#instead of him being stewarded BY someone in the Ring of Silver which is TOTALLY different.
Honestly, as always, and I need to say this bc I do keep telling people in the CritRole fandom to look shit up, you need to CHECK the sources the wiki cites when it gives information bc I swear, I keep noticing really grave errors. Like, it's a good idea to double-check the source on the information bc it might be very wrong or completely mis-representative.
Don't just take the damn wiki's word for it, check the source if you can, because I've historically had experiences where the wiki is outright wrong. I'm telling you this as a regular contributor.
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the-winter-witcher · 4 years
The flowers trio having to go under cover to overthrow a rival family,and of course the rival family has some sort of banquet with slaves and auctions,and Jaskier gets in with Geralt and reader as his slaves,so Jaskier has to sit there and grind his teeth and observe how every fucker stares at what is his,has to decline a obscene amount of money from said fuckers because they want to try the merchandise,reader and Geralt really don't care, possessive Jaskier is fun Jaskier after all
Sorry this has taken me so long, I knew what I wanted to do with it I just needed the story to get there. I’ve changed it up a lil bit, hope that’s okay. 
“This isn’t what I had in mind when you said we’d be attending” Jaskier huffs as he takes in your attire, the sordid combination of black leather and latex accented by silver chains that adorns your body, and rolls his eyes. Geralt’s not dressed much better; a thick leather collar wraps round his neck with a silver ring hanging invitingly from the center, and you know that underneath his coat he’s wearing practically nothing aside from a stunningly well fitted pair of shorts that you’d picked out for him.
“Oh hush darling, don’t pretend that you don’t know what a Vengerberg party entails”
“If we stick to the plan we’ll be fine” Geralt’s voice is low as you approach the long sweeping drive that leads to the familiar sight of the Vengerberg residence. The dark black leaves of the cherry plums lining the gravel pathway are adorned with bursts of bright violet from the thousands of fairy lights strung along them, small beacons to guide you towards the towering spires ahead. You hear Geralt swallow thickly at your side, no doubt feeling the same creeping sense of unease that you do at the thought of being back here and seeing Yennefer again after all of this time. 
A light touch of your hand on his seems to bring him out of his head and back to you and you offer him a reassuring smile, “we don’t have to do this, sweetheart, we can still turn around and walk away”
“I’m fine” his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes when he replies, “it’s only for a few hours anyway”
You’re about to ask again, reassure him that it’s okay, you’ll find another way to get the information, but you stop short when you realise you’ve already reached the heavy set wooden door of the entrance. It’s as intimidating as you remember; dark wood, thick and heavy, with wrought iron fixings and a solid door knocker that’s decorated with the signature pattern of lilac and gooseberries. Geralt wastes no time in grabbing it, three angry thuds sounding against the solid surface to signify your arrival. 
It’s only a matter of mere seconds before it’s swung open and you’re greeted by the sound of the party in full swing; loud chatter and thrumming bass flood your ears, and the fetid smell of alcohol tinged debauchery winds through the air so thick it’s almost visible.
“Darlings, hello! Right on time of course” the sharp trill of Yennefer’s voice reaches you before you see her, and you notice Geralt tense slightly out of the corner of your eye as he prepares to see her for the first time in five years. Jaskier isn’t faring much better and you can feel him nervously drumming his fingers where they rest on your waist.
“Yennefer!” your smile is as warm as your voice as you see her come into view.  She’s just as beautiful as ever, her dark hair pulled up into an elaborate updo adorned with delicate diamonds, her lips painted red and her dress a long flowing gown of black and white layered chiffon.
“Y/N, oh how lovely to see you again” as she gets closer you pick up the ever so familiar scent that you’re so accustomed to, it clouds around you until it’s all there is as she pulls you in for a hug and presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you so much for the invitation” Jaskier’s voice sounds cool on the surface and you’re sure that anyone less attuned to him wouldn’t hear the notes of anxiety playing underneath. You’d have to ask him about that later.
“Hmm, hello Yennefer” Geralt’s reaction is a little frosty, “how’s Istredd?” If she’s upset by his greeting she doesn’t let on, instead she pulls him in for a hug that he protests at first until he no longer can. 
“Oh he’s fine, thank you, not here tonight unfortunately. This” she gestures around, “isn’t really his thing. It seems like it certainly is yours though” she smiles fondly as she lets him go and he seems to have finally relaxed, settling in to stand between you and Jaskier.
She takes a step back so that she can see the three of you, “So you have a plan? I assume so or you wouldn’t be here”
“It’s a blind auction at the end of the night like usual, right? I can see the” Jaskier coughs awkwardly, “lots, and bid. Nobody knows who’s bidding, highest bidder wins?”
“I see you remember the rules, which means you’ll also remember that these two darlings will need to mingle” she smirks when she sees the scowl Jaskier is wearing at the thought of others touching what is his, “I’ll leave you to it” and with that she shoots a wink directly at you before flouncing away.
“Let’s get this over with then” Jaskier growls as he slings his arm over your shoulder protectively, his eyes boring into the faces of anyone who dares to look at you for too long, “this better go fast.”
It’s a pretty simple process the three of you have once you get started; the majority of the bidders are drunk or high out of their minds which makes it easy for you. It’s easy enough, the rich fuckers are quick enough to grab at you, sneering at you and Geralt as they ask for a test drive of the goods, and once you have them alone you pin them down- the quick draw of a blade hidden in one of your boots, the rough hand Geralt has gripping their hair and the sharp hiss of a whispered threat has loose tongues wagging in each and every one of them, yet you’re unable to recover the information you need. Not due to lack of trying, no, it seems like your intel had been wrong, nobody knew anything about Stregobor. Jaskier isn’t faring much better himself as he tries his own tactics on the other “lots”, hoping that while they’re away from the usual cruelties of such affairs and being treated with some kindness for once they might crack; although they’re eager to talk to him, none can provide any information.
You’ve made your way through roughly two thirds of the guest list by the time the bidding is called and you watch as Jaskier leaves to make his way to the auction room.
“Fucking waste of time”
“Jaskier might have found something, you never know” your voice is hopeful, “we’ll find out soon enough. Besides, it’s not been a total waste of time… You know I like watching you when you work. I promise to show you just how much the second we’re done with this”
“I suppose you’re right, not a total waste” he smiles, “I could the same to you”
“Oh don’t think I haven’t noticed, I know that’s not a gun in your pocket"
He’s about to respond, his face just in front of yours and a teasing glint in his eye but you’re interrupted by one of the event stewards ushering you towards a private room. 
“Come on, let’s go see Jaskier and we can finish our conversation there” your hands run across the bare expanse of his chest before hooking a finger through his collar and pulling him along behind you.
The second you’re through the door you’re all over each other, hands grasping onto any patch of exposed skin they can find, teeth and tongue clashing as you kiss messily, fire flooding through you both as you can finally enjoy yourselves.
“Should we wait for-”
“No he’ll be here any second”
“You’re right”
“Fuck, Geralt” you whine as he pins you against the wall, legs wrapping round his waist to pull him closer before pulling him in for another heated kiss.
“Ahem” the sound of someone clearing their throat stops you in your tracks.
“I think you’ve got the wrong room” Geralt doesn’t even turn around as he speaks, instead he keeps his focus on you.
“I’m exactly where I want to be, Geralt” you can see the confusion on his face as he gently sets you down, making sure to keep himself between you and the newcomer as best as he can as he turns to them.
“You” Geralt’s voice is measured as he takes in the figure that is most decidedly not Jaskier, and he takes a step forward as he assesses the potential threat.
“Careful there mate, don’t do anything you might regret” another silhouette appears from the doorway, one you know all too well, and you take an involuntary step towards it as though to make sure you’re not seeing things. You instinctively place yourself between Geralt and the newcomer as you really survey them, taking in the familiar features as they come into view.
“Hello love, it’s been a while” his smirk causes Geralt to bristle behind you. 
“Where’s Jaskier?”
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