#it would go up one chapter because the last section (the last kimberly finds her father in yidi yada) that was going to go on this chapter
bejeweledmp3 · 3 months
ok so. good news and bad news regarding totp: bad news is i'm 90% sure i'm going to have to up the chapter count from five to six. good news is that if i do that chapter four is like. almost done
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
01/10/2021 DAB Transcript
Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalms 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6
Today is the 10th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new week, a shiny sparkly new week that we are entering into as we continue to move into this brand-new year that we have together. So, it is wonderful. We are falling into a rhythm and it is a meaningful one. Every day we come around the Global Campfire together as a community and hear the word of God spoken over us, and then it becomes a part of who we are, it becomes a part of the soil, the fabric of our lives and it yields a crop. We’re planting seeds right now that are going to come up and it will be the fruit of the spirit, like it will be good in our lives. It will be perspective and context in our lives. And, so, we got a good thing going here and let’s dive into our next week together. We’ll read from the New Living Translation this week and pick up where we left off yesterday. Genesis chapter 23 verse 1 through 24 verse 51.
Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week. We thank You for what wisdom has told us today, that we should trust You with our whole hearts. That's all of us, that we should trust You with who we are and not depend on what we think we know, not depend on our own understanding. We should seek Your will in all that we’re doing, and You will show us which path to take because we will be walking with You at this point, and You will be pointing out the beauty of life together with You. You know all of the hidden vistas, You know all of the secret lookouts, You know all of the cool places of life, and You have invited us to walk through life with You, the most-high God. And, so, often we’re just so busy trying to appease our fellow human beings and get some sort of identity from them when You have invited us into an adventure. So, come Holy Spirit, help us. This begins by trusting You with everything and not thinking that we’re gonna figure it all out but knowing that You know it all. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can access pretty much all of this as well using the app. But this is where we get connected. This is where we stay connected. This is home base. It's the home of the Global Campfire. It's…well…I mean we’re a virtual community. We are far-flung. We are all over the earth. And, so, this is the place that we can come back together and be together. So, be aware of that and check it out.
Check out the community section, either via the app or the…the website and that…that's where the Prayer Wall is. There’s always someone to pray for, always, and there are always people praying. So, you can always reach out for prayer. So, be aware of that and…yeah…pray for each other. That's what we do here. It’s one of the distinctives. It’s one of the beautiful things that we do here, is just accept people where they are on their journey and no matter…no matter where they’ve been or how this is all gonna play out, we’re…we’re willing to accept each other where we are on the journey right now knowing that everybody's in process, none of…none of us have…have reached perfection and just to accept…accept each other where we are and be willing to walk the path and pray for one another and encourage one another. We’re very very good at that here maybe better than anywhere I have ever seen. In fact, not maybe, better than anywhere I’ve ever seen. And, so, we love one another well and there are places like the Prayer Wall to always have a place to reach. So, be aware of that.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you. I thank you profoundly. If what's happening here, God's word spoken read fresh every day and given into the world and community built around that rhythm, encouragement and prayer for one another, if this brings life to you than thank you for being life-giving. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible friends this is Kimberly calling from __ first of all I just wanted to welcome any new listeners and just want to know…just wanted you to know that I’ve been praying for you for this new year that you would be truly blessed by this podcast as we…we all are that listen. Along the way you will find that people share wonderful manifestations of the way that this podcast has changed their lives. And, so, I pray that that is…is your case. I…I pray truly that you are blessed and that your relationship with God it grows so much deeper this year than you could ever imagine. Second thing is I just heard Hope calling from the Heartland and I just love your prayer and hope I…I heard about your mom and I wanted to offer my condolences, that I just so appreciate the blessing that you gave of your perspective on her passing. And I often think about what heaven will be like because none of us have seen each other for the most part. I guess at the More gathering and things like that we’ve seen each other’s faces but to a large extent most of us haven’t met or seen each other’s faces but guess what? In heaven we’re gonna know each other and we’re gonna know Hope’s mom. And as I’m driving to work on this beautiful beautiful January morning, I’m just in of the beauty that God has given us on this side of heaven. We had a nor’easter last night and dropped quite a bit of snow and it was a powerful storm and the clouds are low over the town as I drive in the sage brush is covered with snow and it’s just…
Hi DABber family this is Tonja with a J in South Florida and I am so excited. It is January 5th of 2021 and I did it. I did it, I did it, I did it thank you Brian thank you Jill and China. God bless you and your baby girl. I actually did the Bible in a year. And to anyone who thinks you can’t do it just listen and if you…if you forget a week or day…I actually forgot…almost forgot a month because I just was busy with life but I caught up and today I finished the Bible in a year. And I can’t wait I’m already started January with everybody. I am just so happy to be around the campfire and we really our family here. And I did the Bible for the first time in my whole life in the year. I…I’m so excited and even my hubby is getting excited and…and you know…let’s pray to get him listening to this every day as well and…and I’m just…I love the way Brian that you explain what you’re going to say and then you read the Scriptures and then you talk afterwards. It’s very educational. I can’t wait. This is my second year and I’m going nowhere. Stick to everyone. Stick to it. If you fall behind just…no…listen to two or three. I mean lately I’ve been listening to ten a day because I was behind in November and December. And oh I’m just so happy. It is an accomplishment. It was my goal I wanted last year, and I reached it. Thank you very much. I…I love everyone and I love listening to you all and I pray with you all when you pray. I’m just so happy that I’m…I’m crying. How stupid. Anyway…so, have a lovely day and you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. This is Tonja with a J and have a good day. Bye-bye.
Good morning this is Daniel in Arizona. Good morning family. It is the 6th of January I’m trying into work and I just felt overly compelled by the Holy Spirit to reach out and I’m sorry if I butcher your name. I have some…I do have some hearing problems. So, Zinab in London. I just I heard you call, your first call in to the Daily Audio Bible and I just want to let you know welcome, welcome welcome to this great and wonderful community where we can come together and learn more about Jesus, about the Bible and what…how great it is to be in community with each other with our great Savior. Welcome and I’m just praying for you. My heart goes out to you. And I know that you were saying that you come from a Muslim background and from a lot of stories and that I’ve read and people that I met there could be some…there can be some great rejection. And I just wanted to welcome you with open arms and that we will be continuing, that I encourage everyone in this community to be praying for our…our…our friend here and just encouragement and love. And I just felt so compelled by the Holy Spirit to reach out to you and to know that this is just a wonderful place to be and that we can walk in the freedom of Jesus. And thank you for…for reaching out and may the Lord bless you that may He keep you and as we journey together in 2021.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. Hallelujah to God and grace and peace be to all of you. I am calling in this morning for our sister Zinab from London to welcome you sister to this community and just tell you that it’s going to be fantastic journey, to encourage you to lift you up and tilt you know that you will be well loved here. Zinab I encourage you to continue in this journey to be faithful to it to God’s word and faithful to the prayer and the prayers of the community. Love you, we encourage you, we look forward to hearing from you, Zinab. So, blessings to you all.
Good morning DAB family its January 6th and this is Amazed by Grace Sally in Massachusetts. Just wanting to wish you all a wonderful blessed new year as we walk in the Lord together. And I was just so blessed by our Christmas party. So good to hear all of your encouragements and just thankful that I can be out of this body, part of this ministry. And today as Brian was introducing the reading, he mentioned how important it is for us to grow in awareness of God’s presence and our dependence on Him. And that just really struck me because that is so true how much we need to be aware. God is always with us He will never forsake us. And I and we are so dependent on His love and grace and His spirit to guide us. So, thank you for that reminder Brian. And I am thankful that we have this ministry of the Daily Audio Bible to encourage and to support each other. Isn’t it wonderful that God made us a body, a body that can support and encourage each other? So, I pray for each of us as we go into the new year that we will grow in our awareness of God’s wonderful loving presence and our total dependence upon Him. And I’m thankful for the call from our sister in London who is a recent Muslim convert. We do support you and we do love you and we’re so thankful that you joined us. We pray for you to grow in your walk with God along with us as we each need to grow. And again, thank you for all those, Brian, Jill who make this ministry possible and each one who puts a log on the fire. Thank you and thank you God.
Hey guys I actually just found the Daily Audio Bible app.  This year I want…one of my things for the new year was that I wanted to read my whole Bible this year and so I found this, and it has just been such a blessing in my life and I am…I’m just so overwhelmed and amazed at how fast God has worked in my life and the amount of love that I feel from this whole community. So, I’d just like to say thank you and I’d like to thank God for kind of showing me and giving me all of you. It’s actually…I’m coming up on my last ever semester of college in a couple of days and I’m already feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out about it. So, if anyone wants to take a couple seconds out of their day and just shoot a prayer for me that’d be very appreciated. Just thank you all.
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virgils-hoodie · 7 years
Music of Our Lives - Chapter 1
Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to go on an adventure together!! This is my first Long story, and I plan to update as often as I can, so we will see how this turns out for everyone involved. Enjoy! 
First Day of High School… Wonder how I’m gonna screw this up.
Virgil approached the High School, nervous for what lay ahead of him. His parents promised him that they wouldn’t move again until after he had graduated, but he doubted that, prepared to leave in a couple months.As he made his way down the hall, Virgil checked his schedule.
1A-Concert Band                                 S146      Jason Mabrey 2A-Biology                                           E202       Frank Nosal 3A-CP English 9                                  W374     Jessica Fisher 4A-Intro to High School                       W260      Mike Preskorn 1B-World History/World Geography    W355      Hollie King 2B-Latin 1                                            W285     Julie Marshall 3B-Algebra 1                                        E120      Eric Haupert 4B-Intro to Photography                       E158      Karen Slusher
Virgil groaned upon remembering what his first class was. Earlier in the summer, his parents told him that they were going to have him take a performance elective, and they had him pick out an instrument, but that didn’t mean he had to enjoy band class. They had also decided that they wanted him to be in the band so badly that they would buy him whatever instrument he wanted, as long as he learned it over the summer.
So, naturally, Virgil decided on the least conspicuous instrument he could. One he could easily toss in his backpack and not worry about. He chose the piccolo. What he hadn’t thought of, however, was the high range of the small instrument. And the fact that he may be the only guy playing it. And the fact that he would most likely get a lot of solos.
As Virgil made his way to the band room, located in the basement of the school, he was worried about what he might find down those stairs. He pushed away the concerns as he took his first step into the band room.
The first thing he noticed was the chaos of all the students in that class warming up at the same time. He made his way to a seat near the flute section, after not seeing any other piccolos. This did not look good for him.
The second thing he noticed was the overall age of these students. Most looked like Freshman, but there were a few here and there that stood out as upperclassmen. One such upperclassman was currently taking charge of the clarinet section, getting them all in order and seated neatly. Another was talking to the Alto Saxes, giving them instructions about something Virgil couldn’t quite hear.
As the director made his way up to his small podium in the front of the room, Virgil quickly set up his piccolo and waited as the room quieted down. The Band director spoke with authority as he addressed the band.
“Good Morning Concert Band! For most of you, welcome to your Freshman year. First things First, I would like to introduce some people to all of you. These are the people to talk to if you need help, unless it’s serious, in which case, bring it to me. To begin, we have our Flute and Piccolo section leader, Danielle Stella, then we have our clarinet section leader, Logan Prince, and our alto sax section leader, Patton Hood, Low Reeds, Kimberly Hood, Trumpets, Damon Bernal, Trombones and Baritones, Maddie Smith, Tubas, Cody Blanchette, and Percussion, Nicole Brady.”
Virgil sighed lightly, leaning back in his chair and watching as each one waved at the class.
“Now, I want to see just what kind of instrumentation we have today. We are going to go in Score order. I want everyone to say their name, grade, and favorite song. We’ll start with Piccolos.”
Virgil sat up abruptly and stared wide-eyed as he said that. The director turned towards the flute section.
“Do we have any piccolo players?”
As the girl next to him pointed at Virgil, he panicked. What was he supposed to say? What if his voice cracked? What would everyone think of him? What- His thoughts were cut off when the girl next to him gently nudged his arm, smiling encouragingly. He took a deep breath and spoke just loud enough to be heard in the room as everyone went silent.
“My name is Virgil Sanders… I am a Freshman, and my favorite song is “I’m not Okay. (I Promise)” By My Chemical Romance.” He glanced around the room as everyone stared at him until Danielle spoke up as first for the flute section.
As he leaned back in his seat again, he watched the others around the room for a bit before moving to read a book on his music stand. It wasn’t until the voice of one person in the back cut through his thoughts that he looked up to see who it was.
“I Am Roman Prince. I Am Currently In My Freshman Year Of High School, And My Favorite Piece Of Music Is “All I Do Is Win”, By DJ Khaled.” Virgil scoffed slightly, figuring only the girl beside him could hear, but he could have sworn he saw Prince throw a pointed glare at him.
By the end of the class, Virgil was exhausted without even playing anything. This was largely due to the discovery that any freshmen in Band are required to join the marching band. Which started the next day. He made his way towards the door as everyone was packing up when Danielle ran over to him. “Virgil! I know you’re new to the area, so I was wondering if we could trade phone numbers... I-In case you have any questions, of course. And also to make sure you know when the marching band events are.” Virgil looked over at her, then nodded reluctantly, quickly scrawling down his phone number on a piece of paper.
“Just know that if I don’t know who it is, I block the number, so say your name when you text me. Also, don’t share that with anyone. I don’t want to be in any group chats, or be sent any chainmail texts, Okay?”
She nodded quickly, then walked off, leaving him alone to wait for the bell to ring, until... “Virgil?” He looked up, only to see that Roman was making his way towards him. “It is Virgil, right? I was wanting to talk to you. I saw your family moving in up the street from me at the end of last school year.”
“So?” Virgil replied, getting annoyed.
“Well if you let me finish, J.Delightful, I was getting to that. I was wondering if you needed any help finding your classes.”
Why would he want to help me?
Virgil shook his head. “No Thanks, Princey. I think I’ll find my way just fine.”  As the bell rang, he quickly left the band room, eager to get away from the crowd of musicians.
As the day went on, Virgil slowly became more and more annoyed with everything and everyone, eventually reaching his breaking point when he walked into his last class for the day, Intro to High School and saw Him. Virgil quickly sat as far away as possible from the flamboyant fantasist, then pulled his phone out to avoid being noticed by him.
By the end of the day, Virgil was ready to leave, heading straight for the busses until he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him turn around and slap off the hand, looking at who was behind him. “Apologies, Virgil.”
Virgil sighed. “What do you want, Princey?”
“Well, I saw you heading for the bus, and I was wondering if you’d like a ride home. I already cleared it with Logan, so he’s okay with taking you home. I know that the bus is very crowded, so I figured you would prefer to ride in a car and go straight home.”
He looked up at Roman, debating. He knew Roman was right. He despised the bus, but he also wasn’t sure why Roman would be offering to help him. Curiosity got the better of him and he nodded.
“That would be great, thank you.”
Roman smiled. “Awesome! Follow me.” As he walked off, Virgil stayed beside him, keeping pace with his long legs.
Roman looked over, surprised. “Yeah, Virgil?”
“Why are you so determined to be nice to me? I understand being polite, but this is above and beyond... So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, What gives?”
“I want to help you because I used to be you. Back in 7th grade, my family had just moved here. They agreed that we wouldn’t move again until Logan had finished High School. He’s only got this year and next year left. I’m hoping they decide to let me finish as well, but Logan is their prize child. He gets the good grades and the Academic Honors. I’m just a Band and Theater kid, average at best. I could do theater and band anywhere. It’s harder to transfer academic success…”
Virgil watched as Roman’s face fell, and his façade faltered.
“I’m sorry for bringing it up... I was just curious... Most people usually don’t want to help me. I was just wondering if this was genuine, or-”
“-Another Trick.”
Roman smiled over at Virgil, who sheepishly grinned in return, happy to have found someone who understood him.
AN: Wow, this was a beast to tackle. Starting a story is always the most interesting part for me. Anyways, I will be taking Holiday AU/Prompts for the remainder of December, and I will write some of my own until I get suggestions. Let me know if there is something you want to see!
Tags: @sassy-and-messy @tinysidestrashcaptain (Let me know if you want to be added to any Tag lists for my work!) 
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
04/27/2019 DAB Transcript
Judges 7:1-8:17, Luke 23:13-43, Psalms 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 14:7-8
Today is the 27th day of April…I was gonna say of 2019… and it is the 27th day of 2019, April 2019, and wedding bells are in in our future but I’ll talk about that in a little bit because we've also come to the conclusion of another one of our weeks together and we get to the conclusion of these weeks by taking steps forward every day and that's what we've come to do. So, we’ve been reading from the English standard version during this week, which is what we'll do today. And we spent most of this week in the Old Testament meeting some of the judges, some of the people who led Israel before there was a formal government but after Moses and Joshua's leadership concluded. So, let’s dive and and take that next step forward. Today, Judges chapter 7 verse 1 through 8 verse 17.
Thank You, Father for another week in Your word. And we recognize that before another week is out we will have crossed the threshold into another month. And, so, this daily rhythm continually gives us the sense of the passage of time that we’re moving forward, and we thank You that Your word shows us how to move forward. It gives us what we need in our lives. We confess that we ignore the wisdom sometimes and find ourselves in a ditch, but Your word meets us in that ditch and shows us how to get back on the narrow path. And, so, we thank You for Your word in the way that it is constant in our lives, continually meeting us where we are and leading us toward Your heart. Thank You, Father for Your word. We pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and its where you find out what’s going on around here.
And today is wedding day. Ahhh…today is our daughter China's wedding day. So, I'm out in front of it, we’re out in front of it right now. It’s not until we're getting toward evening, but this is the big day, the day she has dreamed about for a long time, the day that I've known was coming her whole life. And I don't know whether I’m…I don't know what I am. I don't dread it. It's bittersweet. This is what it is. I think that's the best description and that's why there's like confusion because there’s joy and lots of other emotions and memories all kinda whipped up into this weird little bittersweet smoothie that I seem to be drinking today. So, thank you for your prayers over the family, over everything that goes into a union, a marriage, not only just the wedding day but everything that comes next. So, in the space of…well this is…this is the 14th April 27th in the Daily Audio Bible's history. And, so, in that time this little girl grew up and became a woman and devoted herself to reading the Bible every day for the last…well…this is her 11th, April 27th in her own right as she continues to lead forward the Daily Audio Bible Chronological. So, I guess I could try to wax poetic, or I could just mumble and ramble on. Sometimes fewer words are better than many and this is a holy moment for us. The rhythm of the Bible in our family has led us to this place. And, so, we are we are overjoyed in spite of how bittersweet it might be. And, so, we thank you for your prayers, not only over the wedding day but of this union between China and Ben, that it might be fruitful for God's kingdom all the days of their life, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So, we’ll be sure to try to post on social media at least a picture. So, watch for that. You can find all the links to all the Daily Audio Bible social media channels, which are like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter at dailyaudiobible.com. Click the Community section, you’ll find those links.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There's a link on the homepage. If you're using the daily audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. Well, that’s not it for today. I’ve got a lot in front of me but that’s it for now for today. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family this is Kathleen in Mount Zion Illinois and I just watched on TV, I’m a foreign language teacher, so of course I watch some TV, I watch international news a lot of times and I was watching a lot of reports on the Sri Lanka bombing just recently within a couple of days and it looks like there is over 300 people that are dead and many still who are injured in the hospital. And what really hit me tonight was one girl was talking on a German station and she was saying how evangelical Christians have been targeted for quite some time in Sri Lanka. I mean this bombing was a surprise to everybody. They weren’t prepared for this at all but she had mentioned at the same time these evangelical Christians and I thought wow, you know, you just don’t…I mean I know it’s happening all over the world and I know there’s persecutions and everything but tis hit home, you know, it home more than anything else I’ve heard and anyway I just want to pray right now. If you would just pray with me. Lord Jesus I lift up the people of Sri Lanka and I lift up all of those who have been…who have family members who have been killed in these bombings and I just pray that You would comfort them Lord and let them draw closer to You and not further apart. Please bring them close to You. In the name of Jesus Christ may Your Holy Spirit be among them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Good morning this is Bridget from New York City and I am calling to pray for Lisa and Craig. Lisa, your call…the sound of your voice…it just __ with the call. I work as a customer service representative and one thing I’ve learned is to hear a person’s heart through their voice and I can definitely hear that you’re hurting and your desperate. So, Father I just lift up Lisa to You and Craig right now Father. Oh Lord, I just pray for Your peace over them Father God. I pray Father for Your breath of life Lord. There’s a Psalm that says it’s Your breath in our lungs so we __ to You Lord and I just pray Father and ask Lord to give them both the spirit of praise, Father, worship Lord. I pray Father God that they would worship You as they go through this storm Lord God. As the enemy surrounds them that they fight these battles Father God with You before them and get behind them Lord that they would just worship You Father God, that they would worship. I come against anxiety, I come against the enemy in the name of Jesus. I come against the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus and I come against any lies and all the deceptions that the enemy has tried to implant in this marriage Lord God in the name of Jesus. I pray that they would continue to draw closer to You Lord God, closer to each other and __ would release and let go and know that it’s Your breath in their lungs Father God, that You may give them a heart of worship Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Have a great day everybody. Bye-bye.
Hi this is Kimberly from Maryland calling to wish China an amazing wedding. I am so happy. I still remember you China as such a little girl and I’ve seen you over the years grow up and just be this magnificent woman of God. I’m really happy for you. You probably know I got married a year ago and I love being married, love, love, love being married it’s the greatest growth in intimacy with a person as well as God I could ever imagine. So…and he was a DAB listener. So, you know, you were just put in my life has been so profound. So, China, happy marriage, entire Hardin family, happy wedding and to God be the glory. Bye.
Hey DABBers, this is Emily of Jim and Emily from Houston and the other wild redhead at the More Conference. Thank you, Jill and Brian I am still enjoying the holy exfoliation of my soul that I had there at that conference and the wonderful people I met…the women I met…wow, wow! And part of it has really turned out to be preparation for a trip that my husband and I are making to Wales May 8th through June 19th - Paul from Wales, we want to hear from you - because we’re going there to see if God is calling us to move there. I do have family there, but we’re really praying for ministry. I had been involved in missions years ago, got a seminary degree, and then things just haven’t worked out over the years and we’re not youngsters anymore and not independently wealthy either but just taking a leap of faith. So, I would ask you my brothers and sisters to please pray for all of the details of this trip as it comes together. God has given us some contacts and restoring some things from the past. Please pray that…please pray against the enemy for my fears, our fears, that God would open doors as Jesus opens doors that cannot be shut and closes doors that cannot be opened and it becomes very clear to us that this is where He wants us to be and for mother Jane who’s 87 and who does not know the Lord and lives over there. Thank you, bless you, I love you guys.
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