#inukagweek 2020
shnuggletea · 4 years
InuKag Week 2020
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Some nice, fluffy moments for you in this chapter. As well as a lemon but ya know. Day Five of InuKag Week: Instinct. @inukag-week​ here is my contribution for today. Hope you all enjoy!
Thank you to all of you for reading and reviewing. It's nice to know where I stand on this fic.
Chapter 5 of 8  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
It took a year and a half but frankly, I was surprised it took that long. I may be inexperienced but I'm not an idiot and I know how these things work. When I missed a period, I wasn't even upset or confused. And the at-home and doctor's positive tests were just extra. I knew I was pregnant.
We didn't even try to be careful. Inuyasha never wore a condom and I wasn't on the pill. And we fucked constantly. With Inuyasha not even pulling out, I had to assume he didn't care if he knocked me up.
I still didn't say anything to him though. I didn't really know what to say. I wasn't his girlfriend or wife. We weren't even lovers we just had sex. I didn't know anything about him outside the house either.
I did know his moods. One glance and I knew what to expect. I knew his laugh, his tender touch, how he could be excruciatingly kind. How he was overprotective to an obnoxious amount sometimes, another good reason not to mention my pregnancy.
I had his dick memorized. How he liked it touched, licked, and sucked. And the slight curve it had and how it felt inside me. Inuyasha knew my weak points too, the spot on my shoulder, licking the inside of my thighs, how hard to suck my nipples or my clit.
I knew every inch of his body as he knew mine. Which made me wonder how long it would take him to notice? I said nothing, not even to the staff. But the cook noticed my change in appetite and the maid noticed my vomit in the bathroom.
The weather went from cold to hot again, passing the two-year mark and Inuyasha either didn't notice or was saying nothing. Even as I developed a little belly under my belly button. My clothes were getting tighter and the only thing Inuyasha had said about it was sending someone to get me new clothes.
I didn't tell him I was going out regularly to see my doctor but it was my only excuse to get out of the house. With my pregnancy showing, I couldn't even have Sango over. What would I tell her? I couldn't even find the words to tell Inuyasha!
Particularly irritated, I sat on top, grinding hard on Inuyasha's cock. Our nightly meetings had never changed and now without periods to break them up, they never faltered.
Inuyasha was lying still, his arms under his head watching me. There was no hiding it anyway and I no longer cared, one hand on his knee to steady my angle to get him deeper and the other on the peak of my swell as I rocked. The extra weight was a little uncomfortable without support in this position.
I was close to getting rid of my horny irritation, my orgasm beginning to start as I took out my frustrations on Inuyasha's penis. "You aren't...seeing anyone else?"
Now I was even more irate because Inuyasha's random question made my orgasm fly out the window. Coming to a stop, I righted myself on his pelvis and glared down at him. "Excuse me?!"
"You aren't seeing anyone besides me? Dating, fucking, sleeping with someone besides me?"
I rolled my eyes as hard as I could, making sure he could see it. Another thing I learned was Inuyasha's weak-ass communication skills. This was his way of asking me if the baby was his. Which only infuriated me.
"When? When the hell was I able to date or fuck anyone but you?!"
As skillfully as I could at six months pregnant, I swung my leg and myself off of him. He hissed as the cold air hit his dick, losing my warmth and my wetness which only made it cooler. Grabbing my robe off the floor where I left it, I tried to be clothed for this fight. I felt less intimidating naked.
Inuyasha didn't move save for pushing up on his elbows to follow my movements. "Maybe when you worked at the club?!"
Crossing my arms to sit on my chest and small bump, I glared at him hard. "I'd already given birth if it was someone from there. The kid would be at least a year old by now!"
"I know that!" He screeched.
"Then why did you ask?!"
"Maybe it's when you sneak out of here a few times a month?! Did you really think I wouldn't notice?!"
I was shocked because I sincerely didn't think he had. Shutting my mouth, I quickly swept away my angry tears and tried to stop my shaking. "I'm going to see my OBGYN you ass hat! Not a lover! The only dick I've ever known is you!"
He didn't hesitate, continuing his rant right along with mine. "You shouldn't be going out, not even to see your doctor. Especially looking like that…"
Even though I swore I was over Inuyasha's need to keep me hidden away from the world, it now felt like an elephant sat on my chest from time to time when it was brought up. Now being one of those times. "Like what? Like a knocked up sex slave? If you are so ashamed or worried or whatever then maybe you should have worn a condom!"
"Maybe you should have gone on birth control!"
"When?! I'm not allowed to leave this fucking prison and they don't mail that shit to you!"
I was so angry the room was spinning and all I saw was red. I was trying to storm back to my room but for some reason, I was in Inuyasha's hold. "Kagome?! Are you alright?!"
My arms felt like jelly as I pushed at his hold. "I'm fine. Don't touch me. You've touched me enough!"
The room was still spinning and I was struggling to breathe. Then the room went from red to black.
"It's her blood pressure. It was way too high."
I woke to the sound of voices, in my bed, with Inuyasha and my doctor standing over me.
"High blood pressure? She's 23!"
"And pregnant. Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in a woman's body and sometimes it affects their blood pressure."
"What can I do?" I stared at Inuyasha, unknown by him as he looked and sounded like a scared little boy. "What can I do to keep them safe and healthy?"
I'd never seen Inuyasha like that, terrified and helpless. He'd always seemed sure and strong no matter what was going on. It was strange to see it now after two years. And a part of me was far too happy at his acknowledgment of the baby.
"Is she under a lot of stress? What was she doing when she fainted?"
Inuyasha shifted his weight, his arms crossed across his chest like when he wanted to protect himself. "We were...fighting. It's my fault."
I couldn't stand being spoken of anymore so I slowly sat up. My doctor was quick to my side but Inuyasha was quicker. "Whoa, now Kagome. You gave us quite the scare there. Let's take it easy, yeah?"
"I'm fine."
"Jesus, Kagome, listen to the damn doctor!"
Inuyasha was upset but I could tell it was partly out of fear and all at himself. Even if I hadn't heard their conversation. It all had me forgetting my earlier slights and irritations with the man now sitting near my legs on the bed.
Leaning over, I gently stroked his cheek and he greedily took the comfort. "It's okay. I'm okay, Inuyasha."
"It's not uncommon or even unhealthy for couples to fight. But maybe tone it down until after the baby is born?"
Inuyasha saw the doctor out, who promised to return for her next visit so I didn't have to come to her. Something Inuyasha must have set up while I was out. I was trying really hard not to be upset about it as Inuyasha returned to me.
Sitting in the same spot he had before, he looked me over carefully and thoughtfully. "You set up in-home visits with my doctor?!"
His eyes went to the floor but he still nodded his answer.
"Why is it so important to you…"
"Because you're important to me."
Anything and everything died in my throat. I had nothing to say to that. Inuyasha still wasn't looking at me, wringing his hands between his knees as he hunched over.
"My mother died when I was really young. She went out one day and never came back. My dad said it was his fault, that they killed her to get to him…"
"Who's they?"
He shrugged, "no clue but dad killed them in return. That's… all I really know about it."
I held my breath because now I'd learned a lot more about Inuyasha in a few shared words. His mother was murdered because of who his father is. Meaning not only did Inuyasha have overprotective tendencies that verged on obsessiveness but he came from a family that others wanted to hurt.
Inuyasha was rich and powerful.
Which meant he was either one of two things: mob or politician. Given his interests and investments, I'd have to guess mob. I was having a baby with a mob boss.
Oddly enough, it didn't bother me. Mob boss or not, Inuyasha was a nice guy to me. I'd never seen him do bad and so it was easy to ignore any misgivings. I struggled to imagine Inuyasha hurting anyone.
"Going to the doctor..it wasn't a big deal. I was safe. There was no harm and it was an excuse to go out…"
"Didn't you hear what I just said?! Someone killed my mother just to spite my father. For kicks, because they wanted to weaken him." Turning, Inuyasha showed me his angry eyes. They always looked like they were on fire when he was like this. "The people who want to hurt me, they'd take one look at your pregnant body and see Christmas. And they would have no struggle killing you and sending me the fetus."
I broke. It was all too much. Because I wanted to go out, to be normal and free. But Inuyasha was scaring me. So I wept, clutching my swollen body like a jewel that others were trying to steal.
Inuyasha clutched it just as hard, wrapping around me to either comfort me, himself, or both. "The house sits on five acres. There's a pool, tennis court, hell there's even a zen garden. All of it is yours. You can have Sango come over and spend time with you, I don't care. Just please, don't go out broadcasting our child around town for all to see."
I was relaxing in my bed when it started. Inuyasha was still at work since the day had barely begun. The book in my hands was not being read as my mind was miles away. Thinking about the night before.
Inuyasha and I had just had gentle but satisfying sex, he bent me over the bed so he didn't put weight on my belly while rubbing my clit as he throbbed inside me from behind. At my size, sleep was a struggle. I couldn't get comfortable. But sex always helped because it tired me out.
It must have been the baby that woke me, waking up exhausted to see her foot or hand trying to escape my uterus. I could actually see my skin rise as she pushed with all her might against her cage.
That didn't bother me in the slightest, I thought it was cool even though annoying. What had my mind tumbling even till morning was Inuyasha.
He rolled over to me and put his hand over my belly, gently rubbing the spot the baby had been pressing. "Shhhh...calm down or you'll wake mommy."
Inuyasha clearly had no clue I was already awake and I continued to be as he spoke to the baby through my belly.
"I'm excited to meet you too but it's not time yet and you and your mommy need to rest. You've been a bad girl lately, getting all wild whenever mommy tries to rest. That's not nice." I wasn't sure if it was his touch, voice, words, or all of it but the baby calmed back down and stopped her escape attempts. "That's a good girl, Moroha."
We hadn't discussed a name and yet, Inuyasha had one picked out already. I liked it. It was repeating in my head all day long. The entire 'conversation' was. The whole thing was so sweet, it brought me to tears each time I let my mind hear Inuyasha's voice as he spoke to my belly. With so few instances in which Inuyasha showed interest in our child, that one moment showed me just how much he wanted this baby. And it mirrored me.
But, as Inuyasha said, it was still early. Three weeks from my due date. Which was why I ignored the tensing of my muscles around my swollen belly and uterus. Even as they squeezed close to pain. I kept hoping it was Braxten Hicks and that they would go away.
So I said nothing, even when Inuyasha texted me midday to check on us. It was good he didn't call like usual, he always said I was a terrible liar, even on the phone.
When I didn't come out for lunch, it was brought to me. And of course, I had another contraction with the maid there. A big one. It was starting to seem as though these were the real deal. This only added to the fear in my veins, doubling over myself to try and take yet another contraction. This one felt as if my muscles were trying to pull me apart from the inside out. My only reprieve was that they weren't that close together yet. I had a good 30-minute break between each one.
Which timed it perfectly for when Inuyasha burst into my room.
My open, in shock, mouth served to allow a loud whimper to escape as my muscles tensed and pulled at me. Curling into a ball did nothing but I did it anyway for some reason. A bodily reaction I had no control over.
Inuyasha was at my side when I opened my tear-filled eyes, kneeling on the floor next to my bed and brushing strands out of my face. Taking in his appearance, it was clear he had raced here straight from work. It was the first time I'd seen him with a tie on, he usually had it off by the time I saw him.
"You lied to me. You fucking lied, Kagome!" He was mad, even as he tenderly brushed my skin with the pads of his fingers. "The doctor is on her way. How far apart are your contractions?"
Getting over my shock at his apparent knowledge, I took a dry swallow, "30 minutes."
"Good, then there's still time." He got to his feet but kept his eyes on me. "I'm just going to go change, I'll be right back."
True to his word, I wasn't even close to another contraction when Inuyasha reappeared in some jeans and a t-shirt. Chuckling to myself, I wondered if he wore jeans just to keep from being in his usual 'let's fuck' outfit.
He helped me sit up but just as he did, another contraction hit. His hands still in mine, neither of us let go and he let me squeeze as hard as I could without so much a whimper of complaint. When I continued to push up to stand, he complained then.
"What are you doing?!"
"The doctor will be here soon...and my contractions are less than 30 minutes apart….I should take off my underwear…."
It was surprising how out of breath I was like I had been running when all I'd done was face an onslaught of pain every few minutes or so.
My legs were shaking so Inuyasha sat me back down on the edge of the bed and worked my panties off my hips for me. I giggled when he got them to my ankles, lifting my feet for him, and he looked up at me with a smirk. He already knew what I was thinking, how life was like a revolving door of sorts. The very act that caused the life about to be born, taking off my panties, was now being done again for a completely different and still the same reason.
Inuyasha remained crouched before me, his warm hands on my knees when another contraction hit. He shot up, his hands on my shoulders to steady me. I grabbed his shirt, gripping it and close to ripping it since his child was trying to rip out of me.
"I got you. I got you, Kagome."
A dark laugh spilled out of me, a mixture of pain and hormones that had my emotions all over the place. "You got me...INTO THIS MESS...you damn well better….be here to GET ME OUT OF IT!"
I was panting but the contraction was over, Inuyasha still held me tight though. "Please don't call having my baby a mess. Besides, the real mess starts after the baby is born."
By the time the doctor arrived, my contractions had stalled. She kept checking but my cervix hadn't dilated past seven centimeters. Inuyasha was beginning to pace.
"Isn't there something we can do? The baby could be in distress!"
That made me nervous and Inuyasha cringed, stopping his little walk to sit beside me and hold my hand. The doctor said something to her nurse and then answered his question. "The baby is fine. We went over all of this when we prepped for a home birth. Remember?"
She was scolding him and if it were another time or place, I would have laughed. He was the one who pushed to have the baby at home, changing my birth plan completely. I wanted to have her in a hospital surrounded by doctors and people who knew what the fuck they were doing! But Inuyasha had his reasons.
"Sorry." He mumbled to her and to me.
Hours passed and finally, my labor started again. But I almost wished it hadn't. I thought the contractions were bad. No, pushing a six-pound person out of my vagina was worse. Things were tearing and all I could do was continue to push and tear more.
Inuyasha was still at my side, letting me squeeze whatever I wanted to death in payback. At one point I had grabbed his shirt and pulled him in close to hear me growl. "I knew you were going to ruin my vagina."
He smiled and I almost punched him so he tried to lean back but I held on tight. My brain flip-flopped with emotions and I found myself crying. Inuyasha thought it was pain, using his free hand to brush wet strands from my face and cup my cheek carefully. But it wasn't the pain exactly. It was something else. It was fear.
"I don't...I don't want to do this alone….I don't want to raise her on my own…" I sobbed.
Inuyasha glanced over at the doctor and then back at me. "You aren't alone. You'll never be alone, Baby."
It was strange, hearing a term of endearment from him but I was too wrapped up in the situation to care. More sobs ripped from me and they hurt all the way down to my aching vagina.
"When I first saw you," Inuyasha whispered in my ear, "...up on that stage; you were terrified but you didn't back down. It was your eyes, Kagome. Your bright teal eyes and I couldn't look away from you. I wasn't there to buy or anything. You were not my purpose that day. But I couldn't leave you. I still can't. I wish I could say I was sorry but I want you more and more each day, Baby, so I can't let you go."
His words had another sob come out with a whimper but he cut it off, kissing me sweetly and not caring about the others in the room.
"Alright, Kagome. One more big push."
The bassinet Inuyasha bought months ago had yet to be used. Mainly because I was too afraid to move Moroha after she fell asleep. The last thing I wanted was to wake her.
So she slept next to me. With one arm wrapped around her head and the other poised over her, I kept her safe and eventually got used to the uncomfortable position. At two months she was far from rolling but I still felt paranoid about it.
I don't think I had really slept since she was born. Or before then when my size made me too uncomfortable. It was why when the lightest touch came to my arm, I nearly jolted out of bed.
"Kagome.." Inuyasha whispered, standing over me and looking down at the two of us.
Going around, he removed my homemade cage and gently lifted tiny Moroha into his hands. She used to fit in just his hands alone, stretching across his palms as he held them together. But now he had to put her in the crook of his arm to carry her. I was overjoyed she was growing, so small when she was born I wept for days, but she was growing fast.
Now still asleep in her bassinet, Inuyasha slowly climbed into the bed next to me. On my side and him on his, we stared at one another for a few silent moments. Then we met halfway in a tentative embrace that quickly turned up the heat.
We were ripping clothes off without a thought. It had been a while and Inuyasha had been very patient. And patient still, his tip pressing to my entrance and freezing.
"Are you okay? Are you ready?"
He was frantic. Wanting to fuck but not wanting to hurt me and the two were colliding together at the moment.
I grabbed his ass, digging in my claws, and whispered in his ear. "Fuck me hard now."
Obeying my command, his tip hit my womb so fast it made us both dizzy. A few seconds of fast pumps and we both came. Which was the fastest either of us had ever finished and stars filled my room.
We were both still a little out of it, Inuyasha still hard and as deep inside me as he could go, when Moroha fussed a little beside us. Neither of us moved and I was sure we had no clue how much noise we had made during our fast and needy fuck.
When she settled back to sleep, Inuyasha turned his attention back to me. "I meant for the two of you to sleep in my room with me."
I shook my head at him. "She keeps me up most of the night. And you have to work in the morning."
His arms around me, he gave me a squeeze. "I want to have more."
"More sex?"
"No, I mean yes that too. I want to have more kids. With you."
"Easy for you to say. I'm the one that went through hell!"
"But you can't tell me it wasn't worth it."
Inuyasha was looking back at the bassinet while I was watching him. The glassy look in his eyes and the smile on his face. If I wasn't already in love with Moroha, blissfully happy with my life, and actually thinking about at least two more children then the look on Inuyasha's face right now would have changed my mind.
"Yes. It was worth it."
I feel as though having a baby is pretty instinctual. Not the wanting to have a baby part but the growing and birthing in general.
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ruikamo · 4 years
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In volume 8 Kagome is on a date with houjou but realizes that she is too worried about Inu Yasha. Instead of continuing with her date she runs home and manages to get back through the well. I thought that was very loyal. Also her outfit in the manga is super cute. 
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inukag-week · 4 years
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The 2020 edition of  #INUKAGWEEK; will start on June 8 and end on June 14!
➳ All kinds of fanworks are accepted, including fanarts, graphics, fanfictions, playlists, headcanons, etc.  Everything that is put in the #inukag week  tag will be reblogged to this blog. Everything you need to know about the event is on our blog, so here are the links:
The prompts this year were chosen by YOU! Here are the results of the votes with the day of the week & color attributed to each of the 7 most popular prompts:
June 8. Acceptance  (#3. 56 votes, 36,8%)
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June 9. Loyalty (#5. 49 votes, 32,2%)
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June 10. Confession  (#2. 56 votes, 36,8%)
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June 11. Desire (#1. 66 votes, 43,4%)
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June 12. Instinct  (#7. 46 votes, 30,3%)
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June 13. Reunion (#6.  47 votes, 30,9%)
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June 14. Home (#4.  53 votes, 34,9%)
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If you want inspiration, we’ve explained the prompts more in detail on our prompt page!
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shnuggletea · 4 years
InuKag Week 2020
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Anyone else see this gift and have “Here I Go Again” play in their heads to it??
Well, some of you are thinking the worst of Inuyasha right now lol! I really wanted the chapter to end on that last line. You guys are lucky this is for InuKag week or you'd have to wait a week for this part. Since there wasn’t a reunion in part one, here it is! It still isn't really resolved at the end of this one but you only have to wait until tomorrow. @inukag-week​ sorry, I’m bugging you twice today!
Reunion Part Two
I couldn't breathe. Everything felt like it was on fire; my heart, lungs, eyes, and throat. Inuyasha was holding back my hair as I vomited up the nothing on my stomach but I pushed him away hard. Then stumbled away even farther.
"You're married?!"
"Kagome, please. Let me explain!"
I grabbed onto something for support but I really couldn't say what it was. "You're married. What is there to explain?! Oh god is this why you hid us? Why you refused to be the father to your own children?!"
"NO! I told you. That's for your safety…"
I heard his words but I didn't at the same time. "You hid us from your wife! All this time I actually thought our lives were at risk but it was just your life!"
"You and the kids are my life and I hide you to keep you alive!"
"Oh my god," another wave of nausea hit and only half of it was morning sickness, "do you have other children? Do you have another family with her?!"
Inuyasha grabbed my arms and I only let him because I was close to hitting the ground. "I have nothing with her. It was a marriage convenient for my family and forced upon me ten years ago. We lived together for two years, had a few nights of awkward and terrible sex, and then she left. A year later I found you."
I shivered at the thought, how Inuyasha bought me off the stage. How he owned me but I had nothing to tie him to me. I was his sex slave and all this time I was fine with it. It was kinda hot. But now his wife was returning. How would me and our children living in her home look? Moroha looked just like her father, beautiful blonde hair that was pure white. And Sota had glowing golden eyes from Inuyasha. One look and they were clearly his.
"My children really are bastards…" I mumbled in my haze of fear, loss, hurt, and confusion.
Inuyasha gave me a small shake as if to wake me up. "They're not, stop it! They're mine. Just like you're mine. This is a good thing, Kagome, her coming back. It means I can finally divorce her."
Taking a deep breath and trying to settle myself, I pulled out of his hold. "I've never asked or wanted for anything from you by means of commitment, Inuyasha. I've trusted you, believed in you, and bore your children without pause or hesitation. But now? You've broken all we've had."
I was right to spend all night last night in Inuyasha's hold. Because I wasn't sure I'd ever experience it again.
"That mother fucking asshole."
I sideways glanced at the children who were in earshot while Sango swore like a sailor. "Sorry."
"And I take offense to that. I was the mother he was ducking." Sango smirked but otherwise stayed somber. "That's why I asked you to bring me those things."
"Because you're cutting him off but baby number three has you needing to get off so bad you need toys?"
"Yes." I said with a defeated sigh.
"When does the wife arrive?"
"Tomorrow. All of it has me feeling more than morning sick. I don't want to see her, Sango."
"Why not?!"
I hung my head in shame. "Because she's his wife while I'm…" a sad laugh and Sango grabbed my shoulder, "I'm not even the mistress. I'm his sex slave. He bought me, brought me here, wrecked me, all while married to another woman? I'm a homewrecker."
"No, she's the homewrecker. You're the one here with a family in this house. It's your home, more than it's hers!"
"You think me and the kids could come stay with you and Miroku for a while?" I begged.
"I'd love to have you but you know Inuyasha will never let you leave."
It was true. I hadn't been outside the compound since I snuck out to OBGYN with Moroha. There was nowhere for me to go, Moroha's school didn't ask anything from the parents except for a check once a semester that Inuyasha sent. The staff handled food and shopping. Sango always came to visit me here, what else was there for me?
Well, there was one thing I would have rather gone and gotten myself, picking up the small bag Sango brought with her that contained a little 'helper'. "So how do I use this?"
Laying on my side, far away from Inuyasha in his large bed, the one I used to think of as ours, I waited until he stilled and his breathing became even. After considering going to the bathroom for this, I shrugged the idea off. Getting up and going would wake him and then Inuyasha would come check on me when I was in there too long.
Looking at the small egg shaped vibrator, I had a feeling it would take me a while to get what I needed from it.
I had turned it on earlier that day to hear how loud it was and was pleasantly surprised to find it was pretty quiet. Turning it on again, I listened to the soft buzz as it danced between my fingers. Then I slipped it under the covers and pressed it to my clit. It had me swallowing my gasp, over sensitive from my hormones, maybe I had been wrong because this didn't feel like it would take long at all.
The little egg hummed against me and I hummed as softly as I could back. Slipping it a little lower, I considered putting it inside me and using my fingers on my clit when heat pressed into my back and hands wrapped around me.
"Kagome, wake up. You're having a back dream…."
I was so preoccupied I missed the shift in the bed when he moved closer to me. Inuyasha was running his hands over me, trying to wake me up, and he followed my arm down.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" I said, elbowing him back a little.
He chuckled a little and returned, grabbing the wrist of the hand that held my egg of pleasure. "If you want it that badly, I'll gladly give it to you."
Now in his control, he rubbed my clit with the egg, using my own hold on it to manipulate it. "Stop it! I don't want you! I don't want you at all that's why I have this!"
"Did Sango bring this with her today? It's not used is it?"
I struggled against his hold but he was far stronger and soon the egg was in his hand instead of mine. He pressed it against my folds, using the tip to draw a circle in and around the skin. All while his cock pressed against my ass. "You've been avoiding me for days, Baby. I can't take much more."
Gripping the sheets before me did little to comfort as he began rubbing his dick between my ass cheeks, stopping only to pull my panties down and my sleep shirt up, out of his way. He kept the egg pressed to my clit and dipped his fingers inside me and I nearly came from the small action.
"Damn, Baby, you're soaked. Are you pregnant again?"
"What?! NO!" I panicked.
He continued to slowly pump his one finger inside me, feeling my walls as if not sure. "You always get like this when you're pregnant. You think I don't notice, but there are a bunch of things that always change when you're knocked up…"
"I'm just horny! Get off me!" I shoved him back with my elbow again. "I don't want to have sex with a married man!"
The bed shook as he worked his briefs lower and freed his cock. "Separated. I've been separated from her for almost a decade." Back against me, the egg he pressed never leaving, he panted right in my ear. "Besides, what's done is done. It's far too late to take it back and I don't regret a single, amazing, second of it." His cock pressed against my ass again and I quivered all over. "I know what you want."
Before I could ask, he reached over me to the nightstand and got out a condom. He only ever used those for one thing. "No."
He was already tearing open the foil. "You love anal when you're this horny."
Rolling the condom on with one hand and showing skills he had that I always marveled at, his covered cock rubbed at my entrance. "I just need a little lubricant."
He was using me like a bottle of lotion, rubbing between my thighs while he vibrated my clit and created more juices. "Inuyasha, stop."
I said no and stop but still pressed my ass out for him. Because not a single molecule of me actually wanted him to listen to me. I wanted him so bad, it hurt. As much as I hated myself for that, it was in the back of my mind for now, waiting until the rest of me was satisfied. There would be hell later when we finished but right now, I just wanted him to fuck me.
Thoroughly coated, Inuyasha removed his cock from my thighs and found my anus. Then slowly pushed in. Always a little tight at first, he waited for me to adjust before pulling out and sinking back in. "Oh god. You're gripping me so tight, Baby."
He cooed in my ear. I pushed my ass out a little more, silently asking him to go harder. Taking the egg, he slipped it down and pushed it up into my pussy, his fingers finding and pinching my clit before he took off behind me. With his free hand under me, he reached around and grabbed my breast, flicking my nipple in tempo with how he flicked my clit.
Any thoughts of any kind turned to mush as my entire body lit on fire. Inuyasha was bucking into my ass so hard, his balls clapped my entrance. I was gushing, the egg slipping around inside me and buzzing my g-spot. And my clit and nipple throbbed along with my walls.
I could feel Inuyasha's teeth on my skin but there was far too much other stimulus to register any more as I came so hard it hurt. Anyone that heard my screams might burst through the door any second now because it sounded like Inuyasha was killing me. And in a way, he was, my mind going numb with pleasure as I tumbled hard into ecstasy. I was still coming when he dug the vibrator out of me, putting his fingers in instead to feel me pulse around them. I felt the heat of his come as he filled the condom inside my ass. His groans sounded visceral behind me, telling me he was coming just as hard as I was.
His touch left me, Inuyasha rising to get rid of the condom and wash. The room was in and out as I blacked out a few times from the intensity of my orgasm. It was always a little scary when it happened but it was far from the first time Inuyasha had made me come so hard that I blacked out.
Now satisfied, those thoughts came roaring. I'd just had sex with a married man again. I couldn't stop it seemed.
Curling into myself, I returned to my solitary side but Inuyasha wasn't having it, curling right up around me from behind. He was kissing my neck, taking a fistful of hair and pulling it out of his way to place hot spit on my skin. "Get off of me."
His arms only wrapped around me tighter. "No."
"I gave you space,Kagome. But now I can't give you anymore." Proving his words, he wrapped a leg around me. "Especially with you pregnant again."
"I'm not pregnant." The lie rolled off my tongue with ease but his lies had for years.
"You should take a test. Or call see your doctor here."
"I'm not pregnant."
"Whatever you say, Kagome."
He was stroking my belly just over my womb. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Not of being right or in being a father again. Not when my future with him was so uncertain. All I'd done for the past three days was think about us, about our past, looking for any clues that he was using me as the sex slave I was instead of more like I had thought for years. There were moments of such tenderness and care, longing looks my way or soft caresses without sex involved or staring deep into my eyes while he was deep inside of me, things like that had made me think we were more than slave and owner. But then there were other moments that truly made me wonder.
"The first time we had sex, you tied me up."
"You want me to tie you up again? It was really fun those other times…"
"You told me it was so I didn't mark you. Was that so your wife didn't see?"
He sighed, loud and pissed, against my back. The heat of it made it through my thin sleep shirt. "No. I told you. Over and over again I didn't hide you from her I hid you from everyone. You still have no clue who I am do you? You don't know how easy it would be for one of my enemies to break me through you or the children."
"I never cared who you were outside this house. Because that's not the man I spent my time with. But I guess I should have cared. Then I would have known just where I stood."
He lifted and turned, holding his head over me to look down at me. "And where is that?!"
"Where I've always been. What you told me I was from the start. I'm your whore. Your sex slave."
I was on my back in a heartbeat, molten and angry eyes glaring down at me. "I have never treated you like a slave or a whore."
"Yes you did. All this time you did because you were married. I'm the other woman. Not even that much."
He got dangerously close to my face and growled. "You're right, you're not the other woman. You're my woman. Mine. And I didn't tell you about Kikyo because she didn't matter. Not to me and not to who you and I are together…"
"Of course, because I'm just your slave so why would you tell me..."
Sighing again, his anger flooded out of him and he rolled off of me to lay with his back to me. "You'll see soon enough, Kagome. I'll prove your worth to me."
I wanted to hide, I really did. But with the grand fanfare and the children getting interested, I found myself standing at the top of the staircase with the two of them. Inuyasha was as cool as a cucumber, as was the rest of the staff for some reason. I was the only one sweating as the large car pulled up out front and unloaded the entourage that had my babies so intrigued.
As far as Inuyasha's side, there was little flare and no dramatics. It all came from his wife and her people as they pushed inside. For a moment, I thought it would be hard to pinpoint the wife. But once I saw her I was sure.
Long, pin straight and perfect black hair down her back and a pale yellow dress, she was easy to spot. I was a little upset at first, thinking we looked too similar to be okay with. Then she removed her large sunglasses and saw we were actually complete opposites. My hair was never so perfect, curly waves that stopped in the middle of my back. And this woman was slim, more than I had ever been even before children.
Her gray eyes flashed up to mine, another large difference. As she climbed the stairs, Inuyasha following close behind as they discussed minor things like her travels and the weather, it was clear to see this woman also came from money.
Getting to the top, Sota wrapped around my leg while Moroha stood tall next to me. The wife stopped for a second, looking us over and surely seeing the traits Inuyasha implanted in his children as I did every day. If she did, she said nothing, turning with a huff and continuing on. Inuyasha paused to pass the kids a bright smile brimming with love. His eyes went to me for a second, something inside them I couldn't read before following behind the wife.
It got late and I put the children to bed. Not sure but with nowhere else to go, I made for what was mine and Inuyasha's bedroom. Going slow with my indecision, I was passed by the wife again. This time when he passed, his fingers brushed across my spine before quickly disappearing.
"I have a room set up for you…" Inuyasha began.
"Why?" Kikyo challenged, turning to face Inuyasha and me as I stood frozen in the middle of the hall. "This is my room and my bed. I want to sleep in it."
Without another word about it, Kikyo stepped inside. Leaving me alone with Inuyasha.
He sighed loudly, scrubbing his face. "I guess you can take the guest room…"
"Why not send me to a hotel at least? Why do I have to be here to see this? You're such an asshole Inuyasha."
"I know."
Turning, my only reprieve was that the guest room was on the other end of the house. That way I wouldn't have to hear Inuyasha and his wife make love tonight.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
InuKag Week 2020
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Sorry but this one's a two-parter. I'll try to get part two up later today. Day six of InuKag Week: Reunion! @inukag-week​ here’s day six!
Reunion Part One
Life as a mob boss sure did pay well. The playground Inuyasha had put in was so cool I wanted to play on it too. But for now, I had to settle for watching Moroha play. Some of the playground pieces made me very nervous. She was only three and the damn thing was designed for five and up. It all just meant I was super vigil on my padded swing.
"Moroha! Get down from there this instant!"
She was climbing on the outside of the playground again. If she kept this up, she was going to break something. I was just about to get up from my comfortable spot and stand under her instead when she released a squeal.
"Yashie, Yashie, Yashie!"
My heart leapt with her leap from the top stair of the slide, remaining on her toddler legs and racing towards the man still in his suit. He was coming home a little early these days but something told me it was all because he didn't trust me. I couldn't really blame him after the first time.
I didn't get up, Moroha already in Inuyasha's arms there was no room for me anyway. He was busy tossing the toddler in the air but still took time to notice me. He chuckled when I ignored him, running off to play with his daughter for a few minutes before negotiating some time to speak with me.
He sat next to me on the swing and it flew for a few seconds from the added weight. It wasn't long before he broke the short silence. "You're not still mad are you?"
When he chuckled again I punched his shoulder hard. "You agreed to it! I didn't take advantage, you wanted it as much as I did!"
"It wasn't you that just got the three-year-old potty trained! Finally done with diapers and now I have to start all over again."
"You just got Moroha out and you don't have much time left until this one arrives," he said, patting my very large belly, "so it's not as if you have a large break in between."
"I guess it's better than having two babies in diapers at the same time," I added, putting my hands on top of his.
"Uncle Yashie you feel my brother?"
Moroha had stopped to take notice of her Uncle rubbing my belly. Inuyasha passed her a sweet smile that dropped when he turned back to my frown. "What?"
"You're not going to put your name on the birth certificate for this one either, are you?" Dropping his eyes first, he shook his head and I sighed, exasperated. "What are we going to do when Moroha starts school? All the other kids will have fathers…"
"She has a father.."
"She's going to start asking questions…"
"As long as she doesn't tell people I'm her father it'll be okay…"
"Inuyasha! You realize your children will grow up thinking their father abandoned them?"
"But I didn't, I'm right here." He growled.
We were both getting too loud and Moroha had stopped to stare at us.
"Besides, there's still a couple more years until we have to decide about school."
I looked at him carefully while he watched our daughter go back to her play. "What does that mean? Decide?"
"Well, there's private school...or home school?"
"Tenoe. You can keep me locked away until the day I die but your children need to get out and see the world."
"I know…"
"Experience things.."
"I know…"
"Have a life!"
"God I know! It was just… a thought that's all!"
I shifted my weight, pulling free from his touch. "If we homeschooled would you tell them the truth? Come clean about being their father or would you still hide them from yourself?"
Now he shifted, uneasy with my question. "Fine. We'll do private school." Sitting back, he settled a bit but I knew the look on his face and I didn't like it. "What do you think about the name… Sota?"
My heart squeezed painfully in my chest and I stared wide-eyed at him. "Where… did you learn that name?"
Placing a hand on my belly to calm me, he watched his fingers instead of my face. "The only thing you ever talk about from your past is the home. So…. I did a little digging…"
"That's my personal business!" He eyed me carefully and I relented. "Fine. What else do you know?"
"Father passed away when you were five, leaving you, your mother, and one-year-old brother behind. Then they died in a house fire when you were eight. You truly are a survivor…"
"It was luck. I was taking care of my grandfather who had the flu. I just happened to be at his place when our apartment complex went up in flames. If I had been there… I could at least have saved Sota."
"You… If you had been there, you'd be dead now too." He said, stroking my hair gently.
I really hated talking about this, which was why I never talked about it with anyone. But if I couldn't tell Inuyasha, who could I tell? "I blocked most of that night out of my mind so I really don't remember much other than losing my family in one swoop."
"...That makes sense." He took my hint to stop pressing and moved on. "Was the grandfather you cared for the same one you lived with after that until you were nine?"
"Why did you leave his care?"
I shrugged, "We was 89. He deserved to be taken care of not taking care of a damaged kid."
"You thought living on the streets was better?"
"He was weak. The year I lived with him he'd gotten sick once a month because I was a kid bringing home germs. No matter what he said, I knew it was my fault. So I called social services to collect him and ran away. I was only on the streets for nine months before Mother Kaede found me…"
"But those nine months were enough," he said in a manner that made my spine tingle, "I assume it's where you got your experience?"
I knew what he was talking about but it was absolutely something I never wanted to speak about. I did what I had to to survive and I wasn't ashamed. That didn't mean I wanted to walk down memory lane.
"If you already know, then we don't need to discuss it. Ever."
His response was to nod but by the look on his face, he didn't want to talk about it either. Inuyasha got jealous at just the idea of me with another even with it all in his head. No way he wanted to talk about my dark past and what I did for food.
Regardless, he was my first and only so whatever jealousy he felt, he would just have to get over. After all, I didn't ask or give him a hard time about his past lovers. I didn't want to know, they were in the past and had no effect on us.
"So… Sota?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood.
His smile was contagious and it pissed me off that I couldn't stop mine from spreading across my face. "Sota is perfect."
"Moroha get in this bed, I won't tell you again!"
She groaned but put her toys up, finally, and crawled into her bed. Tucking her in and giving her a kiss, I moved over to the bed next to hers.
"Goodnight, Sota."
Little hands reached up and grabbed my neck, pulling me to him for his goodnight kiss. Firmly tucked, I gave a nod to their nanny and backed away towards the door.
"I love you."
"Love you too, Mommy." They both said in unison.
The winter light had faded a few hours ago, leaving the dim lights in the hall to show the way. Seven years in this house, I had it memorized anyway.
Just as I shut the bedroom door, the bathroom door opened and Inuyasha stepped out. Our eyes met instantly. "Are they asleep?"
I shrugged. "They're tucked in with the nanny on watch. Won't be long now."
He leapt over to me and grabbed me up. The thick robe I had on hit the floor in a hurry. But when he pulled the straps of my teddy down, I caught it before it passed my ribs. "Can I… keep this on?"
Inuyasha had been making his way to my nipples but stopped and found my face instead. "Why?"
"I don't… It's just… I've had two babies now and two years later I still look… I'm not happy with my body."
Hands that had been on my ass cheeks went to my face cheeks and cupped them. "I'm very happy with your body."
"You're just saying that…"
"Baby. You're even more beautiful now than you were before those two babies." I shook my head at him and he began to run his hands slowly down me. "Kagome, haven't you noticed how we fuck more often than before?"
I had noticed but thought it was just him trying for another baby already.
He pulled me in closer, pressing his hard cock into my belly. "You haven't noticed how much… bigger I get lately?"
I also thought that was my imagination. "I'm not… too loose now?"
He shook his head and grabbed my ass hard, lifting me off the floor. I wrapped my legs around him in response as well as my arms. He pressed himself against my core and I moaned in his ear.
"You're so wet right now, aren't you?" I nodded against his cheek with mine. "That's how you make me feel. So fucking turned on I can't stand it. God I want to be inside you right now."
"What's stopping you?" I whispered.
Two steps and he threw me to the bed. To prove his seriousness, he ripped my teddy in two. My gasp was covered by his mouth as he fell with all his weight on top of me. I lifted my legs up as high as I could, pulling my hips up with them. He plunged into me with all his might.
His hands on my hips and his mouth on my breasts, we rocked hard together on our bed. I had his strands wrapped around my fingers tight, digging into his scalp for something to hold onto as he made my world spin. I was so close, just about to come when he stopped and pulled out.
"Not yet, Baby."
Flipping me over like a pancake, he pulled my hips up. My face and shoulders remained on the mattress while he kneeled behind me. Up to his balls a second later, I was screaming his name into the sheets. Now instead of his hair, I fisted the comforter and thanked God for the forethought to put the kids' room at the other end of the hall.
Everyone knew. The fucking Nanny knew, I put the babies to bed and left to get stuck good by the man of the house. I know longer cared about who knew and who didn't, I had two beautiful children and a large home. And although I would never tell him, I loved Inuyasha more than any other man in the world.
Especially when he did things like this to me.
The slaps he made to my ass were hard but only mixed with the pleasure, making my body sing with it. It only sang more when he grabbed my fatty flesh hard with his hands, coming deep inside me. I was convulsing around him with him, feeling every pulse we made in rhythm with one another.
He slapped my ass one more time before pulling out. "Five minutes and we go again." But then he flipped me onto my back again and looked me over slowly. "On second thought, make it two minutes."
I laughed and he crawled over me.
Rushing out the bedroom door and towards the front stairs, I hurried towards the foyer. If those two continued to be so loud, they were going to wake the kids.
Inuyasha and I had been celebrating the early and continued sleep of both kids by getting naked and playing in bed when the doorbell wouldn't stop ringing. And then it did when one of the staff answered and then knocked, bringing Inuyasha out of bed and down to the door. Where I found him yelling at the late-night guest.
"Why does any of that shit matter?!"
"Why?!" It was Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru, and even less considerate than the last time I saw him seven years ago. "Because she's coming back. Three days from now Kikyo will not only be in this country, but she will be in this house."
"Kikyo could care less…"
"The only reason she is even coming here is because she heard about you and your family."
Inuyasha gaped for a second but then recovered. "Who's going around telling anyone about them?!"
"Who the hell knows. What matters is you've got a big fucking mess to clean up, starting with Kagome."
"She isn't just some mess, she's the mother of my children and you'd better show her some goddamn respect."
Sesshomaru had one foot out the door, "I do respect her. For putting up with all your bullshit." Sess froze and Inuyasha was eerily quiet from the jab. Then Sess sighed. "She doesn't know does she?"
"I'm going to tell her…"
"When? After she gives birth to baby number five?! Seven years, Inuyasha. I've applauded you for your fidelity but you need to come clean!"
"I'm going to tell her everything."
Inuyasha repeated like a robot. It had a cold hand squeezing my heart. Sesshomaru's last act was to slam the door behind him while Inuyasha found me on the stairs. He said nothing, storming up and grabbing my hand, taking me back upstairs.
"We're going to bed."
He stopped, spinning to face me. Already taller than me he was a giant standing a stair above me. But he leaned over and cupped my cheeks. "I promise, we'll talk. I just really...want to be with you right now. I want to get lost in each other. I want to forget my own name coming so hard and you remind me when you scream it from coming hard with me."
I was scared. Scared of what it was that had Inuyasha so freaked out. And it was clear he didn't want to talk about it, stripping us both as soon as we had the door shut and not stopping for well over two hours now.
On his lap, I bounced hard, both of us covered in sweat. Using his shoulders as an anchor, I rocked his tip into my dam over and over again. He held onto my ankles, pulling on them to get deeper inside me.
Suddenly, he lifted my feet, my hips going higher. Now my thighs rested on his chest while my ass slapped his hips. My back arched as wave after wave of hot white pleasure flooded my veins, leaving only my head on the bed. I'd lost count how many times I'd lost my mind tonight. Losing it again loudly.
"Oh god...Inuyasha...AAAAAHHHH!"
Inuyasha groaned as well, saying my name over and over again as he came. But we were insatiable.
Taking a short breather, Inuyasha massaged my calves, my thighs still wrapped around his waist while the rest of me was splayed out before him.
He was looking at me, drinking me in while I watched the ceiling spin. "You're so beautiful."
I ignored him. He was buttering me up which meant whatever he had to tell me was bad. Part of why I didn't want to stop was because of this. Whatever he said was going to change our lives, I just knew it. So I wanted more. As much of this life I loved before it was wrecked.
The other part of my need was hormones, wondering how much what Inuyasha said would ruin what I needed to say. Or if I would be able to tell him I was pregnant again at all.
Silly me to think for once I'd tell him before my body did, not telling him about Sota like I didn't Moroha. And that it would be a happy occasion when I did.
Pulling me up, he settled me back on his lap. His mouth kneaded mine, sucking and tugging on my lips. While his hands squeezed my ass, pushing me against his, already hard again, dick.
Our mouths popped when he pulled away. "You're beautiful. And sweet. I love watching you with our children."
His head fell to my chest as he sighed heavily. "Not yet. I'm not...I'm not ready yet. One more time, please. Let's fuck one more time, Baby."
I struggled to say no before he used his pet name for me. Probably why it wasn't until close to dawn that I got him to stop.
My foot on his chest, I had him pushed to the other side of the bed. Once there, he didn't move; more out of exhaustion than actually wanting to stop. "I can't go another round."
Next thing I knew it was mid-morning. I had passed out after getting Inuyasha off of me. Tucked into bed, I sprang up and grabbed my robe, putting it on as I raced down the hall. My first stop was the children. Moroha had made it off to school no problem. I was told Sota was on the playground.
After throwing on some clothes, I headed straight there.
Inuyasha didn't go to work today. I knew it in my bones and it was confirmed when I saw his car still in the driveway. There was no shock when he was with Sota. The two were thick as thieves, a typical father-son pair. But Sota was a Momma's boy, running as fast as his toddler legs could carry him when he saw me.
His father, however, kept his distance, watching the two of us. With his hands in his pockets and a slight paling of his face, I knew he knew what I was there for.
"Mommy, Uncle is here!"
It wasn't new by a long shot but of all days today was not a good day to remind me of Inuyasha's continued lies to his children. "Yeah he and I need to talk but I had a bad night so he waited for me. Thank you for keeping him company, Booger."
Sota frowned as the Nanny stepped up and took him back to the playground. I led Inuyasha to the zen garden as I was sure we would both need it. He kept his distance at first but then he had my wrists in his hold.
"Kagome, I'm going to need you and the kids to be extra careful for the next several days. Weeks maybe."
"Why? What was Sesshomaru talking about last night? I've never seen you so spooked!"
He swallowed hard, his apple dancing in front of my eyes. "Because someone, I should have told you about, is coming to visit…"
"Kikyo? I heard that name. Is that who you're afraid of? Why?!"
I had put off the conversation all night but now, I needed to know. Especially if it affected my children.
"I'm not afraid of her. I'm afraid of you. Afraid of how you will react."
My heart couldn't take much more of this. "Just tell me! Who is she?!"
"She's…. my wife."
Don't hate me, don't hate me, don't hate me!
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ruikamo · 4 years
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The prompt for today is confession. I tried to draw the moment I think Kagome confessed her feelings for Inu yasha to herself.
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ruikamo · 4 years
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I think the home of Kagome and Inu Yasha is with each other and with their friends.
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ruikamo · 4 years
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I think the reunion at the end is the most important one in the series. It marks the start of their life together ^^
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ruikamo · 4 years
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I think the only thing stronger that Kagome’s desire to see Inu Yasha was her trust in him.
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ruikamo · 4 years
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When Inu Yasha’s demon bood takes over he relies mostly on his instincts I think.
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ruikamo · 4 years
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I wanted to include Kikyo in the drawing because I think that Inu Yasha needed to accept that Kagome is her own person and Kagome needed to accept that Inu Yasha could never forget Kikyo.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
InuKagWeek 2020
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Alright, to those of you still here, thank you! To those of you who left... eh, it's your choice. Anyway, here is chapter two day two of InuKagweek 2020! Loyalty. @inukag-week thanks for the poster art and here’s my day two! Still working on my own art for this piece. Something I was working on a while ago and quit. Hence why Kagome looks way better if you ask me. Thank you @petri808​ for showing me a few tricks for my posts on tumblr!
Chapter 2 of 8 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Fanfiction link HERE
AO3 link HERE
Or if you’d rather, just reading reading!
If I'm being honest, I never had a job in food service. But I had to assume they were all the same mostly. Things like learning the names of the drinks and the regular customers as well as how to handle a tray filled with heavy things were to be expected. However, given my place of 'work', getting grabbed, touched, and pinched wasn't. Two weeks later and I was as used to it as you could be. When you go from living in a girls home, sharing a room, and counseling sweet innocent children to your own space in a mansion and bringing drinks backstage to the dancers, it would never feel normal.
The girls were nice enough though and I never saw Inuyasha which I was fine with. Mostly.
I'd even made friends with most of those that worked there. Some were just there to strip and make money so a little inexperienced waitress wasn't worth their time. Which was fine. But my favorite was a girl named Sango.
Her eyes brightened at the sight of me, a smile on her pretty face as she paused in putting on her fake lashes. I handed off the other drinks, giving Sango her whiskey sour last. "Oh, I do love the nights you're working Kagome."
"Which is every night?"
Sango giggled, taking a sip and moaning her appreciation of the flavor. "Yes. But you are so quick with our orders. The others take forever."
"I just don't want you guys going without some liquid courage. I couldn't do what you guys do."
Sango tisked her tongue at me as I leaned against her vanity table. "It's not that bad. I mean, the audition was a little awkward."
Sango went back to her makeup, lining her lips with a dark red lipstick. "Yeah. Having to get naked in from of the boss? That was nerve-wracking, wasn't it? Naomi told me she had to do the same thing even as a server. You had to too right?"
I shuttered. So everyone had to do that? Inuyasha had slept with every single girl in this place as an audition? Was that what that was? I lost my virginity to a man like that?
I swallowed my disgust and the rising vomit in my throat, suddenly feeling a desperate need to get checked for STDs because he definitely didn't wear a condom with me, and pushed off the table. "I should get back to it."
"Yep yep. Don't want the boss to catch you slacking!"
As if he could, he was never here. Too busy 'auditioning' more girls. The only one here every day, giving me a hard time, was Koga. He was always somewhere around the club, waiting to bark at me for doing something wrong or touch me. It was never in an inappropriate place but it was still unwanted. A hand on my shoulder or a push to my back. Once, he patted my butt and I nearly tore his arm off. He hasn't done it since but I see him do it to the others all the time.
Returning to one of my tables, I leaned in to be heard over the loud music. The girl on stage now was talented for sure so I was always surprised when anyone gave me their attention over those on stage. Probably thanks to the required low cut top I had to wear. It wasn't even a top really, it was a vest and I barely fit in it. There definitely wasn't room for a bra. And the pants sat low on my hips so my skin showed all the time. Every time I leaned over, I waited for a breast to fall out. Not that anyone would mind, save for me.
Plastering a smile on my face, I listened as the guy I was attending rattled off a drink order as slowly as he could to keep me there longer. It was a struggle to keep my fake smile up. He finally finished, certain he was touching himself under the table the whole time, I fled to the bar. Far from safe, it still had fewer men ogling me at it.
I rested, waiting for my order and Naomi stood next to me. "Hey, Kagome? I'm not really sure I should say something but...there's a guy here who keeps sitting in my section and watching you."
I suppose stalkers were a normal thing here. It didn't mean I was okay with it. "He's watching me? With that going on?"
I thumbed towards the stage as Sango did a super sexy split on the pole. Not sure what I'd do with myself if I was ever that sexy but it was nice to dream. "Well...I've only been here a few days but yeah. I wasn't going to tell you until I was sure. I mean he's far less creepy than the other guy that watches you…"
"There are two guys watching me?!"
She grabbed my shoulders to reassure me. "I'm not really sure! I haven't even been here a week yet. But it seems like this guy is definitely here to watch you. He sits in the corner booth in the back so he can see you but you never seem to see him…" I gently pulled from her hold and made the quick decision to face the creep. "Wait, Kagome!"
I waved back to her, heading off towards the mentioned table. "Don't worry, I won't get you in trouble."
I didn't have to go all the way to the table, figuring out pretty quickly who it was. Shaking my head and growling a laugh in irritation, I walked right up to Inuyasha who looked a little taken aback that I seemed to notice him. Crossing my arms over my chest served two purposes; hiding my overexposed breasts and showing him how pissed I was at him in general. How the hell did Naomi not know who this was? She auditioned for him last week!
Setting his drink down carefully, he cleared his throat over the loud music and adjusted his seat. "I just wanted to check on you, that's all. See how my investment was holding up."
That wasn't good enough for me and I told him as much by not changing or saying a thing.
"This is my club, damnit, I can come in and do whatever the fuck I want."
"Yes you can, Boss," Koga said, coming up from behind out of nowhere. "Everything up to your standards?"
There was something about Koga. He said one thing but clearly felt another. Inuyasha had to be ignoring it, no way he missed the indignation in Koga's demeanor. "Everything is fine, Koga. Except for your customers getting too handsy with the wait staff!"
To my added irrigation, Koga put his hands on my shoulders as if to hold me steady. Never did I ever need another to keep me steady or still and now wasn't the exception. I glared over my shoulder at him but he ignored me. But then his hands popped off me as if burned and I turned back to Inuyasha who looked ready to kill someone. And that someone was Koga so he stepped further away from me.
"I'll..uh...I'll see what I can do about that, Sir."
Just the two of us again, I turned to leave but Inuyasha called out to me again. "Looks like you're blending in here. A real chameleon or just within your element here?"
Turning on my heel, I stormed back up to his table. Leaning over I put my finger as close to his face as I could. "I survive. It's what I've always done and those girls back at the home wouldn't if they were tossed out on the street. So remember that when you think I'm okay with any of this. With you, this place, getting my ass grabbed daily, or even going through your audition. I'm a survivor and I will survive this."
He had backed up a little in his seat but I'd rid the distance in an instant. Big golden eyes danced between my finger, eyes, and lips. "I can see that." I slowly removed myself from his bubble and he crossed his arms over his chest like he was the one wronged. "I said I was sorry the other night. I lost control and took things too far…"
"Do you say that to all the others too? Is this your blanket apology for using women the way that you do?"
He had been looking toward the exit but snapped back to me with my words. "What are you talking about?"
I huffed, pissed to the point of tears. "Fine. Play dumb. Stop coming here and watching me. I'm not going to screw up your stupid club."
He tried to say something but I really wasn't interested. It wasn't like we didn't live together, not that I ever saw him at home either. If he really wanted to talk to me, he could do it there.
I caught Koga grinning at me as I stormed away, feeling Inuyasha's glare on my back. All I could think was that I really had fallen into a den of demons somehow.
Checking every day, every hour, I didn't see Inuyasha return. A week had passed and he hadn't come back to the club. Meaning things went back to the way they were, not seeing or hearing from him at all. This time I was glad.
That is until I got to work on another Friday night.
The place was packed and Koga was far too pleased about it. "Kagome you're going on stage tonight."
"Wait, what?!"
"We're short-staffed and I've gotten requests. So you're dancing tonight. Be ready to go on after Kiki."
I was numb, staring at my reflection at the vanity that Sango let me use. She was doing something with my hair but I felt none of it. The only man I'd ever been naked in front of was Inuyasha and I was fine with that. It was a livable condition to my servitude. But now I was going to be naked in front of a ton more. As I said, the place was packed tonight so easily 50-60 people were going to see my bush.
"It's not that big a deal, Kagome, I promise."
"That's easy for you to say! You can dance! And you're super sexy."
Sango sat down beside her and frowned. "You're sexy!" When I frowned in return, she kept on. "You are! Plus, dancing isn't so bad. You're alone and no one is touching you. It's easy to pretend you're just dancing in front of your mirror. Stay out of the champagne rooms though. They touch a lot in there."
I'd heard about those rooms and had stayed clear the entire time I'd worked here. But I was a server. As a dancer, if someone paid to take me in there, didn't I have to go?
The question was bouncing around in my brain when the door to the dressing room slammed open. Inuyasha took a quick look around and when his eyes landed on me, they went from bronze to molten metal. The others squealed and ran while I was frozen in my seat, Sango stuck by me even as he stormed up and ripped me up from my seat. The only thing he said or did before dragging me out was grab a robe and throw it at me.
"Cover yourself."
In the bra and panty set I had worn there that night, cause no way in hell was I borrowing from anyone else, it was nearly my turn to go on but Inuyasha was taking us towards the exit. Koga stood near it, shaking with anger and...fear?
"I told you. I fucking warned you. She's not to go on the fucking stage. Ever. She can't even dance!"
"Look, I got requests, what was I supposed to do…"
"Tell them to fuck off, that's what! Jesus, what the hell do I pay you for?! When some asshole with a few bucks tells you what to do and you listen to them instead of me?"
Koga's head hung low but I didn't feel any pity in the slightest. "Sorry, Boss."
Inuyasha still had my hand in a death grip but he put his free one on Koga's shoulder. It was the kindest act I'd ever seen him do. "If anyone bothers you, you call me. Got it?"
I didn't get to see how Koga reacted, Inuyasha pulling us out into the night. He stopped, only to wrap his coat around me before shoving me into his car. The ride was silent until I could take it no longer. Anger was surging in me. Sure, he saved me but who asked him anyway?!
"I don't get you at all. You put me in a strip club to work but then get pissed because people want me to take off my clothes?"
"You're a server."
"IN A STRIP CLUB! What did you think was going to happen?!"
"I thought you'd do your fucking job!"
A dark laugh escaped my lips and Inuyasha turned to glare at me. "My fucking job? Interesting words coming from you. Considering you bought me to fuck you."
"I told you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to …"
I wanted him to stop apologizing because it made the loss of my virginity a regret to him. I didn't regret it, I had enjoyed it until he opened his fat mouth! "It doesn't change a thing! Your apology doesn't change that night and it doesn't make my hymen magically grow back! And it doesn't change your complete lack of care for my feelings on the subject either!"
"Lack of care?!"
"I know I should be thankful...that things could be a lot worse…" I really tried not to, because I didn't want to give him my tears, but I couldn't stop them either. "But it's hard to feel anything but resentment when I went from being surrounded by angels all day to working for the devil."
I cut my sobs off after five escaped and Inuyasha listened to each one. It made me wonder if he got off on them until he spoke again. "The devil huh? That's how you see me?"
Nothing more was said even as we split off to our rooms. The devil going silently into his and I could honestly say for the first time that I hated someone. Cause I hated Inuyasha.
I half expected Inuyasha to show up at the club again the next day. But with him nowhere in sight two hours in, I considered him a no show and went about business as usual.
Sango was happy to see me, jumping up as soon as I entered the dressing room while everyone else seemed surprised to see me as well. "Oh man, last night was intense. You're okay, right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Inuyasha is just...weird…"
"Weird? I thought it was hot as hell. I wish I had a boyfriend that protective. I was wondering why you were just a server all this time but now I get it…"
"Wait," I stopped her ramble with a gentle hand in her face, "that guy is not my boyfriend."
"Huh? Then who the hell is he? The way he dragged you out of here I thought for sure he made you quit…."
"What the hell do you mean, who is he? He's the boss!"
Sango's face and those eavesdropping around us twisted in confusion. "No, Koga's the boss."
I looked around, finding faces that agreed. "Wait...so when you said you auditioned for the boss…"
"Yeah, Koga. He made us all strip for him in his tiny little office. I was scared he'd do more but that was it."
I felt faint, my head getting light and my breaths feeling shallow. "But I thought… Inuyasha…."
"Kagome? Are you alright?"
Sango was holding me up off the floor and I gripped her shoulders tight. "Yeah, I just… need some air…"
If she didn't have her first set in five minutes, I was sure Sango would have gone with me. As it was, I wasn't sure I wanted the company anyway, following her finger to the back door of the dressing room.
It was freezing out, middle of January, and snow falling lightly from the black sky above. The cold helped my brain though, forcing the sticky feeling inside it to freeze so it would function.
So when Inuyasha said he was sorry...what had he said? He didn't mean to, that he lost control. Did he never intend to sleep with me? He was Koga's boss but not the boss of the other women? How did that make sense? It was if he had some kind of loyalty and he was actually showing it to me but I didn't understand or know how to take it.
Damn, now I hated him a little less.
So lost in thought, I missed the guy standing nearby, smoking. He took a step closer and I took a step back. It pushed me into the dark and him into the light. The bright red bulb at the end of his cigarette as he took a long drag and then tossed it. His features were sharp and dangerous looking, even with his long, wavy locks that softened his appearance. It was his eyes really, they were dull and lifeless and set on her.
"You're...Kagome right?" I really didn't like that he knew my name. "I'm a bit of a fan of yours. I'm Naraku."
He stuck out a hand but I refused to remove mine from their wrapped position around my chest. Naraku chuckled as he dropped the offer, digging in his pocket for something so I took another step back. A new cigarette and lighter in his hands, I still didn't relax, trying to slide towards the door. If he noticed, he said and did nothing as I grabbed a hold of the handle and pulled with all my might. But the door didn't budge.
"It's locked from the outside. Usually, the girls leave something to block the door but I guess they didn't tell you about that, did they?" he was grinning while my skin was trying to find a new home far from him. "Why don't you dance? You have a killer body and are so damn sexy. Does Inuyasha have a reason for not letting you? I must admit, it has me curious about your relationship to him."
"We don't have a relationship past employee and employer."
He shook his head, clucking his tongue at me. "Koga is your boss. Or...isn't he?" I fidgeted, looking for a way out. "Oh...I see… you belong to Inuyasha, don't you? Just what is your title then?"
My only choice was to walk around the building to the front, which I was about to do when the door popped open and Sango's head appeared. "Kagome? There you are! Sorry, I forgot to warn you about the lock…"
I was breezing past her, not worrying about the slip-up and Sango was glaring at Naraku. "If you ever want a change of pace, Kagome, let me know."
The door slammed heavily behind us and I couldn't be happier. Sango was still looking behind us as if Naraku had a key he forgot to mention. "You should stay away from that guy, Kagome. I'm not sure why he's even allowed near the building."
"Why do you say that?"
She looked back at me, her face pale. "Well...he snaked away a few of the girls that worked here a few years ago to work at his house or something. He promised them more pay and no stripping. But the last I heard he was sleeping with all of them and only some of them were willing."
I didn't bother hiding my disgust, nearly vomiting on the dark tile below us. Sango looked sick too. We were making our way back towards the front, Sango required to 'meet and greet' after her show and get tips. I was supposed to get tips too but I think they all went to Inuyasha or something. They could all go to the home for all I cared, I was loyal to the cause.
Naomi ran up to us as soon as we made it out of the hall and into the main floor. "Kagome, someone is here for you."
If it was Naraku again, I was just going to slug him and call over Koga. But it wasn't him. It was Mother Kaede.
And Naraku shows up, so you know there's going to be issues. Drama. Angsty drama. Weeeeeee...
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