#is it cuz most of his movies main protags are Boy And Girl Who Fall In Love?
just blocked and unfollowed someone for putting Makoto Shinkai slander on my dash. your name is literally The Movie Of All Time, and suzume made me feel emotions i haven't been able to stop feeling for days. it's this serious to me
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elexuscal · 4 years
Media after COVID-19
I’ve mentioned before that Covid-19 is going to almost certainly have a huge impact on our lives. These impacts will be varied, far reaching, and affect varied elements of our lives.
I”m gonna focus on media cuz it’s fun and relatively easier to predict.
To start, we’re gonna see a reeaaal slow down in most main stream films and TV shows. Can’t film if studios are closed, after all- and who wants to risk putting movies out if you don’t know when people will be going to theaters again?
That said, don’t expect this to be immediate. There’s gonna be plenty of stuff in post-production which might have some delay, but still be coming out.
Expect things like books, podcasts, indie games, etc- all stuff that can mostly be done at home, in smaller teams-  to keep chugging along. I personally fully intend to fill my Media Void with them
Also, I’m expecting at least one YA novel about a world where Touching Is forbidden because of a Terrible Plague. Protag Girl accidentally touches Love Interest Boy- the scandal!- but sparks fly. Protag Girl will turn out to be immune. 
But, okay. What about once the Mainstream Media gets back into full swing?
There’s that one post going around about A Straight White Middle Class Couple that falls in love again. This prediction is completely accurate. 
There’s that one post going around about the ‘America- Fuck Yeah!’ piece on how the US singlehandedly stopped the pandemic. This prediction is also completely accurate.
I like to hope, however, there will also be another, much better, more accurate dramatization of the Covid-19 response that will take a global perspective and show Proper Science in it. 
I’m fully expecting a “Based On a True Story” heart-string puller about some kid and/or grandparent who gets coronavirus and how Nearly Dying Taught Them To Live. 50/50 on whether they survive or not, irregardless of whether the person its based on did or not. 
A Zany Comedy about a hapless dad who gets stuck as his kids’ sole caregiver during quarantine. Hijinks ensue. 
Please give me at least one murder mystery where the closed door set up is they’re all stuck inside cuz quarantine.
Zombie stories are gonna be coming back in a biiiig way. I know folks. We’re still barely over the last wave of them. Whether or not it’ll last depends on whether the reaction is ‘sweet catharsis’ or ‘actually this is a little on the nose’. 
Sit coms/dramas set in the real world are gonna have to tackle the question of how to address This Whole Thing when they first come back. There will be a few approaches:
A number will just ignore them flat out. Easier that way, don’t have to mess with current plots/timelines.
A handful will wave it away with comments like, “When did you grow a beard?” “y’know, in quarantine.”
Plenty will have A Single Episode about the epidemic. The comedic ones with be Self-Isolation Hijinks, while the serious ones will involve a cast member actually getting sick. Quality will vary hugely.
Soooooo many physical distancing bottle episodes. I’m looking forward to this, cuz I’m a sucker for a good bottle episode. 
I’m predicting one or two series/seasons specifically set during Covid-19, for its full duration. I’m expecting quality to either be fantastic or awful, no in between. 
Adult animated comedies like South Park are gonna have a field day, one seconded only by...
Medical procedurals. You can just imagine.
At least one of those medical procedurals will win an Emmy.
Annnd... I think that’s what I’ve got. Anyone got anything to add on? 
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