as he murmurs, "thank you"
unifyingspark: Galv would... feel awful lol but if Cyclonus and he both went through with it, he'd come out stronger, both of them, and Galvatron would be all over him with love when it was done, as our warriors do, you pay and you're forgiven
unifyingspark: and that's the end of it
unifyingspark: I can see Galvatron touching gently beneath Cyclonus' chin and looking at his optics for a long bit, "You are more my tribe than I these days..."
unifyingspark: Kinda does have a very golden age feeling, the youth again looking to his older mate for comfort and leadership
unifyingspark: like "fix this shit"
vxtum: You've no idea ;-;. Especially when Galvatron later cuts him down and carries him to their berth (or washracks first) to clean the wounds and to hold him close, Cyclonus would be clinging to him, face buried in his neck/chest, his fields quivering with raw, overwhelming vulnerability
unifyingspark: Galvatron would have to have that though, he'd order Scourge to fuck off for a few days so he can be alone with Cyclonus and see to the wounds
vxtum: I can then see him rising up the next morning, posture straighter, stronger (in spite of the pain for the fresh woudns lol), his fields bold, confident.
unifyingspark: Galvatron would be very willing to do this with Cyclonus though, it would be beautiful.
vxtum: I'd thought of Cyclonus flogging himself. He obviously heals emotionally, mentally by self-mutilating, but this is something different.
unifyingspark: No he needs Galvatron to... be part of the act. I get it. Galvatron understands it on an emotional level but he couldn't put it to words. He would be moved by it, a sign of trust, he knows Cyclonus... he knows this is a return to being little again, a plea to just let it fucking end and start over again
unifyingspark: and he'll damn well give it to him
unifyingspark: He'd also be tugging him in their half-bond, keeping him present wanting him to feel the pain, to remain with him, to hurt, to let his body and spark reset
vxtum: Cyclonus desperately needs this - he needs to know he's forgiven, so that he may forgive himself and try again. Setting the pact "I will not fail you again, Master" for so many things (never failing him in loyalty, orders and missions, faith in him, his love for him) and striving to keep that promise
unifyingspark: Sure feels that way from Galvatron's end, there's this like sad breath of relief like okay. Okay. Taking Cyclonus' wrist and pulling him up, taking the whip with his other and already putting on mask because he's now dealing with someone who has wronged and is filthy. "So be it."
unifyingspark: It might be more a show if Cyclonus was already in his protoform
unifyingspark: That way Galvatron would really see he sought him out without rejection being an option and he's serious about what he wants, there's no turning away from this
unifyingspark: I think this is what we were missing, heh good old fashion.... warrior forgiveness heh
vxtum: I think it's hilarious that we've been talking about this for gravitas and tetta this entire time.. and it never crossed my mind that maybe cyclonus needed similar treatment to mend the remainder of that bridge between himself and Galvatron
unifyingspark: Cyclonus may for such a massive..... upset in his life
unifyingspark: If he feels he has truly made mistakes and ... words and time isn't enough, part of very old temple teachings
unifyingspark: Yeah this could be a long time coming, more than just the D-Void and his fall from grace, it could be everything... he just wants to hurt in a way that is simple and controlled, bleed and feel pain, bring all that inner turmoil to the surface and let it bleed out
vxtum: omg what a perfect way to describe it
unifyingspark: Scourge would say its more self destructive patterns but Galvatron doesn’t think so, it’s Cyclonus catharsis and they're in unity to solve a problem
unifyingspark: Galvatron is the leader, his little devout fucked up and wants to pay for it, so he'll pay even though its much deeper than that heh
unifyingspark: however it goes down, Cyclonus won't be going anywhere once it starts and Galvatron is going to break him, I hate to say that but it is pointless in the Warlord's mind unless Cyclonus is brought to the edge and let fall, they both know he can endure pain, so he has to push him through to the place he needs to be in order to feel/let go
unifyingspark: and I figure that is going to be one hell of a flogging
unifyingspark: And this isn't an issue of willpower or "I am pushing myself over you", Galvatron is... just the one able to do it without fucking breaking or stopping. He's strong enough to drag Cyclonus to the other side, so-to-say... and I think this is Cyclonus saying 'I want to trust you again'
vxtum: YES
unifyingspark: It's weird warrior emotions and brutal but... Galvatron responds well to it, he feels Cyclonus more deeply in this bloodshedding than any sex
unifyingspark: There are some things Galvatron handles as sacred and this is one of them
unifyingspark: "You have always loved your rituals, admit it or not."
unifyingspark: A long pause, "As do I."
vxtum: Should it be written that Galvatron is in the cargo bay and Cyclonus comes to him, or Cyclonus is already in the cargo bay and calls for him, waiting for him in his protoform, holding a couple sets of chains and the whip?
vxtum: I figured the cargo bay because there'd be more room
unifyingspark: Galvatron knows Cyclonus has his moods and bursts of emotions but yeah, if Cyclonus comes in his protoform with the whip he wants used and chains dragging behind or over his shoulder or whatever Galvatron would see that this is not bullshit nor a flight or fancy and Cyclonus doesn't want to be talked out of it with "hey how about we battle together instead", it's serious fucking business lol
unifyingspark: But he doesn't have to do that, he could come down in armor with nothing and say what he wants and it would be done, just move moving around that way but the strength in ... coming prepared and ready is very powerful
unifyingspark: God Galv is going to grab the whip and growl, "You know I am trained with this," Gives the whip a shake and Cyclonus a deep stare. "I will not stop, Cyclonus. This, now, is your chance to turn away from me or hand me the chains."
unifyingspark: Brings Cyclonus a little bar and shoves it in his mouth to have something to bite so he doesn't crack his fucking teeth
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