#israel hands too I guess
doks-aux · 2 years
SteddyHands arc where GentleHands happens first and Izzy is insufferably pleased with himself.
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anewbrainjughead · 4 months
i actually think all celebrities should kill themselves
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fdelopera · 8 months
Yo Goyim! Looks like I'm going to need to give some of you a crash course on what antisemitic language looks like, because I've been seeing entirely too much of it from some of you here on Tumblr.
Now, I think it's time for a Jewish history lesson, because I've been seeing way too many Nazi-related conspiracy theories going around. If you hear contradictions to the basic information that I am about to share (i.e., if you hear someone saying that the Jewish people are "a race that originated in Europe"), it is likely that you are hearing a white supremacist, anti-Jewish conspiracy theory.
So, here's the basics of Jewish history. Jews are indigenous to the Levant have been there for thousands of years. The Levantine people that Jews descended from have been in that area of the Levant since the Bronze Age. Jews as a distinct people have been there since the Late Bronze Age. Before it was Palestine it was the Kingdom of Judah, then Judea, and then Judaea, and that is literally where we are from. The word Jew means "a person from the Kingdom of Judah." The Romans renamed the area Syria-Palaestina (which they borrowed from the Greek name Palestina) in the 2nd century CE after destroying the Second Temple in Jerusalem and leading another campaign to try to eradicate the Jewish people (guess what, we're still here, motherfuckers).
And even after the Romans tried to annihilate us, even after they scattered many of us into European diaspora, many Jews came back, again and again over the ages, and there have nearly always been Jewish communities in the region throughout history.
And if you come for me or try to dispute any of this history with white supremacist bullshit, I am a Jew who has studied way more Jewish history than you. And as politely as possible, you can take your white supremacist conspiracy theories and fuck off into the sun.
Okay, with all that out of the way, let's get into it!
Gloves are coming off, because this is just a sampling of the Nazi dogwhistles I've been seeing here on Tumblr about the Jewish civilians who were tortured, murdered, and worse:
- If you say shit like, "The Jews got what they deserved"...
GUESS WHAT? You're talking like a white supremacist, and you need to fucking check yourself.
- And if, on the other hand, you say shit like, "The reports were probably overblown. I think those were paid actors. I don't think those Jews were murdered. No Jewish children were killed. No Jewish bodies were desecrated" blahblahblah...
GUESS WHAT? You get to sit with the Nazis at their table for lunch.
- If you tell Jews "go back to Europe where you came from"...
GUESS WHAT? Not only are you telling the descendants of Jewish refugees to go back to the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian pogroms, and the Nazi gas chambers, as I explained in this post, but you are also repeating a white supremacist conspiracy theory about the origins of European Jews.
Jews are a Levantine people from the area of the Middle East currently called Israel (formerly called the Kingdom of Judah, and then Judea). While there was some emigration to Europe during the late Roman Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, the first mass migration of Jews to Europe was a forced migration. Gentiles from the Roman Empire dragged us there as captives after 70 CE, the year Rome destroyed the Second Temple.
- And if you're telling yourself that there are "good Jews" and "bad Jews," and those Jewish civilians were "bad Jews," so they deserved to be tortured and killed...
GUESS WHAT? You're spouting white supremacist ideology.
Antisemitism takes a long time to deprogram.
A lot of gentiles grow up with anti-Jewish ideology that they have never questioned.
And a lot of Christians are kept ignorant about Jewish history because preachers and priests fear it would make Christians question the many inaccuracies in the Bible.
But the first step in noticing antisemitic beliefs is to notice when you start singling people out *because* they are Jewish.
And I have been seeing some of you gleefully celebrating the murder of Jewish civilians *because* they are Jewish.
And that is antisemitism.
That is one step closer to the next generation of Jews getting shoved into the gas chambers. And there are only 16 million of us left in the entire world. We're 0.2% of the world's population. And we cannot afford another Holocaust.
And if your response to me saying that is, "Well, those Jews deserve it."
Guess what. You are making it easier for Nazis and white supremacists to spread hatred and commit acts of violence against Jewish people. And you will have to live with that blood on your conscience.
If you are a gentile, and you see other gentiles repeating these kinds of white supremacist dogwhistles about Jewish people, here's how you can help:
1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Help them direct their focus away from attacking random Jewish people online and towards helping Palestinians.
Actions that people can take right now are contributing to verified charities and relief organizations that help the people of Gaza. Only donate to organizations that are verified by CharityNavigator.org and CharityWatch.org.
2. Call that shit out. Tell people that they're being antisemitic, and explain that Jew-hatred is dangerous to Jewish people. Antisemitism gets Jews attacked and it gets Jews killed. In the US, many synagogues require round the clock security to protect against white supremacists who want to murder Jews. In Pittsburgh, my old home town, a group of Nazis from north of the city planned the murder of Jewish congregants at Tree of Life Synagogue, and so far only one of them (the gunman) has been arrested and convicted of the murders. The others are still at large.
3. Explain to them that it is antisemitic to celebrate someone's death *because* they're Jewish. ALSO, it is antisemitic to blame a random Jewish person for the actions of ANY government, whether that be the Israeli Government or the US Government.
4. Explain to people that they're not going to solve this conflict by posting antisemitic statements and memes online. All they will do is alienate the Jewish people in their lives and make those Jews feel scared and unsafe. And they will contribute to this current wave of antisemitism.
Antisemitic hatred doesn't help Palestinians. All it does is put Jewish people around the world in danger.
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matan4il · 8 months
Daily update post:
They counted over 1,400 dead and over 4,800 wounded, over 200 people who were kidnapped from Israel, among them at least 30 kids and at least 10 people over the age of 60. There are also over 100 people categorized as missing, which means they might have been murdered, or they are held hostage in Gaza.
Tomorrow will be the hostages' third Shabbat in Hamas' hands. In Tel Aviv, a Shabbat table was set for them with all of the empty seats waiting for their return:
The Israeli army continues to fight on three fronts, mainly with Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Today, a Hezbollah terrorist breached Israel's northern border, made his way to the Israeli town of Margaliot, shot and then wounded one person. The Israeli army is after him, and also looking into the possibility that he wasn't alone when he crossed the border.
As I mentioned in yesterday's update, people continue to tear down the posters with the faces and names of the Israeli hostages in many places around the world. Here's another incident:
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Someone please explain to me how does it liberate a single Palestinian to tear down the posters put up by the grieving and worried family members.
Antisemitic attacks in the name of the conflict continue to take place all over the world.
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In Israel, the war really does touch everyone. Here are just two of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) members who have been called for reserves duty, Yoaz Hendel and Moshe Solomon:
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Those who aren't serving themselves, have a child or grandchild who is, or they know someone who will be fighting. This isn't a war where the uncaring elite is sending the plebes to fight and die for them. This is very much everyone's war, because everyone's experiencing it as a fight for our very existence.
This is Noya Dan, a 12 years old autistic girl (I guess they pointed out she's a Harry Potter fan to explain her outfit in this picture that her family shared).
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Up until yesterday, Noya and her grandmother were considered missing, but then their bodies were identified. What you might not expect is that their bodies were found on the Gazan side of the border (the Israeli army has been conducting small raids to retrieve bodies). In other words, Noya and her grandma were probably kidnapped, and after the terrorists decided this autistic girl will be too difficult to handle as a hostage, they murdered the two.
Someone please explain to me how their murder makes the life of any Palestinian better.
More personal stories:
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
We Won’t Be Fooled Again
Let's play a little word association game:
Palestinian…. Terrorists
Palestinian…. Hijackers
Palestinian…. Guerillas
See where I'm going with this?
 Those who are trying to erase these old word associations with new ones like 'Israeli… colonizer', 'Israeli … genocide', and 'Israeli… apartheid', are being used as dupes by those who want you to forget that for the past half a century we've all had to wait in line at airports for hours because of the Palestinian penchant for threatening and taking the lives of innocent people in the name of their so-called 'struggle' to wipe out the Jewish state.  
There is a reason the word 'Palestinian' associates so naturally in your head with the words I wrote.  They have the ring of historical truth.  
 The world has funneled more aide money to the poor Palestinians than all of Europe received after WWII under the Marshall Plan (yes, even adjusted for time)!  And yet, the Palestinians remain in abject poverty… except, of course, for the terror leaders who are all billionaires!  
I wonder where they got their money?  I wonder why you continue to fund them and demand no accountability???
It is so plainly obvious that antisemitism is fueling this misguided endless support for a medieval, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-humanist, anti-western, death cult.  
There is literally nothing you anti-Semites won't ignore or forgive if the perpetrators are killing Jews.  You’ll even sacrifice a thousand years of progress and enlightenment.  
 Wake up!  
You have been duped and used by a genocidal ideology masquerading as a gentle self-determination movement.  You are willfully ignoring the fact that the right to national self-determination is inviolate… except when it comes at the expense of another people's right to exist.  And that  - the destruction of Israel and annihilation of the Jewish people – is explicitly written in the charters of these Palestinian terror organizations you are trying to turn into folk heroes and freedom fighters.
Well, guess what? 
We will never forget this, nor forgive this.  Not again.  Never again!!!
We no longer depend on your tolerance or largess for our existence.  A day of reckoning is coming… and those who choose once again to be on the wrong side of history will not be able to wash the blood from their hands by paying reparations or conducting simpering education programs to assuage their individual and collective guilt.  
You are choosing your murderous bedfellows… but you'll find that once your societies are swallowed up by this seventh century death cult you call 'resistance', you will never again be allowed to sleep.
I suggest you google the term 'Dhimmi'.  But by the time you understand the significance of the word, it will be too late.  
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mcrizzystardust · 5 months
why are we boycotting stranger things season 5?
stranger things season 5 is in the works, but we will stand together and ignore it.
this post is based on some googling on my part, but of course, do your own research as well! this is just meant to be a simple explanation about stranger things' controversy.
ill be talking about noah schnapp, brett gelman, etc.
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(screenshots above referring to noah schnapps tiktok 'apology' video)
i dont even know where to start about all of that.
that whole script must have been run through pr a hundred times. i hope noah realizes all the 'israeli' hostages still left in gaza have been killed by,,, you guessed it! 'israels' carpet bombs all across palestine.
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i find it hilarious how it was definitely netflix who told noah to clear his shit up online so it wouldnt affect season 5, and yet through all of his bullshit he didnt even apologize once in the video.
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brett gelman is just 🤡 i think the screenshots speak for themselves, i dont have anything to add
lastly, stranger things cut off the 'token' poc character!
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i didnt dig too deeply into all of this, please feel free to comment anything i may have missed!
ps! if youre a huge fan of stranger things, and you genuinely need to watch season 5 - there are a Torrent of other ways you could Very Probably Nicely figure out to watch s5 without supporting the show, actors, etc.
(i dont know if there are zionists on tumblr? but if there are and this falls into the wrong hands - ignore any comments, theres no point in arguing. after everything thats happened in the aftermath of 10.7, if zionists are still stubborn assclowns then there is nothing you can do or say to enlighten them. ill delete any comments/shit as soon as i see them)
peace and love 🫡
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nanoa1foryou · 4 months
Helsingin Sanomat did an interview with Windows95Man. Here are some of the main points, translated and summarized for you who don't have access to it since it's paywalled.
Note, There is a section talking about his stance on Israel's paryicipation in esc as well as his own.
He is currently waiting for a chance to get to therapy, after everything that has happened recently
He has not really had the chance to eat or sleep properly since the victory
The win was very much a surprise to him. he didn't think they had a chance until he had the trophy in hand
He is a big fan of Sara's song (it has been stuck in his head)
The topic of Israel was brought up and I'll translate that part fully here, because I think it is important to get in his words:
"Even though Keisteri said on Saturday, before the UMK win that he would be ready to represent Finland at Eurovision regardless of Israel partisipating, he also siad he wishes that Israel wasn't allowed to. The matter is not so simple now that he has actually won UMK.
'I'm not in this alone but with Henri. We got on this project to spread joy. That's what we want to do at Eurovision too,' keisteri says seriously.
'Everyone who's in this has to be comfortable.'"
And later in the text:
"At the moment Keisteri doesn't want to take a stance on wether his and Piispanen's trip to Malmö is certain. There is no date on teh calendar when they must have an answer.
'Were stalling it now. We want to have a few rest days, so that we can think in peace.'
You can see from Keisteri that he has ended up as the target of a rough social media beatdown as the result of the Israel situation.
Keisteri has already formed one clear opinion. He wishes that every artist chosen for Eurovision could sign a petition, that demands Israel's removal.
'I'm gladly furthering something like this.'"
Back to the other things in the article:
He has always intentionally gone against the current and against the rules. He has for years carried the "No Rules!" attitude towards life. He got it from his parents.
He was actually already a big name in underground art following circles due to his illustrations.
Particularly his 2008 designed character, Ukkeli, has gotten decent notoriety.
The denim look started from a joke video he made for a friend.
The windows95 outfit was inspired by said video and became his Flow-outfit (I'm guessing referencing Flow festival, but it is not specified.)
Windows95Man developed from there for his first ever gig, and the artist name was chosen because Dj Windows95 already existed
The artist picture taken for his first show (the one of him lying on the bed in the get up with super bright flash) has made some wild rounds on the internet as a meme completely unrelated to him
He eventually got hired for a mini gig at a bar at Flow festival. The pay seemed unreasonably bad so he intentionally played bad music like Crazy Frog. The place became totally packed. This then resulted in a huge amount of small gig offers .
He recently watched the final performance with his wife and son. His son laughed and him and his wife cried. He apparently hadn't realized the affect that their performance had had on the crowd.'
He had wanted to perform naked, in a Kalevala creation story type of performance.
Once he gets a break from all this madness, he wants to sit down with Käärijä. Apparently Jere reached out to him after the victory.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Tbh this may just be me but my patience for certain people getting mad at being accused of being zionists, and specifically pointing at how they have said that they want Peace and Freedom and it's important to focus on the Humanity of People has become fucking negative (which is all different from when Bibi says he's securing Peace and Freedom as he focuses on the Humanity of Israelis, I guess. Or any time the US has tried it in Pick Your War).
Either explain your material goals or accept that people will get mad at you when you refuse to elaborate on your puddle-deep statements. Politics is material conditions all the way down and the current material conditions are that Palestinians are being massacred by a genocidal state whose heads have repeatedly affirmed that intent!
Badly paraphrasing Kwame Ture here, but any analysis that excludes the oppressor will blame the oppression. The presumption of a need to make Both Sides Understand And Communicate assumes that Palestinians hold significant structural power here and have the ability to come to some theoretical political table—that they are thus doing this, effectively, to themselves, because they don't prioritize Humanity and Peace and Freedom enough. That's what good vibes politics gets you.
(I am so sorry for this being long, I am just, so furious with it, especially after I learned today that an old classmate was hurt by former IOF soldiers w/skunk spray during the Columbia University SJP protest. Just. Goddamn.)
I think you put it into words really well in that there are no material analysis of actual concrete steps theyre providing or stating that Palestinians haven't already said better and more often and they tend to pass it off as their own ideologies rather than... you know... recognizing Palestinians have been fighting this fight for 3-4 generations. Like a guarantee you any discussion you've had we've already had amongst ourselves. So like actively excluding us from those discussions — which is nothing new btw we've always been excluded from them but this time it's easier to push back — is in fact doing harm and refusing us a way to advocate for ourselves.
Truly I've seen it all — there is no way to "peacefully" live under occupation and subjugation for Palestinians. Like no, man that doesn't exist. Even within Israel, Palestinians aren't referred to as "Palestinians" they are referred to as "Arab Israelis" like we cannot even claim ourselves as Palestinians.
You have to acknowledge that at a certain point you yourself are contributing to the dangerous atmosphere by making everything "too complex" to get anything done. I remember there was a talk with Amjad Iraqi (a contributor to al-shabaka who grew up in israel but is palestinian) and another podcaster who is... peak liberal zionist lol but i listened to it cuz amjad was there — that the Podcaster was saying (paraphrasing) "there's an equilibrium of 'freedom' for Palestinians and 'security' for Israelis, and one side pushes the other side further and further away from the center where they could meet so how to you think we reconcile differences" and amjad responds in a way that I admire (paraphrasing) in that he mentions that from the beginning of this equation, zionism has always had the upper hand in that all their demands have been met and self determination for Palestinians have never been recognized (end paraphrase) so it's not equal to say "well we want peace for both Palestinians and israelis so let's block off Palestinians from discussing definitions for these terms" that fundamentally impact them in ways they will never impact nonpalestinians who would BENEFIT from maintaining the status quo.
Within the article from Alma they say "do something vulnerable and ask the other person what their definition of zionism/antizionism is" as if there aren't very transparent people in this world that want "peace" and don't want a ceasefire. Like that's actually the predominant opinion in the world. They straight up say "the only peace in the middle east is if we get rid of hamas so we can't allow a ceasefire" and people run by that definition and say "sorry Palestinians :( we gotta get rid of hamas :( there's nothing we can do about this.... its for peace :("
So I think you're doing far more harm by pretending there's a cognitive difference between zionist and antizionists that theyre just not communicating, which, zionists are very obvious about communicating (which also, it's necessary to boost Palestinians when defining antizionism in this case because when we point out the very real harm of things affecting us we would like a say in how people define the movement meant for our liberation). But the article never said that throughout the entire thing. It just said "maybe you guys have a cognitive dissonance of words" but like.... at this point, if you still ally yourself under the term "zionist" with literally all we have been screaming these past few months then no, I don't think you're necessarily operating in good faith.
And like I don't think tri*utary is a zionist necessarily but they're certainly a zionist sympathizer and like I don't trust them either.
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pettytiredandjewish · 5 months
israel has purposefully bombed over half of gaza's hospitals, does that sit right with you? populated hospitals, too.
i havent seen you provide a single source to prove israel's innocence — everything you've said about palestinians is pure word-of-mouth and blatantly untrue. someone called you out on it and you basically responded with "nuh-uh."
you follow a bingo blog that says the prize is the entirety of palestine? do you understand how fucked up that is? you're not as morally correct as you think you are.
Its war- hospitals, homes, stores, etc sadly do get bombed during war. It’s happened throughout history- it’s messed up but it’s part of war. I’m not a heartless bitch- all the civilians who had lost their lives in this war along other wars that had broken out- I do pray that their memories are a blessing and that their families can find peace and comfort during their time of mourning. But on the flip side- Hamas is also doing the same thing too (bombing wise), but I’m guessing that you don’t care about that. By your logic- what about Russia and Ukraine? Hospitals, homes, stores, etc are also getting destroyed in that war. Along with the wars that’s happening throughout the Middle East. Do those people matter? Do you care about their dead? Or is it only about Palestinians? I only ask this because I’ve seen people only care about Palestinians being killed and ignoring the others who are affected by this war or ignoring other current horrible wars happening and their dead.
And let’s go back to Hamas- you do know that they also to blame for this? They also bombed their own hospital (and probably more). They also use hospitals as their bases- does that not disturb you? They are literally putting their civilians in danger. They are using their own civilians as human shields. Any resources- food,water, other essentials that is meant to go to the civilians- Hamas is taking them and using it for themselves. Let’s not forget that Hamas is a terrorist group with ties/connections to isis and other groups too.
Let’s talk about 10/7. Hamas full on invaded Israel bombed them. They kidnapped/k*lled/r**** Israeli citizens. They burned down homes to lure out civilians who were hiding in them. They also impersonated IDF soldiers. Hamas still are holding hostages and treating them horribly. Then they tried to play the good guys and “clean” up the freed hostages to make it look like they were treated well. They are still holding hostages and Hamas is now treating it like a sick saw game of executing them. Are you disturbed by this?
Of course Israel was gonna defend itself after what happened! They had the right to defend itself. Any country in their shoes would have done the same thing. By your logic- do you blame Ukraine for defending itself when Russia invaded them? Also does the Israeli government have issues? Yes- but so does all the other governments too. So blaming all of Israel and Jews (because asshats are blaming Jews) is pointless because they- the civilians are not at fault. It’s like blaming all of America for what happened in the Middle East- I can tell you right now that the majority of us Americans did not want that war. But our government did not give a damn and still don’t (they don’t even care about us civilians but that’s another story)
I can keep going- about the propaganda that Hamas is spreading, the antisemitism that is on the rise because people always blame the Jews, etc… but I’ve already talked about that.
As for sources? It’s not my job to find reliable information about what’s happening for you- you can do that. (I’m not gonna hold your hand and guide you.) Look at where you are getting your information from. Is it from the news? Or did you get it from social media/tic tok? Be very wary of information you get from social media and tic tok because it mostly will contain misinformation- not always but still be cautious. Even be careful about information you are getting from the news because it can be biased. I look and score through various sources from all over the board- it does take time and patience but I’m pretty confident with my findings.
As for the bingo- I’m positive that the person who created that bingo board already explained why it was created. You can look it up if you want.
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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vaspider · 2 years
Wait, I'm genuinely curious how can one be Jewish and atheist? /gen
Okay so, like, Christianity is a religion, right?
Judaism is a religion and a philosophy and a system of engaging with philosophy and a culture (actually like eight cultures holding hands in a trenchcoat) and a people in diaspora. It's a religion, sure, but it's a people first. My conversion certificate doesn't say that I "converted to Judaism" but that I joined the tribes of Israel (the people, not to be confused with the temporal nation), and I usually don't refer to myself as having converted but as having been adopted, ever since I heard a rabbi object to the term "convert" and explain why.
The Four Species of the Sukkot lulav and etrog have meanings tied to how we see our community:
The lulav (a frond from a date palm) has taste but no smell, symbolizing Jews who study Torah but don't perform mitzvaot.
The hadass (myrtle branch) has a good smell but no taste, and symbolizes Jews who perform mitzvaot but don't study Torah.
The aravah is a branch from a willow tree and has neither taste nor smell, symbolizing Jews who neither study Torah nor perform mitzvaot.
The etrog, a citrus fruit somewhat like a large lemon, has both taste and smell, and thus symbolizes Jews who both study Torah and perform mitzvaot.
A lulav and etrog is not kosher unless all 4 elements are present and tied together properly and in good repair, and thus a Jewish community is not complete without all 4 kinds of Jews.
Notice, too, that there's nothing in any of that about what those people believe. Belief just... isn't that big of a deal to us. It just isn't.
Christianity is very big on orthodoxy, which is to say, correct thought. That's the whole "if you think about it, it's as bad as doing it" view on the concept of sin/bad action. You can sin by thinking things.
That's not really, like, a thing for most lines of thought in Judaism. The focus in Judaism is more on orthopraxy or right action. What you think or believe doesn't matter so much -- it's what you do, whether you show up for your community when you're needed, take care of people, be involved.
But like. You can't even draw a line between Torah study and belief in G-d -- plenty of Jews study Torah without believing in G-d, because Torah study is not about belief either. It's a community bonding exercise where you discuss and argue this week's parsha, and through that you discuss how you want to live, what kind of community you are in, and what kind of person you want to be. You can read and study Torah alone, I guess, but it's not Torah study, not really.
As with all things in Judaism, it's a 2 Jews, 3 Opinions kinda thing, and someone could (and probably will) argue with the fine points of everything I've said, but the broad points are all largely applicable to most Jews.
Or, as @dadhoc says, "Judaism is a religion of one or fewer gods."
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thesiltverses · 7 months
I wanted to let you guys know how important this story has become to me in light of the war in Israel. There’s no way you could have intended this, but your meditations on the callous disregard for human life in favor of capitol and the way governments side with power over their people are hitting me so hard it’s unreal. Carpenter in this recent episode worrying about the idea that people are just people who still choose to ignore and perpetuate horror made me legitimately tear up.
Thank you very much - that's really kind of you and it genuinely means so much to hear it.
Yeah, that line really whacked me back in the face when I was working on the sound design, too. (It really helps that Méabh so magnificently captures the quiet, angry, wondering humanity of Carpenter so well in that moment.)
It's a very minor thing in the wider context, but it's been swimming in my head all day and all night; yesterday we had the Prime Minister of the UK briefing to the press that it is inherently "provocative and disrespectful" for people to march through London for a ceasefire in Palestine during WWI's Armistice Day next weekend - because the "sanctity of the day" must be protected.
On one hand, that feels a breathtakingly obvious and cynical strategy to defame, misrepresent and (I think crucially) exogenise dissent against the government's foreign policy.
But it also feels, in a way that I hope we've always been clearly trying to yell about with TSV, like a real symptom of how deeply fucked-up our country's narrative-building around itself truly is; the bewilderingly successful extent to which strong, emotive, reassuring stories delivered from positions of authority continue to be used as a cover for base hypocrisies, inhuman cruelties, and selfish interests.
And the invocation of "sanctity of the day" to mean "pure and unchallengeable supremacy of a century-old war in our hearts, minds, and newspapers" really speaks to that. (I guess it feels like an inverted version of that Dr Strangelove quote, doesn't it? 'Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room.' / 'Armistice Day is no time to call for peace.')
Our media and political classes can lead a call to worship the 110-year-old icon of peace, the half-fled and semi-religious memory of it and the comforting traditions and rituals surrounding it-
-and they can use that icon, in turn, as a weapon to condemn hundreds of thousands of their own citizens from all faiths and all backgrounds who are marching for peace right now (while continuing to ignore the three-quarters of the population who want them to call for a ceasefire).
They can use that icon of peace to callously dismiss the lives and livelihoods of Palestinians suffering right now under a brutal succession of atrocities, and to downplay Western complicity right now in allowing those atrocities to continue unchecked, all in favour of the reassuring idea of showing respect for and paying silent obeisance to a ghostly Tommy soldier in a Brodie helmet with a plastic poppy tucked into his lapel.
A man who was sacrificed, and who must be forever remembered for his sacrifice.
If the superstructure is big and loud and hungry enough, maybe we won't pay too much attention to the screams coming from the base.
Anyway, to find a grace note - we know that we're writing often quite bleak and cruel stuff at a very bleak and cruel time. And while we of course didn't intend a direct comparison to current-day events, it really means a huge amount to hear that someone's finding it meaningful rather than, as we often fear, just too much of reality. So thank you again very much.
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lgbtqasacrew · 7 months
izzy/reader where izzy serenades reader? :3
Summary: You’ve been pining over Izzy Hands since he joined The Revenge, you never thought you’d be so lucky to have them reciprocated. You also could never have guessed how the man would declare those feelings.
Relationships: Izzy x gn!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: None that I can think of
You thought you knew everything there was to know about Israel Hands. Had been filing away every scrap of information you could garner since he’d first stepped onto The Revenge. The way he likes black tea, but prefers a milky chamomile when he’s struggling to get to sleep. How his demeanor can come across as harsh but how deep down he deeply cares for the crew of The Revenge, and how sweet he can actually be once he actually lets you in. But you’d soon learn there was at least one thing you did not know about him.
All these pieces of information that you had collected, and more are what led to you falling in love with Izzy. Alongside each conversation the two of you had ever shared that are tucked safely next to your heart.
It had taken a few months to get to where you considered Izzy a friend, and you hoped he felt the same, although it’s hard to tell with him. You know you’re not so lucky for your feelings of love to be reciprocated, but you’d take what you could get. You were totally unaware of what the man was planning.
Izzy had known there was something different about you since he’d joined this ship, okay you were still soft like the others. and in no way a great pirate, but you were actually willing. You’d never tease him like the others did, even going as far to elbow your friends if you thought they were taking it too far. He found he didn’t even mind when you were bad at something, that he actually wanted to help you learn.
Every lesson teaching you how to tie knots or wield a sword had awoken something in him, if he dared to give that thing a name he would call it love. You’d seek him out when he’s on night watch, making sure he’d had something to eat, listen intently as he told you about the stars. No one had truly listened to him before, like you actually cared.
Once he’d even found himself telling you about a nightmare he’d had, immediately regretting it, pirates can’t show weakness. But you hadn’t mocked him, simply rubbed soothing circles into his back and politely ignored the tears that ran down his cheek.
Every time he was near you he felt this fuzzy feeling in his chest, if he didn’t share his feelings soon he’s pretty sure he’d explode. But what if you didn’t like him in the same way, how could you, you’re so pure and he’s just a pirate past his prime. He couldn’t ignore the way you looked at him though, maybe you did have feelings for him after all.
It’s these feelings that led to the most vulnerable decision of his life. He was going to serenade you, why he’d decided this was a good idea he’s not entirely sure. Ideally he would’ve liked to keep it a total secret from the rest of the crew, but he can’t play an instrument and you deserved the whole experience.
“Whatever it is I didn’t do it” Frenchie exclaimed as Izzy dragged him into to an unoccupied room.
“What? You’re not in trouble. You play the lute don’t you?”
“Uhh, yes?”
“Meet me in my room tomorrow night once everyone’s going to sleep. Got it?” Frenchie just nodded, completely confused by what was happening but too scared to question it. “Great, you’re dismissed” shoving him back out of the room.
Something was different with Izzy, anytime you’d approach him for a conversation he’d seem distant, shaking you off if you asked if he was okay. You’re pretty sure you’d even once caught him humming to himself but that seemed way too out of character. You didn’t know what do, losing that friendship with Izzy would destroy you, but how could you fix it when you didn’t know what was wrong.
You were ruminating in an empty room, when there was a knock at the door. This was soon followed by Frenchie popping his head around the door. “There you are, been looking for you” You thought he just meant he’d noticed you weren’t sleeping up on deck. “Meet me at the front of the ship in 5, by the unicorn” Now you were very confused but before you could question him he’d vanished.
You do as he asks, intrigued by what this could be. You were not prepared for what you found as you crawled through the secret passageway. Izzy is standing there looking rather nervous as his eyes flick to yours before back to the floor. Frenchie is there also, standing in the corner holding a lute. The only light from a few oil lamps dotted around and the gentle glow of the moon.
“What is going-“
But before you can finish, Izzy is gesturing to Frenchie who immediately starts playing.
“Hold me close and hold me fast”
You can’t quite believe the sight in front of you, Izzy is singing? But not just that but he’s singing beautifully, you had no idea.
“The magic spell you cast”
He finds the courage to meet your eyes once more, this time keeping the eye contact, it felt incredibly intimate.
“This is la vie en rose”
Are you really being serenaded by infamous first mate Israel Hands or is this some sort of fever dream, you desperately hope it is the former.
“When you kiss me heaven sighs”
He takes your hand in his, pressing a chaste kiss to the knuckles, you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
“and though I close my eyes”
He releases your hand but doesn’t move far, eyes still on yours. You were feeling overwhelmed with love, were your feelings really reciprocated? Could you be that lucky?
“I see la vie en rose”
By the time the song is over. his love for you is clear, in both the words and the way he looks at you throughout, with such an adoration it’s almost painful.
You’re not sure how to respond, still stunned by the display in front of you. But you know you have to say something, Izzy has given so much, he deserves the same in return.
As words still evade you, instead you grab the man by his waistcoat and pull him in for a kiss. At first he doesn’t move, most likely stunned by your action but then his hands are on your waist and he’s kissing you back with fervor. Your arms move to loop around his neck as you deepen the kiss, parting your lips as he licks along the seam. There’s a longing in the way he licks into your mouth, and you can’t help the small whine that escapes your throat.
You’re interrupted by someone clearing their throat, you both jump back. “Fuck!” Izzy exclaims which causes you to giggle.
“I was wondering if I could go now?” Frenchie asks, looking visibly uncomfortable which you definitely don’t blame him for.
“Yes, you’re excused. Now fuck off”
“Thank you, Frenchie” you add, offering him a smile.
Once he’s gone you immediately turn back to Izzy, hoping the moment isn’t ruined. It seems he won’t let it be as soon his lips are back on yours. Lightly pushing you against the wall as he continues to explore your mouth with his tongue.
Once he’d pulled away, you took his hands in yours, rubbing your thumb lightly against his knuckles. “I love you, Izzy��� feeling a weight lifting from your chest and finally being able to say those words out loud.
He looks at you in disbelief, as if he didn’t actually expect you to reciprocate his feelings. “I love you too Y/N” Pulling you in for another kiss, this one a lot more chaste but amazing nonetheless.
You thought you knew everything there was to know about Israel Hands, but it turned out there was a lot you still didn’t know. Luckily the two of you have all the time in the world.
A/N: I hope this was okay, i’m still new to writing reader fics so I hope this was somewhat what you hoped for. I kept the timeline vague but it’s obviously before Calypso’s party.
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elliespuns · 4 months
What is your perspective on tlou2 being inspired by the Israel-Palestine conflict? It didn't register with me at first but I've gotten too attached to the characters by the time that I discovered it and it is genuinely disappointing HOWEVER I have separated their narratives from the political dimension of the game by just focusing solely on the individual emotional journeys that each of the characters go through and I never really bought the games myself first hand except get them second hand but is it still wrong to adore the characters?
Not happy about it. I mean, who would be?
I wasn't aware of it at first either; it just didn't click, and then I started seeing the rumors, and well, it all made sense. I am disappointed. Not at all for Neil Druckmann, though. I don't really care about him (except for his amazing mind, where he created Ellie and Joel, the only fictional characters that I've got to love so much). What I am disappointed in more is that almost everyone thinks that once you continue to love this game, you support the evil too. Which is not how I feel about it.
But then again, does even my opinion matter? I've already got a lot of anon messages throwing hate on me for managing a blog about TLOU and supporting the evil. And I sit here and wonder... where did I ever say that I supported the bad side of the conflict? I don't think I ever did. Why? Because I don't talk about politics on this blog. This blog has been made to share love with all TLOU lovers, not to support Neil Druckmann or anyone else's political views or to even share about politics in general.
People are quick to judge. They go and preach to stand with Palestine and then go hate on the people who chose to stay quiet. People should realize that individuals managing fandom blogs and not sharing politics doesn't automatically mean that they support the evil. We (bloggers) have our own personal lives out of our blogs and our own personal accounts. Many of us are posting about the conflict on our personal social media. People should think about this before making bloggers feel like shit for managing silly blogs where they don't want to discuss what can be discussed elsewhere.
I have a deep bond with this game; I had it a long time ago before any of this was happening (everyone knows I will always prefer the first game over the second). This is not something I can just throw away. I have memories connected to it, feelings, emotions... it's not like I can tell myself 'fuck the game' now just because of the news I got. I guess it's easy for others when the bond is not so strong, but this game has been in a better part of my life for so long, and believe it or not... when I think about how Ellie and Joel make me happy, I don't have fucking Druckmann in mind or any of his political views.
I will never mix my admiration for this project with politics. Me not agreeing with Neil Druckmann's political views won't change the fact that I've already fallen in love with this game years ago. I am not loving Druckmann; I am loving something he once created. That is a big difference. Especially if you've already loved the game before the conflict.
I say, unless you're actively supporting the propaganda and throwing your money at it, you are not hurting anybody. You, being emotionally connected to the story of this propaganda's project or its characters won't really change a thing. Not for good, yes, but not for bad either.
Anyway, this is my opinion. I think people should stop judging those who are not sharing politics on their fandom blogs because they never know what these people share on their personal accounts. We are here to enjoy things that are free; love and joy for fictional characters we've adored for too long.
Sorry, I got a bit carried away. This is probably the only post about politics I'll share, so this needed to be said.
Anyway, you don't need to feel bad for loving the characters. You are not doing anything wrong. I think every one of us who still loves TLOU to this day is able to detach from the fact of who's behind the games. We're here for Ellie and Joel. They don't care about Druckmann either.elliespuns answers
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swift-perseides · 1 month
Scrolled through the Eurovision tag, and it's...fascinating how people simply just. Don't care about Palestine.
I've been a fan of Eurovision for 8 years. Never missed one live. I'm also a "fan", so to say, of people not getting massacred. And if I can't, physically by myself alone, stop the decades-long genocide in Palestine by Israel, then I do what I can do on my scale, and the LEAST I can do is not watching Eurovision. It's the very least I can do. It's the very least WE can do.
And don't try the "You wouldn't get it, it's such an important moment for the gay and trans community", I'm a bisexual trans man. Eurovision was important to me for those reasons too, BEFORE. Representation shouldn't come at the cost of millions of deaths, of lives destroyed, of the culture and history of an entire population being methodically erased. I don't care about wanting more representation for my fellow queer siblings. I don't care that Hamas would kill me for not being cis and straight, bitch you think I give a fuck about what they think of me ? I want Palestine free. I want the memory of the millions of Palestinians dead by Israel's hands respected.
And by just "skipping Israel's performance", by posting memes, thirst pics of the male contestants, predictions, or gushing about the performance, then no. I'm sorry, but no, you are not respecting the victims of this genocide in the slightest right now.
I'm not putting a gun to your head telling you not to watch it. If it's truly "Your only good moment of joy in this awful world", then go for it (and also seek a therapist, because relying on 1 single show once a year to be truly happy, be it Eurovision or anything else, is definitely not healthy, and I'm not saying that to be mean). If it's truly "your right to watch", then okay.
It's also the right of everyone else to use the Eurovision tag to speak of Palestine. And if that makes you feel guilty...
... it's between you and your morals I guess.
Ps: I have disabled the anons on my blogs a looooong time ago. If you want to tell me I'm an asshole, have the courage to say it to me without the username hidden 😙
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ettelenethelien · 3 months
ok, but how much did the numenoreans know about the fate of men? because...
the thing is, when you share Tolkien's Faith, the way it's always presented as such a huge mystery is almost funny. because you can so, so easily guess -- well, not even guess, you just know what he meant; it has to be the same as ours, whereas in-world it's always "well, mandos knows, and maybe manwë". kudos for being aware of something most of the valar aren't, then.
but how much do the numenoreans know or guess? they say "we must die and go we know not whither" and I used to pity them a bit for that uncertainty -- which, of course, would not excuse anything, but might be disquieting, especially when you're placed next to the immortal elves. we seem to be pointed towards the edain of the first age having no beliefs they were certain about in regards to this, going only on hope -- one of the closest things we get is when hurin has his moment of defiance to morgoth: "well, you cannot keep on tormenting us after we die! then we're out of your reach", but interestingly, as far as what concerns us here, he replies to an accusation that he's just repeating what the elves taught him (which is not a valid counterargument, but never mind), saying that no, it just came to him in that very moment. in general, we get the idea that they know very little, though some of them vaguely hope for something good (and I do wonder whether news of Beren shook things up at all, even if he did not, after all, meet the full fate of men that first time, just waited in the hallway).
so far, so good, if a bit bleak, but then we get to The Mariner's Wife, and Meneldur's dramatic monologue:
'May Eru call me before such a time comes!' he cried aloud.
'I am in too great doubt to rule. To prepare or to let be? To prepare for war, which is yet only guessed: train craftsmen and tillers in the midst of peace for bloodspilling and battle: put iron in the hands of greedy captains who will love only conquest, and count the slain as their glory? Will they say to Eru: At least your enemies were amongst them? Or to fold hands, while friends die unjustly: let men live in blind peace, until the ravisher is at the gate? What then will they do: match naked hands against iron and die in vain, or flee leaving the cries of women behind them? Will they say to Eru: At least I spilled no blood?
and you could read it differently; to be honest the polish translation gives less room for doubt, which may colour my interpretation, but it does seem that he knows, or guesses with seeming certitude, and that is such a different attitude from everything else I've mentioned.
what have I to say to this? nothing except that beliefs may have grown or changed. I am very far from an expert on this, but, within ancient Israel which might be the closest analogue, and was even mentioned in connection to Númenor by Tolkien, beliefs regarding the afterlife seem to have indeed evolved with time; compare, say, the Psalms with (2nd) Maccabees (*the latter is in the Catholic Bible, but not in the Protestant ones, if you're puzzled) or Wisdom?
yes, it's not much of a conclusion, l admit, but there isn't really anything else I might say, unless it were to add that third age gondor seems to be somewhere in between, with a vague and hopeful sense of something, aragorn's "and beyond [the circles of the world] there is more than memory" and faramir's "till that time, or till some other time, beyond the reach of the seeing stones of númenor" (italics mine) being the relevant quotes. (the rather dramatic, if you think about it, context for the latter, being that faramir is probably well aware neither he nor frodo are that likely to see the next month. also worth noting that the italicised phrase is in text paired with the image of an alternatively possible - though "beyond hope" - meeting where they could "laugh at old grief, in the sun")
(the rohirrim seem to have their own beliefs, but they also seem to come with their own traditions, which, while not on the most part incompatible, may at times have been different. on the other hand, what we have is not much less vague either, just cloaked in different terms, so there isn't much evidence either way.)
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anniegetyourbubblegum · 3 months
I keep seeing posts from people in the US debating whether to vote for Biden in their upcoming elections to stop Trump from winning again or to punish the democrats for aiding Israel in the genocide of Palestine.
I'm argentinian and as far as I'm concerned, you should vote for whichever candidate you think will benefit you more, because you're from the US and that's all it's good for. The rest of the world will continue to suffer at your hands no matter what. Let me explain.
Democrats and republicans are not a representation of left and right wing politics: both parties are on the right side of the spectrum, only the GOP is more honest about it.
Republicans, as right wing parties do, run on promises of austerity, reducing taxes and being tough on crime. Democrats run promising to use tax money to ease your life: affordable healthcare, education and housing, all guaranteed so you can live the life of a first world citizen.
And then, they don't deliver.
You still have school shootings, massive incarceration, corruption in all levels of government, and the poorest pay a higher proportion of taxes than the richest. Healthcare, education and housing are extremely expensive and often require people to get into heavy debt to afford to have their most basic needs met, and that's only possible if you have good credit.
It's a reductive analysis for the sake of brevity, but you get the gist. The point is that having you be poor and afraid is the goal: it's a feature, not a bug.
You want to go to college? You need to buy a house? You want to start a family? Well, the military complex needs bodies! The US has far too many enemies to their way of life, so they'll need people to defend it! In exchange, they'll "guarantee" just enough money that you won't be destitute.
The US spends the most amount of money on their military in the world, by a long shot. To justify spending that kind of money, you HAVE to have wars. To have wars, you need enemies.
So, you get propaganda. "Muslims are extremists and hate our way of life." "Latin americans want to come to our country and steal our jobs." "China and Russia are communist countries that are waiting to destroy us." And you gobble it up.
You love it so much. It's in your news, in your videogames, in your movies and TV series and comic books. So, when they ask you to fight, you go running! You'll get some money out of it and you'll get to live your life the way you were promised. Sure, PTSD from the horrors is a given, but there's pills for that! And award winning movies about how difficult it is to go to war! It's all covered.
So the small, poor countries that you invade lose their money, natural resources, and their sovereignty but HEY, you brought democracy there! And the US is protected from this many enemies! Mission accomplished, right?
Well, as a citizen of a third world country whose current president is an insane pawn of the GOP, I'd like to say fuck you. He was placed so that the US could take our recently discovered lithium, and you'll get it. Enjoy your shitty iPhone 5000 I guess. It'll come at the small price of the hunger of my countrymen, but since Twitter user dan91883719 says argentinians all descend from escaped nazis, I guess it's alright.
Israel has killed Palestinians and illegally expanded its borders for over 70 years. Both democrats and republicans have sent aid and weapons to make this possible. It's in the US best interests to have conflict in the Middle East and have an ally control the area. Israel is a feature, not a bug.
And those of you who vote blue? You're trapped. Even if you know it's shit, you're unable to organize. Instead of rallying to form a new party, or a at least get a better candidate, you keep voting bad instead of worse and pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. Democrats are well aware of this and that's why they run on platforms that promise to make your life better and then sit back and say "our hands are tied" when you lose rights.
So, if you're still doubting it, vote for whoever the fuck you want. The war machine that you call 'country' won't stop no matter who's president, because those who hold the real power are already getting exactly what they want from it. Your suffering as US citizens is just as planned as the suffering of those who live outside of it.
TL,DR: Vote for whichever candidate you feel will defend your interests best. Lord knows it won't make a lick of difference for the rest of the world, because both political parties have the same plans when it comes to foreign policy.
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