#into the sugarverse
roosterforme · 4 months
how 'bout Phoenix and the Swim team coach from the sugarverse university?
Okay, that would be delicious, since Phoenix is an amazing swimmer from being in the Navy. I desperately want all of the daggers to invade the school campus. They even start taking classes. Everyone knows the hot aviators.
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embrosegraves · 7 months
𝔸 ℕ𝕖𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖
Max Verstappen x Reader  Max just wants to show his love for you 
A pre-graduation gift!
Part 1 of a very fluffy 2 part Fic. I've decided to put all of my Sugar Daddy fics (because there will be more) into their own universe. I dub thee, The Sugar -verse!
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Max was a man of his word. This meant that if he said he was going to do something, he would do it. Even if he said he would leave you alone to study. Of course he would pout a bit but he would leave you to do your thing. Most of all it meant that he absolutely would NOT change his mind after he utters the words “I’m going to…” when it came to spoiling you. 
In order to avoid the wrath he was sure to incur from you, he would often say it under his breath or he would think them so as to avoid you hearing them. Because Lord knows what you would make him promise  if you heard the things he was to purchase for you. In his opinion the laptop was nowhere near expensive enough. It made you happy though so he didn’t complain. Too much. 
Now however, Max didn’t see the problem in spending as much as he could on you. You were graduating with your degree after years and years of hard work. You deserved to be given whatever it was you wanted to have. And despite what you said, Max was very aware of his spending habits. Which is why when there was only a month until your graduation, he bought extra cabinets and shoe racks for him to build. 
Closer and closer the date crept up until it was the day before you graduated. Max had made sure that when you came home in the evening, there was a hot bath ready for you to soak in, a glass of your favourite wine and a plate of your favourite dinner meal ready on the bath tray. He was prepared to dote on you for however long you let him. Before you went to bed that night, Max decided that it wouldn’t hurt to give you at least one gift now. 
“Schat, I have something to give you.” 
You turned around in his arms so you could look at him properly. Times like this, when you would just be surrounded by him in comfort, were always your favourite thing. You would probably trade all the money in the world if it meant you could keep Max for yourself. Max wouldn’t make the same trade because that would mean that he couldn’t spend anything on you like he thought you deserved. 
“I’ve already been given so much tonight, My Love.” 
Max frowned a little when you spoke. He hadn’t given you anything yet. What did you mean you had been given so much? Seeing Max’s confusion you elaborated a little. 
“I’ve been given an entire evening to spend around you. I’ve been given all my favourite things and now I get to just lay here with you, which I think is the greatest gift of them all.” 
Max was thankful that most of the lights had been turned off. He could feel his face heating up. He buried his face between your neck and shoulder, giving you a light kiss. 
“I want to give you something you can wear tomorrow.” 
“Max.” Your voice was stern. 
“It’s something small, don’t worry.” 
“Just because it’s small doesn’t mean it wasn’t expensive, Max. What did you buy?” 
“A necklace.” Came Max’s muffled reply. He had been placing soft kisses to your skin the whole time. 
You closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling before you gently grabbed his face and moved it to look at you. Protests of “I wasn’t finished kissing” fell through Max’s mouth as you did. 
“Can you justify it?” You asked. Max looked like a pouting child, but he nodded. 
“I bought it because you’re graduating tomorrow and it’s a simple one so you can wear it every day and not just at fancy places.” It was a simple justification, but dammit he was right. You playfully scoffed but allowed him to get the necklace so he could give it to you. You felt an indescribable amount of love when you saw him get up with a big grin on his face. 
When he gave you the box for it, he sat in front of you like a kid waiting to show their parents a drawing they were proud of. Opening the box, you gasped and covered your mouth. The necklace was beautiful. A dainty gold chain with Max’s initial and your birthstone. 
“Max, this is beautiful.” Your voice was barely a whisper. You could hardly speak. It was simple, like he had said, but it was easily one of the most gorgeous things you had. 
“Will you wear it tomorrow?” Max seemed almost nervous as he asked you to wear his initial around your neck. 
In response you flung your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, tears welling up in your eyes. His arms circled around your waist in reflex to keep you steady. 
“I’m never taking it off.” You breathed near his ear. A few moments later you detached yourself and held the necklace towards him. 
“Put it on for me?”
Neither of your smiles left your faces, even as you eventually succumbed to sleep.
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The necklace looks similar to these necklaces I saw on facebook lmao
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bishopony · 11 months
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Rarity Belle <3
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sugarthelion · 4 months
Geek-ity geek-ity geeks in love ❤️
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i-cloudyink-i · 2 months
@sugarthelion Sugarverse fanart grins grins grins grins
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Tfw you seem to replace your brain with your heart
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redezign-yr-logo · 6 months
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theepicsugarverse · 2 months
Diablo what's your favorite coffee brand thing
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tteokdoroki · 1 month
YUMMY thanks for the moodboards ehehhehe
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blo0dyteeth · 5 months
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Listen, I'm back from the dead again-
So basically, more ponies! This design is made and owner by Sugarverse aka SugaryCemetary on Toyhouse, their name and theme at fungal infection!
I decided to use that little grainy effect which I think looks nice, however it does look a little harsh- I will use it again tho because I really like the way it looks on art (I'll probably forget it tho)
I'm lowkey proud of the art and Sugar is Satisfied!
I'm not expecting much from this goddamn post but you know-
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tired-biscuit · 2 months
okay so I saw this; www.tumblr.com/sugarverse/746472744921792512/causally-thinking-about-your-boyfriend-putting
And it reminded me of your Kiba-cutie one shot 👀 and now I can’t stop imagining sun-kissed warm bodies and the grunts and growls in your ear and — now I can’t stop thinking about it. do w this what you will 😇🖤 -🦈
THE WAY HE’D HAVE TO HOLD YOU STILL SO YOU WOULD STOP TRYING TO SQUIRM AWAY FROM HIM! and the conceited smirk he’d give you afterwards, when he’d finally get what he wanted… AND ALL THE SWEAT; he’d be so sweaty and breathless and cute because the sun would turn his face bright red, and and and—
he can’t fuck you at home because your parents could catch you, so he has to do it on the beach, or at least humps you long enough to satisfy his urges; poor baby! he just finds you too hot in your cute little swimsuit. :(
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roosterforme · 2 months
Thinking about sometime in the future, Jake, beer boy, and Bob go golfing one weekend and the girls decide to come along to be “drink cart girls” which ends in them blasting beer boy’s old frat boy playlist while Anna drives ap and ac around in the golf cart for joyrides 😂
Sarah, I love this so much. I can't stop thinking about it. The girls would end up driving the cart all over the place to the point that the guys end up walking from the hole to the next tee, because the three of them and the cart are nowhere to be found. And then when they are trying to tee off, the cart goes screeching past with the girls screaming and squealing. They would be rocking out to the exact Spotify fuckboy playlist that I made for Beer Boy lol.
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embrosegraves · 8 months
𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘
Just a lil something I thought of and couldn't get out of my head :P I hope you enjoy <3
Max Verstappen x Reader  “If you can justify the purchase, then you can buy it for me.” Sugar Daddy x Slightly Reluctant! Sugar Baby
very brief google translated dutch (it's like 2 thing near the end)
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You weren’t sure how you managed to get to this point in your life. One night you were working at your local club, trying to make ends meet with three jobs. You needed to pay for rent and utilities and food and the ever looming University degree you had begun studying for. You never thought you’d ever get to a point of financial comfortability, because the situation definitely wasn’t the most stable but it was comfortable. 
At first you thought he was just another rich snob who wanted to impress his mates with the amount of money he could spend on a single night. And to be fair he kinda was. He just also happened to be the one that sat with you while you worked the bar, listening to your woes of being a uni student who needed to work more than one job throughout the day on top of going to class.  
Now though, almost exactly 3 years after first meeting him, you couldn’t believe what you were looking at. 
“I’m not letting you buy that for me, Max.”
“Why not?” He was almost (definitely) pouting. 
“Because I can buy my own laptop? And besides, my final year is almost over, I can get it after.” 
Max looked at you unimpressed. “The one you have now is falling apart. You need a new one.”
You grabbed his hand and slowly led him to a bench that was outside the store you were just standing in. “My love, I adore that you want to get me a new laptop for school, but you cannot justify spending three and a half million dollars on a laptop for me. I don’t care if it’s Swarovski, I don’t care if it’s the best laptop in the world. I don’t need it.”
It was always like this between you and Max. He wanted to buy you the most insanely expensive things just because he could, but you always told him not to. Looking at him in front of you, his face sporting an almost unnoticeable frown, you sighed. Keeping hold of his hand in yours, you moved your free hand to cradle his face. 
“I will let you buy me a laptop-” His face lit up, “on the condition that it cost no more than eight thousand. I know I cannot get you to spend like a regular person, so that will be the cap on how much you spend on my laptop.”
“You never let me do anything fun.” Max was pouting again, but you could see his eyes were happy. 
“Well, that’s tough Schat. If it makes you feel better, after you get the laptop because I’m not budging on that, you can buy me whatever you want-” You held your hand in front of him before Max could interrupt and start celebrating, “but you have to be able to properly justify the purchase. Which means no more mindless spending on things, okay?” 
He pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you tightly. “As long as I still get to spoil you, like you deserve, then I will agree to your conditions.” 
You felt as he placed a kiss on your head before you moved back. You gave him a kiss on his lips and smiled at him. 
“Go. I can tell you’re just wanting to find a laptop to get me.”
He laughed and kissed you again before grabbing your hands and leading to a different tech store for your new laptop. “Let’s go then, Mijn Liefje!”
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Translations (Provided by Google Translate) Schat = Darling Mijn Liefje = My Love
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bishopony · 2 years
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o '+ . • the great and powerful . + o . '
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sugarthelion · 20 days
Guys it’s jaws everyone say hi to her
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redezign-yr-logo · 3 months
Art of Silence!!!! The second one with the other character is my friend @sugarthelion 's character, Btice ^^
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theepicsugarverse · 5 months
whats yr opinion on the other Aliens you know ? :3
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