#it’s something about the mercenary/bounty hunter who hides their face and is very intimidating until you get to know them
negasonicfemalewarhead · 10 months
There’s something to be said about how extremely similar the dynamics of my two favorite ships right now are
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain:  Chapter 808:  Coffee:  Part III / III
"So tell me?," Taj asked from the cockpit, "what is your plan, here?"
Both Mercury and Emerald looked to Cinder. "Oh?" Cinder asked, "Find a place to disappear."
"Well, Vacuo is certainly the place for that." Taj stated. "You're headed for the lower Athabasca, which is even easier to hide in."
"And that means?" Mercury asked.
"Badlands." Taj replied.
"What's it like in Vacuo?" Emerald asked.
"Oh?" Taj asked, hit a couple buttons, and turned back, "Where did you grow up, again?"
"Vale." Emerald quietly voiced.
"Growing up as a street rat in Vale might seem like it's rough, and the end of the world, but Vacuo is SO much worse. The government of Vacuo has two purposes, keeping armies out, and keeping Grimm out, and for the latter, they just help pay for Grimm bounties. If things get a little hot, they might send out a lawman to calm things down. You might think your life didn't mean much in Vale, but in Vacuo it means zip."
"Strength is the only thing we have." Mercury added.
"Good thing we have enough to spare." Cinder said with a bright smile that Emerald got lost in.
"Problem, though," Taj said, and they turned to looked at him, "you guys don't look like your the type to build your own home."
"If?.." Emerald nervously asked, "the Kingdoms doesn't... how do they feel about drugs, prostitution, theft?.."
"Oh, well, in theory," Taj stated, "it's all illegal. Well, except the prostitution part. The most they really do for the others is pay bounties." Emerald looked down until something occured to her. She then looked at Cinder whom had a wicked grin looking at Mercury. Emerald looked to Mercury who had the same look.
"Is that what we're doing?" Emerald asked. "We're going to be bounty hunters?"
"We kill the drug lord," Mercury stated, "take his money. Take the body into the authorities and get more money. Everything we do is nice and legal."
"Then all we'll have to do," Cinder added, "is find someone to build us a nice, lovely, giant house."
"I recommend you go underground," Taj stated, "Vacuo can get pretty hot during the daytime."
"Maybe something hidden in a badlands?" Cinder asked, and Emerald looked at her with shock. She breathed in deep.
"Of course you had this planned." Emerald shyly said to her, "You're plans always work."
Cinder gave her a bright smile for a moment. "Thank you. They do." she said, and Emerald gave her a shocked look. "The only question was what I wanted?"
"Apparently a mansion in the Vacuan badlands." Taj added.
* * *
Yang and Weiss walked down the stairs. "Nora, Ren." Weiss greeted, and Nora jumped up. Ren quickly stood up behind her.
"I believe it was going to be Blake and Weiss?" Ren asked.
"They had to do... something?.." Yang asked. "Instead of Ladybug you got Freezerburn." she stated, and Neo looked at her questioningly.
"Ruby and Blake are Ladybug." Weiss stated as they walked up, "Yang and myself are Freezerburn."
Again, Neo looked at them questioningly. "Because I'm hot," Yang said, and looked at Weiss, "and she's..."
"An ice queen." Weiss said neutrally, causing Yang to develop a surprised look. Weiss was flushing both light and dark blue. "I have learned to accept my role as the team's wet blanket."
"You're RWBY's Jaune!" Nora exclaimed, and Weiss looked at her with uncertainty for a moment.
"Yes?" Weiss asked.
"Someone has to keep us from jumping in head first." Yang said.
"If that is at all possible?" Weiss neutrally asked.
"So?" Yang asked, "Anything interesting happen?"
"Oh?" Nora asked, "Jaune came in, hugged Neo, and told her how he feels her pain or something."
Weiss lookded at Neo, "Indeed?" she asked. Neo glared at her for a few moments before finally nodding.
"That does sound like him." Yang added.
"He did walk in and just pull my sister into a hug." Weiss said.
"That does sound like Leader." Nora added.
"Really makes me jealous." Yang stated.
"Of Jaune or Winter?" Ren asked, causing Yang to flush orange. "We will take our leave." Ren finished, and then grabbed Nora's hand, gently tugging her to a stairs. Yang walked up to the hole in the cell while Weiss walked over to the crates before elegantly sitting up upon one.
"So, tell me?" Yang eagerly asked, and Neo looked at her curiously. "Jaune's hug. I know they can come and go in an instant, but in that time, it feels like time stands still, doesn't it?" she asked, and Neo's face softened. "So, warm, wrapping all around you, firm, but yielding, like it knows what you want."
Neo started to shift about.
"If he talked about feeling your pain," Weiss stated, "he probably meant to try and take it away. He has made all of our burdens so much lighter. And you would be mayhap not the first ne'er-do-well we've reformed."
"That's a fancy way of saying," Yang added, and Neo sneered at her, "he likes helping the helpless" Yang paused and hung her head, "Like me." This caused Weiss to let out a loud scoff. Yang turned her head up to look at her. "Let's face it, you're an ice queen, but I'm just broken." Yang reached her left hand over to grab where the right had been cut, but couldnt' seem to find the place. "The hell?"
"It seems your break has been mending." Weiss said, and when Yang looked over, Weiss was standing right in front of her. She grabbed Yang's hand and looked up into her eyes, though a couple of things did make that a bit difficult. "Despite my flaws, I find myself getting lost in you, and I can assure you that you are the same. We are not one, but five." Neo gestured with her hand to make fun of the blather, and Weiss turned towards her. "Oh, really, you have not found anyone to lose your flaws in?" she asked. Neo blushed and then looked around. She looked back to Weiss, giving her an evil gaze. "Glower all you want, it simply proves my assertion to be true. I assume that when Jaune ripped the bars off of your cell, he was expecting to no longer need them." Neo jumped up to the other side of the opening, and stood Augustly. Unfortunately, her minute frame was not especially intimidating.
"Uh-huh?" Yang asked, as she stepped up, "Look me in the tits and say that."
Weiss let out a scoff, and Neo developed a neutral expression as he looked between the two. "Must you be so crass?" Neo developed a mild smirk before quickly quashing it.
"She's the one trying to eye me down from tit-height." Yang said to her.
"Perhaps we could talk about this?" Weiss said to her.
"Over coffee?" Yang asked.
"That does sound lovely."
"I didn't mean..." Yang said, but Weiss had moved in to kiss her on the cheek. Before Yang knew it, Weiss was back up the stairs.
* * *
"Weiss?" Jaune asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"We have decided to discuss this over coffee." Weiss stated, and Jaune stepped back to let her pass.
* * *
Weiss walked out of the kitchen with tray with coffee in hand.
"Are you not concerned?" Ren asked, and Jaune turned around to pull him into a hug.
"This is fantastic!" Jaune exclaimed.
* * *
Weiss placed the tray on a crate, poured two cups, before elegantly sitting up on another crate. Yang sat on the ground with her back to the crate, and they both momentarily enjoyed their coffee. Neo tried to give them an evil look, as satisfied looks appeared on their own faces, but instead it came across as jealous. "Did you want some coffee?" Weiss asked.
Yang took another sip, "It's really good coffee."
Neo continued to look on them with jeaslousy.
"You simply have to ask." Weiss simply stated. Neo looked at them for a moment longer before turning around, sitting down, and crossing her arms in a huff.
Yang moaned as she took another sip. "Really good coffee." Neo briefly looked over her shoulder before looking back.
"The way I look at it," Weiss said, causing Neo to look over her shoulder, "you could either let Jaune-dear hug you, or spend the rest of your life in prison." Neo turned her upper body to glare at her. "Oh, feeling agrieved are we?" Weiss asked, "Then why exactly are you here?" Neo turned back away. "You could have gone anywhere. You could have done anything, but instead you hired mercenaries and came to join us here?"
"We could have turned you over to General Clank, and you would probably be put in a hole, never to be seen again." Yang said, and then took another sip of her coffee and letting out another moan. She then turned to Weiss, "You really make good coffee, Linnet."
"Thank you." Weiss replied, and Yang leaned over to kiss Weiss' leg. She then turned to Neo, "Remember, you are here because Jaune-dear thought it was good to do so. General Ironwood would have simply had you tried, and with the plethora of evidence, no doubt convicted."
"You know why you're in a cage, don't you?" Yang asked, and Neo turned to glare at her. "Because you wanted to. Ladykiller gave you a choice, and you wanted to hide back in your little box."
Neo turned to give them a questioning glare. "If you are wondering why we are guarding you is because you made the choice to stay our enemy." Weiss simply said to her.
"If you want to come out, we'll give you some of Linnet's wonderful coffee." Yang said enticingly.
"Or, perphaps?" Weiss asked, "We could call the General?" Neo huffed and turned away, every few seconds turning back to glance at them. She eventually breathed in deep, walked over to the hole in the cell, and just stood there. "Yes?" Weiss asked. "Did you want something." Neo crossed her arms with a huff, looking away. Eventually she looked Weiss in the eyes, nudging her head to the coffee. "Very well." Weiss stated, and jumped down from her crate. Weiss poured the coffee and looked at Neo, "Cream or Sugar?" Neo nodded and held up two fingers. Weiss stirred them into her cup and then walked towards the hole in the cell. "Now, if you promise to be on your very best behaviour..."
"No stabbing." Yang stated.
"Then we can let you out of your cell."
Neo looked at her questioningly for a moment before looking at and reaching for the coffee.
"Very well." Weiss said. Neo grabbed the coffee and turned back into her cell.
* * *
Hildegard Bont walked into James Ironwood's office. Ironwood stood up and rushed over to close the door, "Do you have any idea how inappropriate it is for you to see me outside of the council?"
"Does the chair of the judiciary have any idea how inappropriate this is?" Hildegard asked, "I'm here because I have something important enough to say." James walked back around to the other side of his desk, and sat down, leaning hard upon his desk with both of his hands. "Easy, James." she said to him. "You've had to have seen this coming?"
"I was just doing..."
"What you thought was right, yes." Hildegard said to him. "What you could to save Remnant, and by closing the borders, you made yourself vulnerable to everyone who's ever had a grudge against you, and to everyone that you're in the way of."
"Do - you think I?.." James asked.
"If you will let me say what I came here to say?" Hildegard asked, and he breathed in deep.
"Go - on." James stated.
"There's no way that Bluebonnet did not know what was going on."
"Do you think I don't know that?" James asked.
"No." Hildegard replied, "But now you know we're on the same page."
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