#it's a spiderman!zuko au because who doesn't love spiderman
bluespirlt · 2 months
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tiny sketch of katara and zuko from chapter 3 of my fic the blue spider au but i got too lazy to finish it
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anotherdaveyjacobs · 1 year
Please do share more about Race & Spot in the ATLA au
ask and you shall receive!
I think Race would most likely be from the Northern Air Temple
he felt like an outcast compared to the other monks because that wasn't the life he wanted for himself
he wants action and adventure and FUN and so he leaves for Ba Sing Se at like 15
just takes his glider and his best friend (read: lemur) and gets out
and he fucking LOVES Ba Sing Se okay there are so many new people and he discovers gambling
but when he realizes he isn't very good at it he uses his airbending to cheat at the games
not all the time because he doesn't want people to catch on
I'm also thinking he got the nickname Racer at the Air Temple, maybe because he tried to run away several times before he actually succeeded
that is subject to change
also to be clear when I picture Race nowadays, it's Ben Cook but his voice/mannerisms are a mix of Ben and Max lol
and after he left the temple, he stopped shaving his head, so he has a full head of curls now
Now let's talk about Spot for a hot (haha get it because fire bender) minute
I do think he would have a similar origin story to Zuko (and this isn't just because I love Zuko with my whole heart okay)
so anyway yeah he's the son Firelord Pulitzer (listen I know most of the characters don't have last names but Firelord Joseph just doesn't have the same evil ring to it)
Spot leaves after the Agni Kai situation but isn’t chasing his honor for his father’s sake, he’s chasing it for his own; he became disillusioned as to who his father was after he was hurt by him, kinda fucked him up emotionally
he obviously has to have an Uncle Iroh situation, not sure who that would be though, but he needs someone to say old people things to him
"are you so busy fighting you cannot see your own ship has set sail?" "is that a proverb?" "....maybe it should be a proverb"
still sticking to the large burn scar "you have a spot there" meeting between Spot and Race
and at this point Race is already regularly hanging out with the Jacobses and Jack, so the nickname sticks amongst their friends
Jack would probably know him by name, since he's a fire bender, but wouldn't recognize him
is Race the Avatar???
if so, the Blue Spirit rescue from Zhao is definitely the point where Spot realizes that Race isn't his enemy, he's just another kid
probably also the point where he has a gay panic because oh no, he's the Avatar but he's also really cute
not because he's just realizing he might be gay, oh no, but because he's apparently got a crush on someone who should be his sworn enemy
now we all know that the Blue Spirit didn't mask his identity from Aang for long, but I think maybe it would be kept under wraps for a little bit from Race, purely for storytelling purposes
so Spot, as the Blue Spirit, starts to help them in their journey doing whatever, and it isn't until there's this big fight and Spot jumps in as the Spirit to help but gets knocked out/loses the mask/etc and they realize who he is
does anyone remember that fic where Jack is Spiderman and David has a crush on both Jack and Spiderman?
yeah so Race has a crush on Spot because he's cute but also he really likes the Blue Spirit even though he doesn't talk, because he's kind and helpful and everything he thinks Spot isn't (but could be)
thank you anon for this ask, let me know if you'd like to hear more
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kingwuko · 3 years
Some hc for your Thursday evening:
-Mako watches TV with captions on and the only person who doesn't complain about it is Tenzin.
-Half-baked AU of Spiderman!Wu, Ironman!Asami, Captain America!Korra, Hawkeye!Mako, Thor!Bolin, and Fury!Lin (possibly Tenzin though.) Especially loving Thor!Bolin because himbo energy.
-Also continuing the airbender Wu one, I feel like he'd try the swinging door thing, fail, be halfway through saying "Son of a-" and see Tenzin looking at him and immediately replace it with Aang instead.
-Also, learning from Korra and the new airbenders, Tenzin doesn't push with airbending for Wu and if he gets frustrated (which he does often) he has Jinora take over.
-Wu will often go to Air Temple Island to meditate in the mornings and sometimes Mako will come with him. One time after meditation, Kai comes up to them and ask for love advice for Jinora and Mako says something along the lines of "Tell her she takes your breath away" to which Wu replies,"I'm pretty sure you can kill people by doing that." Now Mako's too embarrassed to go back to the Island.
-They've definitely become babysitters for everyone's kids. Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo are easy to control because Jinora just has to give them the Eldest Child Look™️ and they'll be quiet, but it's absolutely terrible when Jinora's not there because Meelo's trying to airbend a cat inside and Ikki's asking a hundred questions like "What was it like being royal? What's the Earth Kingdom like? What happened to that bear the Earth King had?" and Mako's trying to make cookies for them but the oven's broken so he tried firebending them till cooked and now there's just a bigger fire. The kids do not help when they try to airbend the fire out. They also watch Korrasami and Bopal's kids but it would take another paragraph to explain why they shouldn't.
-When his arm is had gotten out of the cast and gotten a bit better, Mako starts traveling with Korra again. They go to the Fire Nation and meet Lord Zuko and Zuko sees that his arm's healing so he offers him training to see if he can bend out of that hand again. And Lord Zuko is... interesting. He likes Pai Sho and tea and one of the first things he said to Mako when he visited with Korra was "So Mako, haven't seen you since my son's wedding." And Mako's racking his brain for any wedding he might have gone to with freaking Lord Zuko there until he remembers Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding. Mako is freaking out because he had thought Varrick was Councilman Sokka and Kyoshi Warrior Suki's son, which he is as Zuko explains, but when Sokka finds out he wasn't straight he left Suki and accidentally fell in love with Zuko and they got married, making Zuko Varrick's step-dad. And Mako's grinding his teeth the entire time, so is Korra, trying not to say anything bad. It doesn't help Zuko goes on about Varrick's inventions and things, but on the ride back and at home, he rants about Varrick. Also the first thing he said to Wu when he came home was "Did you know Varrick was Lord Zuko's step-son?" And Wu comes back with "Yeah. You didn't?"
-Training with Zuko using just his injured hand is harder than he thought because instead of leaping into fighting and defense mechanism and redirecting lightning again, Zuko wants him to try to light a fire with his injured hand. Which is proven to be a lot harder after he couldn't get the fire to start and when it did start it sputtered and died quickly. When he gives up and uses his other hand to light it, which he thought Zuko was going to shame him for but didn't, he used it to boil tea! By the time Mako can make small flames come out of his fingers to just barely light the wood, he's sick of tea and not even being able to cast an actual light. This leads into passed down wisdom and life advice from Iroh and general therapy, which almost everyone in the ATLA/LOK universe needs.
-He actually got a decent sized flame to come out when he was roaming the Fire Nation palace and ran into a woman he thought was a servant but was actually Azula when he asked for directions. He'd read about her in Fire Nation history books and was frankly terrified when she just looked at his flame, the highest it had gotten out of that hand, looked at him, and walked away. He mentioned it later to Zuko and he told him not to mind Azula and that she actually sometimes watched them train from the balcony. This definitely puts Mako on alert but Azula lives to do that.
I Like all these but I have to say that Mako watching TV with captions on is totally valid
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