scogito · 3 months
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Un ego distorto facilmente può incarnare il male, poiché segue solo il proprio tornaconto. Tuttavia sarà sempre un ego, quindi dotato di volontà, perseveranza e autonomia. Ovvero di una direzione.
Un idiota (colui che è privo di ego) non possiede nessuna di queste qualità, ma di solito le invidia o le vuole buttare giù. Non riuscendoci poiché non è in grado di governare se stesso, ricopre il ruolo di inetto, di vittimista o di bugiardo (si finge chi non è).
Questo fa di lui un pericolo ambulante privo di logica, chiarezza e responsabilità, perché vive senza spirito critico, non possiede una struttura interna fissa, non ha una direzione e peggio ancora, è convinto di averla.
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firadessa · 7 months
✨Fairies Finds✨: New Early Artwork and Promotional Video from 2005 Disney Fairies Japan Website with Gail Carson Levine- Author of Fairy Dust Trilogy
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Fly with you everyone and happy Friday the 13th! I have been looking into Disney Fairies pre-release stuff ever since some early stuff was posted into Art of Disney Fairies. I have also been interested in media preservation since late 2017 when I found Web Back Then. Truthfully, despite having this interest when trying to find the old Disney Fairies games from my childhood- I never really shared much with the world. I feel like I should remedy that! (this find is relatively recent though I found it yesterday!)
This is a video I found on the Internet Archive from disneyfairies.jp, a promotional page on the Disney Japan website that seems disconnected from the main Disney Fairies page which was a clone of the original website. See here
Through some research the gist of the video is this:
The video starts with an introduction to the original Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, which is interjected with clips from Disney's Peter Pan. Then we see more artwork of Disney Fairies- including unfamilar designs including early Vidia, Rani, Fira etc. According to Part of the Magic, Disney Fairies started development in early 2001- the series was launched fully in 2005. Then Gail (dubbed of course) begins to describe the plot of Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg whilst we see several pictures of this early Disney Fairies art. Interesting pictures as we get to see the very early designs of Disney Fairies characters that I have never seen before.
Interestingly, this video was never embedded on the page, you had to download it and play it through a video player such as Windows Media Player or Real Player, it was 2005 after all.
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Here is the screen you'd see when you'd want to watch this promotional video. I recognize the leaves used in early flash games such as Lightball Challenge, Dragonfly Race etc.
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A page on the website that I found with my decomplier, i couldn't view it normally!
I tried looking for this video in English to no avail, or any version on the internet. It must have only been accessible through this website.
Interestingly, I found this other page whilst doing my page digging thing again and found this, suggesting this was also a Japan exclusive and not for the American market ... and there is more early promotional stuff to be found in relation to Disney Fairies!
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I also looked into one the main book artists on the creative team, Judith Holmes Clarke. She had a website I found on her IMDB page, that was live around 2017-2019. I saw this and wanted to add it as it had one of the stills in this video. It also has a sketch of Rosetta and Tink. This is what I found:
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It is probably a scan of this magazine, Disney Newsreel, mentioned on her IMDB.
Overall, I'm super happy with this find and I'm so happy to share it with you all!! I will be happy to share more now that I'm publicly outing myself not just as this fan of children's fairy media- an archivist. gasp...
Also probably making a website/blog which I will share later and will be in the About Me link with my other socials.
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And believe me, this is just the beginning
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cherubicarts · 6 months
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Since I saw Ozzie's secretary a couple of episodes back, I wanted to design secretaries for the other sins! From left to right is
Ava - Mammon's secretary
Bonnie - Satan's secretary
Invidia - Leviathan's secretary
Evelyn - Beelzebub's secretary
Rosette - Belphagor's secretary/head nurse
Gloria - Lucifer's secretary
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plumwillow-pixie · 7 months
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I feel like early Vidia works well as an antithesis of Queen Clarion, especially when you have one leave a trail of poisonous toadstools, while other having a dress made of vines (maybe Ree could even leave a trail of flowers as a Fairy Queen?)
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ragazzoarcano · 6 months
“Per qualcuno sei un esempio, un errore, un ossimoro, un dono, un appetito, un rimpianto, una fantasia, un’utopia, una necessità, un’ucronia, un desiderio, un’invidia, una nostalgia.
Non te ne accorgi, ma ogni giorno sei un nomade inconsapevole, errante tra i pensieri della gente.”
— Michelangelo Da Pisa
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seijorhi · 4 months
Omg Rhi that last line sent chills down my spine, is there about to be a showdown between father and son? Do you think tetsu would physically harm shin? Also what would he do if shin went to the police?
Okay so this is going below the cut buuuuut…
I did consider ending the fic on a pregnancy reveal, and yeah, that’d be the point Shin fucking lost it. He’ll come out swinging, neither one of them’ll hold back
As for the police, both reader and shin have their own reasons for not going forward. For the reader, she’s not stupid. She’s a university student, he’s a successful businessman with friends in high places and a very public platform to draw support from. He’ll have lawyers on standby. Even if she hadn’t washed away the evidence (both times) without witnesses or proof, the line between rough, consensual sex and rape – at least in the eyes of a jury – comes down to a he said, she said, and she has no plans on putting herself through a public, humiliating smear campaign.
Shin wants to protect her, of course he does. She doesn’t mention going to the cops and he doesn’t bring it up, either. It’s better if less people are involved
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dodematt · 2 months
Io vi invidio, voi in qualsiasi momento potete andare via da me. Io invece mai da me stesso.
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romyy999 · 2 months
Hai mai pensato a quanto la negativitĂ , la gelosia, l'invidia, la cattiveria delle persone che ti circondano influisca sul tuo modo di vivere, di agire, di pensare, di scegliere?
Hai mai pensato a quanto sia il reale potere di chi ti sta accanto?
Questo deve essere uno spunto di riflessione che ti spinga a lasciare al tuo fianco solo persone che ti facciano stare bene, il resto non è indispensabile nella tua vita.
- romyy999
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mostro-rotto · 10 months
La famiglia mi ha dimostrato che puoi mangiare e vivere con il tuo nemico senza nemmeno rendertene conto. La famiglia mi ha insegnato cos'è il tradimento, l'invidia e la convenienza, quando credo che una famiglia ciò che debba insegnarti sia l'affetto, l'unione e il sostegno… e nel mio caso non è stato così.
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yourtrashcollector · 5 months
Le persone alterano i fatti. Scelgono di raccontare la loro vita in un certo modo e non in un altro. Dimenticano [...] Sono i tre grandi peccati dell’umanità: la mistificazione, l’invidia e la rimozione di quello di cui ci si vergogna
Marta Barone, CittĂ  sommersa
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sonosololily · 4 months
«L'invidia è la religione dei mediocri. Li consola, risponde alle inquietudini che li divorano e, in ultima istanza, imputridisce le loro anime e consente di giustificare la loro grettezza e la loro avidità fino a credere che siano virtù e che le porte del cielo si spalancheranno solo per gli infelici come loro, che attraversano la vita senza lasciare altra traccia se non i loro sleali tentativi di sminuire gli altri e di escludere, e se possibile distruggere, chi, per il semplice fatto di esistere e di essere ciò che è, mette in risalto la loro povertà di spirito, di mente e di fegato. Fortunato colui al quale latrano i cretini, perché la sua anima non apparterrà mai a loro.»
- (Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Il Gioco dell’Angelo)
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plumwillow-pixie · 7 months
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Vidia based on the early concept (back then named Invidia)
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ragazzoarcano · 6 months
“Non conosce invidia chi sa quanto vale.”
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seijorhi · 3 months
rhi a question for invidia ii: would the broken relationship between father and son affect shin’s volleyball career? Or at some point, will he try to be independent and never ask for his money in paying his tuition and other luxuries?
Thank you for the lovely fic :)
if it was oikawa in kuroo's place, i'd say he'd cut him off, hold the position of chairman over his head – maybe not directly fuck with his chances of getting into the v-league, but certainly make sure he knew that he could
kuroo isn't trying to punish shin for this, truly he's not. if it weren't for this one thing their relationship would continue on exactly as it had. if it were any other girl. if either one of them were willing to back down and walk away.
if kuroo hadn't crossed that line in the first place.
for his part, shin's a stubborn little asshole. even if his dad does cut him off, he'll do it on his own just to spite him (and for the reader ofc).
but ultimately, no, he's not gonna fuck with shin's chances. he'll find other ways to play dirty and get what he wants.
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scogito · 8 months
Suggerimento non richiesto per figli e adolescenti.
Se avete a che fare con genitori che costantemente hanno il focus sul denaro e soprattutto sull'invidia di chi guadagna troppi soldi, sugli immeritati introiti di chicchessia, sul vedere sempre un problema di soldi quando si trattano argomenti vari, allontanatevene prima possibile.
Senza rendervene conto farete vostre quelle convinzioni, col risultato molto probabile di non riuscire a generare ricchezza nella vostra vita. Nemmeno se a livello mentale credete che basterĂ  lavorare sodo.
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amayadrawz · 3 months
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Vidi scars???
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