#it won’t change the fact that their bond is beautiful ❤️
420pogpills · 1 year
For me it’s like😭😭😭 I don’t get the point of the tweet. And then liking and unliking tweets saying he’s lying. Because if he actually wanted to clear up the misconception i feel like he would tweet it and that would be that. But he obviously doesn’t have a problem with dnf being shipped still so then I just really don’t get it like. We already knew they weren’t together😭 the only reason I can think of is because a lot of the Spanish ccs and community think they’re fr fr together so maybe that’s what he was trying to clear up?? But idk just weird wording and weird moves all around
i think you’re forgetting 1 more potential reason - and that is dream being fucking insane
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tamerajedwards · 25 days
By Tammy Edwards
Last night I had a profound dream about one of the best friends I’ve ever had in my life. For weeks, months, and years, I have mourned the fact that she and I live miles and miles apart and the friendship we once had was shattered by the miles, distance, and years that have passed. She has NEVER left my mind. I’ve had a hard time coming to grips with the fact the friends come in and out of our lives through the years just like seasons in our lives. Others we want to hold onto until our last breath. She was and is that kind of friend to me. We raised our young children together, bonded over our Christianity and ups and downs in life. My divorce shattered not only my marriage but my friendship with her. Thirty years have gone by and although we have been friends on Facebook, it’s not the same. I admit I’ve been jealous that her life turned out so perfect with a stable job, amazing husband, wonderful children, lots of pictures of her with her girlfriends so happy on Facebook, and beautiful looks and personality to boot. As for me, the bumbling idiot wearing my life and heart on my sleeve continued to offend her with my political posts on Facebook, my quirky sense of humor, and all the other things I say that I guess I should be embarrassed of. All I ever wanted to do was be accepted by her and everyone else in my life. She sent me a loving but firm text mentioning that my children were probably upset with me for a reason and a few other things. It was a personal conversation I won’t go into. I just wanted her love and friendship so badly. My heart was pierced and in a blinding moment I did the unthinkable- UNFRIENDED HER on my main Facebook page. More years passed and I reached out and asked her to forgive me for my poor reaction. You see every time we disagree and feel judged in life it doesn’t give us permission to be so hurtful to each other. I don’t take rejection so well, who does? I have lost more friends and relationships than a person could ever count. There is a fine line between being offensive and being allowed to just be yourself. I see young girls trying to fit in and feel accepted. I’m here to tell you, that never ends. At 59 I feel the longing and pain of trying to fit in. I have never been so lonely in my entire life. I’m not kidding.
So this morning I had a profound dream, one God knew I needed. I always remember every dream in full color. God allowed me to make amends with my friend. She was in my area for some reason doing some teaching. She had been here for 8 weeks and never contacted me. I saw her and walked up to her and broke the ice. We sat together and talked like old times. She showed me photos of one of her children’s weddings. We talked as if nothing had happened. My heart ❤️ was so full… I cried. Then dream went on for awhile. It was so real. Then I woke up. Of course I thought to myself, oh crud it was only a dream.
I’ve been sitting in my bed with a pile of Kleenex’s sobbing this morning. Here is what I can tell you. I know that even if friendships come and go. Just make sure you have asked for forgiveness if you have wronged them. If a friend never apologizes to you, forgive them in your heart. Keep the vessels of love and forgiveness open. Jesus has a plan. He will never leave us and He has a plan to bring new friends into our lives. It doesn’t mean we ever forget the ones that had to change over the course of years. When we get to heaven all things will be made new. Life is short. Don’t bury your hurts and let them stack up. It will not allow us to receive new people into our lives with a clean slate. I’m tired of not feeling like I’m enough, or worthy to be a friend or girlfriend to anyone, because I AM ENOUGH! So are you!! I am loved for all my crazy 🤪, quirkiness, and I am beautifully and wonderfully made. So are you! Confidence is beautiful and attractive! I love you all.. hoping this will touch some heart somewhere today. ❤️ T
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