#international pathway programs
yv-sg · 1 year
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universitypathways · 1 year
Foundation Studies Certificate is a pathway programme that helps international students to gain the English language and academic support to progress to study at the University of Auckland.
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greenthestral · 11 months
Crushing Poverty: Unleashing the Power of Goal 1 for a Prosperous World
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In an ideal world, every individual should have the opportunity to thrive, free from the grip of poverty. However, poverty remains a persistent and complex challenge that affects billions of people worldwide. Acknowledging this dire reality, the United Nations set forth a transformative agenda known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Among the 17 goals, Goal 1 stands as a beacon of hope, aiming to eradicate poverty in all its forms by 2030. In this article, we will explore the significance of Goal 1, delve into the multifaceted nature of poverty, discuss its impacts, and outline a roadmap to achieve a poverty-free world.
The Urgency of No Poverty
Poverty is not merely a statistic; it represents the daily struggle of countless individuals, families, and communities. The urgency to address this issue is paramount, as poverty engenders a host of other social, economic, and political problems. Poverty leads to increased social inequalities, limits access to basic human rights, perpetuates cycles of deprivation, and hampers sustainable development efforts. It is crucial to acknowledge that poverty is not an isolated problem but rather interconnected with several other SDGs, such as those related to hunger, health, education, and gender equality.
The Significance of Goal 1
Goal 1 serves as the foundation upon which the other SDGs can be achieved. By focusing on poverty eradication, societies can break free from the vicious cycle of deprivation and inequality, creating an environment conducive to sustainable development. Goal 1 encompasses three dimensions of poverty: extreme poverty (living on less than $1.90 a day), moderate poverty, and multidimensional poverty, which takes into account factors such as education, health, and standard of living.
Understanding Poverty
Defining Poverty
Poverty can be defined as a state of deprivation, where individuals lack access to resources and opportunities required for a decent standard of living. Beyond financial poverty, it encompasses various aspects, including inadequate education, limited access to healthcare, lack of clean water and sanitation, insufficient housing, and social exclusion. A comprehensive understanding of poverty requires recognizing its multidimensional nature, acknowledging the complexities that perpetuate its existence.
The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Poverty
Poverty extends far beyond monetary measures. It manifests in different forms, affecting diverse dimensions of human life. Access to quality education, healthcare, housing, clean water, sanitation, and basic infrastructure are crucial components that contribute to poverty alleviation. Additionally, social exclusion, discrimination, and gender inequality serve as barriers, exacerbating the effects of poverty and limiting opportunities for marginalized groups.
The Impacts of Poverty
Economic Consequences
Poverty has far-reaching economic consequences, creating a vicious cycle that hampers economic growth. Individuals living in poverty often lack access to education and skills training, limiting their employment prospects and perpetuating low-income jobs. Reduced productivity, limited market participation, and insufficient investment in human capital are key challenges that stem from poverty, inhibiting economic development at both individual and societal levels.
Social and Psychological Effects
Beyond economic implications, poverty takes a toll on the social fabric of societies. It breeds social inequalities, marginalizes individuals and communities, and leads to a lack of social cohesion. Poverty often results in increased crime rates, unequal access to justice, and limited political participation. Moreover, the psychological impact of poverty cannot be overlooked, as individuals experience heightened stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem, which further hinders their ability to break free from the poverty trap.
The Roadmap to No Poverty
Empowering Individuals
To effectively combat poverty, empowerment plays a pivotal role. Empowering individuals involves providing access to quality education, healthcare, and social protection systems. Equipping individuals with skills and knowledge empowers them to participate fully in the economy, enabling sustainable livelihoods and enhancing their overall well-being.
Enhancing Economic Opportunities
Promoting inclusive economic growth is crucial in eradicating poverty. This requires creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurship, job creation, and investment. Governments, in partnership with the private sector, can foster innovation and provide support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to stimulate economic development and reduce inequalities.
Creating Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty. It entails investing in infrastructure, promoting renewable energy, and adopting environmentally friendly practices. Embracing sustainable development principles ensures the conservation of natural resources, mitigates climate change, and creates opportunities for economic growth that benefits all segments of society.
Success Stories and Inspiring Initiatives
Microfinance Revolutionizing Lives
Microfinance has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against poverty. By providing small loans and financial services to the most vulnerable populations, microfinance institutions empower individuals to start businesses, improve their livelihoods, and escape poverty. The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, founded by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, stands as a shining example of how microfinance can transform lives.
Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Breaking the Cycle
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs have gained traction worldwide as effective poverty reduction strategies. These programs provide direct cash transfers to low-income households, conditional upon certain behaviors such as sending children to school or attending healthcare appointments. By incentivizing education and healthcare utilization, CCT programs break intergenerational cycles of poverty, offering families a pathway towards a better future.
Education as the Key to Prosperity
Education is an indispensable tool for poverty eradication. Investing in quality education, particularly for marginalized communities, equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to break free from the chains of poverty. Accessible and inclusive education systems empower individuals to secure better employment opportunities, escape poverty, and contribute meaningfully to society.
The Role of Governments, NGOs, and Individuals
Government Policies and International Cooperation
Governments play a crucial role in implementing policies and creating an enabling environment to eradicate poverty. It requires effective governance, equitable resource allocation, and social protection systems. International cooperation, through partnerships and aid, is also vital in supporting countries' efforts to achieve Goal 1.
NGOs and Grassroots Movements
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and grassroots movements play a significant role in poverty reduction by filling gaps in service delivery, advocating for marginalized communities, and facilitating empowerment initiatives. Their on-the-ground presence and community-driven approaches help address the unique challenges faced by different communities.
Individual Actions: The Power of Small Steps
While governments and organizations have a crucial role to play, individuals can also make a difference in the fight against poverty. Small acts of kindness, volunteering, supporting local businesses, and advocating for social justice contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable society. Collectively, these individual actions have the potential to create a ripple effect and drive meaningful change.
Goal 1: No Poverty serves as a rallying point for humanity to address the pervasive challenge of poverty. Understanding the multi-dimensional nature of poverty and its far-reaching impacts is essential for crafting effective strategies. By empowering individuals, enhancing economic opportunities, and fostering sustainable development, we can move closer to a world free from poverty. Success stories and inspiring initiatives, combined with the collective efforts of governments, NGOs, and individuals, offer hope for a future where no one is left behind. Let us unite and work tirelessly to achieve Goal 1 and build a prosperous world for all.
#Understanding the multi-dimensional nature of poverty: Goal 1 insights#Economic consequences of poverty: Goal 1's impact on development#Goal 1 strategies for a poverty-free world: Empowering communities#How to eradicate poverty: Goal 1 strategies#Breaking the poverty cycle: Goal 1 in action#Achieving Goal 1: Roadmap to a poverty-free world#Understanding the impacts of poverty: Goal 1 insights#Success stories of poverty alleviation: Goal 1 triumphs#Empowering individuals: Key to Goal 1 success#Enhancing economic opportunities for poverty eradication: Goal 1 approach#Sustainable development and poverty reduction: Goal 1 initiatives#Microfinance revolutionizing lives: Goal 1 case studies#Conditional cash transfer programs: Breaking poverty with Goal 1#Education as a pathway out of poverty: Goal 1 focus#Government policies and international cooperation for Goal 1#NGOs and grassroots movements in the fight against poverty: Goal 1 impact#Individual actions for Goal 1: Making a difference in poverty reduction#Goal 1: No Poverty - Transforming societies for a better future#The urgency of poverty eradication: Goal 1's significance#Social and psychological effects of poverty: Goal 1's hidden costs#Goal 1 success stories: Inspiring poverty reduction initiatives#Tackling poverty through education and skills training: Goal 1's role#Government policies for poverty eradication: Goal 1's influence#How NGOs contribute to Goal 1: Fighting poverty on the ground#Individual actions for a poverty-free world: Supporting Goal 1#Goal 1: No Poverty - A comprehensive roadmap for change#Understanding poverty: Key to achieving Goal 1#Breaking barriers to economic opportunities: Goal 1's impact#Sustainable development for poverty eradication: Goal 1's approach#Goal 1: No Poverty - Unleashing the power of collective action
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Unlocking Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Study Abroad Counseling Services by Intelligent Overseas Education
Intelligent Overseas Education serves as a guiding light for students aspiring to pursue higher education abroad. With a focus on personalized support and a commitment to excellence, Intelligent Overseas Education offers a diverse range of services tailored to empower students in their international academic journey. From study abroad counseling to university admissions guidance, each service is meticulously designed to help students navigate the complexities of studying overseas and unlock a world of opportunities.
Course Counseling and Higher Education Consulting:
At Intelligent Overseas Education, experienced counselors provide personalized course counseling and higher education consulting services. Students receive expert guidance to explore study opportunities in countries such as Australia, Canada, the UK, Ireland, the USA, France, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, and beyond. With a focus on matching academic interests and career goals, counselors assist students in selecting the right courses and institutions to fulfill their aspirations.
Application Assistance and University Admissions Counseling:
Navigating the application process for universities abroad can be overwhelming, but Intelligent Overseas Education offers comprehensive application assistance and university admissions counseling. From preparing application documents to submitting applications, students receive step-by-step guidance to ensure a seamless process. Counselors work closely with students to maximize their chances of acceptance into prestigious institutions worldwide.
Test Preparation and Education Pathways:
Language proficiency tests and academic qualifications are crucial aspects of studying abroad, and Intelligent Overseas Education provides tailored test preparation and education pathways guidance. With specialized classes and resources, students receive support to excel in exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, and others. Additionally, counselors offer insights into education pathways and career guidance, helping students make informed decisions about their academic futures.
Visa Application Support and Overseas Education Guidance:
Securing a student visa is a pivotal step in studying abroad, and Intelligent Overseas Education offers comprehensive visa application support and overseas education guidance. Counselors assist students in understanding visa requirements, preparing visa documents, and navigating the application process with confidence. With meticulous attention to detail, Intelligent Overseas Education ensures that students are well-prepared for their international educational journey.
Scholarship Assistance and Global Study Opportunities:
Financial considerations should not deter students from pursuing their dreams of studying abroad, and Intelligent Overseas Education provides dedicated scholarship assistance and access to global study opportunities. Counselors help students identify and apply for scholarships, grants, and financial aid to alleviate financial burdens. With a focus on making education accessible, Intelligent Overseas Education opens doors to global study opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds.
In the realm of international education, Intelligent Overseas Education stands as a trusted partner, guiding students towards academic success and personal growth. With study abroad counseling, higher education consulting, and comprehensive guidance services, Intelligent Overseas Education empowers students to embark on transformative educational journeys across the globe. As students navigate the complexities of studying abroad, Intelligent Overseas Education remains steadfast in its mission to unlock a world of opportunities and shape the future leaders of tomorrow.
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Studying Abroad in Australia with Career Bridge Group
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"Welcome to Career Bridge Group! We are dedicated to helping you achieve your career objectives in Australia. We offer a pathway towards success in your career."
Why Australia?
Australia is an exceptional study destination with customized programs and diverse career opportunities that meet industry requirements. Read on to learn more about its advantages.
Unlocking Career Opportunities:
Australian Abroad Degrees: Experience Australian degrees and vocational courses with integrated work programs and internships. Gain industry experience and grow your network while studying.
Practical Skills for Diverse Careers: Australian universities prioritize practical skills, continually updating programs with input from industry leaders. Acquire current, up-to-date knowledge applicable to a wide range of careers, advancing your professional development.
Opportunity for Permanent Residence: Australia offers a clear pathway to permanent residency, making it an attractive destination for those looking to pursue their education and career goals.
International Rankings: Discover the world-class education offered by Australian universities and gain global recognition for your qualifications with their high international rankings.
Part-Time Job Opportunities: Part-time job opportunities for international students provide valuable work experience and additional financial support.
Post-Study Work Visa: After graduation, you can obtain a post-study work visa for up to 5 years to jumpstart your career in Australia.
Pathway Programs: International students can now benefit from pathway programs that make the transition into Australian education seamless and enhance their academic journey.
Quick Visa Outcomes: Experience a seamless visa application process and transition to studying in Australia.
Intakes and Finances: Learn about the costs and requirements of studying in Australia's major and minor universities.
Living Your Australian Dream: Start your educational journey in Australia with Career Bridge Group - Your trusted partner for success.
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usadvlottery · 4 months
Embark on a compassionate journey into the heart of the USA Visa Program, where Asylum and Refugee Status serve as beacons of hope for those escaping persecution. Explore the humanitarian facets and legal intricacies of these protective pathways, providing a lifeline to individuals seeking sanctuary on American soil. Uncover the stories of resilience, the rigorous application processes, and the commitment of the United States to offer refuge to those fleeing adversity. Join us in grasping the profound impact of Asylum and Refugee Status, reflecting America's dedication to compassion, justice, and the promise of a fresh start for those in need.
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Embarking on a Journey: Studying Abroad in Australia with Career Bridge Group
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Australia, with its stunning landscapes, world-class education, and unique cultural experiences, has become a top destination for international students seeking quality education. If you're considering studying abroad, Career Bridge Group is here to guide you through the exciting opportunities that await you in the Land Down Under.
Quality Education and Diversity: Australia is renowned for its high-quality education system and diverse range of programs. From leading universities to specialized institutions, students have access to academic excellence across various disciplines.
Global Recognition and Research: Australian universities consistently rank among the world's best. The country's emphasis on research and innovation ensures that students engage with cutting-edge discoveries and contribute to advancements in their chosen fields.
Cultural Enrichment: Living in Australia offers a unique cultural experience. The blend of Indigenous heritage and diverse communities from around the world creates a dynamic and inclusive environment that enriches both your personal and academic journey.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Australia's forward-thinking approach to education encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. Many institutions offer programs and resources to nurture creative thinking, ensuring graduates are well-equipped for the modern job market.
Career Bridge Group: Your Guide to Excellence: Deciding to study abroad is a significant step, and Career Bridge Group is here to support you in every aspect of your journey.
Our Services:
University Selection: We help you choose the right university based on your academic goals and preferences.
Application Support: Our experts guide you through the application process, ensuring your submissions are strong and compelling.
Visa Assistance: Navigating the visa process is made smoother with our experienced team.
Pre-Departure Guidance: From accommodation to cultural adaptation, we prepare you for a successful transition to Australia.
Unleash Your Potential: Studying in Australia goes beyond textbooks; it's about personal growth, global exposure, and building a future with limitless possibilities. With Career Bridge Group by your side, you can embark on this transformative journey with confidence.
Conclusion: Studying abroad in Australia is an opportunity to gain a world-class education while immersing yourself in a unique cultural milieu. Let Career Bridge Group be your compass as you navigate the exciting path to academic success in the Land of Oz. Your journey to excellence begins with us.
#StudyAbroadAustralia #CareerBridgeGroup #AustralianEducation #InternationalStudentLife #GlobalLearning #QualityEducation #CulturalDiversity #InnovationInEducation #PersonalGrowth #AcademicExcellence #StudentLifeAustralia #CareerPathways #GlobalOpportunities #TransformativeJourney #StudyInAustralia
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petzel · 10 months
the specific path i'm taking thru college is hilarious i have like 4 advisors
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Start your education in INDIA with option to transfer in 21 Countries Study 1- 2 years in India and Transfer in 2nd/ 3rd Year to world best colleges & universities in 🇦🇺Australia 🇨🇦 Canada 🇳🇿 New Zealand 🇬🇧 UK 🇺🇸 USA
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aussizzgroup · 2 years
What are Pathway Programs in The UK? Find How Effective They are
Effectiveness of the UK pathway programs? The program, a one-year foundation course helps students obtain a degree. Refer
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swishbishbosch · 25 days
Yet Another Major Revamp: Semi-Realism Edition + make-your-own toolkit!🥳
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This is an edit of Phaenoh' Realistic Major to Career Linking BUT with the following BENEFITS:
🌟 NOT REALISTIC... BUT MAXIS-REALISM: this edit made the ideal careers for each major somewhat logical and coherent (consult the table below for the changes) yet respects the internal logic of the game because Maxis' humor is underrated, slacker and criminal are treated as serious career pathways in this game so why not 🤩
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🌟 ALL MAJORS BALANCED ⚖️: frustrated with the lack of benefits that some majors offer compared to others? want an easier time being a job-hopper?? what do you mean my skills aren't transferable in this market??? WELL:
All majors are now supporting at least 5 or more careers
Art [6]: Adventurer, Architecture, Artist, Culinary, Gamer, Slacker
Bio [5]: Athletic, Medicine, Natural Sci, Ocean, Science
Drama [6]: Athletic, Dance, Entertainment, Law, Politics, ShowBiz
Econ [5]: Business, Criminal, Music, Politics, Show Biz
History [5]: Adventurer, Artist, Law, Military, Politics
Lit [6]: Artist, Edu, Entertainment, Journalism, Law Enf, Music
Math [6]: Business, Culinary, Edu, Gamer, Natural Sci, Science
Philo [5]: Culinary, Law Enf, Music, Paranormal, Slacker
Physics [5]: Athletic, Dance, Medicine, Ocean, Science
PolSci [5]: Intelligence, Journalism, Law, Military, Politics
Psych [6]: Architecture, Business, Criminal, Edu, Intelligence, Paranormal
All careers are now supported by 2 or more majors, only the Politics career is supported by 4 (cause Maxis' choice was so good I didn't want to touch it!)
8 careers that require degree (only available for graduate): Architecture, Education, Intelligence, Law, Medicine, Nat Sci, Oceanography, Science.
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🎓 You'll need UNI EP 🎓
Credits: Phaenoh (for the base mod I edited and the tutorial!), SimPE
mods that lock/unlock degree requirement like Lamare's getUniCareerWithoutEducation
any mods do the same thing (Belladovah's, Phaenoh's & Cyjon's) which you might want to consider shopping around first before picking mine so look below 🛍️🛒👀
also conflicts with lauratje86's but their mod works with default replacement majors so it can't be covered here, check it out though!
note: Cyjon altered some majors' names and skill requirements (he also hates Philosophy methinks), Phaenoh offers a different version that changes which career requires degree (just like mine but ADDED Business), Belladovah offers Education version in which every major benefits the Education career.
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📁 MOD RESOURCE: Linking Maxis Majors & Degrees to Maxis Career Toolkit 🥳
🎯 Difficulty: EASY (no modding experience needed)
It's easier to customize own or track which majors your career is linked to with a bunch pre-made templates right???
Download my edited mod as a base & start making edits 📝 Have these templates to easily cross-reference 0x2(2) values you need to change in SimPE following PHAENOH'S TUTORIAL.
The templates will look like the 2 tables you see above, they are available in:
odt (highly recommended, easy to use word doc file with Phaenoh's tutorial included)
md (markdown file)
csv (for both of the tables you see above)
Comparison Table - use to compare your edits to MAXIS original Career By Major Table - work out which major supports your career and calculate 0x2(2) values
4. zip (for SiYuan users to import, highly rec because I used that program to make the tables, it's Notion but ✨uglier and offline✨)
🐸 DOWNLOAD (browse what you need): SFS
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saja-star · 1 month
I showed up yesterday completely unprepared. No water, no emergency phone numbers, my school backpack on my back with my laptop in it. I thought it would be a small event on the green and the university admin would mostly ignore us. People talked about holding a seder, teaching classes.
I was surprised by the turnout, but the university was not. Over 150 cops showed up, state troopers, APD, university security, and others. They surrounded us on all sides and boxed us in tighter and tighter. Call me a coward, but me and the people with me got out of the box and away from the center at that point. There were a dozen troopers on horseback. They rode through groups of people shouting at them to move or the horse would hurt them. Some on motorcycles. Some with batons forming barriers and pushing people back (except for the moments the students pushed them back).
The governor called for us to be arrested, and I've heard over 79 people were. Indiscriminately: including people tying to disperse the group, including a cameraman for Fox. Students were shoved to the ground, bruising their faces and bloodying their noses. They were dragged by their hair and legs, one of them over a chain link fence. From what I've heard, the charges will likely be dropped, but we're waiting to see what action the university will take internally. If graduate student employees, professors, and staff will lose jobs (they already banned some grad students from TAing, effectively firing them, for implying support for palestine). If undergrads will be expelled (which the university suggested would happen). No idea how an arrest or other reprisals may impact international students who depend on this job/school enrollment for their visas.
The dispersal order said that we'd broken rules by obstructing pathways. The stated plan was to sit on the lawn, but police pushed everyone off the lawn and set up a perimeter around it, forcing them onto the sidewalks where they could be arrested. This protest was smaller than the crowds of people standing around for the eclipse, which the police felt no need to disperse. The university president, in his response, stated that he supports lawful protests, but this one broke the rules. Which rules? Well the university knew about the protest in advance and decided in advance that it wouldn't be allowed, period. So he's pro-protest, but this protest broke the rules of... existing at all.
Last night there was an email from the Dean of Students expressing concern for those "affected" and offering support. She made it very clear who this support was for by saying that if we felt unsafe, we should call the university police. The president's statement suggested that many people at the protest were not from the university, which is blatantly untrue. Every single person I met there was a student, employee, or alumnus.
Today a notice was passed around at the protest laying out a new set of rules, and a matching list was sent to all university staff by the provost. It bans wearing masks, being on the lawns, being at entrances, being on walkways, making any noise, and being out after 10 pm. Organizers were already working around the ridiculous claims that the protest was too noisy and therefore distracting students in class by not using any amplification devices. Instead everything they said was repeated by the people around in waves so that the people at the back could hear.
Today was scheduled for a protest from the state employees' union against the sudden firing of 60 staff associated with DEI, following the state's ban on DEI offices and programs. The union officially ceded the day to protest for Palestine and against the events of yesterday. The DEI protest is rescheduled for Monday.
Today's resumption of the protest wasn't met with violence like yesterday. There was some police presence, but much lighter, and they didn't press us. After two hours, we dispersed peacefully on the organizers' orders. I've heard that there was even more turnout today than yesterday, although I never got a good look at the crowd from a distance either day. I am proud that a number of people from our department were there, from undergrads to tenured professors. I am grateful that as far as I have been able to find out, none of my colleagues or students have been arrested.
Everyone take care. 🇵🇸
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universitypathways · 1 year
International Foundation Year is a pathway programme that helps international students with study skills and English language training. After successful completion of this programme you can progress to an undergraduate degree from University of Surrey.
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I had previously been under the impression that AZA accredited zoos and aquariums in the USA are more likely to take good care of animals than those that lack this accreditation. Is this incorrect?
It's... really complicated. The short answer is: maybe? Which doesn't help at all, I'm sure. I'm working on a huge project to try to quantify a bunch of accreditation stuff, so I don't want to say anything concrete from preliminary data, y'know?
Accreditation at a facility tells you, basically, what standards they are supposed to meet and what political group / industry club they're part of. But there's a lot of issues with all of the five zoological accrediting / certifying bodies where oversight during the accreditation cycles doesn't really exist in a functional way? Either reporting systems are in place that highly disincentivize reporting (because they aren't anonymous and could be tracked back to a staffer) or just don't have formal protocols for it all.
So being AZA accredited tells you the type of expectations they're trying to live up to, and what standards they met at the time they were inspected. I have some concerns about whether the standards for certain aspects of accreditation (like aesthetic stuff, not animal care) are really sustainable for duration given how you're constantly hearing about how zoos scramble to get all the little deferred things fixed prior to the next inspection. But, that's not necessarily an issue with the zoos, and more the program - and that's something that AFAIK happens with every accrediting group, not just AZA.
There's also an aspect of how the requirements of each accrediting program kind of... self select for the type of zoos they want? AZA's application and annual fees are incredibly high, which isn't necessarily a good use of money for many smaller facilities; they also require compliance with a lot of things not related to animal care and welfare, like internal staffing structure and facility aesthetics. Again, something that either smaller facilities just can't afford - do you spend money on the animals or on paving all your pathways? - or aren't interested in getting involved with because of how intrusive it is. So most of the AZA zoos you see are the bigger, well-funded ones with city-type aesthetics, because that's what who the program is set up to encourage to apply. (There are definitely exceptions to this, but find me a big city zoo that isn't AZA or in the process of becoming AZA).
To try to answer your questions, AZA zoos are more likely to be high quality because in order to be accredited, they have to have a certain amount of cash flow. Having more funding / income tends to make regular operating issues easier to solve. AZA zoos are certainly more heavily scrutinized every five years by their accrediting body than a group like ZAA, which is mostly focused on animal care / education / conservation and isn't going to meddle in a zoo's business operations. But AZA zoos aren't perfect. Most of them don't even meet all of the AZA standards completely at the time of inspection: there was an article a couple years back about how rare it was that Cheyenne Mountain Zoo met all of the AZA standards at the time of inspection - only the 4th zoo to do so in AZA's 50-something year history. (How that works is that zoos that don't meet all the standards but are close get provisionally accredited, and then have to fix or improve some stuff within the first year to keep it). And believe me, AZA zoos can and do have problems too - look at the embezzlement conducted by the previous leadership at Columbus, or the sexual assault and conduct issues with the Director at Henry Vilas. They're just less often covered in ways that are visible to the public.
Accreditation is a good indicator what a zoo intends to be, and what animal care / conservation ethos it participates in. It isn't, however, always a guarantee that the facility is good or that the animal care (or staff welfare!) is better than at an unaccredited or alternately-accredited place.
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Study abroad counseling | Higher education consulting | IOE
Description: Intelligent Overseas Education provides study-abroad counseling services from Chennai. Their counselors offer professional guidance for higher studies in multiple countries, including scholarship assistance and visa application guidelines.Embark on your global study journey with Intelligent Overseas Education! Our expert study abroad counseling and higher education consulting services provide tailored guidance for students aspiring to study in Australia, Canada, the UK, USA, and beyond. From university admissions counseling to career pathway guidance, we ensure a seamless transition into your chosen overseas education destination. Explore our comprehensive study abroad programs and unlock endless global study opportunities with our dedicated international student guidance!
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Advocates called on the federal government on International Women's Day to overhaul what they say are unfair rules for migrant care workers in Canada.
The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, an advocacy group, organized a panel of speakers on Friday to draw attention to two five-year caregiver pilot programs, the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot, that are set to expire on June 17. 
The alliance says the programs, which are specifically for applicants with work experience in care giving, are a pathway to permanent residency in Canada.
"These programs are scheduled to terminate on June 17, 2024, but thousands of care workers are already unable to apply for permanent residency and are at risk of deportation due to unreasonably high language and education requirements," the group says. [...]
Arlene Aguillon, a care worker from the Philippines, said she works gruelling hours looking after three children, and has not been able to get her education accredited. 
"My hair has started falling off and it caused me depression," she said. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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