#it was really rushed ignore mistakes lololol
pookalukaa · 4 years
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@neko-chan-13 @salty-shad coughs i hate musicals but I'm obsessed with circus themes so this movie was weird for me
anyway i your post about the greatest showman au and i like :O alright
so have a really quick thing lol it was really quick and rushed sorry
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polyscripts · 7 years
Request by nightlocknumrich ; So my request was that Ben and Y/N are married and she knows that Ben and Sarah were really close after she saved his life but she thinks they're getting a little too close and then soon she finds him cheating on her with Sarah? Add Abe and Anna in there if you want. And I know this is a sensitive topic for some people and if you don't want to you don't have to. :)) ❤❤
Also - Hello! Could you write a Ben Tallmadge x Reader where the reader is his wife and she finds out about his night with Sarah Livingston and she is conflicted about her love for him and his betrayal? Maybe, if you could, base it off of "Burn" from Hamilton.
Pairing(s); Benjamin Talmadge x reader
Warning(s); angst, cheating, some mentions of NSFW but not a lot. (since no-one said they wanted a happy ending)
A/N; I liveeee for these sort of prompts lololol bring the angsttt ALSOOOO probably kinda long idk lol I got too into it.
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Ever since that night in the cabin, with Sarah, the memories of then only seemed to haunt him.
He couldn't even hold you without thinking of her, of seeing her face and remembering the night they shared. He knew how heartbroken you’d be if you knew about that night, but he couldn't imagine what you’d feel if you knew it was still going on.
“Ben? I made your favorite, why don't you come sit?” you called, setting the plates on the table while he pulled his coat on by the door. He paused, contemplating sitting in for the night with you or seeing Sarah again in the barn.  He heard you humming softly, expecting him to come, but he sighed and just continued to pull his coat on.
“I can't tonight YNN, Washington wants to see me before he and Hamilton set out for battle” he lied smoothly, having told that lie so many times he almost believed it to be true. Seconds after you appeared in the doorway, an adorable pout on your lip with your cheek smeared with flour.
“But I just set the table! surely Washington knows your family is more important!” you scolded, taking in his current attire. He wasn't wearing his uniform, just the same clothes he wore when he had to sneak off to Setauket.
“I’ll make sure to let him know, but I really must get going” he placed a quick peck on your lips before he turned and rushed out the door. The door slammed shut behind him, leaving you in complete silence as you rubbed a hand over your protruding belly.
“Seeing Washington... at this hour?” you bit your lip nervously and you removed the food from the fire so it wouldn't burn. You quickly changed into more suitable clothes before heading out into the camp.
After hearing of your pregnancy, General Washington saw fit that you stayed in a cabin close to camp for better protection. You were grateful for his gesture, and Ben was as well not having to sleep in a cot outside anymore.
You kept to the shadows, keeping an eye out for your husband just in case he wasn't where he said he was. There were only a few soldiers were still up and walking around or sitting by fires near their tents. You huffed, seeing the generals house up ahead and quickly making a beeline for it before you were stopped.
“YN?” you stopped and turned to see Anna walking up to you, a faulty smile on her lips. “What’re you doing out here so late?” she asked softly, stealing a quick glance around before looking back at you.
“I was just looking for Ben ... you haven’t happened to see him, have you?” she shook her head quickly, taking your hands and leading you back to your cabin.
“Nope, last I saw he was walking into Washingtons and hasn't come out since, maybe you should wait back at home-”
“Huh.. maybe you're right, I’ve just been so stressed lately” you sighed, rubbing your forehead as the fear slowly began to fade away. But something still nagged you in the back of your head but you opted to ignore it for now.
“Yup! Here let me help you” you nodded and began to wobble a bit back in the direction of your home with Anna’s help. Unknowing to you, Anna looked back just in time to see Ben slipping out of the barn, stopping only to press a quick kiss to Sarah’s lips before ducking back into the shadows.
“Sarah! What a lovely surprise!” you beamed, smiling happily at the woman who held a basket of goods close to her chest. She smiled timidly, almost shyly in your presence as you urged her to enter the home.
Ben perked up immediately hearing the familiar name, pausing from his writings to look back at her. Just as she entered the room, their eyes immediately met but they forced themselves to look away to avoid blushing like school children. You were oblivious to the interaction while pulling out a seat for the woman to sit in.
“Sit, please! I was just about to set up lunch for Ben” you turned to the fire and pulled out the pot, gently placing it in the middle of the table. The smell seemed to circulate around her, choking her in her guilt. When it became too much, Sarah cleared her throat, effectively pausing you from serving her.
“Actually, YN, I came to speak to Ben” you tilted your head slightly in confusion as you looked back at Ben who nodded at you in silent agreement.
“Oh really?”
“Yea, w-we uh... we need to talk about my release that's coming up” you nodded your head as you stepped back a bit, hands on your stomach. When you didn’t move, Ben stepped in, gently placing his hand to the small of your back.
“In private dear”
“Oh! well, don’t let me interrupt” you blushed as you quickly ducked out the room, not before turning to Sarah, pulling her close. She tensed for some reason when you gave her a serious look.
“I just want to thank you, Sarah, for everything” she nodded when you continued, “For saving him, you really did help save our family” her eyes traveled down to your stomach and an overwhelming wave of guilt overcame her. You had to be about 7 months by now, and here she was... screwing your husband.
“I-I-” she stuttered, but you gave her a soft smile before leaving the room.
“And you're sure you don't want me to come along with you?” he asked, you smiled wide and pressed a kiss to his lips to shut him up. You held him close, his hands coming down to rest on your stomach, kissing you harder.
“I assure you, Benjamin, I’ll be fine, it's just my parents” he sighed and nodded, helping you into the carriage with one more kiss.
“Remember, one week” he nodded, pressing a few more kisses to your lips and face, smiling at the sound of your giggles. He ignored the wrenching guilt in his gut, choosing to accept the love in his heart for you, no matter how much.
Before you set off he made sure to threaten the driver to deliver you and the baby safely before you finally got moving. He watched the carriage get smaller and smaller until he couldn't see it anymore. A few seconds after a different face appeared before him and the love he felt was quickly replaced with the wrenching feeling again.
“You can’t do this to her anymore Ben, you’ll ruin everything you’ve worked for” He looked away from Anna who didn't try to hide her disappointment in him.
“Like you have room to talk” he sneered, it was a low blow but he didn't need to be reminded of the mistakes he's made. Especially when it came to you and the baby.
“Sarah isn’t good for you! you have YN, she’s all you've ever known, don't throw it away for-” she stopped talking when she saw the devil herself walking up the path towards them. Her cloak was shielding her features. a basket on her arm, her cover for visiting at such odd times.
“Ben... I hear YN’s gone out of town to visit her parents” Anna had to bite her tongue from cursing at her. Ben nodded stiffly, he’d rather deal with the woman in their own time, not in front of Anna and the rest of camp.
“Yes, she's visiting her parents for the week” Anna was glaring at him, but he chose to ignore her and the guilt bubbling in his gut. Sarah smiled, and as if she only just realized Anna’s presence, returned to her timid front.
“Well then... I believe now will be best to discuss my freedom after this mess clears up?” she offered, watching and waiting for his reacting. Ben took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Anna’s disappointed ones before looking to Sarah’s lust blown ones. 
“We can discuss this more privately...” with that he took her arm and lead her back to the cabin, ignoring Anna’s warnings.
“Thank you so much, Harold, I do apologize for making you go so far,” you told the driver, who only gave you a smile in return.
“It is not an issue Missus Talmadge, it's my duty to keep you and that boy safe” you smiled, hands running over your bump as you took your small bag from the trunks end.
“Thank you again, Harold, stay safe out there” you urged before he was biding you a goodbye. You turned to look back at your home that looked oddly empty, aside from the single candle lit in the bedroom upstairs.
“Ben?” you called out, untying the strings to your cloak, dropping your things by the side of the door. When you didn’t hear a reply, you tried listening out for him, but only hearing muffled sounds coming from upstairs.
“Ben? You here?” you tried again, deciding to check upstairs. The muffled sounds from before sounded more clearly now, louder, coming from the bedroom.
“Ben?” you whispered, almost afraid of what you’d see. You followed the sound before it finally hit you what it was, and who was making them.
Her moans were louder the closer you got, circulating the bedroom and all around you as you ripped the door open to see them. Sarah above him, panting as she rolled her hips down on his cock. You held back a cry as her eyes met yours, they only glanced at you for a second before looking back at your husband. But once she realized someone else was in the room, she screamed and scurried off him, especially when she realized that someone was you.
“Sarah wha-” he looked over and he felt his stomach drop at the sight of tears rolling down your cheeks. You were glaring, but it only crumpled into heartbreak when he tried to explain what was clear in front of you.
“Y-YN you weren't supposed to be back until next week-”
“The weather was bad so I had the driver turn us around... but I wasn't expecting this..” you choked, you couldn't even find it in you to be angry. You felt insignificant, and you clearly were nothing if this woman was still bare under your covers.
“I-I can explain-”
“Don’t bother” was your short response before you turned and slammed the door shut behind you. You moved as quickly as your bump would let you, grabbing your still packed bag and pulling on your cloak as quickly as possible.
You had a foot out the door when Ben came barreling down the stairs. His shirt unbuttoned and his pants hanging off his hips.
“YN! YN wait-” you tensed feeling his hands on you, wanting to gag at the fact his hands had even touched another woman the way they had once touched you. You pulled away, glaring at the way his eyes looked so sad, sad at the fact he caused all of this.
“What Benjamin” your tone was clipped, a clear sign that you were struggling to keep your anger at bay. 
“YN, please... let me explain-” he tried again, but you chuckled bitterly, rolling your eyes.
“How do you explain the fact I caught you in bed with another woman! A woman I thought you were just helping but clearly you were helping her out with other things” you snarled, shoving him away from you to turn and stomp down the steps. You weaved through camp, Ben still hot on your tail.
“No! I-Its nothing like that, Sarah and I just-”
“Just decided to go behind my back and screw each other while I was away?” with that you stormed into Gabe’s tent, the bearded man jumping in surprise.
“YN? What’re you doing back so early? I thought-”
“I need you to take me to Pawtucket” he looked even more surprised now, jumping again when Ben appeared, looking breathless, and shirtless. The man connected the dots and instantly was standing in front of you, blocking Ben’s path.
“Move Gabe, this doesn’t concern you” Ben tried, but Gabe didn't step down, only stepping up to him, daring him to do something worse than he already had. When he didn’t, he pressed a firm finger to his exposed chest, a deadly look in his eye.
“You won’t win this fight captain.” the room fell silent, as the two stared each other down with nothing but hatred for each other. You watched, your hand protectively over your stomach until finally, Ben grunted.
“I won’t be far,” with that he turned and left, leaving the tent in silence until you finally cracked. You let out a small whimper before completely breaking down into sobs, fat and heavy tears falling down your cheeks. Instantly you were in Gabe’s arms, crying until eventually, you pulled away.
“I-I’m sorry Gabe... I didn’t mean to wrap you up in this” you sniffled, smiling a little when he cupped your face, wiping away your tears with the pads of his thumbs. He gave you a small one in return, sighing after a while.
“I’m always gone be here for you YN... we should get going” you nodded, you already had bags packed. He helped you carry them towards the boat, surprised to see Anna standing nearby as well. She seemed just as surprised to see you, especially with bags.
“YN! W-What’re you doing here?” there was an edge in her voice you didn’t notice, simply rushing into her arms, holding her tight as the tears welled up again. She tensed before realizing you were crying and immediately wrapping her arms around you.
“He-He slept with her! he did it behind my back Anna!” you cried softly, having already used most of your heavier tears with Gabe. Said man had placed your bags in the boat, waiting for you.
“Ben? I knew Sarah was no good YN, I told you” she spoke softly, rubbing your back soothingly. You froze, sniffling and pulling back to look at her, suspicion in your tone.
“I never told you it was Sarah...” you said slowly, watching panic bubble up in her features. You narrowed your eyes, ripping back as she reached out for you quickly.
“Y-YN wait I-” 
“You knew... didn't you.” you hissed, watched as she pressed her lips together. As if Ben’s secret of cheating was far more important than his baby you were carrying, and the future you no longer had. 
“The truth, Anna” she took a deep breath, before looking down, tears welling up in her own eyes. Cause she knew it was wrong, and she didn’t stop it.
There was a tense silence in the air now, your hand twitched, the need to slap someone making your blood boil up. She couldn’t meet your eyes, she fiddled with the string of her cloak, flinching when you spoke.
“I never, want to see you guys ever again”
Arriving in Pawtucket felt good. After going so long without seeing your town, your home, it felt wrong, so maybe it was a sign. 
You decided not to go to your parents home, deciding you’d stay with your dear friend Mary and her own family in their own home. Mary had welcomed you with open arms, insisting you stay as long as you needed.
“I’m sorry for intruding on you and your family Mary... I’ll be gone soon” she waved you off as she started up the bath for you. You untied your cloak and began to undress just. as she poured some bubbles into the water, the sweet smell wafting up into the air and instantly calming you. Although with the calm came the tears your body had so desperately been trying to keep back. 
You stepped into the bath once she said it was okay, and slowly sunk into the warmth, the suds enveloping you in comfort. You hummed appreciatively when Mary began to untie the ribbons in your hair, the strands falling around your face. 
When she began to wash your hair, she noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks. The red rims, the swollenness of your cheeks like you’d been crying for hours. Dread filled her, she opened her mouth to comfort you, but you beat her to it.
“I still love him... even after everything he's done to me, I still love him” you choked out, her heart breaking at the sight of you. You sat numbly in the tub, surrounded by bubbled while your hands subconsciously rubbed your soapy belly in soothing circles. At least one good thing would come out of Ben’s betrayal... 
“Oh YN..” Mary whispered, brushing your damp hair away from your face as your tears mixed with the water. You looked over at her, her face riddled with anguish as you looked back at her blankly, tears never ceasing.
“Everyone knew about it... even Anna, my best friend knew and she didn't tell me Mary” you shook your head as you stared down at the water, your hair falling back around you. Mary bit her lip, her own past pain of Abrahams cheating with Anna seemed to bubble up again and she spoke before she could stop herself. 
“Men... don’t think when passion is present. Ben made a mistake, but it's no excuse” she told you softly, you looked up, but you didn’t look at her, only staring ahead. You stayed silent until the end.
After the bath, Mary left you to get settled on your own. You walked over the trunk at the foot of your bed. It was supposed to be sent to your parents’ house for storage, but after everything, you’d taken it with you by accident. 
You kneeled in front of the trunk at the foot of your bed, slowly opening it up to see the lost treasures you’d stored there. There wasn’t much aside from a few dressed from before your pregnancy, a few expensive pieces of jewelry, and some small portraits of you and your family. You were about to shut the trunk but your eye caught sight of the smaller box in the corner. You knew what it was before you even touched it.
Inside were mountains of letters, all from Ben back when the two of you had been courting. A few from when you were children, but one stood out from the rest, the one he’d written to you when you were both just teenagers.
My Dearest YN,
I don’t know how else to tell you this but by writing it out to you, so here goes. Ever since we were children, from the moment you and your family moved into Pawtucket, I knew that I'd make you mines someday. Being your closest friend was good enough for me until now, seeing you being forced to love another, I can’t help but think that it should be me. So I’m hoping that there might be something between us... if there is, meet me at our spot the minute the clock strikes midnight.
You remembered the minute it struck midnight you ran from your house to the treeline, deep into the woods to the edge of the water. You saw him standing there, under the moonlight beside the tree you both had made yours, holding a single flower in his hand. Hearing rushed footsteps he spun around just in time to catch you in his arms.
“I do like you Ben Tallmadge, I do I do!” his smile was melting and in an instant, you both were sharing your first kiss with each other. He held you for a long time, simply taking in your everything, your heart swelled with love.
You were snapped back to reality when a warm tear hit the parchment. You sniffed, neatly folding the letter back together and putting it to the side while you picked up the rest of the box filled with letters. You walked over the fire, the heat warming your cold skin as you got closer, box in hand.
“Goodbye Ben” you tipped the papers into the fire, watching it all catch aflame in a matter of seconds. You watched them curl under the heat, browning until they turned into nothing but ash. 
The ends a little sloppy since I've been trying to post this for a while, UNEDITED
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