#iowa straw poll
mfb1949 · 2 months
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pauldelancey · 10 months
Strawberry Balsamic Chicken
American Entree ­ STRAWBERRY BALSAMIC CHICKEN ­ INGREDIENTS­ ­ ⅔ pound (about 2 cups) strawberries 4 chicken breasts ½ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup balsamic vinegar (½ cup more later) ½ cup balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard ½ tablespoon minced garlic 1 teaspoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon fresh basil ­ SPECIAL UTENSIL ­ 8″ * 12″ casserole dish. ­ Serves…
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i have shit to do and my brain will not stop repeating “the man who would be king / don quixote of iowa, tilting at straw polls” at me but like first of all i never really thought about how that first reference is maxim like, clocking connors imperialist failson ass on reputation alone. second he literally delivers it in poetic metre (three iambs, three anapests, one short syllable) which is so tasty for a line referencing donnie q. also both references obliquely hint at the relationship between ideals of femininity, marriage, and empire and foreshadow connors need to make willa into a respectable wife as the necessary foil to his own desired social role. will tracy im scooping ur brain with a spoon
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garavigujarat02 · 3 months
Ramaswamy, Noem top straw polls to pick Trump’s running mate
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As Donald Trump seems ready to get a third official selection from the Conservative Faction, as per media reports, a straw survey directed at a critical moderate activists' social occasion demonstrated that Indian-beginning biotech business visionary Vivek Ramaswamy and South Dakota Lead representative Kristi Noem were tied as the main possibility to turn into the previous US president's bad habit official running mate.
The straw survey, at the Moderate Political Activity Meeting or CPAC, declared toward the finish of the four-day gathering outside Washington on Saturday (24) said that Noem and Ramaswamy each accumulated 15% of the vote in the straw survey, The New York Times announced.
Tech business person Ramaswamy, 38, who was brought into the world in Cincinnati to Indian migrant guardians, ran for the conservative official selection this year however exited the race subsequent to completing fourth in January's Iowa councils. He then pulled out from the race and supported Trump.
Noem, 52, turned into the principal lady legislative leader of South Dakota when she was chosen in 2018, embraced by Trump. During the Coronavirus pandemic, she rose to public noticeable quality over her refusal to give statewide commands for inoculations and wearing facial coverings.
It was the first time in quite a while that an inquiry regarding whom conservatives ought to pick for VP had eclipsed one about the official chosen one in the study of participants, the NYT report said.
It was likewise in light of the fact that Trump, 77, won the official survey with an avalanche over Nikki Haley, beating her 94% to five percent.
The last time Trump was not the top decision for the White House among CPAC participants was in 2016 when Texas Congressperson Ted Cruz finished first, the report said.
Previous Indian-beginning Delegate Tulsi Gabbard, from Hawaii, who ran for president as a liberal in 2020 yet has since passed on the party to turn into a free, completed third with nine percent of the votes followed by Agent Elise Stefanik of New York and Representative Tim Scott of South Carolina with eight percent casts a ballot each.
Representative JD Vance of Ohio, whom CPAC participants picked as their number one congressperson, got two percent of the votes, behind previous Fox Reporter Exhaust Carlson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the political scion of a Popularity based family who is presently running for president as a free, the report said.
The report said that Trump's third official mission would be his first without previous VP Mike Pence as the two headed out in different directions politically after Pence would not assist with besting the 2020 political decision won by Joe Biden, a leftist. Trump on Sunday (25) got a reverberating success over his Indian-American opponent Haley in South Carolina in the conservative primary. Trump has now won each challenge that counted for conservative representatives, adding to his past successes in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and the US Virgin Islands.
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nodynasty4us · 5 months
The Iowa secretary of state held an online straw poll for high school students on January 9. It’s part of a curriculum to educate future voters.
Here’s a summary of the results.
From 1301 votes:
Marianne Williamson: 41.8%
Joe Biden: 30.1%
Dean Phillips: 28.1%
From 3473 votes:
Melissa Biondi: 12.3%
Jon Stewart: 9.2%
Followed by scattered votes for a large number of other names. Possibly a lot of students picked randomly from Ballotpedia. Or for all I know, some of them voted for themselves and persuaded many classmates to do as well.
From 5442 votes:
Donald Trump: 54.1%
Nikki Haley: 19.1%
Ron DeSantis: 9.4%
Vivek Ramaswamy: 8.2%
Ryan Binkley: 5.2%
Chris Christie: 2.6%
Asa Hutchinson: 1.4%
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camestrosfelapton · 5 months
Straw Puppy's POTUS Polls - 2024
For your sins we are once again trapped in the purgatory of a US Presidential Election year. It only feels like four years since the last one! To kick things off, former-President Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses by a large margin, with Florida governor Ron DeSantis a distant second and ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley coming in third. Electorally, Trump appears to be unassailable as the likely…
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pipelinelaserraygun · 5 months
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🆓⬆️📚 BOOK PREVIEW❣️ Intelligent Design is ™️: God.
The neverending 🌌 heavens declare a 🕎 Creator of ALL.
ALL pottery, try as 👺 some of it might, cannot outdo a Divine 🌎 Potter's blueprints.
Without the Almighty's spark of Eternal life, EVERYTHING else is/are perishable goods.
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🆓 ENTIRE 🎬🍿 MOVIE❣️ Classic Sci-Fi and, perhaps, near-future nonfiction, 🪰 it concerns the tinkering of 🧬.
I 💀 URGE YOU ALL: 💉💊Humans 🐀 are NOT lab rats.
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The 🔚 of the Beginning has ARRIVED, and you shall 1st be slammed with campaigns of half-truths.
Jesus warned AGAINST 👑 pretenders to the Throne, getting lies out to the 🐑🐏 sheeple slightly ahead of the Savior and Messiah's return.
👺 they will be persuasive, causing some to go astray.
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Remember adding a 🆕🇺🇸🪖 branch of the Armed Forces? Unbeknownst to a majority, it could have lots to do with the arrivals of both welcome and unwelcomed angel armies FROM outer space, and/or, of extra-dimensional origins.
Stay on 🔝 of these things‼️
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For DECADES, godless elites have wrestled unsuccessfully to lay groundwork for origins of Life that don't credit God. They're grasping at straws‼️
👺 demonic operatives have been drinking 🚰 too much of the 👿 devil's Kool-Aid.
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trmpt · 10 months
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dertaglichedan · 11 months
Donald Trump Dominates Turning Point Action’s GOP Primary Straw Poll at 87.5%
Attendees at a major conservative conference over the weekend overwhelmingly voted for former President Donald Trump in a Republican presidential primary straw poll.
According to the Trafalgar Group poll, attendees at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, chose Trump at 87.5% among Republican candidates and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at only 4.3%.
DeSantis actually came in third behind businessman Perry Johnson, who garnered 7.8%, despite the conference happening in the governor’s state.
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Republican presidential candidate Perry Johnson on May 13, 2023 in Des Moines, Iowa. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
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Kirk called the event and attendees the “pulse of the grassroots.”
Two other Republican presidential candidates spoke at the event — former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez.
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*** No Pence?? LOL
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iowamedia · 2 years
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citizensaul · 2 years
chapter 12 The making of Trump #45
The people in Europe wondered how Americans could have picked a guy like Trump to be President and I ask the same question how did it happen, let's explore. Initially all Trump wanted to do was enhance his Trump brand then he picked up on the age old theme of dictators who he is enamored of ,racism and hate.He actually took a page from  Hitler's Mein Kampf which calls for dividing the country on racist lines to create a base of supporters so rallies will show massive supporters and as Melania had mentioned in the Book "Melania and me" by her former friend  Stephanie Wolkoff who Melania betrayed, "perception is more important than reality". Don the Con needed to show massive support so he began with small bribes, gift cards as incentive and gradually those crowds did grow with  White Supremacist Racists and Neo Nazi Anti-semites. He had his base and sadly STILL DOES. Insurrection ,stealing Top secrets, nothing matters they have their cult leader and he prods them with his vitriolic speeches no different than the author of Mein Kampf !
Manufacturing jobs were lost to American workers as Corporate America found a labor source in foreign countries that worked for very little to produce their goods and bottom line was all that mattered.Most all the job losses came in states known as the Rust Belt, Indiana,illinois,Ohio,Missouri,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Michigan.The Trump team used Social media to blame Hillary for allowing those jobs to be lost claiming she took millions in bribes ( Trump's incentive modus operandi) from manufacturers to let them flee the states. It was a huge lie like everything Trump but it was starting to work as the polls began to show Trump's numbers improving. Desperate unemployed people will grasp on to any straw that they can cling to and Trump told them he is not a politician but a very successful businessman who would never have taken money to let them lose their livelihoods, NEVER but SHE DID ! It wasn't very long after that Putin, Trump's puppeteer decided it was time for Russia to enter U.S politics to help elect their most valuable asset . Some of the names you'll recognize from previous chapters because everything is intertwined when recreating this history of the Trump years 2016-2020. Paul Manafort had ties to Trump,he also had an appetite for real estate and took loans from a russian mafia figure turned oligarch named Oleg Deripaska.Even Mitch McConnell knows Deripaska he took a ton of dough from the Russian. Manafort was beholden to the Russian and he had loads of very sophisticated voting data of the Rust Belt since Manafort was involved with the political polling data outfit ,Cambridge Analytica. He gave that info to Deripaska and it was so sophisticated it covered specific precincts hit the hardest  with unemployment. Deripaska passed the info to Russian Intelligence that became proficient in cyberwarfare but they went way beyond the lies and misinformation they posted on Social media platforms. They sent agents to these Rust Belt sites acting as angry Americans who lost their jobs because of Clinton's GREED ! They held signs Hillary for prison and Lock her up she stole your jobs ! At the time every poll showed Hillary way ahead with Electoral College votes and had more than the 270 required to win the Presidency something  over 300. On November 8,2016 when those votes were counted it was just the reverse with Trump 304 and Clinton 227 and she was stunned as were most of us who voted for her. She won the popular vote by three Million votes but only the archaic Electoral vote selects the President. It must be noted that Rust Belt voters are mostly White non college educated people who tend to vote Republican but many did not believe Trump but most all succumbed to the Russians play acting and trump won those states also Florida and Iowa turned against Clinton because they were infuriated when  the Russians claimed she used Clinton Charitable foundation money to pay for her daughter's wedding. We know that Trump has serious mental problems and it's compounded by his character flaws of being dishonest,unethical,immoral,inhumane and really evil as well as having no shame,no respect for the rule of law and not caring about anyone except himself,even family relations are superficial . All of this will take us to what transpired on January 6,2021 so stay tuned for the next chapter of History.
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mfb1949 · 2 months
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
What the hell is going on? CNN and MSNBC are telling us that Biden is leading among all groups of people, especially young people. I’m not sure what is going on.
    I wouldn’t trust any polls. They said in 2016 that Hillary was leading by a landslide, and look what happened. I will tell you that I’m very nervous with only days to go. I never received my mail-in ballot.  I have to go and vote in…
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2021 Top Games of the Week: Week 7
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We don’t have any real heavyweight fights, but plenty of intrigue flying around some division and conference races.
The Top Ten Games of the Week
10. #20 Florida 4-2 (2-2) at LSU 3-3 (1-2)
The SEC can usually be countered on to conjure up interesting games even at the periphery of division races. Florida and LSU have both taken a few black eyes already. Things are going South in Baton Rouge pretty quickly, and many people are afraid for Ed Orgeron’s job at this point. A loss to the Gators might be the final straw for a program with national championship aspirations.
9. Auburn 4-2 (1-1) at #17 Arkansas 4-2 (1-2)
Both of these teams are holding steady against a tough schedule. I’m not sure many teams can beat Georgia. Auburn and Arkansas are likely out of the West race already but if they want any hope for a late run they need to win this game.
8. #5 Alabama 5-1 (1-1) at Mississippi State 3-2 (1-1)
We’re about to watch Alabama take its frustrations out on an air raid team. Could be fun to watch.
7. TCU 3-2 (1-1) at #4 Oklahoma 6-0 (3-0)
TCU’s defense probably isn’t going to be able to pull off the upset, but the Sooners have looked so shaky at times it’s hard to tell if they’ll implode one of these weeks.
6. #13 Ole Miss 4-1 (1-1) at Tennessee 4-2 (2-1)
The SEC has a bundle of teams figuring themselves out. Ole Miss has been looking strong most of this season, while Tennessee seems to be figuring things out on offense. This has the potential for a lot of scoring.
5. Pittsburgh 4-1 (1-0) at Virginia Tech 3-2 (1-0)
Finally, an honest to god division game with some weight to it. So far, Pitt and Virginia Tech look like the only serious contenders for the ACC Coastal title. Every other team in the division has disappointed at least once and a few have looked very bad. The winner here will have a nice lead on the rest of the field and should find themselves in Charlotte.
4. #22 NC State 4-1 (1-0) at Boston College 4-1 (1-0)
We may be living in an post-Clemson Atlantic Division. NC State is in poll position, and a team like Boston College has the toughness to threaten them.
3. #11 Kentucky 6-0 (4-0) at #1 Georgia 6-0 (4-0)
Well it was fun while it lasted. Kentucky comes face to face with reality when they travel to Athens.
2. #18 Arizona State 5-1 (3-0) at Utah 3-2 (2-0)
I suppose that UK-UGA is a bigger game but this one has an outcome that’s in doubt. Utah and ASU are already the best viable contenders for the PAC-12 South title. The winner here has a great claim to travel to Vegas.
1. #12 Oklahoma State 5-0 (2-0) at #25 Texas 4-2 (2-1)
Big 12 intrigue never ceases. Unless you think the only team that matters is Oklahoma, in which case this game might not matter.
5 G5 Games of the Week
5. Fresno State 4-2 (1-1) at Wyoming 4-1 (0-1) 
The Mountain West has several good teams in a pack racing towards the championship. This week Fresno and Wyoming meet.
4. #24 San Diego State 5-0 (1-0) at San Jose State 3-3 (1-1)
San Diego Sate makes it into the top 25 as one of the few remaining undefeated G5 teams. How far can the Aztecs go?
3. UCF 3-2 (1-1) at #3 Cincinnati 5-0 (1-0)
Probably not a big deal.
2. 19 BYU 5-1 at Baylor 5-1 (3-1)
BYU took one on the chin with their loss to Boise State. The Cougars likely can’t recoup an NY6 bid unless something goes severely wrong with a few conferences. 
1. Air Force 5-1 (2-1) at Boise State 3-3 (1-1)
Boise State is back apparently, but so is Air Force. This looks like the best product on the field in the G5 this week.
FCS Games of the Week
5. Indiana State 3-3 (1-2) at #20 Missouri State 3-2 (2-1)
The MVFC has a higher batting average that most FCS conference in producing good matchups..
4. Dartmouth 4-0 (2-0) at #23 New Hampshire 3-2 (2-1)
In-state rivals Dartmouth and New Hampshire meet for the first time in five years with high stakes on both sides.
3. #22 North Dakota 2-3 (0-2) at #4 Southern Illinois 5-1 (3-0)
2. #21 South Dakota 4-2 (2-1) at #16 Northern Iowa 3-2 (1-1)
Two more good undercard games provided by the MVFC.
1. #9 Montana State 5-1 (3-0) at #19 Weber State 2-3 (1-1)
The Big Sky takes honors this week as Playoff hopefuls Montana State and Weber State battle for league supremacy.
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nodynasty4us · 3 years
From the May 31, 2021 roundup:
[Ron] DeSantis came in second place behind Trump in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll in Orlando earlier this year.
A Politico/Morning Consult survey released earlier this month showed [Mike] Pence in second place behind Trump among potential 2024 GOP presidential contenders. Additionally, a poll conducted by Tony Fabrizio, who did polling work for Trump’s 2020 campaign, showed last month that Pence was the front-runner among a potential list of contenders, garnering 19 percent support. DeSantis followed close behind with 17 percent.
[Kristi] Noem sparked 2024 speculation this week after she formed a federal PAC dubbed the Noem Victory Fund. The governor is also slated to visit the first presidential caucus state of Iowa in July, where she will address social conservatives at the FAMiLY Leadership summit in Des Moines.
[Nikki] Haley is slated to headline the Iowa GOP’s annual Lincoln Dinner, the state party’s most prominent gathering of the year, in June. She also launched her Stand for America PAC in January and has actively endorsed Republican candidates ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
“I’m always up for a good fight,” [Mike] Pompeo said. “I care deeply about America. You and I have been a part of the conservative movement for an awfully long time now. I aim to keep at it.”
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is seen as another potential 2024 contender who has significantly worked to raise his profile since being elected to the upper chamber.
Hawley has been consistently critical of the Biden administration, and even voted against the majority of Biden’s Cabinet-level nominees. The senator also published a new book this year, in which he criticizes the influence of big tech corporations. The book got an endorsement from Trump, who called it “fantastic” earlier this month.
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has fueled speculation that he will run in 2024, making a number of trips to Iowa and New Hampshire.
In January, Cotton told an audience of New Hampshire Republican Party members that he planned to return to the state “very, very soon.”
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), a rising star within the Republican Party, has also been floated as a potential 2024 presidential candidate.
The senator sparked 2024 speculation last month when he attended an event hosted by the Iowa Republican Party.
National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Rick Scott (R-Fla.) is another senator who has fueled 2024 speculation. Scott made his first in-person appearance in Iowa last month, meeting with Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa), and the state’s GOP chairman Jeff Kaufman.
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
By Anis Shivani, whose recent political books include Why Did Trump Win?, Confronting American Fascism, and A Radical Human Rights Solution to the Immigration Problem. He is the author of many critically-acclaimed books of fiction, poetry, and criticism, including, most recently, A History of the Cat in Nine Chapters or Less
Forcing the March 17 primaries in Florida, Arizona and Illinois to go forward, despite reports of exceedingly low turnout throughout the day (which miraculously and quite expectedly turned into higher turnouts than 2016 in both Florida and Arizona by the time the final reporting came in), was the last straw. This farce occurred despite the Ohio governor postponing their primary on the same day. This slap in the face of voters was then compounded by the even worse parody of the April 7 Wisconsin primary being allowed to go ahead at the peak of the pandemic, with polling stations vastly reduced (from 180 to just 5 in Milwaukee alone) and absentee ballots often not received or recorded, while maintaining the pretense that somehow all of this constituted a legitimate election.
In the middle of the pandemic, with the entire nation considering a de facto lockdown and many communities already there, the DNC was hell-bent on driving the final nail in the coffin of the youth movement, even though the Sanders campaign had suspended GOTV efforts, for obvious reasons, and even if Biden never really had a presence in any of the latest round of states.
In Maricopa County, Arizona, where many polling stations were shut down, in-person turnout was reportedly higher by 10,000 people than in 2016! And that’s just one representative example from the March 17 primary states. Furthermore, the DNC threatened the remaining primary states against postponing their elections for health reasons, preempting moves similar to those made by Louisiana, Georgia and others. The stage is being set for a virtual convention, followed by the possible resurgence of the illness in the fall to orchestrate a virtual general election. Social distancing has come in handily as the most convenient antidote to political solidarity. Biden has already made it clear that he’s not the least bit interested in making any real overtures toward bereft progressives, just as Hillary wasn’t after her forceful seizure of the nomination in 2016.
When they stopped counting the vote in Iowa, depriving the leading candidate of essential momentum, it was a clear indication that once again the party establishment would do everything to manipulate results in favor of yet another neoliberal avatar bound to lose to Trump in an ignominious landslide—which is actually what the Democratic party establishment wants, four more years of their demonized opponent rather than the tiniest return toward social decency. Nothing about the coronavirus changes this essential dynamic.
That’s how bad the Democratic party has become, blatantly tipping the scales toward their favored outcome in order to maintain oligarchic control, and they expect us to Vote Blue No Matter Who?
We’re asked to believe that the candidate who supported ordinary people at the grassroots level all across the country, by lending crucial support to strikesand direct action, spawning innumerable viable candidacies at the local and state levels, and regularly summoning many thousands of people to populist rallies calling for basic human decency, was easily defeated by a cognitively challenged Wall Street shill who has backed every economic and foreign policy barbarity of the last 50 years, and who cannot be put in a small gym with a few dozen people without descending into furious spittles of verbal aggression.
We’re supposed to trust that the candidate with a pervasive national presence for the last five years was suddenly, in a matter of 72 hours, annihilated by the geezer who had zero volunteers, staff or advertising in any of the states he miraculously turned around by 20, 30 or 40 points.
It’s time to put an end to this sham, because we can’t accede to this level of duplicity without ourselves becoming complicit in the madness. Trump essentially terminated the neoliberal Republican party in one election cycle, but because the Democratic party establishment is more entrenched and dangerous, the prime carrier of the neoliberal virus to which the Republicans are just accessories, it is the more difficult enemy to beat.
To recap some of what we have seen from the great minds trying to herd us all into submission toward Hillary 2.0, the dementia version:
·        Herd 29 Trojan horses into the race, all pretending to be some version of or alternative to the clear ideological victor from 2016, and all of them unmasking themselves at appropriate stages of the race (three of them at the last moment before South Carolina) in order to maximize damage to one candidate alone.
·        Insist on a series of parodic debates orchestrating various degrees of hostility toward the lone populist, and focusing outlandish attention on marginal candidates rather than giving the front-runner his due.
·        Engineer the Iowa vote-counting catastrophe without anyone taking responsibility, and DNC chair Tom Perez not only not resigning but feeling empowered to engender further chaos.
·        Repeat all the instances of voter suppression in close simulation of all the 2016 states, as if to thumb their noses at any semblance of voting integrity.
·        Be part of closely coordinated media campaigns harping on electability, centrism and moderation, to the point where the liberal media (the Times, CNN, MSNBC) become indistinguishable from campaign opponents and the party apparatus. For the first three months of the year, the New York Times turned into a chorus of single-minded “Never Bernie” propaganda, exceeding even their “Never Trump” loathing of four years ago.
·        Recruit Barack Obama to save Biden’s hide when he remained the last one standing, with the same ominous figures from 2016 (Jim “there will be no free education” Clyburn, Harry “get the culinary workers to caucus for Hillary” Reid, and others) reprising to the finest detail the same walk-on bits they played last time.
·        Keep changing debate rules, by permitting entry to a last-minute white knight in the form of Michael Bloomberg, and the more recent rule change to prevent Tulsi Gabbard the opportunity of taking down Biden.
·        Keep the option of cheating the delegate leader at the convention alive throughout the campaign, rather than stamping it out as a no-go in order to preserve the credibility of primary voting.
·        Express no displeasure at clear voter suppression in Texas and California, or curiosity about strange exit poll versus final results in Virginia, Massachusetts, Maine and Minnesota, which showed unprecedented swings toward Biden.
Is this enough manipulation for you?
Sanders more than abided by party decorum for the last four years. Ever since he endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, and later yielded to Chuck Schumer’s request to join the senate leadership, he has been the most faithful of team players, observing every nicety and going along with the party line to the extent that there is no direct contradiction with his principles. The least he could have expected in return was a token amount of fair play, to let his social welfare philosophy compete on equal grounds with neoliberalism, yet this was vehemently denied.
At this point, is he obligated to play by the rules? Are we, if we are to draw obvious conclusions from the evidence at hand?
The Democratic party would much rather see Trump reelected by nominating a flawed neoliberal candidate with as much baggage and who is as associated with the recent Clinton failure as is Biden. Think about it: the party we’re supposed to get behind actually prefers fascism over the mildest concessions to social democracy, in order that the entire power structure might persist unchanged. For the sake of denying the slightest help to poor, debt-burdened, sick and unemployed people, this party would rather have untrammeled white nationalism, immigrants in concentration camps, and accelerated income inequality, as though we could sustain any more of it than we already have.
To defeat a handful of broadly popular proposals to address economic inequality, the Democratic party facilitated the entry of a former Republican mayor who administered the harassment of Muslims and minorities after 9/11, who gave over his city to unaccountable developers and oligarchs, and who happens to be the world’s ninth-richest person—not just a billionaire, of the kind Sanders is railing against, but one 60 times over.
And when that didn’t fly, because of said plutocrat’s manifest misogyny, racism and class privilege, they went back to their original choice, the freewheeling politico Wall Street loves to love, the senator from MBNA, the secret manipulator behind every bad trade deal and Wall Street giveaway and incarceration mania and war of choice of the last 50 years. The party Sanders has chosen to be loyal to knows that either of those candidates, the Manhattan multi-billionaire or the Delaware political enabler, would handily lose to Trump, but the idea is to keep playing the game, to engage us all in a performance that pretends to be even-handed. We wait patiently for health care and public education and a living wage, while we die in the meantime.
The party of death has demonstrated again and again in this primary campaign that its sole objective is to discredit left populism, even if it means abetting the growing dominance of fascist populism. The party we’re supposed to fall behind is the real facilitator, not the Republican party, because it is actively preventing an electable alternative to Trump, as shown in all the polls of the last five years.
The “woke” wing of the Democratic party—which is identical to the neoliberal wing in acting all high-and-mighty toward working-class folks, otherwise known as deplorables—precisely duplicated its machinations from 2016, when Hillary Clinton was said to be the victim of the angry Bernie Bros, a more ridiculous myth than which was never heard in a presidential campaign.
The woke crowd, who universally refused to support Sanders (whose campaign is a sincere homage to the Poor People’s Campaign run by Martin Luther King, Jr., or FDR’s economic bill of rights, or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program), got behind a series of identity politics-driven candidates, culminating in the last one to leave the race, who immediately got busy gaslighting the Sanders movement for its alleged misogyny. The woke wing was a fraud all along, they never did care to help actual working people with actual debilities. We knew it in 2016 and we know it even better now.
All the fallacies the Democratic party has exploited over five decades reached an extreme form of hypocrisy in the 2020 campaign. The least electable candidates were professionally sold as the most electable ones. Extremism on behalf of inequality and deprivation of basic human rights was packaged as moderate centrism. Sustained media campaigns were run against anyone questioning these straitjackets of thought, labeling us enemies of the people for wanting to help the people.
Emerging from his year-long sloth, Biden made it his mission to trash every element of Sanders’s “political revolution,” even in its most benign demands for a level playing field, which was the sum of the political gangsterism he so adeptly deployed at the March 15 debate, knowing he had the full backing of the party in shunning any move toward the kind of universal programs young voters demand.
Would Sanders supporters not be justified in abandoning this zombie party once and for all, if we do not end up with a fair electoral outcome, as it looks like we’re not going to while this primary fizzles out to an uncertain close? Are we not morally obligated to look for an alternative beyond, past and around this failed shell of a party?
In 2004 and again in 2016 they ran empty, fake, invisible campaigns once the primaries were over, with John Kerry and Hillary Clinton literally disappearing from the campaign trail for weeks at a time. They’d rather have Bush reelected then, and Trump reelected now, than raise the minimum wage to $15, make public college free again, or do something to save the planet from its runaway environmental crisis. While Sanders was responding like FDR II to address the public health emergency, Biden was nowhere to be seen.
We learned during this campaign that the all-time great woke candidate beloved of the wine cave class, namely the president upon whose nostalgic fumes we wish to resurrect a ghostly figure, is more willing than anyone else to stop the first stirrings of social democracy and do everything he can to maintain the chokehold of neoliberalism or neofascism.
The clarion call issued by the “Democratic” president of surveillance, wars, deportation and budget cuts appealed to the lowest instincts of career politicians in South Carolina and across the country as they  forcefully jerked us back to where we were supposed to stay. This former president, like the recent troop of candidates, is explicitly against Medicare for All, and every other basic demand this moment of social distress cries out for. Biden and his cronies in the party are willing to go no further than trying to add a public option to the Affordable Care Act; even after the virus escalation, universal programs of the kind Sanders’s movement calls for are nowhere within range of their consideration.
The Democratic party wants to crush the joy and life out of youth, pretending that they don’t come out to vote, and that the entire machinery of politics should be aimed at keeping the country delicately balanced between one half meritocrats and one half deplorables, appealing to a minute number of antiquated voters in Ohio and Florida in order to maintain policy stasis. They gaslight us into thinking that actual social justice aspirants of diverse races and backgrounds, rather than the fake white woke influencers, are the real problem because of our hostility. They impose “party unity” and discipline in the service of continuing the very power structure that has given us unsustainable debt and unaffordability of basic human conveniences. When confronted by enthusiastic participation in Democratic primaries, mainly the responsibility of one Bernard Sanders of Vermont, they counter with the embodiment of the darkest hells of plutocracy, namely Michael Bloomberg. As expected, they have already used the coronavirus crisis to shut down any remaining trace of political idealism, because in this moment of emergency we cannot expect anything better than to bow down to the former president’s faithful old lapdog.
The Democratic party of 2020, after more than 50 years of succumbing to a murderous form of capitalism, is not just a flawed vehicle for any sort of political renaissance. Why should we legitimize them by leaping around their phantom carousel, wearing colorful costumes and clown hats on the fairgrounds, when they won’t give us a ticket, when they tear it up if we do have one, and when there’s always a guard hanging around to bash our skulls in case we utter a cry of joy at some little win?
They are all but compelling us to leave the party. Will we have the imagination to do so at last in a mass exodus?
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