#intuitive abiltiies
theawakenedstate · 2 years
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I want you to know that your intuitive nature is your most powerful asset and natural gift you possess.
What most won’t understand who aren’t awakened (the masses) is that your intuition is the key to understanding your Attraction Power. It is how you Naturally Turn on your Magnetism and use it to your advantage.
your intuition is a powerhouse that goes beyond – just guessing correctly –
Did you know that when you use your intuition correctly you can tap into altered states of consciousness such as Super Flow, the state of pure channeling? This is where you can access what i like to call quantum intelligence – where you pick up information, solutions, and different perspectives like plucking them out of the air – quite similar to what you can experience in states on dmt.
Did you know that when you open up more to strengthening your intuition – you can literally use it as a guidance map system to help you Heal, Re-align your energetic body and essentially manifest?
I know what it’s like to be one of us….
I always used to think something was wrong with me – I would feel too deeply ( emotional authority hd fans) and I would have intense visions that for some probably seem a little bit…crazy – But they always guided me profoundly.
When first awakened – It took me years to process my intuitive gifts – I constantly thought I was crazy, too much, intense, emotionally overloaded, and hypersensitive to environments.
I don’t experience these things anymore.
I remember visiting savannah, georgia which is a very haunted town and I felt sooooo much energy there – my mom thought i was a little nuts as a i was showing signs of claustrophobia which and I quote “you never HAD that before, what is wrong with you?”
I had many ascension symptoms over the years before i learned how to properly understand my energy body and intuitive gifting.
It felt like a combination of thinking you’re a little crazy to believing you’re a genius because information just FLOODED to you – I mean like a faucet you never quite turn off – hence why i journal 😉
What was really going on is I had ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE – How to understand what was happening to me.
I didn’t know that i was an: Intuitive channeler Energy Reader Never learned how to emotionally regulate Raising my vibrational consciousness
All I knew is i was experiencing what i could only call ‘ascension symptoms’ and I was feeling always an intense desire to learn how to ‘control my energy’
Never heard of works like Spiritual channelers or Life coaches or even Spiritual entrepreneurs like Gabby bernstein – all i knew is that – I had an Energy problem – not a psychological one.
this went on for a few years as I started to spiritually awaken in 2011. That is until I began to understand how to Manage my Energy (you hear this process in my first program, The Energy Management Toolkit)
When First waking up – We are bombarded by intuitive stimuli but NO ONE TAUGHT US WHAT TO DO WITH IT.
I got over the ‘What is wrong with me’ storyline and started listening deeper to my intuition.
Which created a new mission – An Intention:
I will figure out how to bridge the gap between my spiritual intuitive self and my physical reality – which at the time was a full on mess –
See this goes deeper than ‘psychic abilities’ or ‘learning to cope with vertigo’ every time there’s a full moon.
It went beyond that for me –
I started to learn how to control my Ascension symptoms.
I started to give myself a crash course on how to Manage my Energy Body and Understand the messages my intuition was giving me.
Now see this is where so many get it wrong –
we Often shrug off guidance, call it crazy, a coincidence, and as a result – we are literally cutting outselves off from our natural magic – our intuitive gifts and nature.
We may have been taught to suppress this part of ourselves instead of understand it.
Maybe we weren’t taught to regulate so we don’t even understand the emotional complexity of how our emotions direct us.
Maybe we heavily DOUBT ourselves, Doubt our natural talents and abilities because we have succumb to the feelings of not being enough, seeing the lack or feeling that we cannot trust our natural abilities.
It is in this place that we literally are tuning DOWN, like a radio dial our natural intuitive nature that is guiding us to a life built from desire.
Our Intuitive nature naturally guides us towards:
More Abundance.
More Receiving
More Awareness, clarity and healing
More Receptivity which opens up the flood gates of receiving
Our intuitive nature – is so much more than correctly guessing where your car keys are today –
Our intuition is the natural key to unlocking the codes of MAGNETISM –
Meaning –
Whatever you are desiring,
More fulfillment in relationship, career, love, self-esteem, spiritual clarity, knowledge, etc.
It all starts with Building a SOLID AF relationship to your intuition.
When you Know who you are – You now carry the ability to embrace Soul Certainty across every area of your life.
Which is why I am inviting you to ASCENSION: The Live Interactive Workshop Experience
It’s time to take your Intuition to the Next Level and Get over the ascension symptoms that are clouding you.
you know who you are – Isn’t it time to Amp Up your Attraction Power so you can Call in Fulfilling relationships, more Success, Abundance, Freedom and Allow yourself to Be MORE OPEN TO THE RECEIVING CHANNEL.
What is Ascension really?
Ascension is about Ascending your Consciousness to the Next Level Version of you – your Higher self.
It’s about learning how to work with your intuitive nature and learn the codes to create a Quantum Shift.
This is called the Quantum Shift Code – My signature process to learn how to shift any pattern in your power that is holding you back and creating misalignment in your life.
We don’t realize how much Power we truly have – We always carry the ability to Shift Energy and because of that:
Imagine what it would feel like when a negative spiral comes up, you now have the tools to shift out of it and feel good again.
Imagine what it would be like instead of having ascension symptoms controlling your life, maybe even stopping you going out in public, to reclaiming your Personal Power and knowing that YOU are the one in control.
Imagine what you would believe differently as you now know the quantum codes to TURN UP YOUR MAGNETISM and Direct it towards the way you desire your Life to Go – Where you officially STOP – focusing on what you don’t want – and you set your internal compass towards what you ultimately Desire
That is what I’m here to Teach and share.
If your future self is screaming hell yes, – then it’s time to join us.
That is why I created this workshop, this is a conversation that is overdue in the spiritual community
How do we Bridge the gap and apply Spiritual teachings back to our practical every-day lives?
Join me for a Special One Time LIVE online Event where we go deep into the depths of Energy Work and I teach you how to understand the Patterns so you can begin Shifting Energetics and Learning how to change the way you are manifesting through them.
I will teach you how to OWN your intuitive gifts and learn how to use them to your personal advantage so you get over:
overactive empathy
end bad habits that influence sabotage
and learn to work with your higher self.
Learn the Details and Sign up info here: The Ascension Workshop: June11th at 10am CST
Here’s some of the Nuts & Bolts on what we’re covering:
✨Receive a Crash Course on Energetic Awareness – How to Understand How Energy works, Energetic Attraction in relationship to Manifesting, How You can use it and How you can Heal yourself.
✨Bridge the Gap of your Spiritual Self: How to Begin Merging your Understanding of the Spiritual World of Quantum Energetics into the Physical Reality of Your Material World.
✨How to Properly Identify what your Energetic Patterns are and how they influence your Negative Patterns and/or Ascension symptoms so you can energetically heal them.
✨How to start changing them stat with my 5 step Alignment Process (secret gold sauce with cherries on top or magic sprinkles!)
✨END The Lack of Clarity or Awareness you feel about Ascension Symptoms rulling your Life and How to Stop them in their Tracks.
✨How to Cultivate a Solid Relationship to Your Higher Self/Your Connection to Soul Guidance so you embrace the Soul Certainty your mind and body has been craving.
✨How to Raise Your Vibration Naturally so you’re no longer forcing yourself to be ‘high vibe’ or ‘fake positive’ (this is cringe and it needs to end stat, there’s a better way)
✨Radical Awareness on How you can Use Kundalini Awakening as a framework for Jumpstarting Your Healing Journey so you can manifest from a cleaner energy than ever before.
✨Learn to create a Mindset detox Plan on your Mind + body to feel Aligned & create Healthy Habits: allowing you to heal, clear your subconscious, break habits and negative patterns. I will walk you through this and you will take away a valuable process for Massive Breakthroughs and shifts in your Life.
✨Tap Into Your Natural Abundance Mindset and Know How to Unlock at Will so you can anchor into more Receiving
✨Step in more Fully to Your Next Level Self By Going into Quantum Energetics, and learning how to Stay Tapped in to Your higher self for More: Ultimate Superflow, Alignment, Potent Intuition & Supreme Trust all by Reconnecting Back to Your Soul Truth.
✨Energy Shifting 101 – Learn How to Shift Energy like a MOFO and Get realigned with what you’re calling into the physical
✨Potent Mindset Deep Dive Energetic Work to Create you into an Energetic Match for whatever you desire and Prompts to Dive into, Plus whatever Questions come through DURING our Interactive Workshop – Bring your pen 😉
I am seriously SOO excited for what we are covering!
This workshop is high value – low cost
Save your Seat and Join us on June 11th 2022 by grabbing your front row seat today! Let’s make this a party 💃🎉
Full Details and Sign up Information is Located below:
Any Questions about the live workshop, just reach out.
Enrollment closes the day of the workshop. Save yo Seat 😉
This is going to be magical
Enrollment closes in 5 DAYS
SOUL UNLEASHED: Your Intuitive Nature Is the Key to Unlocking your ATTRACTION POWER
I want you to know that your intuitive nature is your most powerful asset and natural gift you possess. What most won’t understand who aren’t awakened (the masses) is that your intuition is the key to understanding your Attraction Power. It is how you Naturally Turn on your Magnetism and use it to your advantage. your intuition is a powerhouse […]
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homeplanets · 3 years
chemistry knowledge just slides off my brain like water off a duck like this is basically the third time im taking chem 1 cuz i had ap chem in hs and then took it my freshman year college and each time i got like a C and the best i can hope for now is another C but whats really fucked is you know what comes next if i do get thru this class? CHEM 2. and after that? a year of organic chem. and possibly even biochem after that. fucked up and terrible im switching majors from bio to russian literature
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hairythoughts · 7 years
Phenomenal Mind / Knowledge Argument Revisited
I already took a look at the phenomenal knowledge argument against physicalism (‘What Mary Didn’t Know’) in another post. Now I am back for more. In Robert Van Gulick’s article ‘Understanding the Phenomenal Mind: Are We All Just Armadillos?’ you find a profound (although materialistic driven) examination of the knowledge argument. First consider his rendering of the argument.
A1 The knowledge argument
P1     Mary (before her release) knows everything physical there is to know about seeing red
P2     Mary (before her release) does not know everything there is to know about seeing red because she learns something about it on her release
C3     There are some truths about seeing red that escape the physicalist story
C4     Physicalism is false and phenomenal properties cannot be explained as (or identified with) physical properties
Van Gulick examines four questions that lead to cruxes of the argument. The first question is:
Q1     Does Mary learn anything or gain any knowledge when she first experiences red?
If this question can be answered with no then we already have refuted the argument and saved physicalism from its poisonous grasp. Paul Churchland seems to think that it could be the case that Mary is not surprised after leaving her room saying something similar to this: ‘Just like I always imagined it to be’. This plays on the idea of Mary knowing everything physical about colors. We do not know how far she could anticipate the color of red if she had a practicable physically omniscient knowledge about color. If this were to happen we could preclude that Mary has not learned anything new. However, I would say that our intuition runs contrary to this. If I have lived my whole life in a black and white room I would certainly be surprised when I get to see color for the first time in my life even if I have hypothesized about the nature of color all my life. Maybe I would even be surprised just because I have hypothesized about the nature of color all my life.
Therefore, let us follow the notion that Mary does learn some knowledge like most philosophers have conceded.
Q2     What sort of knowledge does Mary gain? Is it strictly know-how or does it include new knowledge of facts, propositions or information?
Indeed, what does Mary gain? Some philosophers have argued that Mary does only learn some know-how. Consequently, Mary learns how to see colors and thus she gains an abiltiy instead of new factual knowledge. If she does not gain new facts, propositions or information then she does not learn of something non-physical that could refute physicalism. Even if I know in theory perfectly how to surf I still learn of something if I try to ride my first wave. Is this a good analogy though?
When Mary sees the color red for the first time she learns of something fundamentally new. In the case of me surfing for the first time I may also have the feeling of having gained some knowledge that is fundamentally knew for me. Actually, I just realized that the analogy of me surfing is quite good but it does not achieve my aim of demonstrating that Mary learns an ability. If you imprison me my whole life in a room and teach me everything there is to know physically about surfing it is the same question that arises once you set me free on a beach. Do I gain some knowledge that I could not have known before despite knowing everything there is to know about surfing (you see I never been surfing in my life)? An opponent of materialism would say of course you do, you learn of how it is like to ride a wave and this is not something you could learn of by sitting in an armchair or studying a perfectly complete account of surfing theory.
However, in the case of surfing it is easier to understand the response that I learn an ability and not new facts, propositions or information. That is because surfing is an ability in some way. Is seeing colors an ability? Theoretically Mary already had the ability of seeing colors before she left the room. So does she learn how to use this ability then? If she does learn how to use her ability then maybe we can liken it to a scientist who learns to use a microscope.
Does this scientist learn new facts, propositions or information about any material that he already has a complete physical account about? He seems to learn the fact of how the material looks under a microscope even if his prior conception is almost similar to reality. The same may apply to Mary seeing colors. The ability to see colors can be likened to the ability to use a microscope. Seeing the actual color red may be compared to seeing a cell under the microscope for the first time. Consequently, I would think that Mary learns to use an innate ability and still learns of some fact, a visual fact of how red looks like. Consequently, we have to move on to question three.
Q3     Does Mary come to know new facts, new propositions or come to possess new information?
This sounds pretty similar to question two. However, this question rotates on the matter whether Mary learns some new facts, propositions or information while question two was about new knowledge. Why bother you ask? There are some philosophers who claim that Mary does not learn new but already known facts, propositions or information in a new way.
Does Mary ‘come to know’ known facts or propositions in a new way when she first sees the color red? It does not sound that reasonable to me. I could imagine that I have not experienced anything like seeing red before if I were Mary. Does this not presuppose that she already knew how red looked like? What other way than to actually perceive red is there to come to know how red looks like?
Van Gulick introduces two possibilities. There might be a different mode of access or a different system of representation for Mary to build upon.
So Mary could now know introspectively what she only knew to be true by inference before. I would say that these two modes are rather different though. Can inference of physical facts about red color lead to the same knowledge that the introspection of perception of red color does. I do not think so.
The second option is the one of a different system of representation. ‘Mary [may] now [be] able to represent such facts to herself using a basic biological and probably pre-linguistic system of representation quite distinct from the linguistic representations she had to use to represent such facts in the past’, writes Van Gulick.
David Lewis seems to have argued that Mary’s gaining new knowledge is similar to her learning a different language such as Urdu and thus acquires a new system of representation. As Van Gulick points out quite rightly though in my opinion, there is a (much?) wider gap in system of representation if we consider the color case. Consequently, Mary may still have gained new knowledge even if she has not come to know a new proposition. It seems like we have to consider question 4.
Q4     On what mode of individuating propositions does Mary learn a new proposition? (That is, what counts here as a new proposition?)
Propositions can be individuated in a wide, broad and thus coarsely way or in a fine-tuned way. If we adopt for example the truth value of a proposition as its extension in possible worlds then ‘5+7=12’ means the same as ‘all bachelors are unmarried men in their 20-30s’ or ‘Water is the same as H20’ because all of these statements are necessarily true in all possible worlds. This applies generally to all instances of co-extensiveness.
Such an account of meaning would lead to a rather coarse way of distinguishing between propositions. The chances that Mary learns new knowledge even if she has not come to a new proposition are higher on a coarse account because obviously (at least to me) ‘5+7=12’ and ‘Water is the same as H20’ does not mean the same. Consequently, it is more likely to learn something new despite not coming to know a new proposition.
 On the other hand it is much harder to gain new knowledge despite not coming to know a new proposition on a fine-tuned account. It is much more likely that if Mary qualifies as coming to know an old proposition that it is not in a way that enhances her knowledge.
Or so I thought. Van Gulick seems to argue in another way about this. He claims that a fine-tuned account would keep materialism safe even if Mary comes to a new proposition because ‘the property to which her new concept refers can be just some property she referred to in the past by use of a purely physical concept’. I have to admit that I do not understand this yet. I will come back to this post later…
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