#it isnt THAT original but i love the idea of the reverse super hero learning
toxictac · 4 months
so now i got the main story of the last drawing i wanna talk about why i came with the idea of lithium spiderman and some of the quirks of it story and characters,
so yeah a fuck ton of explinations up ahead
Why i made it in the first place: outside of general fun of just making a spider man au (aus are always fun to imagine), it was because a comic i belive where spiderman and peter separater those type of stories always leave the idea of peter and spiderman as a thing that needs to coexist but it did keep me wonder we see a lot of peter not be able to cope with not having super powers, and the weight of the responsabilitie of not being a super hero has on him... but i feel there isnt a story where peter isnt... well peter dont get me wrong peter has to manage his spiderman life with his normal life (that is kinda the appeal of spiderman stories) but we rarely see why spiderman needs to be peter, why a version of peter that is just spiderman wouldnt be better without making spiderman over ego centric or out of character (in my opinion that is) of course the human element is always leave as garanted but i found intriguing the idea of a peter parker who only has his super hero style and has to learn to become peter parker, insted of the other way around
the story perse: story whise i imagine it would center around peter trying to get to norman osborn and destroy his military operations but in a more depper level it woud talk about how spiderman life style by itself is destructive over peters heath and mind untill he would have to relise (thanks to the help of black cat and other characters) the need of a normal life outside of being a super hero, learning the basics of how it is to have something outside of his "work" and learning to apreaciate the world better with his new friends (and a new identety)
little quirks: most of the villains of spiderman would have a more direct correlation with him being either old coworkers, long time enemies (before he turn on osborn) or people he has wrong in his past gwen is doctor optopus and had a crush on peter, she has conflicted feeling after his betrayal and becomes sortha of a rival for peter later on gwen also becomes venom trying to discover the spider syrium green goblin are osborn robots that he uses to hunt down peter, while he uses what he calls the orange goblin suit osborn has an ai assitant (similar to jarvis from ironman) who is secretly tying to over take him and is the principal responsible for controling the green goblin robots most villains and heroes have more tech base desing (tho not quite far future tech but futuristicish) black cat is mary jane and will be responsible to help peter adjust to his civilian life she is also a rockstar, that uses the info she gets from people in her circle to make her robberies j. jonah jameson was taken off his comapany after taking too much of a stand againts osborn, he was promtly remove and supposely assasinate but now as an annoyimous podcaster and blogger, he goes around berrating and getting information on osborn he is also the soul suporter of spiderman of this au, being a beliver in someone who attones for his wrongs to make a better future
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