#it would be for him a competition between quin&obi friendship and ani&obi friendship
tennessoui · 11 months
i love ur fics, but why do u have anakin always hate quinlan so much? is he just a jealousy target or did something happen on tatooine during quinlan’s undercover mission during tpm (he’s in the background of the scene where babykin rescues jar jar from sebulba in tpm)? could they ever be friends (to obi wans exasperation when they team up against him lol)?
Ooo good question - I just like it I guess! It’s one of those dynamics there’s definitely not much of a basis for, but I like my obikin to have a hint of a jealous anakin - even if they’re not together yet. Like I feel like most of my canon anakins would be jealous of a friendship between Quinlan and obi-wan because there’s a lot of history there and fond memories of a version of obi-wan anakin doesn’t have until he’s a Knight (because obi-wan was his master and they had a master&padawan relationship. I can just so easily see anakin not liking Quinlan as obi-wan’s friend from B.A. (Before Anakin)….more too if they actually have slept together in the past and anakin finds out about it (because that’s another version of his master that someone else has that he has not been given yet)
I don’t think it’s rational emotions and I don’t know how much I particularly care about how much is founded in canon. I read Anakin as having a jealous and possessive element to his personality (read: ROTS movie), and Quinlan is usually the easiest target because he’s my go to friend for obi-wan. I don’t really see anakin and Quinlan being friends, because I like to focus more on that jealousy! I know other people disagree 😅 I guess it’s just a character quirk I include in my writing … usually without realizing it
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