#it might also be worth looking for playlists of Deathrock and 'goth for metalheads' if you love metal as well
rincewindsapprentice · 8 months
i hope you don’t mind me asking, i saw the post talking about goths & in the tags you mentioned goth bands. i was wondering if you had any recommendations for someone to get into c:
So I will preface this by saying that I am still relatively new myself, but I would love to give some recs!
So, there are some of the bigger, classic bands, from Siouxsie and the Banshees (Juju is an incredible album) to Sisters of Mercy (Floodland being one of their classic albums) to 45 Grave (Sleep in Safety is just an absolute blast of an album, especially "Evil" and "Procession"). You might also really enjoy Fields of the Nephilim ("Moonchild" and "For Her Light" are wonderful)!
BUT, for some other acts that are a bit smaller, I can never stop recommending Second Still on the more coldwave-y side of goth, nor Christ vs. Warhol on the anarcho-punkier side, and Head Cut in a similar, though less loud, way (Head Cut, their self-titled debut, is so great).
Since I don't want to overwhelm, I'll recommend a few more bands: Traitrs is wonderful (try out "Thin Flesh" and "I Sit and Watch the Worm Beneath My Nail"), Rosegarden Funeral Party is very emotional ("Once in a While" is classic while "Tortured Decline" is worth belting out loud), and She Past Away is incredible darkwave ("Durdu Dünya" and "Ruh" are so great).
But yeah! Hopefully that gives a good taste of things across some of the spectrum! I really had to restrain myself and could have just listed out a ton of bands, but I hope some of these land with you :)
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