#it's been so long without Jeff I've forgotten all my tags
nameforthemain · 7 months
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It's Jeff! Issue #25: jeff-set jeff
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emachinescat · 3 years
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I've decided to watch MacGyver from the beginning (again), and I'm live tweeting the experience with every tweet tagged with #savemacgyver. I thought it would be fun to share my collected thoughts from the episodes on here as well.
My Thoughts on S1E2, "Metal Saw"
Seriously love the music in this show!
THE FREAKING BELT GRAB. You can tell they've done this kind of thing before.
I always love it when Jack and Mac have heart-to-hearts in the middle of super intense, dangerous situations. Like... it's sweet, but time and place, guys?
"Hi, I'm Jack." Nervous Jack is bebby.
Ew, sweat. Like, I know it's "realism" to have sweat stains on clothes in situations like these, but that's one bit of realism I can always do without. Gross.
Is that a bit of PTSD I'm seeing with Mac there on the couch? That's a kind of realism I can always get behind.
Riley finding Mac and Boze in that compromising position will never not be funny. "But he was on top." I love Riley more every episode.
Riley is a really good liar from day one.
I love the joke about ex-cons benefiting from being in relationships with stable people (i.e., fake boyfriend Bozer), then the immediate cut to Bozer with his whole arm inside the vending machine. Great stuff.
Love the Riley and Bozer bonding... right up until the cringe-tastic "Slide me your digits."
"Soon, I'm gonna woo you the same way Romeo would have wooed Juliet if they had Snapchat back in the Renaissance." Bozer and his surprisingly accurate pickup lines. The Renaissance did in fact start in Italy around the 14th century, when R&J is thought to take place.
I love all this psychoanalyzing of Mac. "Adapting is his survival mechanism." Also I'm living for Jack sticking up for Mac to Patti.
"This place has been searched by everybody and their dog." Is this a Texas thing or an old guy saying? Either way it's great.
Nothing beats the early days of Mac and Jack. Nothing. I wish we had gotten more interactions where Jack has to parent Mac: "Stop touching that. Look at me." ❤️❤️❤️
Jack so concerned about Mac and putting on the kid gloves = everything I could have ever asked for and more.
Jack has such a big heart. Poor guy, the look on his face when he sees that the reporter is actually Sarah...
Paperclip sculptures: When I first started watching the show, I thought they were lame. Now I miss them so much. Does that mean I've gotten lamer or that they were always cool and I was always lame?
"Closest time I ever came to coming home in a box." Oof. This line hits different now, and not in a good way.
I just love how Jack is this big tough ex-Delta who is so open about his emotions, particularly with Mac. And the way Mac reassures him... Their bromance is top-tier.
"Oh, like when they invented fire!" Another zinger.
Mac grabbing that giant cigar right out of that dude's mouth 😂😂😂
Love some good fight-scene Mac whump! 👏👏👏 And bar fights are always a blast!
Riley with the car door - such a boss. "What? You told me to stay in the car, and I did."
I've seen some people say they don't like S1 Mac's hair. I kind of dig it, to be honest. He looks like he's 5, but I love it.
Mac has made a lot of DIY cutting torches in his time, but they never get less impressive.
Jack trusting Mac to save Sarah while he keeps watch is just *chef's kiss*!
These early episodes have so many MacGyverisms. One right after the other. It's awesome.
I've never been a big fan of the dark either, Mac.
The first scene with Mac and Sarah is so beautifully tense and whumpy (he way he scrabbles for purchase, gasps for breath, that hitch in his voice as he tries to squeak out Jack's name) that I had to rewind and watch it again.
The hopeful disbelief in her voice: "Jack Dalton came for me?"
Sarah can kick some serious ass. I can see why Jack likes her. Too bad she's about to lead him on the rest of the episode, while actually having a fiance...
Sarah: *leans out of car, shooting her weapon with deadly, terrifying precision* Riley: I agree, this woman should not have kids. 😂 Everything that comes out of Riley's mouth is gold.
Riley asleep in the back of the car while Mac sits quietly and Jack and Sarah have a sweet moment is like mom and dad with the kids in the backseat. Except mom has a fiance and hasn't told dad yet, even though she's had ample opportunity.
Because seriously, Sarah. It's not that hard to tell him the truth. Giving him those big eyes and flirting with him, thinking he has a chance is just cruel. I have never liked her character, and this is why.
Mac and Jack giggling about Jack's crush on Sarah like middle-school girls is life.
"You're just gonna have to let that go." Man, I love their relationship.
Gosh, the scene where they find Luis always hurts so badly. These early episodes did not play around.
"There isn't always time to beg some suit back home for permission to do what's right." I'm not a fan of Sarah, but I love this line. Also, this is pretty much the synopsis of the whole show.
Riley's hair used to be so LONG! 😍
The loyalty of these three! And I love the OG trio so much.
This sleazy guy in the computer place makes my skin crawl.
Love how Patti's like, "Mac will be back by then." Not Jack, not Riley. Just Mac. Can we say teacher's pet? I actually lowkey love this though.
"Who is this guy?" Much like Doctor Who's "It's bigger on the inside," I never get tired of people being equally amazed and confused at the stuff Mac can do.
I've never been the biggest car chase junkie, but Barrios jumping over the car using that log in the road is pretty dope.
Sarah's rage is chilling. And Jack talking her down breaks me every time.
Again, I love the loyalty of our team. Everyone sticks up for each other, ending with Mac's totally unbelievable but still somehow 100% genuine "It was me. I forced them." TOO good.
First mention of Oversight this early. Just thinking about who it is that doesn't like unsanctioned ops just makes me 😤 I wonder if the writers knew who OS was at this point or if it was a later development.
I do wish we could have gotten more conspiratorial, approving Patti. She's so much better than expressionless, bland Patti.
The way Sarah never told Jack about her fiance Jeff (who is in fact a cinnamon roll but still a discount Jack) pisses me off. "I tried to tell you." Yeah, right. It's not that hard to say, "Yo, I'm in a relationship."
Jack NEVER should have found out about Jeff the way he did. There's no excuse.
It's not okay, Jack. She did you wrong. You didn't deserve that. Stand up for yourself, man. Gosh, he's so broken here, and I hate it.
"At least we have each other... Don't look at me. I know how weird it sounded." THESE TWO I SWEAR 🤣🤣🤣
Poor Mac. I do love how we get his obsessive tendencies so early in the show, and how they keep coming back, even as late as season 5. As someone with clinically diagnosed OCD, this makes me feel seen and I love being able to relate to my favorite character.
Love the found family antics at the end. Riley and Bozer making dinner while Mac and Jack play basketball? Perfection.
Lol, Bozer calling Riley a "caramel goddess" has such Schmidt/Cece vibes from New Girl, and I dig it!
Ew. More sweat. I know some people find sweaty men attractive, but that is NOT my vibe. I prefer my men clean and freshly laundered.
The way Riley glances back over her shoulder at them as she walks away, as if to make sure they're really there, that this is actually real!!!
"That's not even... that's true, actually. That's sad." Jack 🤣 Also, "I'm hungry." Big mood.
As a Grandpa Harry stan from the OG show, I eat up any mention of him in the new one. I just wish we'd gotten more of that wonderful man in the reboot. Still, I'll take what I can get!
I'd honestly forgotten how much I enjoy this episode! So solid, full of bromance, found family, and lots of good-natured bickering. Can't wait to watch the next one, hopefully tomorrow! In the meantime, please keep fighting for our show! Together we can #savemacgyver!
If anyone wants to join me in my re-watching and tweeting adventure, please do! It's my way to take about an hour a day in my busy, busy life to commit to the #savemacgyver movement. (And to enjoy my favorite show yet again!) If you do tweet as you watch, make sure to tag EVERY tweet with ONLY #savemacgyver so we can keep that hashtag trending! :)
Thanks for letting me share my (numerous) thoughts on this episode. This was really fun, and I hope it's something you all enjoy, too. I'd love to know what you all think of the episode in the comments! ❤️
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eirabach · 4 years
Skin Deep [TAG post 3x26]
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Oh my god. Oh my GOD.
Okay, here's my first mini dive into post canon TAG. It is unlikely to be my last 😂
Jeff Tracy has five sons.
A five times fic that isn't really a five times fic at all. After all, a man rarely comes back from the dead more than once.
I can feel my heart beating as I speed from
The sense of time catching up with me
It starts with a mission. 
Nothing too out of the ordinary, just a freighter struggling at the edge of the atmosphere, an unstable fuel supply, and his teenage son piloting a rocket to relieve them. Perhaps it is a little out of the ordinary. He does try not to show it though.
Alan is certainly an accomplished pilot, maybe even better than Jeff himself. He's certainly better than Jeff had been as an eighteen year old, taking pretty girls out for joyrides in his mother's ancient turboprop.
Alan is doing just fine.
Scott? Not so much.
Jeff had been led to understand that John had fielded all of IR's calls during Jeff's long absence, a fact that certainly accounts for the dark circles beneath the boy's eyes,l. So it was John's toes he'd worried about stepping on when he'd begun routing calls through to his desk, though John had assured him he'd be glad of the rest.
It isn't John's voice interrupting his every order.
He mutes the line between himself and Three, and spins his chair to glower at his eldest. Scott is pouring over the telemetry, his knuckles white against the edge of the pad.
"Scott," he says, as strongly as he dares. "You're confusing the kid. I know what I'm doing."
"But Alan --"
"Is my son!" He regrets it at once, the way Scott's jaw drops and his hands fall. Hates the way he sounds -- like a bitter old man. Jealous.
He hates the way he means it, how Scott's single nod sits like satisfaction at the back of his throat when it ought to sting.
"I know," Scott says, all quiet and reasonable as though he might be Virgil in a mask. "but he's still my brother."
Soft words gently said, yet they leave a burn he feels right across his heart.
He doesn't quite know why. 
Virgil is his grandmother reborn, with one fairly major difference. Virgil is absolutely big enough to pick Jeff up and put him in his room if he thinks for one moment that Jeff might be overdoing it.
It seems he thinks Jeff is overdoing it a lot.
It's the third full med scan of the week, and Jeff has undergone less torturous poking and prodding in order to be shot into space than Virgil appears to deem necessary for him to be allowed to head down to the hanger under his own power.
It's touching. It's sweet. It's… getting a little old.
He isn't likely to tell Virgil that though, because although he's treating Jeff as though he's made of glass it's clear to anyone with eyes to see that Jeff's not the fragile one in this room.
Another vial of blood, another heart rate monitor. Another whisper, directed somewhere around his right knee.
"I'm so sorry, dad."
This has to stop. "For what?"
"Scott never gave up."
Ah. Jeff's been gone a long time, but some things never change. Virgil has never been one to admit to being wrong. This is probably as close as he'll ever come, and it's so damn unnecessary that if it weren't for his son's downturned expression Jeff might be inclined to laugh.
"Tell me something Virgil. Do you still play?"
"Yeah, yeah when disasters allow. You know how it is."
Jeff very much doesn't, but he fears a reminder of that fact might just tip Virgil over the edge.
"You stopped for a while, as I recall. After your mother went."
"Yeah. It hurt too much, knowing she'd -- that she'd never hear me again." Narrowed eyes. "You remember that?"
"I'm getting old, Virgil. I'm not senile." A smile. "Did you ever give up painting?"
Virgil stares, then, shaking his head.
"No. I never gave up painting."
Jeff thinks of his own art, scratched into the walls of his hellish home. The villa. Three. His Lucy's eyes scrawled over and over until they became too much to bear and were hidden behind a washing machine. Those same eyes look up at him now.
"Hmm." Jeff squeezes his wrist, lies back on the med bed, and closes his own. "Glad to hear it."
He doesn't know what to make of it, any of it. John's standing there with a computer in his hands and an expression on his face that suggests Jeff needs to tread very, very carefully.
Unfortunately, this has never been his strong point. Eight years of isolation have not helped.
"What is it?"
The computer flashes, a circle of yellow light, and John winces. A voice Jeff doesn't know echoes around his lounge. 
"I prefer she."
"My apologies," he manages, because his mother's watching and she didn't raise an oaf. "What is she?"
"John made me."
"She's yours?"
John shuffles on the spot, awkward, as though he's confessing to something rather more dire than the writing of a computer program.
"She's not -- I don't own her. I created her, but she's -- she's her own person. Kinda. We're working on it."
"Working on it?" His voice goes up at the end. John winces again. The computer glows. Amber to red to amber. "She's sentient? You created a sentient being?"
Gordon laughs, because Gordon would, and claps Jeff on the shoulder.
"Your first grandkid is a sociopathic sentient computer code. Bet you weren't expecting that one."
"I do not like you, Gordon Tracy."
Gordon beams at this, and John rolls his eyes. It almost looks like they've had this conversation before. Rehearsed it. He'd believe that of John. He'd believe almost anything of John. But this --
"See?" Gordon's still grinning. John's still watching him, the computer held close to his chest. "She's totally John's kid. Grandpa, meet Eos. Eos, this is your Gramps."
"Charmed," the computer says, an echo of John's laugh in her voice, and Christ, he needs a scotch.
Grandchildren. He'd never dared dream of them.
(He knows why, and shame chases the whiskey down his throat.)
He spends a lot more time out in the pool now. It starts as physiotherapy, Virgil and Gordon guiding his struggling body through the motions that will help to strengthen atrophied muscles and support weakened bones, but becomes, in time, a place he spends the hours after dinner, watching his youngest children and wishing for things he'll never have.
He does it a lot, enough that his space pale face is now bronzed and pink, enough that Gordon and Alan think nothing of a cry of 'c'mon, get Dad!'. Enough, that when Gordon grabs him round the waist and goes to throw him, he shouldn't be shocked. He should have noticed.
There's a great silver-red scar arching from his boy's shoulder and curving up his spine, stopping just where the high collar of his blues must hide it. 
What the hell happened? What the hell happened?
He must say it out loud, or maybe his face says it for him, because Gordon freezes, releasing him, and then just stands there. A little hunched. A little sheepish. In the pool Alan treads water, silent. Waiting.
Alan knows. Jeff does not.
That's just the way of things, now.
"Had an accident."
Alan scoffs, his voice louder across the water. "Nearly got murdered, more like."
Jeff's grip tightens until Gordon flinches. He lets go as though burnt, but his hand still hovers there, just above the puckered ridge of skin. Waits.
Gordon shrugs, the scar pulling tight.
"Alan's exaggerating, dad. It wasn't --"
"He nearly died!"
"I got better," there's a false sort of brightness to it, a twist to Gordon's mouth that suggests Alan is probably closer to the truth than Jeff would like. "It's no big deal, dad. Swear. It's nothing. I don't want to make a thing of it."
The sun dips below the horizon and throws a last burst of red across the water, across Gordon's back and Jeff's hand and he wants to argue. Wants to demand. Wants the information that's owed to him as this boy's father. Who would dare lay a finger on his boy? Just how close had he come to losing him without even knowing?
But his funny little boy isn't a boy anymore, and Jeff's rights to his stories are lost somewhere in the trail of the stars.
"Of course, son," he tells him. "Of course."
He catches Alan at the table, some piece of electronic junk spread out in front of him like a childhood jigsaw, his brows furrowed.
"Everything alright there, Alligator?"
Alan's nose wrinkles at the old nickname, as though he's forgotten. Probably he has. Jeff had left him just a little boy, and he's come back to, if not a man, then a boy right on the cusp of adulthood. A boy who's already been taught to shave, and fly, and behave by other men who are not and never will be, him.
"Yeah, yeah all good." He looks up and smiles. Alan's smiles were the purest memory he'd had, out there. They're more beautiful than he'd remembered. "What's up?"
"Not much, believe it or not." Jeff sits, fiddling with a transistor as Alan blows dust from a circuit board. "Electrical engineering, huh? You thought any more about college?"
Alan turns the board over and over in his fingers. "Not really?" He shrugs. "Like you said, I've got a rocket. I save people. I dunno what letters after my name are gonna do to help."
"Well," Jeff says mildly, "it never hurts to have a plan b, son."
Alan drops the circuit board, shoves the various pieces as far away as he can reach, and turns on Jeff with an expression half fury and half abject terror.
"For what? What do I need a plan b for, dad? What's gonna happen now?"
And though Jeff is a man, a grown man, he doesn't have an answer for that.
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