#is the guy i drew 27 times in one fanart lol
risibledeer · 14 days
so you know that feeling when your parents go through your procreate randomly so you don't have time to hide any questionable stuff and its full of fanart of these minecraft youtubers and animes and particularly this one guy who your account is practically a fanpage for, and they look at you weirdly because they have seen a lotta artwork which totally makes sense with context of the videos but seems completely out of left field without it, for example why is there a fish guy holding a book, what is all this blood for, why is there a giant fish lady next to a small ugly guy which you have captioned fish frickers, snails??? plus purple haired guy eating - what is that? what's a coffee jelly? and is that a blond guy in a maid dress? what is the dog-guy doing eating icecream with a blond guy? also why are there references to neck kisses? and also should i be worried about the concerning amount of times you've drawn this one guy in this one single piece of fanart (27 times btw lol) and wow your art is actually kinda good and i didn't know cause the last time you showed me your art was of your underdeveloped oc and bnha which was a year and a half ago. plus if that wasn't weird enough you've got artwork you uploaded to your tumblr signed with your username which you have not told your parents about so now you're worried they're gonna search up your tumblr and maybe see more of the said fanart and even worse your captions but also what have they seen already because i didn't turn of the layers on all my sketches so there's some wild shit on there and also cuss words (yes ik frickers is not exactly the worst cuss word out there, but it is in this economy) and your mom saw you doing your homework on your computer and was like oh are you fanboying again which like wth where did that come from but also mom i've seen some questionable shit on your phone and your dad who isn't exactly familiar with gayish stuff because we're from a pretty conservative country is like oh yeah homophobia bad all of a sudden in the middle of a random conversation about genetics of all things and geezus did i just solve homophobia and also apparently fishphobia in my family with fanart of anime people kissing and minecraft?
*deep breath* yeah....i dunno that feeling either........
draw fanart of anime and minecraft and change the world everybody, one maid dress and fish-person at a time. i love my parents lol
ps i might delete this soon lol
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catgriller · 8 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of. (No pressure btw!!)
Omg omg , so I’m gonna go from oldest to newest (late2021-recent2023)
The quality may be bad becuz im screenshooting most works from Instagram, this is also not in particular order.
1. Timebomb(Ekko x Jinx) - League of Legends fanart
I’ve liked this work since I finished it (9 December 2021) and I don’t think so stop loving it! Idk why tbh! Mostly becuz of the small details of .. everything but also becuz I feel as though THIS is where I first found my art style! I don’t think I’ll ever top this work (in my opinion)
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2. Technoblade Philza and that guy - …dsmp ☠️
Now I don’t like Dsmp at all anymore. (And tbh I don’t care if people still like it LOL) This is a 17 September 2022 redraw of a… 2020(?) art work (it was bad)….. Though I don’t like the fandom/content anymore I can still like the art! I really like the designs! REALLY BADLY TOO. IDK THEYRE JUST SO GOOD… might just steal them later and make them into my ocs
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3. Obikin (Anakin x Obi-Wan)- Star Wars
I rlly like the colours, it looks so warm and cozy………. This was the first time I drew Obi-Wan decently good too. (27 January 2023)
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4. Rexsoka (Ahsoka x Rex) - Star Wars
I really really love the colours, the anatomy is so delicious, and I just love those two immensely. I should rewatch clone wars now that I think about it………. I miss my Star Wars fixation so bad it was my PEAK!!! I just all together love this fanart so so much. Good memories too, fandom wise. (16 February 2023)
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5. Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
This was when I was experimenting with shapes and different colouring styles.. and tbh Draco is just so me and so my favourite.. actually I lied Harry is my fave… Idk! I just rlly like this recent-ish one! He’s such a baby! He’s my child!! (21 June 2023)
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ask-abe-oddworld · 4 years
oddworld ask game, tagged by my sister @ask-alf-oddworld !
1. Which Oddworld game is your favourite out of the series?
it’s hard to choose, but i’d have to go with Munch’s oddysee. it was the first game I was introduced to, and the first game I played.
2. Who’s your favourite mudokon?
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3. Who’s your favourite slig?
there aren’t many slig characters (unfortunately) but I like Lulu’s slig. he was a cool guy
4. Who’s your favourite glukkon?
Molluck, he was cool 😎
5. Who’s your favourite Oddworld character in general?
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6. Which sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Muds, sligs, gluks, vykkers etc)
definitely mudokons, they’re so cute
7. Which non-sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Paramites, scrabs, slogs etc)
gabbits babey!!
8. Which is your favourite level/cutscene?
I can’t choose a favourite level, but I can choose some of my favourite cutscenes! one was that cutscene in New n’ tasty where Abe first transforms into Shrykull and then he does that walk where you can tell he’s thinking ‘yeah i’m the shit’
other favourite cutscenes are the good ending from Munch’s oddysee, and Alf having a go at Abe in Exoddus because he and his friends want a drink.
9. Which location in Mudos is your favourite?
I actually really like west Mudos and wanna see more of it!
10. What’s your favourite quote/line from the games?
the b o i l e r ?
11. Which is your least favourite game out of the series?
this is a hard question, if I had to choose it’d have to be Stranger’s wrath, but that’s still a very good game.
12. Who is your least favourite Oddworld character?
eugene. also big bro sligs used to scare the absolute crap out of me
13. Natives or industrialists?
natives all the way!!
14. Abe, Munch, or Stranger?
I think we know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
although when I was first introduced to Oddworld, my favourite character was Munch- he’s a close second for me now, but I used to love him a lot
15. When did you first get into Oddworld?
I was around 7 years old when my sister showed me a drawing of Abe that she did. I was like “h u h” and Abe gave me a certain weird vibe that was hard to explain. a mixture of discomfort and intrigue.
she began telling me about the Oddworld games and showing me cutscenes and stuff, and I happily and excitedly watched her play them. I made a DeviantArt when I was 8 or 9 (has been abandoned for yEEEARS) where I mostly posted my Oddworld fanart.
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i drew this when i was like 8 or 9?
16. Has there ever been a moment in the games that terrified you?
the bad ending for Munch’s oddysee. sweet jesus
17. What moment from the games made you laugh?
i’ve has some really funny glitches, also various moments from cutscenes.
18. How many times have you played the games?
i’ve only finished Munch’s Oddysee and New n’ tasty once each, getting the good ending both times. I played part of Stranger’s wrath but stopped at Packrat Palooka (I think?)
as for all the other games, I watched my sister play them lmao
19. What’s your fondest Oddworld-related memory?
there’s multiple! finishing Munch’s oddysee for the first time and getting the good ending (I think I cried? lol) and any other one would probably be watching my sister play the games lmao
20. Do you have an OC?
oh man. i’ve had a lot of Oddworld ocs that have come and gone. the first one I made was called Bob, an average looking mudokon with a single red feather for hair. he stuck with me the longest but I abandoned him a couple years ago. he still means a lot to me though, he’s one of the ocs i’ve had for the longest in general. may revive him in future
though I am actually working on an OC at the moment! his name is Leif, he’s a farmer mudokon who grows crops and stuff. i’ll probably make an account for him later.
21. Do you have any headcanons?
yep! I can’t remember all of them, but one is that Toby is a teenager.
22. Do you have any AU ideas?
Abe but he’s on the side of the industrialists lmao
23. Do you own/collect any merch?
I have a Munch plush that my sister kindly gave to me!! I love him a lot
24. Do you have any unpopular opinions?
alf is smelly hehe
25. Who’s your favourite person (or people) on Oddtumblr?
y-you guys know who you are 🥺👉👈
(absolute favourite though is @ask-alf-oddworld , she’s my sister and she got me into Oddworld in the first place)
26. What are your thoughts on Lorne Lanning, Sherry McKenna, and/or Oddworld Inhabitants?
I love them and their work so so so so much, and can’t thank them enough for creating this beautiful and messed up story.
27. What piece of lore do you hope makes it into the games?
aw man. anything relating to the queens or Munch’s oddysee.
28. Which character from the lore do you hope shows up in the games?
29. What hopes do you have for the franchise?
I hope it gets more attention!
30. How has Oddworld impacted/influenced you?
it influenced me to develop morals. the stories were so creative and inspiring, but also based on actual things that were going on in the world. the Oddworld games have this unique and indescribable vibe about them (in a good way)
also Oddworld just made me really happy. it’s been one of my most important and biggest interests, it was the first thing I ever became really obsessed with, and I have so many positive childhood memories.
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Is it too much to ask you all those questions?
*Rubs hands together*
1. Your first OC ever?
I probably had OCs as a kid. Probably a Sailor Moon one or a Harry Potter OC (Most likely had a Harry Potter OC. The only one I can name for certain though was a witch named Caroline with an affinity for fire magic.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Right now? Claudia Hawke. I love talking about her and drawing her and writing her. Plus, she has a super cute boyfriend who I also love talking about and drawing.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Lol. Yeah. I have a few of @mikagesshoku‘s OCs now. The first was an ancient vampire named Mark (not his real name, but what he goes by in modern times). She liked how I wrote him and characterized him, so he became my son. Her Hawke, Quentin, is also now my Hawke (and Claudia’s big brother). She also prefers how I write her Mahariel.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Of my DA OCs? Aeducan and Brosca. Nothing against dwarves, I just haven’t fleshed them out very well.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Claudia Hawke. Her being popular and people wanting me to write/draw her would come with the ulterior motive of getting to write/draw Anders.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Claudia Hawke and Elira Bassat. Elira’s a bit taller and her hair is straight, but they’re both sassy, dual-wielding red heads. My old RP buddy actually confused one of my first drawings of Claudia for Elira (Claudia’s since had some cosmetic changes to make them look more different).
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Yes! I write for Claudia a lot.
You can find her here, here, and here. (Note: All of these contain graphic depictions of sex, so read at your own risk)
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
Elira Bassat was my OC that I RPed the longest as, but don’t anymore. She’s a sassy, dual-wielding red head, she’s nb, but generally prefers she/her or them/they pronouns (occasionally he/him). She’s also a big fan of vigilante justice.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
Hypothetically, yes. I couldn’t name which one, but if their new parent was going to treat them well, I would.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I generally try to keep them toned down or believable in appearance. But, there’s Rhyann Tabris, my tiny elf baby with snow-white hair (I say the quickening still effects elves and it made her hair go white as a child). She’s got a billion freckles and carries around a big sword.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
So, an optimist? I don’t know if I have any of those with my DA OCs. Probably Solona Amell. She’s the most likely to keep her chin up and try to cheer up the others.
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
I absolutely love @kirkwallgirl‘s Jay Hawke and @misterwiggums‘s Mads Hawke. They’re both super cute and love the mage!
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Claudia Hawke. She’s best friends with Isabela. They get into lots of trouble.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
I think of my DA OCs, I think Rhyann Tabris has a very tragic backstory. I relate to it on a personal level, which was why I chose her (they’ve all got super sad backstories, hers just resonates with me).
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
YES! Oh my God, if you guys want to ask me about my OCs, please do! I’d love to hear about all of yours, too!
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Solona Amell. She’s a healer.
17. Any OC OTPs?
With other OCs? I don’t know. Neria Surana and Solona Amell (as part of a polymance with Jowan, but he’s not my OC). With non OC characters, Claudia Hawke x Anders and Rhyann Tabris x Alistair Theirin.
18. Any OC crackships?
I don’t have any with just OCs. With OC x canon, I’m planning on writing a Claudia Hawke/Karl Thekla/Anders bi polymance in the future. Not really a crack ship (though I guess it is if you HC Karl as being gay; I’m in the he’s bi/pan camp), but I never thought I’d be pairing Claudia up with Karl before the idea struck me.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Rhyann Tabris means a lot to me because she was my first OC in a Dragon Age game, my first playthrough, and her origin really resonated with me.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Originally, Elira Bassat was a singer and she was supposed to sound a bit like Sara Taylor/Chibi from The Birthday Massacre, but I scrapped that.
Claudia Hawke enjoys singing, but she isn’t particularly good. I imagine she sings a little bit of everything, though I like the idea of her dramatically singing along to Helena by My Chemical Romance.
21. Your most artistic OC
Probably Elira Bassat. She isn’t an artist, but she’s pretty damn good at costume makeup.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
I don’t think anyone mischaracterizes them.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Sophie Cousland. I was originally going to romance Alistair with her, but I was too attached to Rhyann x Alistair, so Sophie became Aro/Ace.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Claudia Hawke, because she’d bring Anders with her.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Elira Bassat shared my build, height, and hair color at the time (I’m no longer a red head). But, I’ve given Rhyann Tabris a lot of my facial features.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC's design or something else about them against your will?
I’ve renamed OCs in the past. Can’t think of any off the top of my head, though.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Like, did I base them off a song? I don’t think I have any OCs like that.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Claudia Hawke or Rhyann Tabris.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
Probably Solona Amell. She wouldn’t want to trouble anyone with her curiosity. Claudia would go too, but half of Kirkwall would know she was going.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Rhyann Tabris. In a modern AU, she probably saves every stuffed animal Alistair has ever gave her or won her at a carnival and loves them all.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Solona Amell’s would be a lot of quotes from book, pictures of pretty cups of tea/coffee, plants, and the occasional cute animal. Mostly aesthetic.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
In a survival/horror, Rhyann Tabris because she fits the personality archetype they use for those sorts of games (timid female protagonist).
33. Your shyest OC?
Rhyann Tabris. She’s extremely shy, and tends to avoid most human men until they earn her trust.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Sophie Cousland has a twin brother named Jarak. He’s a bit flirty, but is overall a good person.
35. Any sibling characters?
Claudia Hawke has an older brother named Quentin. He’s a mage and she’s extremely protective over him.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Rhyann Tabris is the cousin of @mikagesshoku‘s Lyna Mahariel and Misali Mahariel. Claudia Hawke is also friends with Lyna.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
All of my elves/dwarves/qunari? I’m in the mood to mention Thaliah Lavellan, though, given she’s a Dalish elf. She also hooks up with a Qunari.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
I say Claudia Hawke is a former ballet dancer in a modern AU. Though, I imagine Sophie and Jarak are pretty light on their feet, given they’re nobles.
39. Introduce any character you want
I’m world building for an original story in some of my free time, and the main character is named Lilika, though she goes by Lily for most of the story. She’s a seer raised by a wlw couple since she was around 10 years old and she’s blind in her right eye.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Whenever anyone leaves nice comments/tags on artwork I do of them! I’ve had a couple people comment that Claudia and Rhyann are very pretty, and it makes me so happy (especially with Rhyann because I gave her some of my features that I consider ugly).
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
I sadly don’t have any pictures on my current phone of it, but my nephew drew Claudia Hawke and one of his characters from the comic books he likes to draw hanging out. It was really cute.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
I’m really tempted to say all of them and leaving it at that, but I’d bet money that Neria Surana went through a very intense Greek mythology period of her life.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It's time to confess
YES. I like tall girls with red hair and who are also the more dominant partner in a relationship. I’ve been getting better with it. But I do have at least five red heads, most of which are tall, and most of which are the more dominant partner in a relationship.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I love them all and how they all have various facets of me. I try to make them all a little bit like me.
45. A character you no longer use?
I used to RP as Nikolai (a vampire) quite regularly, but I haven’t in years.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Yes. My old RP buddy used to tell me all the time that I was being mean to our OCs, but in a you’re being mean, but it makes the story so good way.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
The same RP buddy from number 46 did. He’d call our OCs our “children”, so his were my children too.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Solona Amell. She’s a precious child who deserves love.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Claudia Hawke, Quentin Hawke, Neria Surana, Jarak Cousland, Elira Bassat. Most of them.
50. Give me the good ol' OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Claudia Hawke and Sophie Cousland are named after characters from The Chipmunk Adventure. Claudia was the name of the villain and Sophie was the name of her dog. Quentin is named after a character from a book and his appearance is based somewhat off the same character.
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Mystic Messenger Fan Challenge! I can’t remember who made this, I tried to find their account again but I can’t… So credits to them for the questions, I’m still trying to find you! XD
[EDIT] Found them! Credits to http://turquoisequiche.tumblr.com/ ^^
1. Favorite character Seven, followed closely by Saeran!
2. Favorite route 707~
3. Favorite theme Geniusly Hacked Bedop (707 happy theme) or Lonesome Practicalism (Jaehee happy theme)
4. Favorite chat background Evening clouds~
5. Favorite “Cheritz” voice Seven ^^
6. Favorite voice Seven, Jaehee, Vanderwood or Rika… Can’t choose!
7. Favorite chat emoji Seven’s love emoji keke It’s the first pic at the top of this post lol
8. Favorite kiss Hmm… Probably Zen~
9. Favorite confession of love SEVEN
10. Favorite RFA party outfits Jumin or Seven.
11. Favorite party guest Probably @keyboard. He’s so innocent and nerdy looking XD or TIARANOL
12. Favorite chat I love the chat in the prologue with Saeran hehe XD But an actual chat?.. Hmm…. 707 Day 10, 12:07, “Please Remember”. All the feels right there…
13. Favorite call Either Seven Day 10 “I’m not afraid to die for you”, or Seven Day 11 “I love you”. Also Zen Day 10 “I’m here with you” <3
14. Favorite CG Either Seven #32 or Seven #40. I adore #32 because it’s when he first came to accept his feelings for you and let himself show it, and I also love #40 because it shows his character development and it was the pivotal time in the plotline where he finally got his brother back <3 The CGs are in the pics above.
15. Favorite good end Probably Zen..?
16. Favorite after ending Jaehee!
17. Favorite bad end Probably 707’s Bad Relationship Ending, purely because it fucked me up big time with feels and made me cry. ;;;
18. Worst bad end Jumin’s Bad Ending 2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
19. Favorite headcanon That Saeran actually has a really soppy, fluffy side underneath his mask of angst, that he only shows it to those who are really close to him. And that he’s super attention seeking and cuddly with you but will ‘kill you’ if you tell anyone.
20. Favorite ship (platonic/romantic) BUT I HAVE TOO MANY DAMNIT - Seven x MC - Seven x Vanderwood - Seven x Jumin - V x Rika (when she wasn’t insane, headcanon where V helped her get better) - V x Jumin - Saeran x MC
21. Favorite character interaction with each other Jumin and Zen fighting about cats tbh XD
22. Best plot Seven’s and the secret endings ;;;
23. Best character development Seven by far.
24. Best antagonist Saeran of course hehe
25. Worst antagonist Rika… Damnit…
26. Best character design Saeran definitely
27. Character who left the biggest impression on you Seven;;
28. Character you’d want to be BFFs with Seven, Jaehee or Yoosung
29. Character you romantically ship yourself with Jaehee or.. Seven?… But not sexually. I’m gay lol idk
30. Most relatable character Yoosung
31. Most tragic character V…;;
32. Funniest character Seven.
33. First route Zen
34. First impression of the game ‘This looks very old Fashioned and….cheesy. But I know I’ll end up obsessed with it somehow.~’
35. First impression for each character - Zen: ‘Holy shit this man is gorgeous he’s captured my fucking heart already and it’s only Day 1’ - Yoosung: ‘AWWWWWW HES SO ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS I WANNA PROTECT HIM’ - Jaehee: ’….Bitch, stop trying to take Zen away from me. Fuck you. FUCK’ - But then it turned into more of a ‘DAMNIT WOMAN LOVE ME BACK IM GAY’ when I did her route. - Jumin: ’….a little arrogant but… I know there’s love in there somewhere.’ - Seven: 'I NEED YOUR ROUTE I NEED YOU AND YOU NEED ME DAMNIT LOL YOURE ADORABLE’ - V: ’…that dude is hiding something… Is he gonna be the bad guy here?’ - Saeran: ’………..holy shit what the fuck is going on’ tbh I was terrified of him to start with XD - Rika: 'bitch go die in a hole you hurt my innocent V’ …I’ve grown to love her since then, since i learned of her backstory and that she couldn’t help it. - Vanderwood: 'aw, they’re cute. They need more love.’
36. First character you fell for Lovely Zenny~
37. Korean OP vs English OP Korean all the way!! I…..know all the lyrics even though I don’t speak Korean ^^;;;
38. Current number of hourglasses 949.
39. How did you find out about this game? What made you decide to download it? I started seeing the fanart and posts about it on Instagram, it drew my attention and I had to withhold myself from playing it for a while because I knew I’d get obsessed with it. ..well, I wasn’t wrong lololol - I downloaded it because I was bored and saw some 707 fanart, and decided it was time to give in.
40. When did you start playing it? 25th October 2016 ^^
41. Have you completed all the routes and unlocked the secret endings? Yup!
42. Free to play or paid to play? If so, what did you spend on? Well… I completed the five good endings without buying hourglasses (..okay maybe I bought a couple hundred once). But then I bought the VIP package after much saving and literally squealed when I found out it came with 1000 HGs and the calling cards, max speed ect ect. Used a quite a few of these HGs in the Xmas DLC to catch up on missed chats.
43. Were you ever obsessed with this game at one point? What are you talking about, of course i haven- I A M F U C K I N G O B S E S S E D W I T H I T
44. How dedicated are you to this game? Do you set alarms and try to get 100% for each day etc? Lol I used to when I was playing the main five good ends, but I didn’t for the Xmas DLC.
45. Do you play the game blindly or follow walkthroughs? I played blind without looking at what answers to pick to get certain endings, but I used the walkthroughs by @otomeobsessed to set alarms for the chatrooms.
46. Did you play the game properly? From casual route to deep route in recommended order? Yeah, the funny thing is, I played it in the recommended order without even realising it XD And when I saw that I had, I was like whaaaat
47. Moments that made you laugh out loud? Seven’s fourth wall breaks and utter sass, along with Jumin and Zen’s fucking bitchfights.
49. How many photos/screenshots of MM are in your photo gallery? …..*nervous sweating* …….uh….uh….. Well there’s…uh… 6,000 photos…altogether in my camera roll.. And uh.. Half of those are mm related.. I have tons of fanart saved ……and about 2,000 in-game screenshots that I need to go through…..;;;;;;;;
50. How has this game affected you overall? Do you regret playing it? Hands down NO REGRETS!! (*refrains from making aot reference*) (*hoe don’t do it*) Honestly the best game I’ve played in a long time. The feels, the characters, the plotlines, the fUCKING FOURTH WALL… I really connected with the characters so much I had to fucking mourn for one of them damn I love this game. Thank you, Cheritz!
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