#isabel spurgeon
ki-irke · 1 year
Could you please write also the characters you write for?
here you go!
if you want any character, that isn't here just ask!
True beauty
Han Seo jun
XO Kitty
Min ho
The maze runner:
John B
Grey's anatomy
Derek Shepherd
Jackson Avery
Mark Sloan
Alex Karev
Amelia Shepherd
Addison Montgomery
Owen Hunt
New Amsterdam
Lauren Bloom
Casey Acosta
Titans (2018)
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Anne with An e
Gilbert Blythe
Moody Spurgeon
Charlie Sloane
Billy Andrews
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Cedric Diggory
Weasley Family (Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, Billy)
Marauders (James, Remus, Sirius)
Regulus Black
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico di Angelo
Will Solace
Luke Castellan
Once upon a time
Henry Mills
Killian Jones
Beck Oliver
Andre Harris
Teen wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Derek Hale
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Friday, January 6th, the 6th day of 2023. There are 359 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
786: Martyrdom of St. Abo in Tsibili, Georgia. A Muslim perfumer from Baghdad, he had become a Christian and attempted to strengthen Christians and win Muslims to Christ.
1088: Theophylact delivers a flattering address in Constantinople before Emperor Alexius that results in an unwelcome “promotion” to the position of archbishop of Ohrid, Bulgaria (now in Macedonia). Homesick, he will write obscure letters to distract his mind.
1374: Death of Andreas Corsini, Italian bishop of Fiesole. After a reckless youth, he converted and became a strict Carmelite, and was credited with being a prophet and miracle-worker. (Under the Florentine calendar his death is given in 1373.)
1422: Jan Ziska, blind Hussite general and master tactician, defeats Sigsimund of Bohemia at Nebovidy, one of many defeats he will inflict on Bohemia’s enemies.
1494: Columbus and his men celebrate the first mass in the Americas, on Isabelle Island, Haiti.
1628: Bribed by Roman Catholics, Turks in Constantinople seize a press that is preparing to print a small catechism written by Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Cyril Lukaris. Jesuits had already maneuvered to exile Lukaris for several months.
1771: First baptism takes place among the Moravian converts of the Saramaccas people, near where the Senthea River empties into the Surinam River. Chief Arabina, the mission’s first convert is baptized.
1772: Death of Samuel Johnson, a New England clergyman, educator, and philosopher. In 1724 he had opened the first Anglican church built in Connecticut, after which he had served as a missionary for the Anglican Church, and played an important role in setting the standards and curriculum for King’s College, New York, (later known as Columbia University).
1829: The Indiana State Legislature incorporates Hanover Academy, begun two years ealier with six students by Presbyterian minister John Finley Crowe. The school sits on land donated by Presbyterian Elder, Williamson Dunn, who becomes one of the trustees.
1835: Businessmen operating in China circulate a paper among themselves, calling for a “Morrison Education Society” to bring the gospel to China. The society is named for pioneer missionary Robert Morrison who had died a year earlier. They raise several thousand pounds to support the mission and offer the post of missionary to Samuel Robbins Brown.
The Swedish Mission Society is founded.
1844: Hermann Anandarao Kaundinya is baptized in Mangalore, India, with two other young Brahmans. He becomes a notable educator, pastor, and Bible translator in the Kanarese district.
1850: Conversion of Charles Spurgeon who will become one of the most notable pastors of all time. He had entered a little Methodist church because of cold and snow where a deacon told him to look to Christ. “I can never tell you how it was but I no sooner saw whom I was to believe than I also understood what it was to believe and I did believe in one moment.”
1852: Death in Paris, France, of Louis Braille, developer of the reading system of raised dots for the blind which bears his name. He is just forty-three years old.
1884: Death in Brno (in modern Czechoslovakia) of Gregor Mendel, a monk who through persistent experimentation had discovered the laws of genetics.
1894: Death of Theophan the Recluse, a Russian Orthodox author, priest, and bishop. He had written several works, among them a translation of the Philokalia, a famous collection of the church fathers. Typical of his sayings was, “Attention to that which transpires in the heart and proceeds from it—this is the chief activity of the proper Christian life.”
1902: Edith Warner, a Presbyterian missionary, sets out from Asaba, Nigeria, to become the first white woman to visit the East Niger.
1921: Death of Alexander Whyte, regarded as the finest preacher of the Free Church of Scotland. He had also served as professor of New Testament Literature at New College, Edinburgh, and wrote the popular Bible Characters.
1934: Peter Deyneka and four other men meet to form the Russian Gospel Association.
1948: Janani Luwum converts to Christianity in Uganda. He immediately asks his family to pray that he won’t backslide, but rather lead a godly life. Eventually he will become an archbishop and will be executed by the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
1973: Death in California of Pentecostal evangelist Tommy Hicks, allegedly of alcoholism. Nineteen years earlier he had packed stadiums in Argentina, winning thousands to follow Christ.
1986: Death in Grand Rapids, Michigan, of Elsie Rebekah Ahlwen. She had served as an evangelist among America’s Swedes and wrote the hymn “He the Pearly Gates Will Open.”
1992: Naimat Ahmer, a Christian educator and poet in Pakistan, is stabbed seventeen times in earshot of students by a Muslim who claims Ahmer has insulted Mohammad. Ahmer taught that Christ is the only way to salvation.
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beatriz-garrido · 4 years
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“No existe un pecado que el cristiano no pueda vencer, si descansa en Dios para hacerlo”.
“Donde la Biblia hace silencio, tú también haz silencio”.
“Yo peco como un hombre, pero Él perdona como un Dios”.
Charles Spurgeon.
Muchas veces me he preguntado, que cosas intentaría salvar de mi casa, si fuera arrasada por un incendio, un tsunami, o algún otro tipo de catástrofe.....
Creo que, evidentemente. después de intentar salvar la vida de los míos, intentaría rescatar mis fotos, esos recuerdos de toda una vida, que no podría recuperar jamás. Después ¡por supuesto! Mis libros, soy una lectora empedernida, y siempre discuto cuando alguien me intenta convencer de algo que será inevitable…. De que el ordenador, llegará, un día, a sustituir a ese maravilloso sonido del pasar la hoja de un buen libro leído.… .Sentada cómodamente en un viejo sofá, junto a una concentrada y caliente taza de café caliente...
Pero, creo que hay algo, que intentaría rescatar por todos los medios… ¡Mi Biblia! Mi amada Biblia que trae consigo el susurro precioso de mi Dios, el mayor de mis tesoros.
Mi Biblia es algo tan especial y tan íntimo, y, está tan escrita, tan llena de promesas personales, fechas, e incluso nombres, que creo que no se la dejaría a casi nadie; por que, es algo tan íntimo entre el Señor y yo.…
Todavía recuerdo, a la perfección, todas y cada una de las Biblias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida....
La primera, no era una Biblia completa, era un Nuevo Testamento con Salmos, y. todavía puedo visualizarla, como si lo tuviera entre mis manos. Era de piel negra y suave, y, en la primera página estaba escrita la letra de mi padre, esa especie de letra que hacen los médicos, cuando quieren escribir de forma “legible”. Había ¡Cómo no! Un texto: “ Jehová es mi pastor, nada me faltará”; Jehová, significa, el Dios del pacto, de modo que : “ Jehová es mi pastor, nada me faltará”, significaba que, si ese Dios del pacto llegaba a ser mi Dios, El llenaría, durante toda mi vida, todos y cada uno de mis vacíos, soledades, carencias.… Y nada me iba a faltar. Yo era una niña muy pequeña, cuando recibí aquel regalo, y apenas entendía todo aquello; pero hoy, os puedo – como escribía Isabel Pavón hace tiempo, no jurar, pero si prometer, que cada día, cada día… Ese Dios del pacto, ha sido mi precioso pastor y, ha suplido todas y cada una de las carencias que han ido apareciendo a lo largo de los años.
Cuando tenía ocho años, un siervo del Señor que había dormido en nuestra casa, después de desayunar, me llevó a dar un paseo… Era una deliciosa mañana de verano, y mientras una suave brisa nos acariciaba, me dijo, ¿tú eres del Señor?..… ¡¡SI!! Le respondí, con esa típica alegría y decisión tan características mías; entonces, sacó de entre sus manos una Biblia.… ¡Me pareció preciosa! Era de pastas duras y cantos rojísimos, esa vez no había dedicatoria, ni versículo, pero me gusto tanto, que enseguida metí, en el primer capítulo del Génesis, una también rojísima hoja de alhelí, sin saber que aquello, sin haberlo secado previamente, tintaría de rojo unas cuantas hojas de aquel tesoro.
Pasado mucho tiempo de todo aquello, una preciosa mañana de verano, estando en Ares, la villa marinera más preciosa del mundo....de donde procede la familia de mi padre....No sé por que, en mis recuerdos más “ancestrales”, siempre me figuro aquel lugar, como el Huerto del Edén, con su árbol, en el medio incluido… Mi padre me llamó y me dijo, tu madre y yo te queremos hacer un regalo, y sacó para mi de una caja, una Biblia preciosa; en la primera hoja, como la vez anterior, estaba escrita una dedicatoria, y ¿cómo no? otro texto que mi padre se encargó de leer detenidamente, marcándolo con su dedo índice....”El mundo pasa y sus deseos, pero el que hace la voluntad de Dios permanece para siempre”; luego me dijo, “hija, no lo olvides nunca”.… (Disculpad..… Tengo que secarme las lágrimas)..… Han pasado tantos años...… .Cuanta gente ha pasado a la historia..… Cuantos me han dejado tirada en la cuneta.… ¡Pero que razón tenía mi padre!…. ”El que hace la voluntad de Dios, permanece para siempre”....
El día que me bauticé, Samuel Pérez Millos y su primera esposa Ester, con quienes me une un parentesco muy directo, me regalaron otra Biblia, y ¡Por supuesto! Había un versículo y una dedicatoria; era la letra de Samuel....
“Jehová te muestre amor permanente y fidelidad”
“La mejor experiencia para el creyente sea la tuya, cada día, en todo momento y, en cada circunstancia”
¡Cuánto tiempo ha pasado! Cuantas cosas he vivido!!!!!.....Pero como escribía Isabel Pavón.… No puedo jurar, pero os prometo que ese “Dios del pacto”, “Debajo de cuyas alas he venido a refugiarme..” Desde aquella inolvidable noche cuando era tan solo una niña, justo al pie de la preciosa Cruz del Calvario, ha sido mi pastor… El que jamás me ha abandonado, y el que; aunque en ocasiones no lo entendiera, me ha mostrado, siempre... “Amor permanente y fidelidad” y os puedo decir que, con toda seguridad .… La mejor experiencia para el creyente, ha sido la mía cada día, en todo momento y en cada circunstancia.
¿No te gustaría, entrar en una relación íntima y personal, con un Dios tan maravilloso como el mío?
Mi amor siempre en Cristo, 🧡🧡🧡
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡Beatriz Garrido Saco 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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marykmcduffie · 6 years
Two-thirds of children referred for mental healthcare in England not treated
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The number of under-18s admitted to A&E for self-harm has increased by 50% in five years, according to the charity. Photograph: Isabel Infantes/AFP/Getty Images
Sixty per cent of children and young people referred for specialist care by their GP are not receiving treatment, figures reveal.
Data from 32 NHS Trusts in England showed about 60% of under-18s who are referred to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) by their GP are not receiving treatment, according to figures obtained by Spurgeons children’s charity.
The number of under-18s admitted to A&E for self-harm has increased by 50% in five years but outpatient treatment rates are falling, according to the charity. Self-harm admissions to A&E departments for young people have increased for the seventh year running according to figures from 59 A&E departments in England.
The sharp increase in the number of under-18s being admitted to hospital after poisoning, cutting or hanging themselves is more...
Source: Two-thirds of children referred for mental healthcare in England not treated
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snookerportugal · 6 years
All-State 2018: Girls All-Class teams
CLASS 6A FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Carly Bachelor, Washburn Rural 6-0 Jr. Kennedy Brown, Derby 6-6 Jr. Christianna Carr, Manhattan 6-0 Sr. E’Lease Stafford, Lawrence 5-11 Sr. Sydney Wilson, Olathe East 6-0 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Sarah Beth Gueldner, Olathe Northwest 5-8 Jr. Tre’Zure Jobe, Wichita South 5-7 Jr. Brooke Lansford, BV West 5-8 Sr. Jordann Nachbar, SM Northwest 5-1 Sr. Skylar Washington, Gardner-Edgerton 5-10 Sr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Chisom Ajekwu, Lawrence 6-3 Jr. Tor’e Alford, Derby 5-8 Jr. Kasey Hazell, Hutchinson 5-11 Sr. Chloe Kuckelman, BV North 5-8 Jr. Makenna Winemiller, Olathe East 5-5 Jr. HONORABLE MENTION Chisom Ajekwu, jr. Lawrence; Jaryn Benning, jr. Topeka High; Hannah Black, jr. SM Northwest; Caroline Hershberger, jr., Olathe South; Loah-Anh Johnson, sr., Wichita South; Molly Kaemmer, so., Olathe East; Alana Kramer, sr., Junction City; Lele Love, so., SM North; Robyn MacDonald, sr. SM South; Dymond McElrath, sr., Wichita East; Leyanna McGinnis, jr., Olathe North; Kendall Michalski, sr., Washburn Rural; Aliyah Myers, jr., Derby; Kynli Nelson, sr. Gardner-Edgerton; Chidera Okoro, so., Dodge City; Sandra Pollard, sr., Wichita Southeast; Kierra Prim, so., SM West; Alexis Snodgrass, jr., Wichita Northwest; Kia Wilson, jr. Manhattan; Dani Winslow, so., Olathe South; Megan Worthington, sr., Manhattan.
CLASS 5A FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Elisa Backes, Salina Central 6-1 Sr. Kade Hackerott, Goddard 5-11 So. Katie Horyna, Liberal 5-9 So. Sereena Weledji, Aquinas 6-0 Sr. Evan Zars, Mill Valley 6-1 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Shanti Henry, Andover 5-7 Jr. Halie Jones, Maize 5-9 Jr. Allison McFarren, Carroll 5-4 Sr. Ishante Suttington, KC Schlagle 5-7 So. Alayna Townsell, Aquinas 6-0 Jr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Dariauna Carter, Highland Park 5-4 So. DesiRay Kernal, Newton 6-1 Jr. Lydia Ostenson, Shawnee Heights 5-8 Sr. Gerenda Smith, Lansing 5-7 Jr. Camryn Turner, Seaman 5-8 Fr. HONORABLE MENTION Taylor Antonowich, sr. Newton; Presley Barton, jr. Mill Valley; Carley Brack, sr., Great Bend; Alexis Caughton, jr., Maize; Camille Evans, so., KC Schlagle; Mary Goetz, sr., St. James Academy; Britney Ho, jr., Carroll; Lauren Johnson, jr., Maize South; Claire Kaifes, jr., Mill Valley; Taylor Lang, jr., Lansing; Jae’Mya Lyons, fr., Highland Park; Katera Mayfield, so., Seaman; Taylor Milleson, jr., Emporia; Brenna Monty, sr., Kapaun; Machia Mullins, so., Liberal; Madden Petty, fr., Pittsburg; Isabelle Reynolds, sr., Andover; Cierra Robinson, sr., Leavenwworth; Anna Roulston, sr., Kapaun; Mackenzie Shupe, so, DeSoto; Allison Thomas, sr., Aquinas; Katie Wagner, so., Maize South; Tylieea Wallace, fr., KC Schlagle.
CLASS 4A DIVISION I FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Ryan Cobbins, KC Piper 6-0 Jr. Tristan Gegg, Labette County 5-6 Sr. Johnni Gonzalez, Miege 5-6 Jr. Taylor Robertson, McPherson 5-9 Sr. Ryann Stearns, Andover Central 5-10 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Carissa Beck, Circle 5-7 Jr. Madison Cook, Fort Scott 5-11 Sr. Jayden Marlnee, Augusta 5-9 Jr. Elizabeth Vaughn, KC Sumner 5-9 Sr. Peyton Verhulst, Miege 6-2 Fr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Sydney Burton, Abilene 5-7 Jr. Mandi Cooks, McPherson 6-0 Sr. Faith Hawthorne, Miege 6-1 Fr. Avery Rusk, Wellington 5-9 Sr. Ali Vigil, KC Piper 5-11 So. HONORABLE MENTION Sydney Adler, jr. Rose Hill; Mya Allen, jr., KC Sumner; Gina Ballesteros, jr. Ulysses; Justice Brackney, jr., Labette County; Ashtyn Brown, sr., Andover Central; Skyelar Brown, sr., Fort Scott; Carson Buffington, jr., Louisburg; Mandi Cooks, sr., McPherson; Emma Cunningham, so., Rose Hill; Lauren Delker, jr., Spring Hill; Chesney Downing, sr., Atchison; Ady Edwards, sr., Paola; Shayland French, sr., Wellington; Meghan Goff, jr., Spring Hill; Riley Hett, jr., McPherson; Alyson Potter, jr., Circle; Emily Randall, so., Winfield; Abbee Rhodes, jr., Augusta; Lyssa Schabel, sr., Independence; Savannah Schneider, jr., Hays; Kamryn Shaffer, sr., Ottawa; Evelyn Vazquez, fr., KC Piper; Chassidy Weathers, sr., Arkansas City; Kim Whetstone, so., Bonner Springs; Hannah Willey, jr., Abilene; Skyler Williams, sr., Paola; Katie Yankovich, sr., Basehor-Linwood.
CLASS 4A DIVISION II FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Cydney Bergmann, Concordia 5-8 Sr. Sydnee Crain, Girard 5-8 Sr. Mariah Murdie, Jefferson West 6-3 Sr. Abby Ogle, Baldwin 5-8 Sr. Shay Tanking, Holton 5-7 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Delaney Barnes, Baxter Springs 5-11 So. Brooklyn Hunter, Hayden 6-0 Jr. Sydney Pacha, Marysville 5-6 Sr. Nena Taylor, Parsons 5-8 Jr. Kirsten Young, Burlington 5-8 Jr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Sami Bartels, Marysville 5-11 So. Clara Edwards, Clay Center 6-0 Fr. Bria Gutschenritter, Andale 5-8 Sr. Brooklyn Harper, Hugoton 5-7 Sr. Karsyn Youngblood, Columbus 5-10 So. HONORABLE MENTION Alex Bearup, sr., Wichita Trinity; Rachel Bergkamp, sr., Andale; Ashlynn Bledsoe, so., Chapman; Ellie Carson, jr., Iola; Morgan Cassidy, sr., Columbus; Ayanna Correll, jr., Parsons; Madyson Cox, jr., Galena; Madison Davis, jr., Frontenac; Ashlynn Doebele, jr., Burlington; Hannah Ferguson, sr., Clay Center; Morgan Geist, sr., Andale; Paige Jensen, sr., Galena; Piper Johnson, sr., Santa Fe Trail; McKenna Kirkpatrick, so., Chapman; Maggie Knoblauch, so., Andale; Kayla Kurtz, jr., Baldwin; Carly Lindenmeyer, jr., Baldwin; Sophie Mader, sr., Nickerson; Aaliyah Negonsott, jr., Jefferson West; Madison Ontjes, so., Nickerson; Taylor Peterson, sr., Frontenac; Sophia Purcell, so., Hayden; JoHanna Rawlins, sr., Hugoton; Eboni Sapien, sr., Holcomb; Kelsey Simmons, sr., Santa Fe Trail; Abbey Underhill, jr., Baxter Springs.
CLASS 3A FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Bailey Bangert, Kingman 5-6 Sr. Taylor Joplin, Garden Plain 6-0 Sr. Laura Macke, Nemaha Central 6-1 Sr. Kayla Vitztum, TMP-Marian 5-11 Sr. Taya Wilson, Sterling 5-10 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Sydney Dwyer, Wellsville 5-5 Sr. Emmiley Hendrixson, Haven 5-3 Sr. Sydney Johnson, Beloit 6-2 Sr. Faith Martin, Mission Valley 6-0 Sr. Jaclyn Schulte, Russell 5-7 Sr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Sabrina Bellar, Conway Springs 5-10 Sr. Lea Coccetella, Wichita Independent 5-10 Sr. Kailey Jo Ince, Hesston 6-2 Sr. Tamo Thomas, Royal Valley 5-9 Sr. Daphne Williams, Halstead 5-6 Sr. HONORABLE MENTION Demi Aamold, so., Wellsville; Sydney Bangert, sr., Kingman; Sydney Barrett, jr., Beloit; Marissa Bates, sr., Silver Lake; Mary Broxterman, jr., Royal Valley; Brea Buoy, sr., Caney Valley; Kimalee Cook, fr., Remington; Jacy Dalinghaus, jr., Nemaha Central; Kolby Davis, sr., Ellsworth; Madison Dehlinger, sr., Eureka; Tiffany Dortland, jr., Russell; Janell Douvier, sr., Wichtia Independent; Emily Earhart, sr., Riley County; Karenna Gerber, fr., Halstead; Abby Gordon, so., Garden Plain; Josie Harrison, jr., St. Marys; Lindsey Heim, jr., Pleasant Ridge; Caila Hill, jr., Rossville; Sydney Hilliard, sr., Sedgwick; Logan Hurla, sr., St. Marys; Sailor Jackson, jr., SE-Cherokee; Taylor Jantz, jr., Cimarron; Brittney Jennings, sr., SW Heights; Elise Kaiser, so., Hesston; Jenna Keller, so., Perry-Lecompton; Aubrey Koenigsman, sr., TMP-Marian; Kayla Koester, jr., Conway Springs; Madelyn Koop, fr., Eureka; Ali LaFroge, sr., Erie; Paige McDaniel, jr., Wellsville; Faith Paramore, so., Haven; Beau Peterson, sr., Council Grove; Macie Price, sr., Scott City; Sophia Rohling, jr., Neodesha; Heather Ronnebaum, sr., Maur Hill; Emily Smith, sr., Scott City; Kadie Smith, sr., Cheney; Jill Stephens, so., Colby; Tori Thomson, sr., Riley County; Rylan Wilhite, sr., Humboldt.
CLASS 2A FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Connor Keith, Hill City 5-4 Sr. Emily Ryan, Central Plains 5-9 So. Karsen Schultz, Wabaunsee 5-9 Sr. Kayla Smith, Valley Heights 5-8 Sr. Brianna Vogts, Olpe 5-9 Sr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Cathy Farmer, Colgan 5-10 Jr. Kourtney Hanson, Marion 5-7 Sr. Eden Hiebert, Goessel 6-0 Sr. Josie Weishaar, Jefferson North 5-8 So. Ashtyn Wiebe, Berean Academy 5-7 Sr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Aubree Dewey, Plainville 5-7 So. Addyson Emmons, Bluestem 5-7 Jr. Ehlaina Hartman, Spearville 5-9 So. Bethany Stucky, Moundridge 5-9 Sr. Brecken VandenHoek, Kiowa County 5-8 Jr. HONORABLE MENTION Kyla Alojacin, jr., Medicine Lodge; Hanna Bracelin, sr., St. Francis; Camille Bradshaw, sr., Hodgeman County; Addie Campbell, so., Hoxie; Rebekah Castle, sr., Hoxie; Ally Cochran, so., Sacred Heart; Allison Crist, sr., Lincoln; Callie Dannels, sr., Madison; Kylie Dohl, so., Jackson Heights; Rylee Gleason, jr., Kinsley; Alissa Heskamp, fr., Spearville; Brittney Hiebert, sr., Goessel; Madelyn Hutley, so., Wabaunsee; Kendi Keller, sr., Syracuse; Carrie Kennedy, sr., Hill City; Mia Kells, jr., Sublette; Rachel Lamatsch, so., Central Plains; Sierra Lingafelter, sr., Kiowa County; Jordyn Lowrie, so., Oakley; Zoe Marshall, sr., Pleasanton; Khylee Massey, so., Northern Heights; Macy McClendon, jr., West Elk; Megan McClendon, so., West Elk; MaKayla Michael, sr., Inman; Emma Miller, jr., Olpe; Abby Oliver, jr., Wabaunsee; Aubrey Piccini, jr., Colgan; Allie Pringle, jr., Yates Center; Kate Radell, jr., Colgan; Breckey Rowley, sr., Udall; Lilly Schamberger, sr., Hoxie; Lili Shubert, fr., WaKeeney; Justi Sims, jr., Sedan; Claira Spurgeon, sr., Lyndon; Bekah Unruh, so., Sublette; Annabelle Vaught, sr., Jefferson North; Samantha Vermetten, so., Valley Heights; Madison Ward, jr., Ellinwood; Kayla Webb, jr., Solomon; Tiaghe Weeter, so., St. Francis; Brooke Wiebe, so., Berean Academy; Katy Wilhelm, jr., Meade.
CLASS 1A DIVISION I FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Macy Doebele, Hanover 5-11 Jr. Emilee Ebert, Frankfort 6-0 Jr. Katie Glatczak, Centralia 5-5 Sr. Katelin O’Brien, St. Paul 5-9 Sr. Bri Rutherford, South Central 5-7 Jr. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Rylee Alexander, South Central 5-10 Sr. Lauren Campuzano, Rural Vista 5-9 Jr. Haven Hamilton, Stockton 5-10 Sr. Elizabeth Hardacre, Thunder Ridge 6-1 Jr. Reagan Kirkwood, Valley Falls 5-6 Jr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Haley Crupper, Lebo 5-11 Sr. Tianna Lohse, Hanover 5-9 So. Madison Lueger, Centralia 5-10 Jr. Rachel Miller, Lakeside 5-8 Sr. Tara Nelson, St. John 5-10 Sr. HONORABLE MENTION Hannah Askew, jr., South Gray; Kristen Beckman, so., Atwood; Jaysie Bowser, so., Clifton-Clyde; Kennen Brandt, so., Frankfort; BayLee Brummett, sr., Lakeside; Tess Cecrle, sr., Washington County; Jaetyn Conrad, jr., Fairfield; Maya Eidman, jr., Chase County; Olivia Engler, sr., Osborne; Rachel Frakes, sr., Valley Falls; Kelsey Hett, so., Centre; Danielle Kasprzak, sr., Southern Coffey; Allison Kearney, sr., Valley Falls; Brennen Kirchoff, so., Thunder Ridge; Morgan Kramer, so., Centralia; Ashley Melugin, sr., Flinthills; Melanie Renken, sr., Little River; Sydney Rice, sr., St. Paul; Ella Roberts, so., Dighton; Emily Salmans, sr., South Gray; Morgan Schrag, jr., Pretty Prairie; Tylyn Ward, jr., Caldwell; Emily Winter, sr., St. Paul; Megan Wright, sr., Chetopa; Jessa Yaussi, sr., Frankfort; Claire Zarybnicky, sr., Hanover.
CLASS 1A DIVISION II FIRST TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Paige Baird, Northern Valley 5-7 Jr. Morgan Bolen, Hartford 5-11 Sr. Peyton Havlas, Quinter 5-10 Sr. Cora Vineyard, Argonia 5-10 Jr. Madison Wiltse, Otis-Bison 6-0 So. SECOND TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Kylie Crist, Quinter 5-5 Sr. Lauryn Dubbert, Beloit-St. John’s 5-6 Fr. Megan Foster, Waverly 5-5 So. KayCee Miller, Golden Plains 5-9 Jr. Kylee Ricke, Cunningham 5-5 Sr. THIRD TEAM Player, school Ht. Gr. Riley Dietz, Wilson 5-7 Sr. Rachel Keltz, Cheylin 6-0 Sr. Trisha Mathewson, Axtell 6-0 Sr. Morgan Polson, South Barber 5-9 Jr. Maisie Schroeder, Hartford 5-10 Sr. HONORABLE MENTION Sydni Allen, sr., Sharon Springs; Booker, jr., Argonia; Brittney Byers, so., South Haven; Allie Cassel, so., BV-Randolph; Hannah Chambray, sr., Natoma; Ashlyn Cure, jr., Ingalls; Bailey Darbyshire, so., Hartford; Holly DeWeese, so., Cunningham; Kara Eilert, jr., Beloit-St. John’s; Jesie Frisbie, jr., Cheylin; Avery Gates, sr., Beloit-St. John’s; Lanie Goetz, sr., Wheatland-Grinnell; Emily Green, fr., Stafford; Kaleigh Hanzlick, jr.,, Wilson; Jill Henry, sr., Wetmore; Tricia Hokanson, jr., Bucklin; Lindsey Kaufman, so., Hutchinson Central Christian; Chaylee Lowry, sr., Northern Valley; Morgan Meyers, fr., Cunningham; Maggi Nieman, sr., Golden Plains; Shelby Ohlde, sr., Linn; Peyton Ostmeyer, sr., Natoma; Ashlyn Rogers, jr., Attica; Zoe Schultz, sr., Wheatland-Grinnell; Idallis Shaffer, sr., South Barber; Kaylee Simon, sr., Ingalls; Bailey Unruh, sr., Elyria Christian; Brittney Watt, sr., Quinter; Cynae Wiley, jr., South Haven; Katie Zelenka, sr., Wilson; Brooklyn Zoeller, so., BV-Randolph.
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The post All-State 2018: Girls All-Class teams appeared first on How To Find Shawnee Apartments KS Fast.
Read More at: http://www.snookerportugal.net/all-state-2018-girls-all-class-teams/
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queensofnoize · 9 years
Land Gone by Novella
I’ve been waiting a long time for new Novella material, and this track has been well worth the wait. After recruiting new keyboard player (Isabel Spurgeon aka sister of Joe Spurgeon from The Horrors), they are better that ever. Feeling lots of Lush vibes.
J x
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Sunday, January 6th, the 6th day of 2019. There are 359 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
786: Martyrdom of St. Abo in Tsibili, Georgia. A Muslim perfumer from Baghdad, he had become a Christian and attempted to strengthen Christians and win Muslims to Christ.
1088: Theophylact delivers a flattering address in Constantinople before Emperor Alexius that results in an unwelcome “promotion” to the position of archbishop of Ohrid, Bulgaria (now in Macedonia). Homesick, he will write obscure letters to distract his mind.
1374: Death of Andreas Corsini, Italian bishop of Fiesole. After a reckless youth, he converted and became a strict Carmelite, and was credited with being a prophet and miracle-worker. (Under the Florentine calendar his death is given in 1373.)
1422: Jan Ziska, blind Hussite general and master tactician, defeats Sigsimund of Bohemia at Nebovidy, one of many defeats he will inflict on Bohemia’s enemies.
1494: Columbus and his men celebrate the first mass in the Americas, on Isabelle Island, Haiti.
1772: Death of Samuel Johnson, a New England clergyman, educator, and philosopher. In 1724 he had opened the first Anglican church built in Connecticut, after which he had served as a missionary for the Anglican Church, and played an important role in setting the standards and curriculum for King’s College, New York, (later known as Columbia University).
1829: The Indiana State Legislature incorporates Hanover Academy, begun two years ealier with six students by Presbyterian minister John Finley Crowe. The school sits on land donated by Presbyterian Elder, Williamson Dunn, who becomes one of the trustees.
1834: The Swedish Mission Society is founded.
1835: Businessmen operating in China circulate a paper among themselves, calling for a “Morrison Education Society” to bring the gospel to China. The society is named for pioneer missionary Robert Morrison who had died a year earlier. They raise several thousand pounds to support the mission and offer the post of missionary to Samuel Robbins Brown.
1850: Conversion of Charles Spurgeon who will become one of the most notable pastors of all time. He had entered a little Methodist church because of cold and snow where a deacon told him to look to Christ. “I can never tell you how it was but I no sooner saw whom I was to believe than I also understood what it was to believe and I did believe in one moment.”
1852: Death in Paris, France, of Louis Braille, developer of the reading system of raised dots for the blind which bears his name. He is just forty-three years old.
1884: Death in Brno (in modern Czechoslovakia) of Gregor Mendel, a monk who through persistent experimentation had discovered the laws of genetics.
1894: Death of Theophan the Recluse, a Russian Orthodox author, priest, and bishop. He had written several works, among them a translation of the Philokalia, a famous collection of the church fathers. Typical of his sayings was, “Attention to that which transpires in the heart and proceeds from it—this is the chief activity of the proper Christian life.”
1902: Edith Warner, a Presbyterian missionary, sets out from Asaba, Nigeria, to become the first white woman to visit the East Niger.
1921: Death of Alexander Whyte, regarded as the finest preacher of the Free Church of Scotland. He had also served as professor of New Testament Literature at New College, Edinburgh, and wrote the popular Bible Characters.
1934: Peter Deyneka and four other men meet to form the Russian Gospel Association.
1948: Janani Luwum converts to Christianity in Uganda. He immediately asks his family to pray that he won’t backslide, but rather lead a godly life. Eventually he will become an archbishop and will be executed by the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
1973: Death in California of Pentecostal evangelist Tommy Hicks, allegedly of alcoholism. Nineteen years earlier he had packed stadiums in Argentina, winning thousands to follow Christ.
1986: Death in Grand Rapids, Michigan, of Elsie Rebekah Ahlwen. She had served as an evangelist among America’s Swedes and wrote the hymn “He the Pearly Gates Will Open.”
1992: Naimat Ahmer, a Christian educator and poet in Pakistan, is stabbed seventeen times in earshot of students by a Muslim who claims Ahmer has insulted Mohammad. Ahmer taught that Christ is the only way to salvation.
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juicy-n-seedless · 11 years
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Rosie Offord and Izzy Spurgeon.
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humbuggers · 12 years
as if joe spurgeon wasnt enough theres also issie 
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Mark of Covenant Grace
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by Charles Spurgeon
"And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul that thou mayest live." - Deuteronomy 30:6
Here we read of the true circumcision. Note the author of it: "The LORD thy God." He alone can deal effectually with our heart and take away its carnality and pollution. To make us love God with all our heart and soul is a miracle of grace which only the Holy Ghost can work. We must look to the LORD alone for this and never be satisfied with anything short of it.
Note where this circumcision is wrought. It is not of the flesh but of the Spirit. It is the essential mark of the covenant of grace. Love to God is the indelible token of the chosen seed; by this secret seal the election of grace is certified to the believer. We must see to it that we trust in no outward ritual but are sealed in heart by the operation of the Holy Ghost.
Note what the result is - "that thou mayest live." To be carnally minded is death. In the overcoming of the flesh, we find life and peace. If we mind the things of the Spirit, we shall live. Oh, that Jehovah, our God, may complete His gracious work upon our inner natures, that in the fullest and highest sense we may live unto the LORD.
Photo by Isabel Cristina León Rocco from Burst
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juicy-n-seedless · 12 years
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izzie-spurgeon · 12 years
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Izzie always has such nice hair
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cocaine-joe · 12 years
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