#isola event: the fantasia war
isolaradiale · 8 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Days passed within the realm of Fantasia without consequence. Those that were suddenly torn from the reality of Spirale to fester within the parameters of the fantasy world had more or less adjusted to their strange, new reality. The realm’s war was at a stalemate, though an end was not in sight either.
The tree that rested where Spirale’s center had once been, overwhelming large, had still escaped the gaze of the NPCs miraculously. However that wouldn’t be so for long...
At the stroke of midnight a bolt of lightning crackled downward from the circle of flame that rested directly above the tree, striking branches and trunk alike as if to tear it asunder. This wasn’t far from the truth, for whatever lurked within the depths of that circle saw the tree as an outsider. It was born from a very powerful consciousness, one that sought to provide those from Spirale their chance at returning all to normal. A beacon that provided hope, a pin that prevented Spirale’s total assimilation.
But that tree did not falter. From the lips of the NPCs, who could now see this tree, two names were uttered. The first was of a Dark Lord, the one that lurked within that circle unseen. Essair. And the other? A name for the tree itself. The Fantasy Tree, Ophiuchus. 
The tree’s will was strong, but the Dark Lord was equally as formidable. An eerie wind stirred soon after that lightning bolt, bringing with it change to Fantasia’s composition. It would forge a new conflict to capture the hearts of the outsiders, to assimilate them completely and snuff out Ophiuchus’ only hopes. And then on the 13th night, it would strike the wilted tree down once and for all. 
Shadows crept throughout the kingdom, bound only to night. Born from recycled Spirale data they possessed both the appearances and the abilities of the memories they were born from, but did not speak nor express themselves. They seemed to share a singular goal: find those whose data they were born from and become one, effectively assimilating the outsiders into Fantasia proper.
This meant losing their memories of their past lives and even themselves, but not all is lost...
For those that remain, those that choose to fight, the light of Ophiuchus burns bright within them. The power to free those possessed is yours, just make sure not to succumb to the assimilation first. 
You have twelve days before the Demon Lord resurrects. Protect your mind and rally your kingdoms, for on the thirteenth night the battle for the future of this world will begin.
Or so a familiar voice says... Perhaps this time it would be best not to ignore it.
Welcome to Part 2 of the event The Fantasia War. There’s a lot to unpack here, so if you have any questions make sure to direct them to the appropriate sideblog.
The tree that was in the place of the hole, the one NPCs couldn’t perceive, is now perceivable. The circle of flame from the event’s prologue has taken roost high in the sky above it, and occasionally litters it with lightning strikes.
NPCs have given this tree a name: the fantasy tree, Ophiuchus. It bestows blessings upon its children, the chosen from other worlds.
Every character has received the same message from an ethereal source: You have twelve days before the Demon Lord resurrects. It is a warning. You must band together with not only the other chosen but also the NPCs of the kingdom by 12:01am on October 11th.
At this time a raid battle will cap off the event’s final phase.
While the otherworlders are Ophiuchus’ chosen, the Dark Lord Essair has created her own. Born from data collected from Spirale, these ‘Mist Reapers’ as the NPCs call them take the forms and powers of the chosen from before Fantasia began.
The Mist Reapers possess all of the abilities and the very same appearance of characters in the group as they were in Spirale (or if they apped during the event, what they looked like before joining the group). Their powers follow the same locks as our own do, and OP abilities are banned on both sides of the aisle during the event. Abilities that would be considered OP fall in line with the same guidelines placed on part 1, but please ask if you aren’t sure. No one should be out there one-shotting Mist Reapers.
They’re called Mist Reapers because wherever they move, a purple mist follows them. They exclusively target otherworlders with the intention of merging with them. Simply put, if a Mist Reaper finds their original and becomes one, the original will assimilate with the Fantasia setting.
What does it mean to assimilate? They will lose all memories of their home world and Spirale, believing themselves to have been citizens of Fantasia their whole lives. In this state, they lose the blessing of Ophiuchus necessary to repel Essair on October 11th.
But not all hope is lost! Those that can repel their own Mist Walkers, those that retain their blessings, can bring back the assimilated by calling out to their old memories. It may be painful, it may involve fighting, but call out with all your heart and get them to snap back to reality!
Are our characters still in their forms from part 1 with magic and all? Sure are!
Can Mist Reapers be killed? Yes they can! Not only can you kill your own, but they can be killed by others as well. However keep in mind that another is liable to spawn after three nights time. When they’re killed they evaporate into purple mist.
How will Mist Reapers behave with the outsiders they aren’t born from? Unless provoked a Mist Reaper will not attack someone they aren’t bound to. That said if provoked they will 100% attempt to take your life.
Can we use the Mist Reapers of other characters in our threads? With mun permission, yes.
Can our Mist Reapers communicate? No, they’re mindless agents with only two goals: destroy and assimilate.
Do NPCs react to Mist Reapers? They do! They’re terrified, save them.
How strongly do we have to appeal to an assimilated character to snap them out of it? It would really depend on the character. Someone more stubborn might be harder to snap out of it, for example. Just take time to consider what kind of words or gestures would appeal to your muse’s core self.
What if our character is still assimilated at the end of the event? It will be undone, so don’t worry about it.
What happens to a Mist Reaper when someone is un-assimilated? The Mist Reaper is pulled from their host’s body and dies.
Can we still do quests during part 2? You sure can! The Mist Reapers are never present during the day because they dissipate under the light of the sun (but know this is different than dying). You can always quest during the day or, if you’re brave, take up quests with the risk there.
Will the world be affected more than already stated? Right now the only changes are what have been stated, but throughout part 2 we will be posting lore updates to keep you posted on the state of Fantasia. 
What if we, uh, don’t band together in the end? I’d probably blame the villains, so kick their asses in the afterlife?
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strigistricken · 8 months
Somehow having access to spells again has been an even weirder part of the whole Fantasia transformation than being turned into a dragon lady. Eda had gotten comfortable with a body with claws and wings a while ago, whereas she had been used to only using glyphs and potions in the magic game for even longer than that. On top of that, she didn’t need to draw spell circles to use these spells, though she still did so out of habit. It was a good way to get the energy flowing.
Yet for as strange and slightly “off” as it felt, the exhilaration that came with being able to do magic again carried Eda all the way through the span of the city’s unusual transformation. Of course she was excited to be able to do magic again! Though it wasn’t quite as versatile as her own had been, it’d made things against her Mist Reaper a lot easier to handle. Even more ample opportunity to stretch her wings came with the invasion of the “Dark Lord” and the boost that came to that magic with Oficuo’s blessing. The monsters that swarmed were of little concern. For the first time in a long time, the greatest witch on the Boiling Isles would get to strut her stuff.
And this time she wasn’t fighting alone.
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“I say we keep score.” Eda twirled the Owl Staff at her side, talons planted firm in the ground as she watched the beasts advance, the wicked visage of the Dark Lord staring back at them a hundred fold. She glanced over to her sister with a challenging grin. “Whoever takes out the least of these uglies has to buy the other dinner. What do you say, Lily?”
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pedaltothemegalodon · 8 months
Shiver hadn't felt so unsafe in a long time. First the entire weird world they'd been spirited off to had completely warped into something different, as well as they themselves having changed into some sort of weird ocean monster person. Somehow they innately knew how to change between that form and one that looked more like a human, which seemed to be less suspicious to the people around here, good for laying low while they figured out the whole deal of how to get out of here. They just wanted to wake up from this weird, bad dream and not be alone anymore.
And thus the sea monkey's paw curled a finger in, as within a week's time a very familiar face showed up: their own, trying to fight them and...merge? It's what it looked like, but they weren't going to allow it! Using some of the new weird magic gifts they'd discovered, Shiver managed to beat back their Mist Reaper and escape its clutches. But even as safety was assured, they kept running and running and running like hell. As if somehow it would help them escape.
But they couldn't run forever, certainly not in this human form. Their legs turned to jelly, their breath tore at their throat, and a very uncomfortable wall was their only support as they fell over, sliding down to their knees. Tears began to prick up at the corners of their eyes, blinked back furiously on instinct. As if there was anyone here to see them cry in the first place. But they couldn't help it. It was how they'd cultivated their own behavior. They only ever cried when they were alone, or when the only ones around were Big Man and-
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They'd brought their attention upward, looking around to make sure there was nobody to see them come so close to shedding tears. Only one other person- a Siren, like themselves, only she wasn't disguised. It was absolutely a form they hadn't seen before, but...the long ears, the way the tentacles atop her head fell...the way she carried herself...as Shiver brought themselves to their feet, the life they'd lived for many years with that fiery Inkling flashed in their mind, focused on cutting right through every skin-deep change. They could see this Siren for who they really were.
"Frye, that...that's you, isn't it? You're really here!!"
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originskey · 8 months
@twohundredpower liked for a starter!
"Well, look at you..."
He's not used to having to look upward at his son!
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"You're probably not used to the feeling of mana like that, are you? How do you feel?"
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badluckgoboom · 8 months
Alas! The Opalarian cityfolk are scattering like mad, screaming and running for the hills! A couple storefronts are alight with flame! What could have caused such a terrible, macabre scene?
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...Probably the deathly pale, nearly undead-looking girl standing an equal distance from some of the stores, one arm stretched out toward them. Flames still danced up from her palm to lick between her fingers, eyes glowing bright pink from under the shadow of the hood she wore. A low, elated laughter crackles forth, from previously downturned lips.
Finally she decides to have some fun again.
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tremorstep · 8 months
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"I have no idea what this latest weirdo change in the city did to me, but this is AMAZING!! It's like I can feel the whole planet underneath me if I just hold myself real strong and steaady like this! Can I stay like forever?"
The much-greener-and-vinier Toph seems to have some kind of roots coming from her legs into the ground, quite oblivious to the full extent of her condition.
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crossfists · 8 months
He was no stranger to the world ending. Nor the difficulties that came with 'banding together'. Still, he had been doing what he could for his own part, with his own professional standing on the island, currently. It had...Somewhat worked. He did not find he was the best at recruiting people to a cause, even if those, once recruited, would have no issues following his lead.
And after days of recruitment, he allowed himself to worry after Steven once more. A message was sent while his back was turned:
[text] I will meet you shortly.
Before he continued on his way. It was already dusk, and Steven shouldn't have left just yet while still giving the man more freedom shortly. Moving into an alleyway, the encroaching darkness obfuscates the purple haze coming off the person walking toward him, but it can hardly obfuscate the familiar silhouette approaching-
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The fight that occurred is at minimum, bloody. The damage to the buildings nearby was not destructive, but indicated combat in a closed space between two strong figures.
Only a single hulking figure remains at the end, drenched in red. The smell would be enough to entice any Unholy with a penchant or appetite for blood would be drawn for miles.
And yet the man in holy garb does not move further from the spot, standing still.
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punishercross · 8 months
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An assassin from a small sect in the Kingdom of Airaisal, Nicholas D. Wolfwood is seemingly hunting down a few people. Whether as targets or not, that ain't yer business. Even in Yela Alora, he's got quite the reputation for his ill-fitted and torn holy man's garb, and the large cross he caries on his back. Rumor has it from the locals that he's got some sort of blessed ability to heal, and wields a glowing cross as a weapon...
Despite the Beastkin's affinity for magic, Wolfwood is actually unable to use any himself and has no distinct powers beyond his physiological enhancements. While it looks like magic to other people, he actually has no access to spells in any natural (or supernatural) way.
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hanabisays · 8 months
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Heart would have beat against her chest if she had it beating at least. She can't feel anything, but she is nervous. If there's one thing she'd like to avoid, it's fighting. She swallows thickly and Haru lands on the undead's shoulder, watching the unholy being in front of them.
"I-I'm just passing through." Hanabi manages to say through a rather timid voice. She even has her hands up to indicate she means no trouble.
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archaictold · 8 months
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— info . ↪
zhilan has been transformed into a merfolk! specifically, a leafy seadragon!
zhilan resides in opalaria, though isn't too content with the political unrest plaguing the empire. he doesn't go out of his way to get into conflict, but he does admonish the power tactics of its governing bodies. this might get him into some precarious situations, though hopefully not! (... however... quietly assisting a rebel force or something like that isn't out of the question.)
still a scholar. used to often travel between kingdoms for work related things, but as tensions between the kingdoms rose he had to cease those trips.
when in bipedal form, he greatly resembles an alraune. this might also cause him some issues when out of the water, given his ambiguous alignment with opalaria and frequent case of mistaken identity. he tries to stay in the sea when possible.
no need for glasses! a seahorse has great eyesight, and so zhilan's vision has seen improvement! you won't see him with his trademark spectacles.
whether in merfolk form or bipedal form, his skin has a vaguely plant-like appearance to it. it's faintly transparent and a little waxy-looking on the surface. he'll be able to camouflage extremely well where there's vegetation.
blushes orange. rather than pigmentation due to blood rushing to the surface of the skin, it's the work of chromatophores embedded in his skin.
always green whether bipedal or merfolk.
— spells . ↪
can cast spells! they are as follows:
blessing. (offensive)
restore. (defensive)
awaken. (defensive)
silence. (status affliction)
sleep. (status affliction)
his unlocked abilities can be found here. starter call is to come! this will also probably be edited as needed. thank youuu!
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eusarca · 8 months
It wasn't easy, but Kyrie managed to shake their pursuer after a tense ten minutes. Now successfully hidden behind a set of crates in an Eriol alleyway, the alraune surreptitiously peered out from the side to confirm it. The misty being that looked so much like their former self was facing away, completely off their track.
Unfortunately, they also realized it was too early to celebrate. Someone else entered their field of vision, and Mistrie turned its head to look at her as well. The moment it took a step in the stranger's direction, Kyrie scrambled up and sprinted in its direction.
"Look out!" Kyrie called out to the stranger as they ran, then made a valiant effort to tackle Mistrie. It went intangible and invisible right on time, and Kyrie dropped painfully to the stone ground instead.
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★ @hanabisays
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isolaradiale · 8 months
Within the main cities of every kingdom a single board was erected in the respective city squares. Upon it rest a number of quests to undertake for profit and for glory.
Are quests mandatory for the event? Not at all! These are just for if you’re looking for something a little extra to do, or if you’re interested in any of the reward offerings. 
How do I cash in on my quest reward?  Contact the galaxy blog with the quest name and a link to the thread in question. We recommend giving any posts related to the quest a unique tag. To qualify for the reward your thread must meet the following requirements:
you must write out completing the given task
if writing as a thread you must have at least four posts each of at least 150 words per reply
if writing solo as a drabble, the drabble must be at least 500 words
the quest must be completed without using powers that would make completing it too easy (ie. one shot kill abilities during a monster hunting quest or item detection abilities during treasure hunting quests)
How long do we have to complete these quests? There will be a two week period following the event’s end for you to finish any quest threads. However all of the starters must be made before the event’s part 2 formal end date.
Can I take as many quests as I want? No. A single character can take up to three quests but no more than that.
A MOSS-T DANGEROUS TASK | 20,000 DUST The local apothecary has run out of chordamoss, a type of moss that grows on the backs of the large gators in the swamps. The gators are too hostile for the apothecary herself to gather it, so that’s where you come in! One bucket of chordamoss should be enough.
A REALLY GOOD BOOK IS BETTER THAN EVERYTHING | MAP OF THE KINGDOMS There’s a rumor that there’s this really good book in the Unholy’s territory and it’s being kept guarded by one of them. One of the scholars really wants it for their collection and is willing to give a reward to anyone. Your reputation with the Unholy will probably decrease a lot, but if you’re not aligned with them, that’s probably a reward too!
BAMBY, THE SECOND | FIRST AID KIT L & 10,000 DUST A strange woman approaches you one day, clad in a green robe. She tells the tale of a sacred tome, the second of two, known only as 'Bamby, the second'. Without any chance to argue against her, you find yourself quickly pushed out the door by her hand and constant encouragement. All you know is that the tome is somewhere within the kingdom...
RABID RABBIT | 100 STARS The forested region of Airaisaval has been overrun by a booming population of Binge Chungi, a rabbit monster species that can grow up to the size of a cow. They have dangerous strength and especially sharp teeth. Though herbivores, the damage they do to the forest is extreme. Due to the danger they pose one Binge Chungeous corpse will net you 100 stars once turned in -- though you can only claim the reward once. 
SOUNDS FAEK | 50 STARS Residents have reported new dirt paths showing up in the forests, twisting and turning at random and ending in large circular clearings. The paths are outlined with various mushrooms. Swarms of small wisps commonly appear from these circles and venture too close to the town, shocking and harming people if they come across them. If you clear out the mushrooms, they should go away. Hopefully.
QUEEN ALEIDA LOOK, IT’S THE GOOD KUSH | 4,200 DUST Queen Aleida has requested some medical herbs. Please collect some and drop them off at the guards in front of the castle grounds. Thank you!
PLEASE IGNORE THE NAME, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT | FIRST AID KIT L Scholars at the Enchanted Armory and Transformative Academy of Science and Studies have requested the aid of adventurers to venture into the forest of Airaisal to study the magical properties of the plants residing deep in it. Please procure a sample and return within three days.
PLEASE FIND MY CHICKENS! | PANASTAR It seems a delightful young woman within Airaisal has lost all eight of her chickens. Since she's allergic, she can't touch them without getting hives. Instead of asking just WHY she has chickens, then, in the first place, you should just go and get the nice lady's chickens for her. She'll reward you, if you do!
WOMEN WANT ME, FISH FEAR ME | 50 STARS & AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF FISH There’s a fishing contest happening in Opalaria and one of the contestants fell to an illness, so they need someone to take their place! It’s simple - catch the biggest fish! Feel free to team up with a partner if you want to and split the prize! Try not to capture any merfolk and sirens, though - your reputation with them will probably not be so great.
BIG BULLY BEAT DOWN | 100 STARS & FREE DRINKS The Thieves’ Guild is known for collecting its debts in any way it can, and that includes roughing up the shopkeepers who don’t pay on time. An innkeeper has asked you to disguise yourself as a bar patron, and protect her from the hounds of House Karliah. Proceed with caution--these are trained criminals, and aren’t above using magic to put their point across. Take him down or scare him off, and the innkeeper will give you a small portion of what she saved up.
MEDICINE RUN | PANASTAR & 8000 DUST Oh, good, you're available to help! Just what this woman needs; she needs this special medicine delivered to one of her friends. The bad news is that not only is the journey lengthy, the path is littered to the brim with bandits of all kinds! Do you dare make the journey and help this woman out?
DRAGONS DON’T MAKE GOOD SPOUSES! | 14,072 DUST A village has lost their beautiful maiden to a dragon, which holds her up in a tower deep in the forest. The suitor isn’t all too happy about that and needs help! Get a reward and the title of Knight!
I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAY, IT’S TRUE LOVE! | 16,237 DUST A village girl fell in love with a dragon, and ran away from her old life to live with her in her tower. However, the village keeps sending these assholes to come and 'rescue' her. Find a way to keep the wannabe knights away forever to protect true love!
WITCHES BE TRIPPIN’ | SPIRAZON GROCERY DELIVERY A Faekin witch in Xalphina has been playing vicious pranks on the locals. It started out as harmless, but now someone could really get hurt! She’s only a young girl, so please just try and talk her out of continuing her pranks.
I’VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU | 32,474 DUST An old man pays you to keep watch over his house at night because when he sleeps, he swears he hears the rattling of bones outside his window and the scratching of skeletal fingers. Kill the skeleton and get a reward and some sweet good reputation!
SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON | 54,124 DUST You wouldn’t ruin the fun of a skeleton, now would you? It’s not doing anything bad by rattling his bones, now is it? Here, just take this bag of dust and leave it alone. Be warned, though - people probably won’t like you all that much if you do this, but the money is pretty good...
A PRETTY FUN GUY | HERO’S CLOTHES ( JUST SOME REGULAR OLD CLOTHES ) A pack of sentient fungi have come to life and have been wreaking havoc among the fields from which they sprung unprompted. Please make hasty work of them before there isn't mush room left for growth!
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strigistricken · 8 months
"Spicy breath!!" A powerful burst of flame was belched out from a largely-draconic Draken, flying swiftly past the onlookers who may have strayed a bit too close. Luckily, as excited as she was to try out her new abilities, she wasn't completely oblivious to the potential consequences of her actions.
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"Whoa, uh...sorry about that. Guess I really oughta set up a perimeter... Everything okay? Nothing on fire? None of your stuff? Not you?"
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amoirsetpacis · 8 months
★ --;; The garden is quiet.
It's getting later in the evening, anyway, the general sounds of footsteps on the nearby road fading as the throngs that traipsed its newly-softened surface thin into a slow trickle, the sun giving dominion to its counterpart. It's easier on Vash's eyes this way, still hidden behind tinted glass, so much more sensitive now than they had been. It's not the smartest of judgements, being out reds and oranges fade to deep purple in the sky-- not with the frightened whispers he'd been picking up from passerby, nor with the eerie flames hovering off in the distance.
Lantern sitting off to the side, Vash sits cross-legged in the grass, nose buried in the tome on his lap. Much trial and error had been had when creating the ward around the house, the gentle dotting of mushrooms giving it a wide circumference far more challenging to conjure than he'd thought they would be-- more than a few of his eyebrow hairs having payed the price for his hubris.
The ward's not strong enough now though. At least, not compared to what Vash wants for it. For now, it serves as more of a one-way mirror than anything; sound and light fail to escape it, leaving any curious eyes that didn't already know what they were looking for with nothing but another grove of trees to grace their sights. It needs to be stronger, if it's going to keep anyone else safe. Despite his own ignoring of fearful whispering, he's bound and determined to figure out a way to keep more people safe within his hand-crafted borders. There's got to be a way to fortify things somewhere in here, surely.
Soft footfalls of boots against grass, the complete absence of light in their wake, don't register above the sound of leaves rustling in the evening wind, above the intensity of his focus. Not until it's in range, at least; until wild blue eyes whip around to meet their mirror. The tome lies forgotten on the ground, and the sound of bodies crashing into flower bushes remains muffled behind invisible curtains.
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originskey · 8 months
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He sits in the sun, taking a deep breath in and out... to the outside observer, it looks meditative. But as one draws closer--yup. That's Kratos, as some sort of succulent.
So it becomes apparent that he's..... photosynthesizing.
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mercurywitch · 8 months
☆ "So I've been turned into a wolf... girl...? I guess you could say things are looking pretty..."
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"Ruff!" You know those bad joke websites that literally no one except corny dads use? Well Suletta had been studying them prior to the city changing.
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