#it makes sense that some episodes just wouldn't warrant many words
jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Episode 36 Review
Originally posted January 15th, 2016
Goku is benched, and Vegeta takes his place.
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So far, Dragonball Z: Abridged has worked its way through two arcs of the original story, and in the new arc as well as the previous two, there have been plot contrivances designed to keep Goku out of the battlefield for as long as possible, given how powerful he is. I didn’t mind it in the Saiyan Saga, since he literally died and spent most of that time training, and I didn’t mind it in the Freeza Saga, because the “contrivance” was a mixed body situation that led to him experiencing some pretty severe injuries.
Now, however, “heart problems” being what takes Goku off the battlefield feels frustrating more than anything else, because as much as I understand that there isn’t a story if he’s just wailing on the bad guys until he wins, I feel like it should be something more significant than basic medical issues that prevent him from fighting (though a potential thematic significance might undercut that critique1).
None of that is to critique Team Four Star, oddly enough, even if the specifics of Goku’s illness are their invention (I think it is, but feel free to let me know). They handle Goku’s third “benching” pretty cleverly, with his heart attack coming right after (Yamcha lets him make) a mistake that give Android 19 a lot of his energy, and his reasoning for not taking his medicine being that “it was grape flavored.” Despite the bullshit that is exiling the main protagonist, they pull it off with humor and grace, making his departure feel mostly natural and driven entirely by his character.
The rest of the episode is all about Vegeta, and more importantly, all about making “Super Saiyan Swagger” the perfect title for the episode. Vegeta’s arrival and subsequent transformation into a Super Saiyan removes all of the tension surrounding Gero and 19, and what follows is one of the most satisfying beatdowns of a robot that I have ever seen
As Vegeta meticulously counts down from five the number of blows to deliver to 19, we’re left with the thrill of waiting to see just how Vegeta is going to destroy this machine as well as whether or not it will feel fear at its upcoming destruction. It’s one of the best scenes Team Four Star has made, and it’s ultimately sold by the confluence of music and editing with Lanipator’s unshakeable confidence as the Prince of all Saiyans.
Rating: 4/5
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Stray Observations
1To put it simply, it could be read as signifying the banal, ordinary things affecting us the most, with a Legendary Warrior’s greatest flaw being that he didn’t take his cholesterol medicine. But I don’t think that Toriyama or Team Four Star are interested in actually exploring this, which is unfortunate for Toriyama but probably a good call on Team Four Star’s part. (Yet again, I feel it’s necessary to mention that I haven’t read the manga or seen the original anime.)
Gero: “Why is dodging a subroutine!? It’s not that complex!” *Piccolo looks at Gohan*
Gero: “But enough about hypothetical erections. 19! Suck! Him! Dry!”
Gohan: “I thought you had to have a pure heart to become a Super Saiyan?” Vegeta: “My heart is pure. Pure, unadulterated, badass.”
Krillin: “Senzu bean!”
I always feel somewhat bad when I don’t include many plot details, but with this series, it’s kind of common, since episodes are short and often don’t consist of more plot than “Character A fights Character B.” Hopefully next episode is more conducive to detailed analysis.
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go-to-two · 3 months
You mentioned you’re not sure why the writers have dug their heels in the sand so hard about not bringing Jay/Jesse back and then you said you have some guesses as to why that might be. Would you be comfortable sharing those guesses? Totally understand if you don’t.
I feel like my guesses are probably pretty similar to many other's.
I don't like to assume there's spite involved because I don't like to paint people as unprofessional when it's not warranted, but it wouldn't be the first time a writer has turned on a character because of situations outside of the show universe and the thought has definitely crossed my mind. Just with some of the interviews that could read as digs for Jesse "only giving three episodes", or if there is lingering frustration for his leaving at all. That and Jesse's "nah" response to trusting the process felt very pointed, like there could be a more personal side to why the writing has gone the way it has. Obviously I don't know for sure, but like a lot of viewers, I have wondered.
That, or the writers room operates in a way that once Jay was gone, his character only existed to serve the story of another. In this case, Hailey. In other words, it didn't matter if everything they wrote was against who Jay was a person as long as it gave the Hailey character angst since she was the one on screen. That's not me pitting the characters against one another and I fully believe that what they did to Jay was only detrimental to Hailey, but I have considered that they may have sacrificed his characterization to write her story.
Or they just had an idea for what they thought would be an edgy story and they won't give it up no matter how many people tell them it doesn't make sense (which at this point is fans and media outlets alike).
I don't know, but those are the first guesses that come to mind for why the writing has been what it is.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 25 - watching notes
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This is what i got for Easter. An Egg-cup with a "no drama lama" on it :D I will be completely disregarding it's good advice and keep on watching these dramatic gay bitches
Also, when I told my mum that I'd go and watch another episode of the untamed, she said "ah, the show with the beautiful men". I did not correct her. :D
I got some tissues ready, as to the advice of several people 😅
I love wwx with kids :)
And is that genuine smile I spot there? :')
I love jc's little "what was I supposed to do about it" shrug to wwx :D
Jin Zixuan isn't that terrible (he really did get some growth in during and before the sunshot campaign), but I think I'm rather in line with wwx and jc that just because he's not terrible, doesn't mean he's good enough for Shijie
But then again it is her decision and I'm really glad that wwx and jc don't even try to persuade her in any direction. With his patriarchal this society is structured that seems anything but self-evident
Okay, Jin Zixuan's little outburst of genuine joy at her acceptance is kinda cute
I think we just fast-forwarded to the night hunt
Wwx's excited wave at his sister! 😭
Everyone looks already done with this party before it even really started
Lan Wangji even has his eyes closed at some point, like he's slowly counting down from ten :D
Holy shit! Well, fuck you too!!!
(I know I said I wouldn't curse but this warrants cursing and nothing else!)
Seriously???? They're now using political prisoners as targets in a tournament???
Okay, they're not targets. They're human obstacles before the target. Not much better
Me @ jin Zixuan
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Okay sorry, but when that other Jin guy started bragging all I could think was "okay, we get it. Now stop your dick-measuring-contest and do something useful" 😒
I'M SCREAMING! Did wwx just actually asked for lwj's headband in front of everyone??? He might as well have started snogging him right then and there 😂😂😂😂
Lan Wangji doesn't even dignify that with an answer :D
Wwx .... he doesn't even have a bow
Okay, blindfolded
Okay, there's the bow
That was ... so hot
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Perfect gif for wwx, btw
I feel this is going to bite him in the ass later, but for now I'm glad to see jin Guangyao and jin Guangshan humiliated :D
Also, lwj microexpressions are everything here 😏
And wwx, looking at him like a little puppy. See, see, see? I performed the trick! 🤩
Lol. Wwx just killed it so much that they just cancelled the whole opening. I feel like it's kind of indicative of his role going forward. A rupture in the system.
I just legit cried when wwx played his flute. Somehow, with forest reminding me a bit of Austria, it made me really homesick for the Alps. :')
Wwx looking so excited for a second to see lwj, but then deflating as he remembers lan Xichen's words is too much. 😥 Sweety, I'm sure he wants to know. You don't have to bear it all alone 😔
He wants to share your love song with you and you push him away on purpose you STUPID HERO!!!!
I never want to see that expression on lan Wangji's face again! 😭
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I took a screenshot. See what I mean???
He opened up! Lan Wangji, mister stone-faced-and-sturdy opened up!!! And got rejected!!!
Also, with your flirting and the headband line earlier, you're sending really mixed signals here, wwx!!
And wwx regrets it instantly :/
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The life-long confidant line 😭 (also, confession, I've seen a post stating that this could also be translated as "soulmate", which... highnhg)
"I still am" *clutches chest*
Please tell me they kiss during this scene in the book!!!! (Actually don't because spoilers, but still ...)
2 minutes of longing staring later ...
Oh Jin Zixuan, you daft idiot 🤦‍♀️ not everything is about you
Not that wwx is making things better right now...
Protective lan Wangji to the rescue!
Oh, I like madame Jin!!!
Sorry ... I know he specifically forced the clans to listen to her instead of deciding over her head.
Soooo ... wwx snapped 😬
Wangji and Shijie calming him down gives me all the feels 😭 I hope we see more of them working together. Despite their different personalities I feel they would get along well.
"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." Make that woman and apply it to Shijie. That icy anger in her gentle face? You should be terrified
Also, I just wanted to point out that during this 5 minute scene, with several different people speaking, Lan Wangji's eyes haven't left wei Wuxian even once
Yanli: "it's not his fault you can't hunt the prey." Oh SNAP
I'm so proud of Yanli right now :')
Jin Guangyao... at this point I feel a sense if dread when he appears. Though I am interested what he and Lan Xichen were doing alone in the woods
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Wait FIVE THOUSAND participants? 😳
Where were they during the opening ceremony? They didn't hire that many extras for sure
Jin Zixuan is about to confess his feelings and immediately starts to get an audience. I love how, in this show, there's no drama without spectators 😂😂😂
I feel almost bad for him
Jiang Cheng is way too late to the party
If these cultivators weren't zo gossipy 90% of the drama of this show could be avoided, I swear
Could you please not listen to them Jiang cheng? 🤦‍♀️
*fist clench of suppressed man-pain*
Wen Qing! My love! 🥺🥺🥺
"I want to bring a man to cloud recess." That's basically lwj confessing he has a boyfriend to his brother, right? Right?
Meanwhile Lan Xichen, internally: finally 🙄
My heart
The tenderness in his voice when he says "bring him back and hide him there."
Lan Wangji must be terrified for wwx at this point. I'm kind of bewildered that all his efforts at this point seem to be centred around wwx. Like, I knew this ship would be intense, but ... whoa
What a beautiful scene to end an episode on :)
Also, to take stock. I did need the tissues, but only once and not during a scene that many people would, I think. I'm bracing myself for the next couple of episodes now
Also, I'm now half-way through the show. I both want to get through it quicker and prolong this experience to make it last longer. What a strange feeling 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoon @kyrrahbird 💚🐇💚
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czec-hoslo-vak-ians · 4 years
Omg you guys I'm so excited to start ranting about Roswell [1999-2002]
It's just going to be my opinions of each episode and all the Feelings it brings back. If you have not seen the show don't read there will be SPOILERS .
Leat get on with the episode
I'm a huge fan of voice-overs I think it up so does she start with them. I like it that you see the episode through that person's eyes are the events that happened. In this case the episode is through liz eyes. Who carries around any alien picture in the pocket, Tourists people believe anything. Some people can be so rude. Max Evans does have starting promble it's a little creepy like. ( then again I would not mind him staring). It's definitely not in Maria's meditation. You can already tell that Max and Liz have this unspeakable connection they are not even speaking to each other at this moment. Liz getting shot is a little bit her fault , when everyone else saw the gun they all duct except for Liz. When Max tells Maria to call an ambulance I get it it was to distract her I can get her out of the way however Max healed Liz to the point where she didn't need an ambulance. I think the flashback of Liz in a cupcake dress is super cute the dress is super cute for a little girl however I don't think the little girl looked cute in a dress.( that's just my opinion) I really do you like that coconut bra she's wearing. Even from a young age Max can you say creepy just a little bit. Everytime I see Michael Guerin my heart flutters. There's just something about him. So here you have it the start of Max and Liz.
I love Maria's description of the two people that had a gun who arguing. I love that gets caught sniffing something it does look illegal. Tourits people need to not stick your nose where it doesn't belong. Liz should have said yeah they must have been kid from my school instead of pretending not to recognize them. Why would you hide your uniform and your school book bag I totally would have hid it somewhere in my room or just got rid of it. I think I would have been a little more freaked out if I saw a silver handprint on my stomach after just being shot. Of course curiosity got the best of liz.( you know they say curiosity killed the cat) Kyle the boyfriend is kind of cute not my fav person at the moment( spoiler alert he does grow on me eventually).
This is one of my favorite scenes of Max( there are not many of them) where he just simply points to the sky he didn't say anything he just points. I even like that he throws in a joke to soften the situation. I can't believe Max has that much faith in Liz that he put his life in her hands now just by telling her his secret.
Maria Spidey senses are going off she knows that there's something off with Liz which means she knows her best friend very well. However on the other hand Maria does a tend to overthink things. Alex is such a dud, I guess you just need that one dud in the show and just happened to the Alex( that's just my opinion). I don't blame Isabelle for being pissed off at Max for spilling the beans and for being super hero theme day. I love the fact that they put hot sauce on everything( I put everything and makes food just tastes better however I do not put hot sauce in my drinks). I totally understand Michael wanting to leave because I know what it feels like to be wanted just for the monthly check. I guess this is why I relate too Michael more.
( there's a little hiccup in this episode) [when Maria is complaining to Alex in the cafe abou Liz t not sitting next to her and homeroom< today>, is before the scene where she talks Liz about the blood on her order slip pad talking in the school bathroom together and it's a hiccup because in both scenes Maria is wearing the same exact shirt.] So thoes two cease should have been flipped.
Max should not be irritated that Isabel is using her powers when NO one is around.( I think Sheriff Valenti is a good looking older man) Isabel face expression looks like she's hiding something, she is so nervous she needs to relax and calm down. Suspicions would have never fell upon them if Michael didn't kick Tabasco sauce can. I completely understand where Michael's coming from. I understand that Max had a split second choice and saving liz or not, but he did not have to tell her the truth not until after he talked to Michael and Isabel first. Liz and Kyle is the most awkward relationship I've ever seen oh, there is really no chemistry. If you have a mystery hand print on your belly like that why wouldn't you be covering it up more try to hide it. Kyle sing that handprint is going to open up a slew of can of worms.
I like that Max is trying to explain what he did and to show her that he's not dangerous. Liz is a is obsessed with Max now. Kyle has such a big mouth why would he go blab to his father about what he saw instead of talking to his first about it. Of course the Sheriff knew that Liz was lying. I don't believe the sheriff when he says that someone turned in her book bag, and I bet the sheriff did not have a search warrant to go through her book bag. Agent Stevens < is the same guy that's in the TV show called the good doctor just a younger version of of himself> the sheriff needs to stop obsessing with this. If he believes his father or feel something is off why would he give the dress away instead of collecting the information off the dress himself.
Liz wasn't expecting Max to go along with telling her everything. Max slipped up and said we instead of I now he has definitely roped in Michael and Isabel. I'm glad Liz told Max everything that she knows what what the sheriff.
I love that Michael doesn't need anything he can just up and leave. It seems like that Michael is the only one who wants to know more about who the alien side of him is. I'm glad that Maria knows now this is a big secret to keep I really hope she doesn't crack under pressure and slips up until someone else. I can't stand Max and the choices he makes he's such a manipulator , he hates choosing Sides he knows that he can't choose to be on Liz side (even though he wants too) He also wants to do what is best for Isabel and Michael (his family) that's why he has to manipulate Isabel in choosing to listen to Liz because he knows that Isabel won't go anywhere without him. And that's why he says he's going to turn himself in, Because he couldn't choose a side.
Of course the plan involves Kyle. I love that Isabel pick out Alex in a crowd of people while wearing a mask. Poor Alex is confused on y Maria is hanging out with Isabelle. Kyle is such a( he doesn't know that he's the distraction or the bait)[ not sure what the word is called] I can't believe Liz is doing this to her boyfriend. You can totally tell that their relationship is a one-sided relationship. That stings when Max asks aren't you going to Read Me My Rights and Valente says do you have any hinting that Valenti doesn't think Max belongs here on Earth. I'm glad that Max answered Valenti's question truthfully about being at the crashdown. Of course Alex would have to get in the way. You can totally tell Valente doesn't believe that his son was standing over Maria. Did Valente just lie to his son? Cuz I'm pretty sure he ran past Liz when he went over towards Maria oh, maybe he really didn't see her while he is running towards Maria. I really wish Valente was on their side instead of making enemies of that instead of trying to figure out what or who they are. Michael Isabelle and Max definitely feel like outcasts when they see each other people cheering and bringing up aliens in the spaceship.
I'm glad that Max is one to say that it's not safe for them to be in a relationship even though he really wants to be. If you read between the lines you would understand why Max says thank you instead of saying you're welcome when Liz says thank you for saving my life. It's because that's the day that his life really began that he could be truly himself.[ here is another oops.. in the beginning it says September 23rd 5 days ago I die however at the end it says September 24th 5 days ago I die... ] (I think that's an error in editing Department) or maybe they want us to think that she was writing all night that It crossed over to the 24th the next day.
Well you guys that's the end of the episode I had fun I hope you had fun I see you on the other side!
Quote of the episode" Great. You're an alien. That's fantastic. Excellent"?
Coming up next: the morning after.
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