#iron boost lv 9000
annasbowlerhat · 2 months
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Got a notification from the hospital that I am to come in and talk about surgically remove a lump that's clinging on to my lower ribbs and hurts like heck when being irritated. It has been there since late 2018.. and has grown. D8 Do not need!
The catch... is that my iron and blood levels are too low according to the last doctor I met a few days ago and they might not operate.
I have been given iron boost IV's twice this past 4 weeks and now I need to keep it high enough to go through with the procedure. I have some other remedies on the list as well.. but I am a bit against it buuut we'll see.
Black pudding and green vegetables on the menu and normal food of course.
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traceemerald · 1 year
-January 8th, Factory Tyrant's Journal, Entry 20-
I'm going to start today by making a network tool (AE2), which lets me see what stuff I have connected to my network, and how much power it's using.
I'm making this now because if my network breaks later, a network tool should help me fix it, not that I'm planning to break my network.
A network tool also lets me see through cable facades (AE2), which basically let me apply any block face I want to ME cables, which is useful for hiding them in the floor (unfortunately I don't get a speed boost when walking over concrete facades).
I already made some cable facades earlier, but didn't mention it because they don't really do much.
Anyway, I'd like to make a thermal centrifuge (IC2) so I can squeeze a little more metal out of my ores (I'll also be able to process uranium with this, but that's more of a bonus feature).
Thermal centrifuges have 2 main purposes, first is as the semifinal step in ore processing (last one is furnace), and second is recycling used nuclear fuel (I don't have any).
They can also be used for some other miscellaneous recipes, but the only useful one is turning (non-Railcraft) slag into coal dust and small amounts of gold.
Normally that also wouldn't be useful because IC2 slag comes from IC2 blast furnaces, but TCR also lets me use Thermal Foundation slag, which I can get by smelting gravel.
Anyway, I've made a thermal centrifuge, which (if I remember correctly) is even slower than an ore washing plant.
Before I use this for anything, I'm going to make a few more machines, those being a thermal washer (Advanced Machines, basically a better ore washing plant) and 2 electric sorting machines (IC2, sorts items).
One annoying thing about crafting a thermal washer is that, despite Railcraft and Thermal Foundation adding sulfur, I have to use IC2 sulfur for some reason, this is the only sulfur recipe that requires a specific kind of sulfur.
Anyway, I've made the machines, so now it's time for me to tear down my old ore processor so I can use the parts to make a new one.
Here's a picture of the new one.
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There are 3 new things here that I don't think I've talked about yet, the MV-transformer connected to the wire that extends off-screen (safely converts tier 3 power to tier 2 power, mostly just used so that if I get tier 3 power the more expensive stuff doesn't break), the LV-transformer down by the pump (safely converts tier 2 power to tier 1 power), and the DirtChest 9000! from Iron Chests (can hold 1 stack of dirt and nothing else, the exclamation mark is actually part of the name).
Honestly, I think the DirtChest 9000! is more of a meme addition, but if I put it on top of a hopper, the hopper won't try to pick up items from the world, it will only check the DirtChest 9000!'s 1 item slot, which is good for reducing lag (same can be done with composters in vanilla 1.14+), although I don't think I'm using enough hoppers for this to make even an unnoticeable difference.
Also, the MV-transformer will explode if it receives tier 4 power, which will cause my ore processor to stop working due to not being powered anymore, but I think that's preferable over the entire ore processor breaking and needing to be replaced.
One problem I've noticed with my new ore processor now that I'm testing it is that it uses a lot more power (which I should have expected), which means I'll need to craft more generators.
I'll do that next time.
-End Journal Entry 20-
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